Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (117 page)

“Shut up and show me, pet.” He lifted me in his arms, laying me hard against his desk.

I laughed, arching under him when he pushed between my legs.

He snarled against my neck and inched my dress up to my hips. “Fuck, I love you.”

“So romantic,” I said, cupping his cheek.

His eyes glowed, twinkling with hunger and passion. “There is nothing romantic about me, pet.”

Reaching between us, I undid his belt. “Oh I know that, Sir. And I love that even more about you.”

He nipped my bottom lip. “Yeah?”

“Oh yeah.”

Parker slid his hand down my inner thigh, inching his finger into my panties. His knuckle brushed over my center before hooking around the fabric. In a rough move, he pulled me closer towards him.

I gasped at the abrupt movement.

A wicked grin spread on his face. “Let me show you how much I really fucking love you, Keely.”

I spread my legs wide. “If it pleases you,” I whispered. “Use me.”

His nostrils flared. “Oh it pleases me, all right. Now give me your tongue, pet. I want to swallow your screams.” He sank into my heat, spreading me open with his thick girth.

I moaned into his mouth. I loved this man. More than I ever thought was possible. More than I thought I could. I may have gone into this broken, but I knew that I would come out fixed and put back together again. Some of my pieces would still be chipped but Parker would help me heal. He would help me see that although he was rough, dominating, he made me feel alive. He took control and I gave in. Willingly.




“Are you sure you want to bring me here?” I asked, staring out the window of the limo. A big brick building stood before us with a sign on it:
Spring River Mental Health

“I need to. I need to give this part of myself to you.”

I smiled softly at Parker and squeezed his hand. “Okay. Whenever you are ready, Sir.”

His tense body relaxed as he let out a cleansing breath.

We excited the vehicle and slowly made our way up the steps to the front doors. I kept Parker’s hand in mine, giving a little squeeze every so often for encouragement. It had been a week since he told me that he loved me for the first time and although he didn’t say it often, I knew he meant it.

“It’s not words I use lightly or take for granted, angel. I want them to last.”
I didn’t know how long this would last for but I was willing to give it a shot and explore.

Parker pushed open the double doors, allowing me to enter first.

“Are you okay?” I asked him as he came up beside me.

“Yeah. It’s just…it’s been a while since I’ve seen her. Not because I don’t want to. I…” His eyes darkened with sadness. “I look like my father. It hurts her.”

“Oh Parker. I’m so sorry.”

He kissed my head. “It’s not her fault nor mine but as I’m getting older, she told me that she can see him in my eyes. That’s one reason for the tattoos and piercings. I try to not look like him as much as possible but…”

“She loves you. She knows it’s not your fault that you look like your dad.”

“I know, but…”

“Have you ever thought of visiting more often? Maybe then she would get used to the idea of seeing your father in your eyes,” I suggested, gently.

“I…no. I never thought of that. I don’t want to hurt her.”

I smiled. “She’s strong. Look at what she’s been through.”

He nodded and ran a hand over his head. His short, chestnut brown hair shone in the fluorescent lights, still damp from his previous shower. It had grown some over the past few weeks. I liked the buzz cut but I also liked running my fingers through his hair. “I think as each day passes, I fall in love with you more and more.”

My breath caught at his admission. “I…” Words failed me at that point as I stared into the deep recesses of his gaze.

A slight smirk spread on his face. “Let’s go, angel, before I do something else that threatens to ruin my reputation.”

I giggled. “And what would that be?”

He leaned down, his lips brushing along the shell of my ear. “Throwing you down and fucking you in public. It might get me into trouble.”

“Just a little bit,” I breathed.

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Leading us down a hall, he nodded every so often as staff walked by us.

I caught nurses looking our way, their eyes roaming up and down his body like he was a piece of meat. Jealous fire burned through my belly, making me hold onto him that much tighter. Parker raised his pierced eyebrow, a question in his glance, but I only smiled sweetly at him. He grinned. The ass knew that I was getting jealous. Wasn’t my fault that he was panty-dropping gorgeous.

“Jealous, pet?” he purred in my ear.

“Nope. Not at all.”

“What did I say about lying to me? Even if it’s a joke, it’s still lying.”

“So you want to me to tell you everything that’s on my mind?” I asked, shock tearing through me.

He winked. “You don’t need to. I just like hearing you speak those filthy words that fill your dirty mind.”

I sighed, shaking my head. He laughed. A smile spread across my face at the easy banter between us.

Once we reached the end of the hall, we pushed through another set of double doors. They led into a large room with patients, doctors, nurses, and staff in general milling about. Patients watched TV, sat at tables and played games, some were even painting. But what I noticed most was the positive air about the room. It lifted my heart to know that these people were getting whatever help they needed to live a somewhat normal life.

“Come, pet. Meet my mother.” Parker slid his fingers between mine and led me to a couch surrounded by bookshelves. “Mom?”

An older woman looked up from her book, her eyes widening when they landed on Parker. “Parker,” she gasped.

“Hello mom,” he said, his voice thick.

She rose from her seat and quickly closed the distance between them, hugging her arms around her son’s middle.

A lump formed in my throat at the sweet reunion, happy that he had allowed me to be a part of it.

“Gosh, how long has it been?” she asked, looking up at him.

“Too long.” He held her hand, leading her back to the couch. He reached out for me and I joined them, sitting on the other side of him.

“Talking on the phone is so not the same.” She laughed. “Look at you.” She cupped his cheek. “My baby boy. You’re so handsome.”

“Mom, this is Keely Price.” He placed a hand on the back of my nape. “Keely, this is Sylvia Reed.”

I smiled at her. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”

Her eyes shone and she grabbed my hand, patting it gently. “It’s nice to meet you.” She looked between us both. “You’re in love.”

My cheeks heated. She was very perceptive.

“We are,” Parker replied.

“Oh it’s so nice to see you with someone, baby.” She sighed, squeezing my hand. “You be good to him. He needs it.”

So did I. I nodded.

“So tell me, how did you meet?”

We laughed. Parker gave her the Cliff’s Notes version, leaving out the part that I was now his sub who would maybe possibly be his slave in the future. We also left out the part about Devin. The woman had enough problems. She didn’t need that story added on to her list of things to worry about.


“Yes Parker?” she responded, her eyes taking on a dreamy state.

“We would like to invite you over for supper sometime. At dad’s cottage.”

She chewed her bottom lip, giving a slight nod. “I can’t.”

Parker’s back stiffened. “No problem. It was just a suggestion.” His voice was curt, to the point, and I knew that he was getting ready to run.

“Ms. Reed,” I said. “I would love for you to meet my best friend. His name is Troy Danvers and he’s going to culinary school. He needs a couple people to test out this new dish that he’s making and I think you would be perfect for the job.”

“I don’t know if I can,” she said softly, ringing her hands in her lap.

I cupped them, giving them a light squeeze. “Will you at least think about it?”

She searched my face, her dark eyes shining with tears. “Okay.”

A breath left me on a whoosh. “Thank you. That’s all I can ask for.”

She smiled. “So tell me about Troy.”

And I did. I told her how he got me to move to the city, how we had been friends since we were kids and so on.

She nodded every so often, asking questions here and there. I came to realize that she was a wonderfully broken woman. A soul that lost her heart when her husband had passed away. I could also see the dark guilt that ate at her every time she looked at her son and had to glance away quickly. It tore at my gut but I never pressed or bombarded her with questions. I told her about myself, distracting her. And Parker.

He sat there, silent, happy to do just that. Listen. He rubbed a hand over my back in small circles, squeezing and massaging every so often. The love he felt for me poured from his strong fingertips, wrapping me in a blanket of warmth.

By the time we left the hospital, two hours had passed. His mom hugged me like I was one of her own and at that point, I broke. Tears cascaded down my face as the loss for my own parents settled deep inside of me. Weighing on my body like a heavy boulder.

Sylvia apologized profusely for making me cry. It was a wonderful moment as we hugged. A mother’s touch. Something I hadn’t felt in so long. I embraced it and welcomed it with open arms.




Leaving Reed Industries one afternoon, I frowned as the clouds opened up and the rain just came tumbling down. It was early in the day and yet it was almost as dark as night. The black sky held angry clouds, the wind whipping around me like shards of ice.

I shivered, making my way down the street to the coffee shop a block away.

The back of my neck tingled, my skin prickling with an unknown fear I hadn’t felt in a long time. The pit of my stomach felt empty, like the darkest recesses of the black hole. Pure nothingness. Glancing around me, I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. People milled about, running to and from their cars, trying to escape the assault of the rain.

Once I reached an awning outside of a small flower shop by an alleyway, I waited a few minutes, hoping the rain would let up. When it didn’t, I pulled my coat closed and made a run for it.

The drops ran down my face, seeping into my eyes. My vision blurred and I went to take a step, when my foot hit a crack in the cement. I toppled forward, landing against something warm and hard.

I looked up and gasped.

Blue eyes danced with mischief as Devin’s fingers dug into my shoulders. “Hello princess.”

Struggling against him, I kicked and squirmed. My chest ached and my heart beat so hard, I could hear the blood rushing through my veins. “Please. Let me go.” My voice was small, the sound of the heavy patter of rain drowning out my plea for freedom.

“Now what would I want to do that for?” He grinned, a smile so evil, bile rose to my throat.

I swallowed several times, breathing through my nose and forced the impending puke that threatened to leave my body. “Please,” I begged. “What do you want?”

“You know what I want.” His grip on me tightened, a sharp pain shooting up my shoulders to the back of my neck. He nodded at someone behind me before a hand was placed over my mouth.

I screamed, fighting with all of my might. With everything in me, I tried to get away from him. The monster. The evil bastard who invaded my nightmares. Who forced his way into my life, my body, and my heart so many years before. My ex-husband. A sob escaped me but all I could do was breathe in the sweet sickly smell of a drug. I didn’t know what it was but it made my body weak.

My gaze locked with Devin’s cold one, a sneer on his face. I went limp, darkness finally taking over.




I woke to vibrations running through my body. A twinge of pain shot up my spine when I tried to move my arms and found that I couldn’t. I groaned. My tongue attempted to lick along my dry lips but instead hit a cloth. I was bound and gagged and only God knew where I was.

Blinking a couple of times, I turned my head, finding Devin sitting across from me.

He met my gaze, his lips moving; I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

My mind reeled, the drugs or whatever it was that had knocked me out still in my system. My body was heavy, weighted down by the aftermath of what I knew would probably be my final torture. If Devin didn’t scare me before, he sure as hell did now with the pure raw rage that was pouring off of him in waves.

My gaze locked with his, not moving from his dark, sadistic stare. He had me right where he wanted me. Bound and gagged. Drugged up like some cheap whore. He could do whatever he wanted and I wouldn’t be able to stop him. That thought alone made me gag. Acidic bile burned my throat and I shook my head, coughing against the cloth that was tied around my face.

Devin sneered, making his way towards me.

I watched him kneel, not taking my eyes off of him, trying to pull strength that I didn’t have from somewhere deep inside of myself. A part that belonged to Parker. A muffled sob escaped at the mere thought of him. He wouldn’t know that I had disappeared. Neither would Troy. I was fucked.

He chuckled, brushing my sweat and rain soaked hair off of my forehead. “I could have loved you,” he said finally. He pinched my chin, roughly tilting my head back. “But I wanted to own you more. Your mind. Your fighting spirit.” He leaned down to my ear. “Your body,” he purred.

I narrowed my eyes, glaring with as much malice as I could, given my current situation. Shoving my head out of his grip, I tried sitting up.

Suddenly, I was shoved face first into the bench of the seat, a hard swat landing on my rear. Tears welled in my eyes as burning pain shot up the length of my body. Another swat. This time, it landed on the back of my thighs. I cried out, muffled sobs wracking through my body.

“I heard you like it when Parker spanks you. You, masochistic little slut, like pain.” Devin leaned his elbow on the back of my head. My dress was hiked to my hips, cool air washing over my now-sensitive skin.

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