The Beginning of Connie and Isaac: Blue Butterfly Series (The Blue Butterfly Book 3) (25 page)

Read The Beginning of Connie and Isaac: Blue Butterfly Series (The Blue Butterfly Book 3) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Tags: #Book 3 in the Blue Butterfly series

The bathroom was relatively light, the main lamp lit. No music played or candles burned; there was nothing remotely romantic in the situation but my heart clenched when I found my husband bathing my fucking nemesis.

Both Isaac and Becca looked up at me as Isaac sponged the bitch down. I blinked at them both, desperately trying to hang on to my sanity.

“Hey, love.” Isaac smiled up at me as though nothing unusual was happening. Becca grinned at me with a frosty smirk on her cruel lips and I stood there, completely still as my eyes raked over their naked bodies.

My teeth snapped together. Isaac saw it before she did and just as he moved quickly, I was faster. Whipping the bitch up by her hair, I dragged her out of the bath and hauled her perfect tight arse out of my home, her gasp loud when I threw her out of the door.

Spinning around when I slammed shut the front door, I saw Isaac standing with narrow eyes, ready for me. He ducked – unfortunately – when I picked up a solid brass ugly fucking ornament and launched it at his head. “You bastard!” I screamed at him. “You fucking bastard!”

“What the fuck, Con? What have I…?”

“I’ve had the shittiest day!” I bellowed at him. “All I wanted was my husband’s arms and I find you intimate with that… that fucking skank!”

“Intimate? We were having a fucking bath!”

“Exactly!” I cried as I propelled the fruit bowl at him, the bananas bouncing off the wall and hitting him, quite brilliantly, in the face. “A bath is not what we would term pleasurable. It’s intimate!”

He screwed up his face and swatted away a couple of apples as he stared at me with confusion. “Is it? It’s a bath. I was mucky, and she wanted to give me a blowjob.” He shrugged as though that explained everything, which in effect it did, but it still didn’t satisfy my rage.

“Well why didn’t you bathe alone? Why did she have to join you?”

Sometimes I swear men are created with completely different brains than females. He peered at me like I was crazy, “She joined me so she could suck my cock while I was washing. It saved on time… and effort. What’s the big deal?” He was growing angry with me but that didn’t dampen my own temper.

“You bloody twat,” I spat as I hit out at him with my hands, saving the furnishings. “Why her! Why that fucking slag?”

His rage snapping, he grabbed my wrists to stop my assault and pushed me until my back hit the long table that sat along one wall of the hallway. “Will you stop!” he growled. “You fuck Devlin! What’s the difference?”

“The difference is he doesn’t fucking bathe with me, you arsehole!”

His lip curled and he snarled before he spun me around and pressed my face down on the table, his firm grip on the back of my neck unforgiving and painful. I yelped when he yanked down my jeans and struck my backside harshly. “You need to remember who the fuck you’re talking to. Show some fucking respect!”

“Respect!” I scoffed as I fought back, but he was stronger than me and as fast as I managed to get up, he had me back down, my body bent over the table as he tore at my jeans. “Respect is earned!”

“Oh, fuck off, you sulky bitch!” he shouted as he thrust his cock deep inside me.

“Get the fuck off me!” I cried out, bucking back on him as pleasure curled through my angry bones.

“Yeah?” he spat out as he grabbed a fistful of my hair. “Tell me you don’t want my big cock inside that tight fucking cunt of yours? Tell me!” he shouted as he pounded into me so hard the edge of the table cut into my belly.

Bouncing back on every one of his drives inside me, I couldn’t tell him. “Fuck you, you bastard.”

He laughed coldly as he sank his thumb inside my anus and pushed hard. “Look at you, you fucking love it, don’t you? Such a greedy wife,” he grated through his tight jaw. “Your little pussy drips for me and my cock. You hunger for it!”

My body hovered on the edge of heaven as he fucked me like an animal, each of his cruel pushes inside me lifting me higher and higher. His teeth sank into my neck as he bent over me, his cock screwing harder and deeper. I shivered when I felt my skin burst in his mouth and my blood coated his lips. “Kiss me, bitch,” he demanded as he snatched my chin and turned my face to his then slammed his lips on mine and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I could taste my own blood but it only fired the heat in my gut.

He groaned into me as he bucked and jerked, his cum spilling inside me and detonating my own fierce orgasm as I screamed at the constriction of every muscle in my taut body. All the tension left me almost instantly and I sagged into his arms when he pulled me up and took me into his arms, carrying us both through to the bedroom where he lay me on the bed and settled beside me.

“Better?” he asked as he placed a gentle kiss in my hair.

Nodding, I sighed and snuggled against him. “Don’t do that again.”

“You know Becca is nothing more to me than a cunt, my love. Why do you do this?”

I shrugged, hating all the emotional shit that was burying my heartbeat. “Just not Becca. I know how she feels about you, and she loves it when she brags in South about bedding you. You should hear the skank, she fucking preens…”

“Well, can’t you blame her, she has had the master of cocks, Connie. Who wouldn’t brag?”

I slapped at him playfully but when I sighed, he tilted my chin back and gazed at me. “Okay, if it means that much to you, no more Becca.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, giving him a wide smile. “And no more baths.”

He pursed his lips considering my request. “Well I might start to smell…”

“You know what I mean,” I grumbled. “Just have them on your own, or with me. It’s intimate, Isaac. Whatever you say to argue that fact, it’s important to me.”

His expression changed to one of seriousness and adoration and he nodded. “Okay, I promise. Baths are intimate and not cool.”

Little did I know, not a year later I would share a bath with another man. A man I had sworn to kill. A man that I had set out to hate, and ended up loving. And it was that very bath that made me re-evaluate everything in my life.

The next day, I started my very last assignment. It would see many finalities in my life and the beginning of many others, and the start of mine and Isaac’s marriage in a way. Daniel Shepherd taught me many things but most of all he taught me about myself.

And for that I would forever be in his debt.

August 2014. Aged 23.

the front door to us when Isaac and I pulled into the thin gravel driveway. Isaac quirked an eyebrow at me before pulling the car up to a stop in front of the door.

“Well, she looks full of the joys of spring,” he mocked when Helen stared at us with a bored expression.

“Mmm,” I agreed, sighing heavily.

“She looks delightful.” His lip curled when his gaze roved down her body then back up to her stern face. “How would you like to do this, my love? Quick or slow?”

Stifling a yawn, I rolled my head round my shoulders. “Fast and easy. I just want a hot bubble bath, a foot rub and your tongue in my pussy.” It had been a long eighteen months and I was tired. I’d missed my husband with my very soul and after everything that had happened with Daniel and me, it made me realise just how much I loved Isaac.

Isaac snatched up his gun and grabbed the door handle. I laughed, holding his arm and pushing the gun back onto his lap. “Whoa, stud. Slow down. We have to think of Annie.”

“Well hurry. I need you. I’ve been on rations.”

I gawped at him, my mouth wide with shock. “What?”

He shrugged, almost embarrassed as his eyes lowered to his lap. “They’re not you, Connie. They never have been. And to be honest, they bore me. My wife, well, she excites me. She makes me laugh in the bedroom. She even breaks wind when I tickle her.” He nodded slowly as though proud of my ability to fart. “She makes my cock feel absolutely fucking fantastic but more than that, she loves me, she adores me. And I’ve realised after all this time, that’s what makes it what it is with you. Your love, and my love for you. And there is no greater climax than coming deep inside of you as your eyes give me all your thoughts, your soul and your heart. That’s what makes me yours, and that’s what makes us fucking awesome in bed.” He ran his fingertip across my cheekbone, collecting the tears that fell. “Are you ready?”

“I need to do this on my own.”

He smiled, nodding. “I’ll come in and get the munchkin, then she’s all yours.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked as I looked in his eyes. He shook his head in confusion. “Annie. Bringing Annie into our family.”

“My love, Annie is already in our family. She has been ever since she was born. She’s part of you, and that makes her part of us. I want her to have that puppy, and days on the beach, and water fights. I want to make her laugh, I want to tickle her until she can’t breathe. And I want to watch her pick up her first ever baby and sing to her. I want to be the one who walks her down the aisle when she falls in love, I want to shoot at the prick that breaks her heart and I want her to grant me a grandbaby. Because she’s part of
, Connie.”

“You know,” I whispered, unable to lift my voice higher with the emotion coursing through me. “An hour ago, I was regretting what life had given me. But I’d do it all again, three thousand times over, because it gave me you. I look at Mae’s life, and yes, although it was my choices that gave her hers, she had to wait until death to find what I’ve had since I was thirteen. And that gives me cause to be grateful. I have never known a man love a woman as much as you love me. You went against the rules and took the most severe punishment for me. You killed your father for me. But above all that, you love me. Me, the ordinary girl who had to make a choice on a dark winter’s night. A choice that changed everything. But take me back there right now and I would make that same choice.”

“Will you stop,” he whined. “I’m seriously thinking about making love to you now.” His brows furrowed. “You know, like… slowly and softly.” He stared at me in shock with himself.

“We could try,” I whispered.

His pursed his lips in thought. “You mean, no spanking, no belt, no yanking your hair? Just….”

“Just us.”

He leaned into me, his warm breath whispering over me as he slid his fingers around the side of my neck. “I’d love to.”

I beamed at him before flicking my eyes to an even more bored Helen. Her arms were crossed across her chest while she waited for us. I blew out a breath and opened the door.

“Let’s do this. Let’s go fetch our little person and finish it.”

“I’m right behind you, my love. For the very last time, Shadow.” He nodded seriously, giving me the courage I needed to do this.

Closing my eyes briefly, I pulled in a fortifying breath. “Time to reach the end square.”

Everyone cooed over Annie when Isaac and I walked into the Phantom house with her. Her own beautiful blue eyes were wide and soaking everything up. Bullet grinned at me, her eyes full of tears as she bobbed down in front of Annie, who was currently holding Isaac’s hand so hard I thought she would crush his fingers. “Hello, Annie,” she said gently. “My name is Bullet, but you would make me really happy if you called me Elle.”

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