The Black History of the White House (66 page)

 Ibid, “Open Letter From Shirley Sherrod;” and Will Bunch, “The Story Behind the 1965 Killing of Sherrod's Dad,”, July 21, 2010. See Huffington Post website:​will-bunch/the-story-​behind-the-1965_b_655218.html

 Margaret Burnham, “Sherrod's Father Still Needs Justice,”
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
, August 3, 2010.

 “NAACP Statement on the Resignation of Shirley Sherrod,” press release, NAACP, July 20, 2010. See NAACP website:​entry/naacp-statement-on​-the-resignation-of-shirley-sherrod1

 Ralph Paige, “The Federation Sends Letter to USDA Secretary Vilsack,” press release, Federation of Southern Cooperatives, July 21, 2010.

 Gary Grant, “Shirley Sherrod and USDA Discrimination,” press release, Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association and the Land Loss Fund, Tillery, NC, July 21, 2010.

 Willie Nelson, “Shirley Sherrod, A Family Farmer's Friend,” Huffington Post, July 21, 2010. See Huffington Post website:​willienelson/shirley-sherrod​-a-family_b_654824.html

 Heath, “Dear Obama.”

 Corn, “Sad Tale.”

 Sam Stein, “White House Apologizes to Shirley Sherrod,”
Huffington Post
, July 21, 2010. See website:​gibbs-apologizes-​to-shirl_n_654623.html


 Kara Rowland, “Obama Apologizes to Sherrod,”
Washington Times
, July 22, 2010.

 Ibid, “Open Letter From Shirley Sherrod.”

 Larry Elliott, “G7 Elite Group Makes Way for G20 and Emerging Nations,”
The Guardian
(UK), October 4, 2009.

 In addition to the states that comprised the G-7, the other thirteen powers are South Africa, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, and the European Union.



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