Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (254 page)


No! Don’t contact me anymore. I’m in a relationship with someone.


I delete the message, place my phone on silent and then put my phone back in my pocket.

Lunch goes by quickly, and I stay silent as thoughts of Angel run through my mind. I just keep reminding myself that I need to give her time.

“Is everything ok?”

I keep my eyes on the road as Angel talks to me from my passenger seat. “Yes. Why wouldn’t it be?” She sighs, so I take a quick glance over at her. Her head is down while her hands sit in her lap.

“You’re just being quiet. I thought you were mad about something.”

“No. I do hate that I have to go back to working in the office tomorrow. I wish we could spend all day in bed.”

in my bed


Under me...

Yes, that sounds fucking perfect.

“I don’t know if you go out to eat for lunch or not, but I could bring you lunch?”

That’s one of the sweetest things a girl has ever asked me. I smile. “That sounds great, Angel.’’

I drop her off at her house. She says she’s going to grab a few things before coming back to my place. On my way home, I make a small detour and go have a key to my house made for Angel. I want her to know she can come and go as she pleases. I will never keep her from coming over; I have nothing to hide.

When I get home, I lay my keys on the kitchen counter and pull my cell out of my pocket. I have some missed calls and texts. I pick up the phone and groan in frustration when I see every call and text is from Jessica. They all say pretty much the same thing:

I’m lying.

If I don’t want to see her, to just be honest.

What the fuck? Didn’t I tell her I didn’t want to see her?

Then they get a little bitchier, wanting to know who the fuck she is and all that whiny girl bullshit. I turn my phone off and shove it back in my pocket. If anyone needs to get a hold of me, they can call my house phone.

I look up when I see Angel come in through the garage door. “Hey, Angel.”

She smiles a soft smile. “I’m going to go change and get comfortable.” She walks past the kitchen towards the bedroom.

I walk around the counter and head after her. I search my bedroom and find her in my closet. I stop at the closet door and place my hands above my head, holding on to the top of the door frame. She has her back to me, and she reaches down to pull her shirt over her head.

I stand there and watch as her shirt glides up her smooth back, pulling her hair up with it. Her bruise looks much better, starting to fade away. I feel my dick get hard at the thought of finally having her now that she is almost healed. My hands tighten around the door frame to keep myself from going to her...touching her...roaming every curve...every dip.

My heart rate picks up when her hair falls back down over her back as she tosses her shirt to the side. I love how long her hair is. I just want to take a handful in both hands as she moans my name. My eyes travel a little lower, and I see the two dimples above her ass. I just want to lick them. She starts wiggling her hips as she slides her jeans down her legs, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from moaning.


Her ass is amazing. It’s a perfect little bubble, and I want to smack it. I want to grab the lace from her thong and rip them off as I toss her on the bed and do every naughty thing that comes to my mind.

Her hands get my attention as she reaches around and undoes her bra. My eyes get pulled back to her ass as she leans over to place her bra with the rest of her clothes.

She turns around to face me and jumps back. “Slade!” she screeches. “Do you enjoy scaring me?” She puts her hand over her racing heart and takes a few deep breaths.

I continue to stand there as if I didn’t just get caught staring at her while she undresses, my hands gripping the door frame so tightly it’s painful. I have to hold on, or I will go to her. If I go to her, I won’t be able to control myself, and her body is still tender. I know she wouldn’t stop me; she’d let me do whatever I want.

I look over the front of her almost naked body. The only thing I can’t see is her pussy. It’s covered by the smallest piece of black lace I have ever seen. My eyes move up over her narrow hips and flat stomach. I stop and look at her belly ring for a few seconds, a tiny pink stud. I smirk. She is all girl, and I love that about her.

My eyes continue their upward path to her breasts. They are full and perky with little soft pink nipples. I want to pull them into my mouth and suck on them until they harden. Her breasts are moving as she breathes heavy.

My eyes lock on hers, and she takes a few steps towards me. I can’t move. She has me hypnotized. Those green eyes are powerful. They have the power to control my every movement. And right now they are telling me to stay where I am.

She walks until she is only inches from me, and I bend my head down to look at her. She raises her small hands and places them under my shirt on my stomach. I flinch at the current they send through my body. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath.
Fuck, how does she do this?
Her touch alone makes me want to explode.

She moans, and I open my eyes to look down at her. “Slade,” she sighs, and I hiss in a breath through my teeth.

I look in her eyes. “Yes, Angel,” I whisper. I’m afraid to speak any louder.

“I want you.”


She lifts my shirt and puts her lips to my stomach. I groan in frustration. I want to wrap my hands in her hair, and force her to her knees as I pull my cock out for her to put it in that perfect mouth. I want her on the bed, fucking her while she screams my name. I want her to stop torturing me and remove her hands from my body.

I feel her wet tongue lick my stomach, and I tense. She kneels down, trailing her tongue down over my stomach. Her tongue stops right where my jeans start.

I can’t take it anymore.

I let go of the door and grab her by the hips, careful not to touch her side. I take her to the bed and lay her down, straddling her small hips.

“Yes,” she breaths. She arches her back and places her hands back on my chest.

I grab her hands, placing them above her head like last time. This is going to be different, though. I am only going to pleasure her.

“Slade.” She tries wiggling her hands free, but I hold tight.

I lean over and place my head in the crook of her neck. “What do you want, Angel?” I whisper in her ear. I feel her let out a puff of air, and I smile against her neck. I know she hates that I’m making her say it.

“You. Please.”

I lick my way down her neck to her collar bone while she wiggles underneath me, driving me madder than I already am. I pull both of her dainty wrists into one hand and glide my free hand down her body.

She gasps as I rip her panties off of her body, throwing them to the floor. I spread my legs wide, and lift my hips to reach my hand between us. I press a finger deep inside her; she is dripping wet.

“Fuck, Angel.” I start moving my finger in and out slowly. I want to drive her mad.

“Please,” she begs, lifting her hips up to me.

I add a second finger and continue working the slow pace. I bend my head down and bring a soft nipple into my mouth. I gently suck on it, then bite as it hardens and she cries out with pleasure.

“I need more. I need you,” she pants.

“Not going to happen, Angel,” I say against her chest. She starts to fight me, pulling against my hand and trying to get her hands free. “You can fight me all you want, Angel.” She tries wiggling her hips to get out from underneath me, but I push my weight down on her as my fingers pick up their pace, causing her to stop fighting me and give in. I suck, lick and nibble over her chest, neck and ears as my fingers work inside her until she tightens around me as she comes.

I slowly pull my fingers out and let go of her wrists. I place a hand on either side of her face, and lean down to kiss her lips. She doesn’t kiss me back. I don’t think she could if she wanted to. Her eyes are closed, her mouth is parted, and she is panting.

“Are you okay?” I ask as I place one hand over her slick chest to feel her racing heart.

“Yes,” she breathes. Her eyes are still shut, but she has a smile on her lips.

I lean down and kiss her forehead, then get up off the bed and go to the closet. I grab her one of my t-shirts and a pair of sweat pants. I walk back out to the bedroom. She’s still lying there with her hands above her head, but her breathing is normal.

I have to force myself to walk over to her, afraid I might snap and do what I really want to do. “Here are some clothes, Angel.” I don’t wait for a response. I turn and sprint to the bathroom. I need a cold shower.

Boy, that was fucking stupid.
What happened to wanting to wait? Taking it slow? Not wanting to hurt her? I know my fingers were rough, but I was still pretty gentle. If I do what I have planned, it would hurt her right now, so it will just have to wait. No matter how much it fucking kills me.

After finishing up in the shower, I walk into the bedroom and see the she is no longer in there. I walk over to my dresser to get a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I’m so fucking horny.

I want her so badly, I can taste it. I’ve never gone this long without sex. I’ve fucked girls on the hoods of their cars and in a dressing room, without even knowing their name. Yet, here I am now with a girlfriend, and I
haven’t fucked her. I haven’t had sex in over three weeks, not since I laid eyes on her.

I throw on my clothes and head out of the bedroom to find her. Angel is sitting on the couch with a glass of wine. “What do you want to do tonight?” I ask as I walk into the living room.

“I don’t care,” she shrugs as she looks down at her wine glass.

“How about we watch a movie in the media room?” I go over to my stash of blankets and grab one for us.

“That sounds good.” She gets up and walks to the media room. She sets her wine glass on the small end table next to the couch and lays down, getting comfortable.

I squeeze in behind her and lay down, wrapping my arm over her stomach and pulling her back against me. I want her to know that I want her just as much as she wants me. I just want to give her body some more time. She wiggles her ass on my cock, and it instantly gets hard.

“Can I pick the movie?”

“Yes.” I don’t care what we watch as long as I can hold her.

Even if it is torture.

Fifteen minutes later, I realize that was a big mistake! I don’t do chick flicks. “Why are you crying?” I ask her as I lift her chin up to look at me.

“This movie is so sad.”

I wipe away a tear with my thumb. “Angel,’’ I smile down at her, “nothing sad has happened.” I chuckle. The previews had just finished.

She sniffs. “You’ll see,” then puts her head back down to watch the movie.

By the end of the movie, I realize why she was crying at the beginning. I have never watched a movie that sad in my life. If they are all that sad, I’m never going to watch another one. But it makes me think. Is this what love is about? Never giving up, no matter how hard it is? It’s not about just falling in love. It’s about falling in love every day, over and over again.

As the credits show on the screen, I kiss the top of her hair; it smells like strawberries. I look down and find her asleep, so I slide out from behind her, trying not to wake her. Once I’m standing, I lift her up and cradle her like a child. I love when I get to hold her like this. She has such a little body, but yet she makes me feel so powerful when she needs me.

She doesn’t make a sound as I slide my sweatpants down her legs. Poor thing, she must be exhausted. I undress and crawl in next to her, kissing her hair once again and pulling her body against mine.

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