The Billionaire and the Cleaner (10 page)

She grabbed the cloth and started wiping down surfaces while
also taking used plates and trays back into the kitchen. The other two
waitresses were giggling over a story in the newspaper. A quick glance at the
paper and she saw
face on the front cover. He’d warned her of another story coming out about his
exploits in the bedroom.

Shaking her head, she grabbed the pot and coffee and made
her rounds. She filled cups and took extra orders while also thinking about the
weekend ahead. Christmas was fast approaching, and Penny had phoned her
inviting her to their house for Christmas.

Declining the offer had been difficult, and
had eventually
persuaded her to go with him. They were Christmas shopping together at the
weekend. He was spending the weekend at her house, and she was baking him a
cake to take into work.

She didn’t understand why he enjoyed spending time with her.
He’d also invited her to his friend’s house one night. All the guys who’d been
present at the art exhibition were there. She’d played cards and watched
thrashed at pool.

When it was time for her to leave, she changed into her
other uniform and headed out the door. She was rounding a corner when a hard
chest stopped her.

Falling to the floor, she looked up to see Frank standing
over her. Lana tensed. She’d not seen her ex in months.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

He reached down, taking her hand. “Is that any way to talk
to a friend?” He helped her up. She closed her coat, covering her uniform.

“Sorry, if you’ll excuse me,” she said, heading around him.

“I came to see you, Lana.”

“What happened to the blonde woman with all the money?” she
asked, recalling his disdain towards her with her lack of funds. She couldn’t
believe she lost sleep over him leaving her. He’d been abusive and downright
cruel to her.

“Michelle is out of the picture. I could never handle her. I
wanted to see you, Lana.”

His words stopped her in her tracks. What could he possibly
have to say to her? Lana turned to him. There was once a time when she would
have fallen for his routine, but staring at him after all the time she’d spent
she saw the true man beneath Frank’s surface, and she didn’t like what she saw.

“What do you want?”

“I miss you,” he said. Rolling her eyes, Lana continued
walking away. Her other job started in an hour, and she enjoyed walking the
distance to get to
building. Frank’s words sent shivers down her spine. She didn’t want him
anywhere near her.

“Will you slow down?”

“No, I’ve got another job to do.”

I thought you’d have
that rich guy paying for you,” Frank said. His words made her stop. She frowned
and turned toward him. “That got your attention?”

“What are you doing, Frank? How do you know about

“I bet you’re like your mother, spreading your legs for
whatever a man can give you.” She reached up and slapped Frank around the face.
It was the first time she’d ever struck him. He looked surprised. She noted his
fisted hand and took a step back. All of her warning bells were going off.
Every second she stood with him, Lana felt like a fool for sticking around with
him. There was nothing good about him or the past she’d shared with him. Two
years had been a long time to waste, but at least there wasn’t any chance of
her letting him back. Frank was over.

“You deserve that. Kent and I are friends. There is nothing
going on between us.” She started walking again. Tears filled her eyes at
Frank’s vile words.

“Does he even know about your past? Does he know about your

“I told you those things about me because I thought you
loved me, Frank. I thought I loved you.”

“It’s amazing what you can get a woman to do with a few kind
words,” Frank said.

“You’re a sick bastard. If you think you can use me in some
way then you’re mistaken. I’m
friend, nothing else.”

They were approached by a large guy wearing a suit. “Sir,
I’ve got to ask you to leave Miss Hawkins alone, now.”

“Who the
fuck are
you?” Frank

She’d never heard him talk like that to anyone else but her

“My employer would like for you to step away from the lady.
would like you to get into the car.”

Lana shook her head. “I don’t know you. There is no way I’m
getting in a car.”

Spinning on her heel she walked faster toward the
building. Frank’s arrival unnerved her. She’d bared her soul to him, and now it
sounded like he wanted to use her for money. Did he really think she had some
kind of hold on

My life is
turning into a soap opera.

She glanced behind her to see the black car following her.
After twenty more minutes of walking she got to the entrance of
building. She pressed in the code taking her up to the top floor.

Without waiting to calm down, Lana went straight to his
office. He was closing his cell phone as she entered.

“You had me followed?” she asked.

“For good reason.
It was
getting darker, and I didn’t like the thought of you being alone. I hired a guy
I trust to follow you. It’s for your own safety.”

Lana frowned, and then she recognised the guy. She’d served
him numerous times at the diner. “Why? I’m perfectly safe,” she said.

“You’re a beautiful woman, Lana. You’re my friend. I’m
looking out for your safety, and tonight I’m pleased I did. Frank came to visit

He seemed to know a hell of a lot. Her anger grew as he
threw down a small brown file. “I’ve been getting harassing phone calls from
this man.”

The picture was of Frank holding up a black sign. Her
stomach took a dive as she looked at the photo.


“What is this?” she asked.

had been
getting the calls offering information on Lana in exchange for money for some
time. The man in question had even been to his office trying to cause a fuss.
The police officer who’d escorted him off the premises was a friend and had warned
him about a history of violence.

He didn’t know how Lana had gotten away from Frank without
some kind of violent outburst. Then he’d discovered Frank took his aggression
out on all of his women in different ways. Her ex had been cheating on her
throughout their relationship. For all
knew, Frank was hurting Lana
in some way.

“This man offered me information on you in exchange for
money. This is your ex-boyfriend? The one who dumped you and left?” he asked.

She nodded.

“From what I’ve read, you’re a lucky woman. He’s got a
history of violence under his belt. Women are terrified of him. He lost his job
at the bank a few months ago, and from what I’ve found out, things are tight.
Frank likes to live a luxurious lifestyle. He can’t afford it and is looking
for someone to help fund the bill.”

Tears filled her eyes as she dropped the file. “I never knew
he was like that. I mean, he said horrid things and sometimes his anger got the
better of him. I thought I was the one to bring it out of him. I can’t believe
he was the same person. He loved his job, or at least I thought he did.”

She folded her arms over her chest.

“What information does he have on you?”

“You didn’t buy the information?”

“No, you’re my friend. I’d rather hear it from your lips.”

Lana let out a sigh. “I’m sorry for jumping to the wrong
and thank you for that guy. Knowing this,” she
pointed at the folder, “Frank would have gotten violent. I’d never use our
friendship for his personal gain. I can’t believe I never knew this.”

got up and
went around his desk. He pulled her against his body and held her tightly.

“I don’t have a very good past. I don’t like talking about
I was never on drugs or anything. It was just a pretty bad start to life. That was

He’d figured that much out with her having no pictures in
her apartment or talking about her family. Lana kept herself closed off from
the world. His family liked her and looked forward to her spending Christmas
with them.

“Hey, Frank is out of the picture. He’s not going to spoil
your life anymore. You’ve got me,”
said. From the day at his home
where she’d promised he would always have her,
had made a promise to himself
to always be there for her. He’d hired Mitch, the guy who followed her to keep
her safe.
got daily reports, and when the call came through of Frank harassing her, he
wished he’d been the guy with her and not Mitch.

“Thank you. I know I can count on you.” She rested her head
against his chest. Stroking her hair,
closed his eyes and relished
the feel of her in his arms.

“Am I forgiven?”

“Yes. I could never stay mad at you for long,

They stood in his office for several minutes. He didn’t want
to break the cuddle off.
loved the feel of her in his arms. He’d sworn off women. The only woman he
cared about was in his arms.

He’d talked with his parents about how he felt, and they
agreed with him to take it slow. His mother and father adored her. They thought
she was sweet, but they also felt sorry for her. She was clearly used to not
having any affection toward her.

wanted to
give her the world.

She pulled away. “I better get started. I don’t want you
phoning the firm and telling them I’m becoming lazy.”

He’d never do that. In fact, he’d already agreed to give her
a large bonus. She should receive it at the end of week in time for her to go
shopping with him. He’d settled everything with the firm.

When she’d been in the shower one night, he’d gone hunting
for the safe with the bills she worked out. He’d gone through her paperwork and
started leaving money in the safe, and when he didn’t get chance to put it in
the safe, he left it around her apartment.
figured leaving her money
lying around on surfaces or slotted inside books would be more realistic.

One day he’d purposefully placed some money in a cook book.
He’d opened the page in the kitchen and stared at her.

“Are you leaving enough money in books now to pay for

Lana had frowned when she saw the two bills laid in the

made sure
not to leave her too much in case she got suspicious. He also upped her wages
through the company. She’d been excited at getting a raise.

These were the little things he could do for her. She still
refused to let him pay for a television or a cell phone. It wouldn’t be long
until he got his way. He looked forward to seeing her face on Christmas

His parents were excited about having her in the family.
Penny looked forward to getting in touch with her when he got her the cell

“I’ve got a few things to do here. Are there any leftovers
at your place?”

“No, I’m dry until Friday. I’m living off stale bread and

He chuckled. “Then tonight is your lucky night. You’re
coming back to my place.”

“You don’t have to do that,” she said.

“I’m not taking no for an answer. I’ve got food, and I
intend to feed you.”

“Okay.” She moved out of his office and started working. He
went back to his desk to finish signing some of the letters he’d not gotten
around to during the day. Every now and again he looked up to find her bent
over a desk, showing him her glorious ass.

Moaning, he covered his eyes and forced himself to
concentrate on the document in front of him. His feelings for Lana were
growing. He didn’t know how much longer he could cope with
being her friend.



Tiredness consumed Lana, and for once she was pleased she
wasn’t cooking.
drove them to his apartment. Her eyes widened at the sheer size of the building
in front of her. He punched in some numbers, and then he was driving underneath
the building.

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