The Boss's Pet: Sharing Among Friends (3 page)

He had to smile. Even in the hot tub she looked the brainy executive with her hair clipped up in the back. “Oh...just a wealthy businessman and his wife, wanting a good investment vehicle for their money.”

“Will I always have to wonder about meeting new clients and if they might be a part of your other lifestyle?”

“Now that’s a good question. I want you to meet many of my friends. Some enjoy that lifestyle and some don’t, but I want you to meet them on your terms. Get to know them without wondering if
might be a Dom or if
is a top...or...has ever
for me.”

Sondra’s eyes narrowed as he spoke.

Nick had to laugh again; he loved that she also kept his humor up! “I can see more questions in your eyes, love.  Relax. Just meet them all as vanilla friends first, because many are just that - great friends who have no idea that I have another side to me.”

“Fair enough. I can’t wait to meet them. I suppose we need to get moving if we’re going to get to the office.” Sondra set her empty cup on the corner of the tub and leaned toward Nick as she stood up. Stepping between his thighs, her breasts dripped water as he licked a hard nipple and wrapped an arm around her slender waist.

“Gawd, you’re beautiful!”

“You’re definitely good for my self esteem, Master! Let’s get ready for the office. If we keep this up, we won’t leave the house.”


Chapter Two


Sondra sorted through a few pages of the fund portfolios she and Nick had decided on yesterday for his clients. The funds would provide a good balance over the years to come; they should be happy with the results, even if the market fluctuated a bit.

An unfamiliar deep voice drifted in from the outer office and Sondra looked at her watch. The clients must be here so she gathered her paperwork and presentation folders. Today she dressed in a straight black skirt with a black silk cowl-neck top that was cut a bit lower than she liked but Nick chose it for her to wear. Her gold diamond pendant rested just above her cleavage.

As she stepped into the hallway and walked toward the lobby, all conversation stopped and all eyes were on her. Immediately her cheeks heated. A stunning blue eyed woman with long dark hair and a friendly smile held out her hand and Sondra shook it. “You must be Sondra. I’m Katherine. Nick has told us so much about you. It’s wonderful to finally get to put a face to the name. This is my husband, Enrico.”

Sondra met Enrico’s gaze and his dark Italian eyes undressed her where she stood, or at least that’s what it felt like. She wondered if Nick or Katherine noticed it. He could easily have stepped out of a magazine with that hot body hidden beneath a suit.


Enrico extended his hand and when she shook it, he pulled her close and kissed her cheek. Sincerity could easily be used to describe his demeanor; warm and friendly and he put Sondra at ease right away.

“It is, indeed, our pleasure to meet you, Sondra. Please, call me Rico. Nick tells me you are the brains of the operation now and have some exciting funds to show us.”

Nick smiled his sexy smile at her. “Shall we head to the conference room? There’s more room down there and it’s quieter. Gloria, bring down two carafes of coffee and half and half ASAP, please? Ladies, right this way.”

Leading the way to the conference room and down the stairs, Sondra could only envision the broad shoulders beneath Enrico’s suit coat. His firm hand shake spoke of authority, making her mind consider the type of lifestyle he might lead. There she went, assuming before she even got to know them, yet one couldn’t help but wonder when they appeared that strong and virile. She would keep her mind open that they might just be good friends of Nick’s, and no more.

She flipped on the lights in the conference room; the smell of leather came from the expensive chairs Nick had bought recently. Everything he surrounded himself with was top notch. Memories of what the two of them had done in this room a few months ago filled her mind as she remembered herself bent over the table during her inspection. Thinking of her and Nick again made her seep onto her thong,
She shook her head and welcomed her guests in.

Nick removed his suit coat and hung it on the back of a chair. “Rico, would you like a drink before we get into this?”

Rico also removed his coat. “I’ll wait until we have lunch, I think. Coffee will be fine when it arrives.”

Sondra watched as Rico hung his jacket on the chair, then laid her things on the table and got coffee cups from the cabinet and napkins. She could feel Rico’s gaze on her ass and looked at him as she turned back to put the cups on the table. He smiled and winked at her, then his gaze landed on her diamond pendant...or did it?

Nick didn’t seem to notice as he talked with Katherine. Her laugh was light and friendly; she seemed like someone Sondra could easily get to know. Their day might be fun after all. Why was she so nervous to meet Nick friends? They were clients and she would do her best to present a plan they couldn’t resist.

“Sondra comes from another investment firm and has done a marvelous job bringing in new clients since she joined me. I might have to give her a raise if she keeps it up!”

Gloria arrived with the coffee and proceeded to fill their cups, taking the attention off herself. This gave Sondra a chance to watch their guests interact with Nick. They truly seemed like long time friends and she tried to keep an open mind. The thought of this man being a fellow Dom wouldn’t leave her mind. He was too good looking, first off, and his air of authority couldn’t be ignored, though he didn’t act snobbish at all, like some men she’d met in her past.

She let Nick present the funds and what the two could expect. They weren’t happy with the current plan they were in and looked to move all their money to Nick. Katherine’s quiet, yet strong, personality led Sondra to wonder about her lifestyle as they listened to Nick, unaware that Sondra sized them both up. She knew she shouldn’t be placing them into a certain mold, but couldn’t help seeing these two fitting comfortably into a bondage situation. Startling herself that she would even think this of total strangers, she poured herself another cup of coffee and refilled the others as Nick talked.

Sondra watched Rico’s hands as he flipped through the papers, pointing out the figures to Katherine on different fund charts. She easily envisioned him standing over Katherine, strapped to a table and again shocked herself.

Stop it!

Yet that’s the vibe she received without them even hinting at anything along those lines. If they did enjoy the
, could she interact with them that way? Her cheeks heated as she nearly embarrassed herself.

Nick closed his notepad and laid his pen down. “Shall we let you think about all this over lunch?”


Sondra enjoyed the afternoon getting to know Katherine and Rico. He and Nick had been friends for years, which is another reason Sondra easily fit them into the bondage scene in her mind. She would have to get to know them better before finding out the truth; right now they all got along well.

The investment papers were signed and Nick seemed pleased it all happened so easy. Dinner plans had been agreed on for later that night and Sondra looked forward to being with them. The two were warm and friendly and genuinely interested in Sondra being part of Nick’s life.


* * * * *


Sondra’s patchouli perfume always made Nick want to take her right on the spot, wherever they were; he loved the smell of it. Tonight was no different. Out with friends, they should have a good time and be able to relax. Sondra seemed comfortable with Rico and Katherine. They seemed to like Sondra and he enjoyed watching the exchanges between them all. Good food, plenty of drinks, darkened restaurant with lots of candlelight...great setting to get things started.

Getting them all together might take awhile; he didn’t think Sondra could handle moving too fast with something like this; only time would tell. She seemed pretty comfortable with her new friends tonight. She and Katherine got along well; he knew they would. Both women were smart, ran their own businesses or close to it, and knew what they wanted.

Nick smiled and touched the control in his pocket, debating on whether he should click it on. Sondra didn’t object when he made her kneel on the bed so he could insert her vibrating egg deep inside, teasing her, getting her hot and wet, then making her get dressed for dinner without giving her release. He told her she would have to wait for later.

She’d just received her third Jack on the rocks and was enjoying herself, laughing with his two friends. Suddenly, she glanced at him with wide eyes and try as she might, she couldn’t hide her surprise from him. Squirming a bit in her seat, Nick left the control on low. The constant low internal buzz would drive her crazy.

“How was your shrimp and steak, pet? Did it satisfy that hunger of yours?”

Sondra stirred her Jack with her finger, bobbing between the ice, then licked it off as she met his gaze. She tried to hide how he affected her, without success. He would know she’d already soaked her thong.

“Only you can satisfy my hunger, Sir.”

Her green eyes teased him, making him harder than he already was.
Good thing he didn’t need to get up just now.

“Pet? Sir? I like the sound of that! Usually pets enjoy being blindfolded. Would you happen to fall into that category, Sondra?”

She seductively gazed at Rico; the candle flickered in her eyes. Nick leaned back in his chair to enjoy what he knew would be a fun conversation, curious to see where it would lead.

“I’m not quite sure how I should answer that. I don’t know you well enough, but...being a close friend of Nick’s, I shouldn’t be shy around you, right?”

“No need to be shy. We’re friends and Katherine and I hope to be close friends for a long time with both of you.” Rico glanced at Nick with a smile. “I’m glad Nick found a woman that can meet his sexual appetite...or at least I’m guessing he has! Now you haven’t answered my question - are you a pet who enjoys sex with a blindfold, not knowing what comes next, but waiting with anticipation?”

Nick couldn’t help it; he laugh out loud. Even in the dark, he could see Sondra turn red but she didn’t back down from Rico’s question. She had enough drinks in her to make her bold.

She looked at Nick, squirmed in her seat, then looked back at Rico. “I’m not afraid to try new things in the bedroom. I trust Nick enough to do that.”

Katherine touched Sondra’s arm as she laughed and leaned closer. “I’ve got some great websites I’ll send you for new toys if you lean that way. Rico loves it when I order new toys for us.”

When Rico gave Nick a questioning glance, Nick nodded his approval of Sondra’s answer. He knew he wouldn’t have to explain anything further.

Nick laid his napkin on the table in front of him. “Ladies, how ‘bout we continue this conversation at our place. At least at home, the drinks are free!”

Katherine touched Nick’s arm, sending a warm sensual jolt through his body. He remembered her touch well...all too well. Time hadn’t made him forget either. “I think that’s a great idea. We’ve not seen your new place, Nick. I can’t wait!”

Touching his knuckle beneath her chin, he held her gaze. “I even have a dungeon where Rico could use and abuse you, my dear.”

Sondra’s eyes widened at that comment as she stared at Nick. “She knows I’m only teasing!”

“Well that’s too bad. I’d pay you dearly for letting me make good use of that!”

Nick pulled out Sondra’s chair and she laughed along with them all the way to the car. “Follow us out to the house. We’ll continue this at home!”


Sondra climbed into the car and leaned her head back, then looked at Nick as she squeezed her inner muscles around the vibrating egg. Nearly unable to take anymore, she pressed her knees together to enjoy the near-orgasmic sensations.  She reached over and caressed his cheek with the back of her fingers. “Thank you for a wonderful evening.  Your friends seem very nice. They care about you.” She touched her stomach. “I ate way too much! And I may have drank one too many!”

“Then that means I can probably take advantage of you later, yes?”

“First, can you please turn this little vibrator off before I totally soak through to my skirt?”

Nick sniffed the air and she slapped his arm. “You are

“You have to be dripping about now. I could slip right in!” He reached into his pocket and turned her vibrator off.

She took in a deep breath and released it. “Wow...thank you! I think we need to strap one of these onto you and see how
like it!”

“Oh, but I don’t smell near as good as you do!”

Against her fingers, he was as hard as one of her vibrators!  She squeezed him. “I’m glad I can excite you.”

“That’s never been a problem where you’re concerned.” He leaned over and kissed her before putting the car into drive.

Thinking about the conversation over dinner, Sondra couldn’t help but wonder how these two fit into Nick’s life. Were they just long time friends? They hinted at more than that, leaning toward his type of lifestyle. Rico’s dark eyes also told a different story the few times she was brave enough to look into them for any length of time. Picturing him in a seductive setting and a dim dungeon caused Sondra’s heart to race a bit. Could she perhaps one day allow him to see her naked, tied over the spanking rail? Her cheeks heated just thinking about it and she glanced out the side window so Nick wouldn’t pick up on her thoughts.

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