Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

The Beginning of Us (278 page)

“Slade,” she pleads as her green eyes meet mine.

I hold up the handcuffs. “Lay down, Angel,” I command. Her eyes cloud over as she gives me a mischievous smile. She lies back, never taking her eyes off the handcuffs. I lean down next to her and place her hands above her head. I have to reach down between the mattress and headboard to lace the handcuffs through the metal bar. “You like the handcuffs, don’t you?” I clasp each hand into a cuff and straddle her small hips.

“Yes.” She lifts her hips up to mine. “Please, baby. I need you.”

I place both hands on either side of her arms and lean down to kiss her. It’s a rough kiss as I thrust my tongue into her mouth, exploring, showing her I need her just as much as she needs me. I place a hand between her legs and feel how wet she is.

Dripping and ready.

I pull my hand away and grab the toy I had placed on her night stand. I turn it on the lowest vibration and spread her lips placing the vibrator to her clit. She jumps and pulls away from my mouth.

“Slade!” she screams as her head thrashes against the sheets.

“Relax, Angel,” I say softly.

“Oh God.” She sucks in a deep breath, trying to pull away. “Slade.” She closes her legs, and I remove them vibrator, letting her take in a few calming breaths as I sit myself between her legs. Even on the first level, this thing is fucking powerful.

“We’ll take it slow. Okay, Angel?” I whisper, leaning over and placing soft kisses on her hip bone.

“Okay,” she breathes.

I turn the vibrator on the lowest level possible. I lightly lay the tip of it between her breasts as her chest rises and falls quickly. Slowly, I run it down her chest and dip it into her navel. She sucks in a breath as I bring it over her hip bone. I lazily drag it over her thigh and slide it upwards over her lips. She whimpers as her body shakes.

I smile.

I have never been with a woman whose body reacts this way. I love it.


I run it back down over her lips as she lets out a moan. I spread her lips with my finger.
Fuck, she is so wet!
I slide the tip of the vibrator into her and then pull it out. She spreads her knees further apart as she whimpers. I repeat the process, just giving her the tip.

“Do you want more, Angel?”

“Yes.” She lifts her hips up off the bed a bit. “Please.”

“Or does it feel better here?” I spread her all the way open with my fingers and place the vibrator directly on her clit. She starts panting as she cries out. I remove it and lay myself over her body.

“Please.” She lifts her hips up. “Again.”

I smile as I reach down and place it back on her clit. I hold it there as her body jerks and shakes underneath me. I move down a bit and take a nipple in my mouth as she screams my name. She is so close to coming; I can feel it.

“Let it go, Angel.” I slowly run my tongue over her nipple.

“Slade!” she screams as she comes.

I leave the toy there and lay over her, feeling her body shake. I move my mouth from her breast and kiss my way up over her chest, her neck, and coming to her lips.

“Turn it off,” she begs, panting.

“No, I want to hear you come again.” I could never get enough of hearing her scream my name while I watch her come undone.

“Please.” She closes her eyes. “I don’t think I can” She pulls hard on the cuffs, trying to remove her body from underneath mine. I smile against her lips as I turn the knob on the vibrator, causing it to vibrate even harder.


Her legs tighten around mine, and she arches her neck and back as she cries out in pleasure, coming again instantly. I turn the toy off and throw it to the floor, then lean up on my knees, grabbing the condom and putting it on.

“Christ,” I say, opening her up with a finger. I take my dick in my other hand and rub it against her before I thrust inside her filling her completely. I watch as her body continues to shake. Her eyes are closed, and her head is thrown back as she breathes heavily. I pull out and slowly push back inside her, bringing a whimper from those perfect plump lips.

I know she’s sensitive, but I also know she likes it.

I reach down with my arms and pick her legs up, spreading them wide as I lay my body on top of hers. My arms hold her legs back behind her knees so that her legs are up by her head. I start to thrust hard and fast, getting as deep as I can.

“Slade.” Her voice is hoarse.

I slow my pace, but don’t let her legs down. I want to get as deep as I possibly can. I feel as if I can’t get close enough to her, and I need more.

“Yes, Angel?”

She doesn’t answer. I know what she’s going to say. I can feel her body. She is about to come again. I pull out slowly then push back in slowly, trying to calm her body down. I look down between our bodies and watch as I pull out and see my cock glisten from her. I growl deep in my chest. This woman makes me crazy.

“Fuck, Angel. You’re so tight.” I spread her legs even further, making her whimper.

“Please,” she begs.

I spread her legs as wide as they will go, then push a little more as she cries out. I lay myself on top of her, and my lips take hers while I give her all I have; pulling back and pushing forward like a wild animal.

I don’t stop.

It feels too good.

She feels too good.

Her tight wet pussy wrapped around me is driving me mad. She pulls her mouth from mine and arches her neck back as she screams. I lick down her neck until I come to her collarbone. I bite down on it lightly as she tightens around me. I can’t hold my own release back.

I slowly lay her legs down on the bed as they shake from her recent orgasm, and reach up to the cuffs, undoing them. I pick her up and cradle her to my chest as I rest my back to the headboard. I smooth the hair back off of her face. “Angel? Are you okay?”

She smiles slowly and opens her eyes. “Yes.” She reaches a hand up to cup my cheek, and closes her eyes. “I’m so tired.”

We lay there in silence as her body slowly stops shaking. “I need to get up.” She lifts up, trying to get off of me, but I hold on to her tightly.

“Why do you want to get up?”

“I want to take a bath before I go to bed.” She looks up at me. “Will you join me?”

“I would love to.”

I sit up, then carry her to the bathroom.





I relax my body as I lay back against Slade’s chest. I feel wiped out. Half my body is numb from the alcohol. I can’t believe he let Josh buy me all those shots.

I’m so drunk.

What he just did to me was amazing, yet draining. I had never known I could have an orgasm that strong, let alone three. Now I know what all the fuss is about when it comes to vibrators.

“You sure you’re okay?” Slade picks up my wrist, looking at the marks I have from the cuffs.

“Yeah.” I couldn’t help but pull against them. I didn’t think about them leaving marks. “Maybe we should use the leather cuffs next time. They are a lot softer on my skin and don’t leave marks.” I let my head fall to the side of his chest. I can’t even hold it up anymore.

He wraps his arms around my chest, holding onto me tightly as he bends his head down to whisper in my ear. “I hate that they hurt you, but I think the actual marks are hot. Reminds me of what you let me do.”

I laugh lightly. “They didn’t hurt. Believe me. That was the last thing on my mind.”
He can do that all he wants.

“I knew you would enjoy the toy.” I can almost hear his victory smile in his voice.

“Yes. I did.” I sigh and close my eyes. “Thanks again for a great birthday.” I bring a hand up to feel my necklace. I’m never going to take it off. I was overwhelmed when he gave it to me. I couldn’t speak. I knew if I did I would have told him I loved him.

I wished on my birthday cake that he never leaves me, but how long until he realizes he doesn’t want more?

He gets my attention by running a hand over my hair. “You’re welcome, Angel. Here, let me soap you up.” He gently soaps me as I lay there, not able to move much.

Later when we cuddle in bed, I tell him I love him…

In my head.




The next week goes by pretty fast.

Slade talks me into bringing more clothes over and I take up half the space in his room and closet now. We haven’t spent one night apart since those two days I said I needed time away from him and before I know it Saturday arrives, and I have to pick up Courtney.

I sit at the baggage claim, reading a text from Slade, when I feel someone grab my shoulders. I turn my head around to see Courtney standing behind me. I squeal as I jump out of my seat. “Oh my gosh. You look fantastic, girl!” I bring her in for a big hug.

She pulls back, holding onto my arms as she appraises me. “What has gotten into you? You are glowing! It must be love.” She pulls me in for a tight hug this time as I blush. “You can tell me all about it as we wait for my luggage.”

I fill her in on what has happened over the last week. She has a big smile on her face as I fill her in about moving most of my stuff in with him. I know what she’s thinking, and I don’t correct her. She knows I have fallen for him. Hard.

She goes wide eyed as we walk up to Slade’s truck. “What?” I put her luggage in the back seat.

“Of course he has a big bad ass truck.” She climbs in.

I laugh. “You should see his bad ass car.”

“Can I say something?” She turns to look at me while I start the truck


“I never liked Jax.”

I give her a quick look.
No shit!
“That’s not something I didn’t already know, Courtney. You always voiced your opinion of Jax, but I don‘t understand why you didn’t like him. You had never even met him,”

“I know,” she sighs. “I can tell I already like this one, though.” She shows me a toothy smile.

“How so?”

“You seem different. I mean, you still look just as gorgeous, and you haven’t changed your sexy style, but you hold yourself differently.”

“I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.” I shake my head, laughing at her.

“With Jax it was like you were with him, but he made you feel as if you weren’t worthy of him. He never made you feel special. I know you loved him at the time, but it was like you felt you had to earn his love. Now when I look at you, I can tell you belong to someone. Someone who thinks you’re special.”

I have no idea what to say. Everything she just said was the truth.

“So, where are we headed?”

“We are heading to Slade’s house. Josh is already there. We’ll pick up the guys and then head to the hotel.”

“What’s up with this Josh guy? Is he cute?” She pulls down the mirror to fix her lipstick.

“Yeah. He’s real sweet.”



“You said sweet. That’s code for ugly.” She scrunches her nose.

I laugh at her. “First of all, I’m not trying to set you up. Second of all, he’s very cute. He has the whole surfer look going on. Third, his fiancé broke his heart like eight months ago. Slade says he’s still trying to drink her memory away, but I don’t think it’s working. He always seems so depressed.” I frown.

“Well I will help him forget her,” she says as she pops her lips.

“You already plan on hooking up with him?”

“I don’t plan on it. But if it happens...” She shrugs.

Good God.
I’m going to have to warn Slade to keep them apart. This could be a potential for disaster.

She whistles as I pull into Slade’s driveway. “This is a nice house. And he
have a nice ass car.” She’s eyeing the silver two door Beamer out front.

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