Read The Billionaire's Will Online

Authors: Marti Talbott

The Billionaire's Will (13 page)

“Not yet. She just w
anted to make sure my decision was final.” He walked to the picnic table and sat on the table part.

“She won
’t fire you; she can’t, not just because you refused a promotion.”

“She’ll think of another reason,” said Jim. “
Let’s face it; I’m one of the walking dead.”

“I can’t believe
Nicole asked you that in front of everyone.”

“Neither can I.”

Maggie rolled her eyes. “She expected you to be thrilled and who wouldn’t be? After all, you would have the honor of working directly under her.”

“Lucky me,” Jim sarcastically said.

Maggie climbed up on the table to sit beside him. “Did you see the look on Susan’s face?”

“I missed that part.”

“She actually looked disappointed when Nicole offered the job to you.”

“Then we were wrong
. We thought she didn’t want the job either. They must have been talking about something else that day in the break room. How did Roxie the Robot look?”

“I didn’t notice.” Maggie collected her thoughts for a moment.
“Maybe she won’t fire you. Bronco says people can complain to Labor and Industries, if they get fired unjustly.”

“Or get a lawyer and sue. I might do that.”

“Good, you’ll have plenty of witnesses.”

attitude brightened a little. “You’re right, I do have witnesses. Maybe I’ll stick around until they do fire me. I would love suing this place. On the other hand, everyone is so scared of getting fired, they probably wouldn’t testify.”

Maggie hung her head.
“I’m one of them.”

“I wouldn’t ask you to, you know that.”

Jim scratched the top of his head while Maggie interlaced her fingers and rolled her thumbs. There didn’t seem to be a lot more to say on the subject, and it was good for both of them, to just try to calm down.

Finally, Maggie asked,
“Any luck job hunting?”

“I’ve got an interview next week. Keep your finger’s crossed.”

“You know I will.”

“I better go
back. I’m behind in my work now.”

nodded, watched him walk away and looked at the new seven-story office building across the street. The building was probably going to open soon, but just now, she wasn’t thinking about how it glistened in the sunlight, or how traffic on the street was about to become impossible. Instead, she was thinking about what she would do if she got fired – or worse, got offered the job next.

What a nightmare that would be.


Teresa was beginning t
o like Laura more each day. They swam, watched movies, and talked about all sorts of things. Her cleaning duties got farther and farther behind, but if Laura didn’t care, she didn’t see why she should either.

During the long summer days, seven o’clock in the evening
seemed the perfect time to go for a jog, and jogging was Teresa’s second favorite thing to do. Swimming was her first. Laura was pretty well on her way to full inebriation by seven, and wouldn’t require anything until time to put her to bed – unless the liquor cabinet collapsed, which was highly unlikely.

The other mansions
also had well-maintained lawns and tall trees, which made her jog around the circle drive even more pleasant. It wasn’t unusual for the guards at the gate to admire her figure as she jogged past, but she kept the communication with them to a slight wave or a nod. On this night, however, she had a package to mail, and to do that, she needed to go outside the gate. She wore a pulled down baseball cap to hide her eyes, headed straight for it, jogged in place until the gate opened, waved and went out.

Half a mile down the street, she entered a twenty-four hour m
ail center, paid the postage, watched as the package was tossed in a large tub, and then Teresa jogged back toward the house.


With Teresa gone, there was no one to answer the door, so Laura dragged herself up off the sofa, and nearly spilled her drink doing it. She struggled to set it on an end table that looked a little blurry, and then slowly walked to the door just as the bell rang again.


“Hello, Laura, did your maid quit?”

Not yet, she’s off jogging or something.”

“May I come in?”

She stood aside, motioned for him to enter, and then closed the door behind him. “How handsome you look…but then, you always do.”

s Mathew home?”

know he isn’t,” she answered. “You know where he is far more often than I do.” She forgot about the drink on her end table, and went to the liquor cabinet to get a fresh one. There was no point offering Austin a drink, he never accepted. “Where is he, by the way?”

“Florida, according to the credit card.”

“Florida, how quaint.” She pulled the stopper out of the decanter and reached for a clean glass. “Is it that time again?”

“I’m afraid so.
Nick made me promise to ask you each year on your anniversary.”

She finished pouring her drink and then turned to face him.
“Mathew avoids our wedding anniversary like the plague, but you already know that.”

“I can’t stay long. Will you sign the divorce papers this time?”

“Not this time.” He waited for the inevitable question, but Laura didn’t ask it. “Don’t you want to know if we have found your daughter yet?”

“I don’t have a daughter, at least not one that is still living.

Laura, we both know that isn’t true. Help me find her. You know I won’t tell Mathew.”

My daughter died,” she said, bringing the glass to her lips and taking a long drink.

carefully watched her expression, but she didn’t give her thoughts away – she just looked drunk. “Call me when you change your mind about the divorce.”

Laura watched him walk out the door
, and then quickly took another swallow. The room was starting to spin and the elevator was closer than the sofa, so she walked in, pushed the button, and went upstairs to put herself to bed.


Maggie couldn’t wait to talk to Bronco8881. She bought macaroni salad at the grocery store deli, hurried across the street to her apartment, and went in. She pushed the bolt in place, quickly shoved the wedges under the door, tossed her purse on the bed, and got a spoon out of the drawer. Next, she recovered her laptop from behind the stove and once more set it up.

Nicole asked Jim to take the manager position.

Hello to you too.

Very well, hello.

You are upset, I take it.

It was horrible. She asked him in front of everyone and he turned her down. I wish you could have seen the look on her face. I doubt anyone has ever turned her down before.

I wish I could have too.

Jim is pretty sure he will get fired now.

I am afraid he might be right.

She wouldn’t take his first ‘no’ for an answer and kept insisting he accept. It was humiliating for us all. At least we didn’t fail her stupid test.

Stupid test?

Haven’t I told you about those?

Bronco8881: I don’t think so.

Sissy3211: We have the worst possible computer software in the world that has technical names for everything, plus, we have to know all kinds of rules and regulations. She gives us a test every week. If we don’t get all the answers right, you can bet the next meeting will be about the same thing.

Sounds dreadful.

More than dreadful – it is frightful. Did I tell you about Susan?

Austin was
surprised and pleasantly so. She seemed so much more talkative and relaxed since he sent her the picture of him.

Is that the one with the eyelash problem?

took the lid off her salad and put a spoonful of macaroni in her mouth before she typed her answer.

Yes. What a sad creature she is. She is single with two children and calls her mother at least once a week asking for money.

Some single mothers need money.

Yes, but I’ve heard her plead relentlessly until her mother gives in. She says her mother is rich and is just being selfish.

Not a very nice way to treat your mother.

Sissy3211: Some mothers deserve it.

Bronco8881: True.

Know what else she does?


Nicole doesn’t come in until nine, but the rest of us are supposed to be there by eight. We are required to send Nicole an email every morning when we arrive, but Susan found a way to write hers the night before, and have the system send it the next morning at eight.

That’s funny. What time does she actually come in?

Eight-thirty or so…if she feels like it. I would never be brave enough to do that.

I bet you are rarely late to work.

Only when the bus breaks down or there’s a blizzard.

You ride a bus?

No silly, I push it to work.

Sorry, stupid question.

You are forgiven. You only ask because you’re trying to figure out where I am. Well, I am being very careful not to tell you.

I know. You’re good at it.


Bronco8881: Right now, I’m eating a boring dinner. What are you doing?

Sissy3211: I’m eating too. Just think, we’re having our first dinner together.

Bronco8881: Somehow
, I don’t think that’s what I had in mind. I’m more of the steak and candlelight kind of guy.

Sissy3211: Candlelight? You’re trying to tempt me again.

Bronco8881: Is it working?

Sissy3211: A little.

Austin decided he better change the subject before she abruptly signed off.

Did you go to the zoo?

Sissy3211: Didn’t I tell you about that? We had a smashing good time. I so adore Jim and Hanna.

Bronco8881: See any horses?

Not a one, just your ordinary elephants and zebras. I liked listening to the lions roar very much. You can hear them all over the zoo.

We have some in our zoo too, and you are right, you can hear them for blocks. I wonder how that sounds in the jungle.

You’re not offering to take me to Africa, are you? I know you don’t have that kind of money.

I might be able to scrape up a few dollars, but I don’t have that kind of time. Maybe when I am old.

How old are you?

I thought we weren’t doing personal information

Oh, that’s right, I forgot for a moment.

Bronco8881: I finished colle
ge, if that helps.

Sissy3211: Lucky you, I want to go someday, but it can wait.

Bronco8881: What do you want to be?

Sissy3211: I haven’t decided yet.

Bronco8881: Sometimes it’s better to work for a while between high school and college.

Sissy3211: Then maybe I am more
fortunate than I thought. Uh oh, have to go.

---Sissy3211 has signed off---

“There she goes again,” Austin muttered.


Maggie noticed when shadows crossed her window. The same two guys were outside her door again, and it made her more than a little nervous. She closed the curtain and waited in a little apartment that was now too dark. Relieved when the men left, she opened her curtain and let the light in again. She went back to her laptop and checked her calendar.

Just a few more days and it would all be over.






Another early
morning start for the investigators, but that was normal. Yet, their level of frustration was steadily growing. Every possible version of Georgia Marie James, even George James turned out to be the wrong sex, the wrong age or the wrong nationality. If Georgia used her real name to enroll in an art school or look for a job, it wasn’t showing up for some reason.

What are we forgetting?” Jackie asked.

“I say we narrow it down,” said Carl.

“To what?” Michael asked.

“Well, it sure would be nice if she is in the US. We could fly her here in time for court,” Carl answered.

“You’d do anything to fly that plane,” Michael muttered.

Admit it, Michael, you like riding in it as much as I like flying it.”

“Children,” said Jackie.

Michael raised an eyebrow and looked at Carl. “Uh oh, she’s got her mom hat on. Think she’ll send us to bed with no supper.”

“Back to bed sounds pretty good to me,” Carl said.

“Not a chance,” Jackie said. “Work, work, work.”

Carl got up and walked to
the house phone. “Ham and cheese omelets okay with you guys?”

“Sounds wonderful,” said Jackie.

“Hey,” Michael said, studying a popup on his laptop, “here’s a Marie James right here in Denver.”

“Really?” Jackie asked.

“I’m looking at her profile now. She’s a photographer and works out of her home. Let’s see…she’s 35 and…married with four children. Not our girl.”

“That was close,” said Jackie. “She could be married by now
, but not with four children.”

“Probably is
married, especially if she looks like that age progressed photo,” said Michael. “I checked wedding sites in the UK, all 80 billion listings, and didn’t find anything. Georgia Marie is a more common name than I thought.”

“No death certificates either?” asked Jackie.

“None except for the poor dead girl in Scotland. Maybe we should call the constable over there, and see if they remember anything Connelly’s PI didn’t dig up.”

“Good idea,” said Jackie. “You call,
Michael. Most have never heard of a woman private investigator, even in this day and age. It takes forever to get some men to talk to me.”

Michael batted his eyes at her. “I’ll talk to you. Just tell me where and when.”

Carl finished placing their breakfast order and came back to the table. “Maybe she’ll talk to you after we retire for good.”

You really think so?” Michael asked.

Carl rolled his eyes.
“No, not really.”

laughed at the pout on Michael’s face. “Gentlemen, shall we get back to work? Don’t forget you have to go see Austin today, Michael.”

“And get Laura’s DNA,” Carl reminded him.
“Austin says she goes to the doctor every Tuesday at three p.m.”

“Every week? I wonder why?” said Jackie.

“Austin didn’t say. Could be her liver is going.” Carl sat down at the table and checked his two laptops. Facebook was a jungle he was well familiar with, but people were cautious and didn’t always put much in their profiles, if they filled them out at all. Still, sometimes they were able to find a jewel in one of the posts. It just took a lot of time to find that buried treasure – and the clock was ticking.


Austin was a busy man. Aside from his court appearances and various lawsuits, he was responsible for approving pay increases and expense accounts for executives. He also attended board meetings, and made sure everything was running smoothly for the upcoming charity ball. The charity ball was not something he was looking forward to. He would much rather spend the evening talking to Sissy, but Nick held one every year in the early fall, and Austin was determined to keep the tradition alive. It was for charity, after all. Yet, the list of things that needed his attention seemed unending.

Therefore, h
e welcomed the interruption, especially if it meant his Connelly nightmare might soon be over. “Michael, thanks for stopping by.” He walked around his desk to shake Michael’s hand. “Any news yet?”

“Not yet. Jackie will call the moment we know something.

Austin couldn’t help but be
a little disappointed. He motioned for his guest to have a seat and sat in the chair next to him. “I’m curious. Has anyone ever fired the Harlan Detective Agency?”

“No, but we’ve pulled out of a couple
of cases. Jackie won’t put up with a belligerent client.”

“Good for her.
I wanted to give the three of you tickets to this year’s charity ball.”

Michael was
skeptical. “You want us to go to a ball?”

“Why not? The Connellys are going to be there and you might enjoy seeing them in action.”

“The Connelly’s are going…together?”

I specifically put them on the guest list just to see what would happen. It’s the first time they’ve been invited in years, and they haven’t cancelled yet.”

“I’ll ask Jackie, but we don’t have a lot of time to shop for clothes. Jackie is fastidious about what she wears. Carl would rather go in jeans and a cowboy hat.”

“Sorry, it’s black tie. If you’ll give me your sizes, I’ll have a selection sent to the hotel for the three of you to choose from.”

“I’ll have
Jackie call you about that too. We have clothes, just not with us. We could have them shipped overnight, I suppose.”

“That sounds like an even better idea.
” Austin paused to think of the best way to ask the next question. “When I asked Jackie to take the case, she sounded distracted, and then said she couldn’t. Is something wrong?”

“You got a minute?”

“Of course.”

lifted his right foot and rested it on top of his left knee. “It’s no secret, but I suppose there are only a few people who know the story. Jackie was married once to a jerk. I guess he wasn’t a jerk when she married him. Anyway, she loved him with all her heart. He was a PI, the best there was at the time, and they were a crack team until their son came along.”

“Jackie has a son?”

“Well, that’s debatable. When he was two, someone took him right out of his bed. Jackie and her husband did everything they knew how to do, but they couldn’t find him. Naturally, the police suspected one of them killed Brian, but there was no proof. I think that haunts Jackie as much as not being able to find her son.”

“How awful. What happened to her husband?”

“She says he drank himself to death. That was before she hired me, but her and Carl go way back. Carl got her to help him trick his ex-wife into taking a worthless drug company in their divorce settlement, and let him have the air crane.”

That was smart.”

Smarter than you think. Carl gave Jackie a reason to go on. Now she helps other people find their missing loved ones. We retired for several years, but all of us missed the intrigue, so we’ve been back at it for five or six months now.”

I take it she hasn’t stop looking for her son?”

“Nope, and every time
we get a lead, we drop everything and follow it. That’s why her DNA is registered in every lab in the country. Someday, they might just get a match.”

Yes, but only if he turns out to be a criminal or he is dead?”

“That’s the truth. S
till, she needs to know one way or the other so she can stop looking.”

“Well then, maybe a ball is just what she needs right now.”

“Good idea.” Michael stood up. “She won’t marry again. Some people just can’t take the chance.”

“What about you?”

“Oh, I’m content enough the way things are, but if you tell them that, I’ll hunt you down.”

Austin chuckled, grabbed the invitations off his desk and handed them to Michael.
“See you Saturday, if not sooner.”


Doctor’s appointments bored her, but Laura’s doctor insisted she come in once a week to make sure her blood pressure medicine was working properly. She could have cared less. At least there was a bar downstairs, and that’s exactly where she headed when she left his office.

Even now,
Laura Connelly had the kind of beauty that turned the head of every man when she walked into a room. She chose to sit at the bar, and the way she sat with her back perfectly straight and her legs properly crossed, gave her an air of class. On most Tuesday afternoons, the place was nearly deserted. She paid for a straight shot, and when a man chose the barstool next to her, she at first ignored him.

Michael placed his order and then asked,
“Can I buy you a shot?”

“Why not?”

“Why not indeed.” Michael signaled the bartender to pour her another.

What do you do?” she asked.

“I fly around a lot.

“Oh, you’re a pilot.”

“No, not a pilot. Mostly, I’m a flunky.”

“I know how that feels. That’s what I am too, just a flunky.”

“I’m Michael, and you are?”

Laura.” She watched the bartender pour her next drink, and didn’t notice that Michael hadn’t touched his.

Nice to meet you, Laura.”

When he didn’t
appear to recognize her, she suspiciously sized him up. “You’re not from around here?”

“Just got
into town yesterday. I was looking for a place to eat when I found this one.”

leaned closer. “The food is not that great here. That’s why the place is practically empty. I like it empty.”

So do I. It is very peaceful.” He watched her reach for her glass. “You shouldn’t be out alone, you know.”

“Don’t worry, my chauffer is right outside. I am safe.”

“That’s good to know.”

“What do you do
, again?”

“I work for a woman who has me fly all over the world
doing favors for her?”

“I wish you could do one for me?”

“What favor would you like; I am good at all sorts of things?”

Can you bring my father back from the dead?”

Michael cast his eyes downward.
“No, I can’t do that kind of favor.”

“I didn’t think so.” She sighed and took another sip of her drink. “I just want to tell him something.”

“Something important?”

“Very important, and I would have
told him, but he died before I could.”

“Sometimes that
happens. People die when we least expect it.”

“Oh, I expected it. I expected it a long time ago.”
Laura emptied her glass and stood up. “I have to go home now.” Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she swayed as she walked, but for a drunk, she managed to walk a straight line.

When the bartender wasn’t looking,
Michael grabbed a napkin and carefully took hold of the bottom of Laura’s shot glass. He slipped it inside the small paper sack he had in his jacket pocket, and then followed Laura to the end of the bar. He watched through a window as she got in a limo, punched a speed dial number on his phone, walked out the door, and headed to his rented car.

“Michael, did you get it?” Jackie asked.

“I have a better question – how did Nick die?”

“In a plane crash over the gulf of Mexico.

“Laura expected him to die much sooner.”

Jackie rubbed her brow. “You think he was murdered?”

“Could be Mathew got tired of waiting.”

“I’ll ask Austin if he has any information on the plane crash.”

In the parking lot,
Michael pressed the button on the rented car key that unlocked the door. “I got her DNA. I’ll drop it at the lab and then I’ll be on my way back.”

Tell them they owe me a favor and money is no object.”

“I know the drill.”

“Of course you do. The Connellys were in Brisbane when Nick died. I’ll see if they bought airline tickets home before they knew he was dead.”

“Good idea. Ask Austin if they were at the funeral.”

“Got it. See you soon.” Jackie hung up and called Austin.


Austin was already there by the time Michael parked in the hotel’s basement garage, and took the elevator up to the suite. This time, Jackie was dressed more casually, although Austin wore his suit and tie. Both sat in the same chairs facing each other in the living room, as they had the first time they met.

“I’m starved,” Michael
announced as soon as he walked in the door.

You’re always starved,” Jackie said.

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