The Best and the Brightest (135 page)

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Authors: David Halberstam

Tags: #History, #Military, #Vietnam War, #United States, #20th Century, #General

Johnson, Secretary of Defense Louis

Johnson, President Lyndon Baines

Johnson, Mrs. Lyndon B. (Lady Bird)

Johnson, Robert

Johnson, Sam

Johnson family

Jorden, William J.


Karnow, Stanley

Kattenburg, Paul

Katzenbach, Nicholas deB.

Kaysen, Carl

Kefauver, Senator Estes

Kelleher, Brigadier General Gerald

Kem, Senator James P.

Kennan, Ambassador George F.

Kennedy, Senator Edward M.

Kennedy, President John F.

Kennedy, Jacqueline (Mrs. John F.)

Kennedy, Joseph P., Sr.

Kennedy, Rose (Mrs. Joseph P., Sr.)

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kennedy, Ethel (Mrs. Robert F.)

Kennedy family

Kerensky, Alexander F.

Kerr, Clark

Kerr, Senator Robert

Keynes, John Maynard

Khanh, General Nguyen

Khrushchev, Premier Nikita S.

Kiker, Douglas

Kim, General Tran Van

King, Admiral Ernest

King, Larry

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Kipling, Rudyard

Kirk, Admiral Alan

Kirk, Roger

Kissinger, Henry,

Kistiakowsky, George

Kleberg, Congressman Richard

Kleiman, Robert

Knowland, Senator William

Knox, Frank

Komer, Robert

Kong Le

Kopechne, Mary Jo

Kosygin, Premier Aleksei N.

Kraft, Joseph

Kraus, Professor Charles

Krock, Arthur

Krulak, Major General Victor

Kubrick, Stanley

Ky, Air Marshal Nguyen Cao


Ladd, Lieutenant Colonel Fred

La Follette, Senator Robert

Laird, Secretary of Defense Melvin

Langguth, Jack

Lansdale, Brigadier General Edward

Lara, Francis

Lasswell, Harold

Lattimore, Owen

Lazarus, Ralph

Le Carpentier, Lieutenant General Marcel

Leclerc, General Jacques Philippe

Lehman, Senator Herbert H.

LeMay, General Curtis

Lemnitzer, General Lyman L.

Lenin, V. I.

Leviero, Anthony

Lin Piao

Lincoln, General George (Abe)

Lippmann, Walter

Lodge, Ambassador Henry Cabot

Longworth, Mrs. Alice

Lovett, Robert A.

Lowell, A. Lawrence

Lowell, Amy

Lowell, Augustus

Lowell, John Amory

Lowell, Percival

Lowell family

Luce, Claire Booth

Luce, Henry R.

Ludden, Raymond,

Lundy, J. E.


MacArthur, General Douglas

McCarran, Senator Patrick A.

McCarthy, Senator Eugene

McCarthy, Senator Joseph


McCloskey, Senator Paul N., Jr.

McCloskey, Robert

McCloy, John

McConaughy, Walter

McCone, John

McConnell, General John P.

McCormack, Congressman John W.

McCulloch, Frank

McDonald, Admiral David

McGee, Gale

McGhee, George

McGinniss, Joseph

McGovern, Senator George

Macmillan, Prime Minister Harold

McNamara, Robert S.

McNaughton, John

McNaughton family

Magsaysay, Ramón

Mailer, Norman

Malcolm X

Manful, Mel

Mannes, Marya

Manning, Robert

Mansfield, Senator Mike

Mao Tse-tung

Marcantonio, Congressman Vito

Marks, Leonard

Marquand, John

Marshall, General George C.

Marshall Plan

Martin, Everett

Marx, Karl

Masaryk, Jan

Maybank, Senator Burnett

Mazo, Earl

Meany, George

Mecklin, John

Meiklejohn, Alexander

Mekong River Redevelopment Commission

Mendenhall, Joseph A.

Metheny, Brigadier General Lyal

Miller, Arjay

Miller, Loye

Mills, Ben Davis

Mills, Congressman Wilbur D.

Milton, John

Minh, General Duong Van

Minh, Ho Chi

Moffat, Abbott Low

Mohr, Charles

Momyer, General William

Monnet, Jean

Moore, George

Moore, Jonathan

Moorer, Admiral Thomas

Morgenthau, Hans

Morse, Senator Wayne

Morton, Senator Thruston B.

Moyers, Bill

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

Mundt, Senator Karl

Murphy, Robert

Murrow, Edward R.

Mus, Paul

Myrdal, Gunnar


Nader, Ralph

National Security Council (NSC)

National Youth Administration

Nehru, Jawaharlal

Nelson, Gaylord

Nes, David

Neustadt, Richard

Ngo family

Nhu, Ngo Dinh

Nhu, Madame

Nitze, Paul

Nixon, President Richard M.

Nolting, Ambassador Frederick E., Jr.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Nosavan, General Phoumi

Novak, Robert

Nuclear Planning Group


Oberdorfer, Donald

O’Brien, Lawrence

O’Donnell, Kenneth

Ogburn, Charlto

O’Hara, Congressman James

Okun, Arthur

O’Neill, William

Oppenheimer, J. Robert

Owen, David


Palmer, General Bruce

Pao, Ambassador C. J.

Parker, Theodore

Parsons, Ambassador Graham

Patterson, Robert

Patton, General George S.

Peace Corps

Pearson, Drew

Peers, Colonel Ray

Pentagon Papers,

Permissive Action Link (PAL)

Phillips, Rufus

Phouma, Prince Souvanna

Pike, Douglas

Point Four Program

Popovic, Foreign Minister Kocá

Porter, Colonel Daniel

Potter, Phil

Pusey, Nathan

Pushkin, G. M.

Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. William

Pye, Professor Lucian


Oliver Quayle poll


Radford, Admiral Arthur W.

Raskin, Marcus

Rauh, Joseph

Rayburn, Congressman Samuel T.

Raymond, Jack

Reedy, George

Reischauer, Ambassador Edwin O.

Reith, John

Reston, Jame

Reuther, Walter

Rice, Edward

Richards, James

Richardson, John

Ridgway, General Matthew B.

Rielly, John

Riesman, David

Rivers, Congressman L. Mendel

Roberts, William

Robertson, Walter

Roche, Professor John

Rockefeller, Governor Nelson

Rockefeller family

Rockefeller Foundation

Rogers, Secretary of State William

Romney, Governor George

Romulo, Carlos

Rooney, Congressman John

Roosevelt, President Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Eleanor (Mrs. Franklin D.),

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr.

Roosevelt, President Theodore

Root, Elihu

Rostow, Walt W.

Rowe, James H., Jr.

Rusk, Dean

Rusk family

Russell, Senator Richard


Salinger, Pierre

Salisbury, Harrison

Sarris, Lewis

Schlesinger, Arthur M.

Schuman, Robert

Scranton, William W.

Seaborg, Glenn

Seigenthaler, John

Serong, Colonel Francis

Service, John Stewart

Sevareid, Eric

Sharp, Admiral U.S. Grant

Sharpe, Lauriston

Shattuck, Henry

Sheehan, Neil

Shepard, David

Shoup, General David M.

Shriver, Sargent

Shriver, Eunice (Mrs. Sargent)

Sidey, Hugh

Sihanouk, Prince

Smail, John

Smedley, Agnes

Smith, Governor Alfred E.

Smith, Bromley

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