Read The Bride Price Online

Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

Tags: #romance, #civil war, #historical, #pennsylvania, #timetravel, #portland, #historical 1800s, #portland oregon, #harrisburg

The Bride Price (33 page)

Christine followed Sophie into her room and
assisted her with her dress. Sophie filled her in on everything
that happened, Christine laughed at the animated way Sophie flailed
her hands the more excited she got.

The girls made their way down to dinner. Nona
was already seated, but Michael stood as the ladies walked in the
room. Jamie waited by the door for Sophie, greeting her as though
he hadn’t just seen her twenty minutes ago. He bent down and gave
her a quick kiss and then escorted her to her chair. Once she was
settled, he sat next to her. Andrew and Richard arrived a few
minutes later.

Dinner was a highly animated affair, as
everyone talked at once. Now that the danger was over, they could
relax and focus on the positives of the day. Andrew and Jamie
regaled the table with their confrontation, embellishing more and
more as they added to the story. Sophie noticed that Richard didn’t
do much other than drink. He picked at his food and rarely
interjected into the conversation. He’d look at her on occasion,
but she couldn’t read what was behind his eyes.

“Are you okay?” Jamie leaned over and
whispered as he squeezed her hand under the table.

She nodded and forced a smile. He raised an
eyebrow, but she shook her head and took a sip of her wine. Dessert
came and Sophie couldn’t stomach the bread pudding. She pushed her
plate aside and laid her hands in her lap.

Dinner wrapped up, and rather than the men
and women separating, they decided to congregate as one in the

Jamie took Sophie’s hand in his, lifting her
palm to his lips as they left the dining room. “We’ll talk later,
love. I know something’s bothering you.”

She smiled up at him, but before she could
respond, Andrew grabbed her elbow. “Sophie, you and Christine must
perform for us this evening.”

“Only if Jamie sings with me.” Sophie sent
him a pointed look. “I even taught Christine one of the songs we
wrote together.”

Jamie nodded, so Christine sat down at the
pianoforte. Sophie started out strong and Jamie joined her with his
harmony. By the end, you could have heard a pin drop. Then Andrew
jumped out of his seat and started clapping. The rest of the group
followed suit.

“Incredible!” Andrew clapped Jamie on the
shoulder and gave Sophie and his sister a kiss on the cheek. “I
can’t wait to hear more.”

The rest of the night was filled with chess,
cards, and pleasant conversation. Sophie noticed that Jamie and
Christine had their heads together a few times in frantic
whispering. At that moment, she was too tired to care.

* * *

The next morning, Jamie almost didn’t make it
out of the house in time for the cavalry drills. He’d overslept,
obviously due to his complete comfort in the Wades home. Dressing
quickly, he kissed Sophie and then made his way out to the arena.
Andrew met him halfway, anger written across his face.

“What’s going on?” Jamie asked.

“The prisoner says he has information that
will be of great interest to you and the Union, but he will only
speak to Sophie.”

Jamie frowned. “What the hell does that

“He won’t elaborate.”

“Well, he’s not getting anywhere near my

“I explained that to him, but he believes
what he has to say will be of great interest to you—” Andrew

“And?” Jamie pushed.

“And will also save Sophie’s life.”

Jamie cursed as he ran his hands through his
hair. “Take me to him.”

“I had a feeling you’d say that.”

Andrew led him to horses that were ready to
go and the two mounted and took off toward the town jail. Jamie’s
mind raced with what this low-life could possibly have to say that
would save Sophie’s life. By the time they pulled their horses to a
stop outside the small, brick building that housed the occasional
drunk, Jamie shook with anger.

“Do you need a minute?” Andrew asked as they
stepped onto the wooden walkway.

Shaking his head, Jamie pushed the front door
open and was met by Joe Roberts. The sheriff reminded Jamie of a
bulldog. Stocky, with not one ounce of fat on his body, just solid
muscle, Joe was the perfect enforcer.

“Sheriff.” Jamie held out his hand.

Joe shook his hand and then led the men to
the room that housed several holding cells. Carl had been placed in
one of the middle cells, bars on three sides, brick wall at the
back, with a window large enough to see outside but not big enough
for a body to escape. A small cot sat against the back wall and a
bucket next to it. Watching Carl closely as Joe led them into the
anteroom, Jamie waited for him to demand release but was taken
aback by his smugness and appearance of absolute confidence.

“Where’s the woman?” Carl stood and
approached the bars.

Jamie shook his head. “What’s this
information you have?”

“I’ll only speak to the woman.”

Jamie’s fingers twitched, aching to form a
fist. “That’s not going to happen.”

Carl laughed. “Well, then. She’ll die.”

Jamie rushed the bars, but Carl moved too far
back for him to reach him. “Open the door, Joe.”

“You don’t want your pretty wife to die, do
you, James William Ford?” Carl taunted.

Jamie scowled. “How do you know my name?”

“Sophie Jane Wellington Ford is your pretty
little wife, and her baby sister, Emma, is a dead ringer for

Jamie whipped his head around. “Joe, open the

“I’ll tell you how I know what I know, but
then I talk to your wife.” Carl crossed his arms. “You may want
everyone else to leave, don’t you think?”

Jamie turned to the men. “Joe, Andrew, give
us a minute.” Once the men left, Jamie moved closer to the cell.
“What do you think you know?”

“Your wife is in danger.”

Jamie took a deep, silent breath, his heart
beating rapidly as he glared at Carl. “Explain.”

“I know where you’re from, I know why you’re
here, and I know who doesn’t like it.”

“You’re speaking in circles.” Jamie scowled.
“What do you want?”

Carl stepped closer to Jamie. “You are not
from this time. Your wife is not from this time,” he whispered.

“Excuse me?”

“Trains, planes, and automobiles are all
familiar forms of transportation for you. Our president is George
W. Bush.”

president?” Jamie whispered.

“Now, I need to speak with Sophie.”

“Who the hell are you?”

Carl stepped back to the tiny cot and sat
down. “Get your wife.”

Jamie swore as he yanked the door to the main
office open and stormed away from Carl. He mounted his horse and
took off toward home, somewhat surprised to hear hooves barreling
down on him seconds later.


“I’ll explain later, Andrew. I have to find
Sophie,” Jamie shouted back without slowing.





Arriving back at the Wade house, Jamie
dismounted almost before the horse stopped moving and ran inside.
“Sophie!” He rushed through the house, ending his search at the
library. His breath caught in his throat as his eyes scanned the
room and found her up on a ladder, reaching for a book. “Sophie
Jane, what are you doing?”

Sophie let out a quiet screech, grabbed for a
rung on the ladder, and only just caught her foot from slipping as
the book she was holding fell to the floor.

Jamie climbed up behind her and drew her back
against his chest. “What the heck are you doing?”

“I needed to return this book and Daniel’s

“Baby, you should not be climbing ladders,
especially without someone to spot you.”

“Oh, please. I was fine. If you hadn’t come
in here and scared the dickens out of me, you would have never
known.” Sophie pushed back against him. He didn’t budge. “Jamie,
move, baby. I can climb down without you.” Rather than acquiescing,
Jamie kept a firm hold around her waist and stepped down with her.
Sophie giggled. “Overprotective, much?”

Turning Sophie to face him, Jamie kissed her.
Sophie slid her hands up his chest and sighed when he broke the
kiss. “I love kissing you.”

“Me, too.”

“What are you doing here, by the way? I
thought you were going to be at the arena all day.” Sophie smiled
and added quickly, “Not that I’m not thrilled to see you.”

Running his hands through his hair, he let
out a groan.

Sophie placed her palm on his chest. “What’s

Taking her hand, Jamie led her to a chair,
settled her down, and then sat on the hearth facing her.

“Baby, what’s going on?” Sophie asked.

“Something strange.”

Jamie filled her in on his conversation with
the prisoner, and Sophie slumped back in the chair in shock. “What
does he want to talk to me about?”

“I don’t know, sweetheart. He won’t tell me.
Only you.”

“Okay, so take me to the jail.”

“Ten-Cow, this is serious, and could even be

Sophie snorted. “The man’s in jail. Danger
doesn’t apply.”

“Jamie? Sophie? What’s going on?”

The couple turned as Andrew rushed into the

“Hi, Andrew.” Sophie smiled. “We’re on our
way to the jail. Did you want to join us?”

Andrew’s eyebrows went up in surprise.

“Sophie is not really treating this lightly,
Andrew. Are you,
?” Jamie gave Sophie a warning

“No, you’re right, I’m not.”

Jamie led Sophie out to the Wades barn and
made her stand where he could see her while he and Andrew hitched
up a small buggy.

“All right, sweetheart. We’re ready.”

Sophie smiled as Jamie helped her into the
buggy. He had to stop himself from lifting her out again and
locking her up. He climbed up beside her as Andrew mounted his
horse and then the three took off toward town.

Sophie squeezed Jamie’s thigh. “Baby, I’m
going to be fine.”

His grunt was the only response.

Arriving at the jail, Jamie lifted Sophie
down and followed her into the building, Andrew following close
behind. Joe reluctantly let Jamie and Sophie into the room housing
Carl and then closed them in.

Carl stood and made his way to the front of
the cell. “I thought I was clear. I’ll only speak with your

Jamie laughed without humor. “Not going to

Carl turned and walked back to his cot.
“That’s too bad.”

Sophie faced her husband. “Jamie, the man is
locked up. Just let me talk to him.”


“Jamie,” she growled. “He has answers to
several questions, it would seem, and I’d like to know what he
knows. You can stand right outside the door and watch through the

Jamie dragged his hands down his face. “I
don’t like this, Sophie.”

“Noooo!” Her mocking earned her a frown from
her husband. “He can’t hurt me. Give me five minutes.” Sophie
gently pushed Jamie toward the door, and he hovered just outside.
Sophie made her way back to Carl and stood close to the bars.

“Sophie,” Jamie warned.

* * *

Stepping back slightly, she sent a smirk in
his direction and then turned back to the prisoner. “So, Carl. Tell
me what this is all about.”

Carl stood. “You’re in danger.”

“I heard you, but what does that mean?”

“You’re the key to a much bigger plan,
Sophie. You’re not the only person who has traveled here,” he

Sophie gasped. “Traveled?”

“Yes. You’re the key to a larger plot and
they do not want you to succeed.”

Sophie narrowed her eyes. “Who?”

“You must be careful, Sophie. He has brought
men back with him who have resources.”


“In time.”

Sophie grasped the bars and leaned forward.
“How is that possible?”

“That’s complicated and entirely beside the

“But I don’t understand why I’m here or who
this man is. How did I get here?”

“His name is Victor Cary, and he’s—”

Without warning, the glass in the window
above Carl shattered and she heard Jamie swear. Turning at his
voice, she found herself on the floor, and Jamie covering her as
all hell broke loose around her. “What happened?”

“Baby, are you okay?” Jamie began to run his
hands over her face and body.

Looking down, Sophie let out a screech at the
sight of blood covering the bodice of her dress and glanced back up
at Jamie, frantically wiping her face with his handkerchief. “What

“Are you okay?” Jamie cupped her face.

Sophie nodded slowly and leaned around him to
look at the cells but Jamie blocked her view. “What happened? Why
can’t I see?”

“Sophie, Carl has been shot.”

“Shot? How?” Sophie tried to sit up. “Why
didn’t we hear it?”

,” Jamie growled. “I need
to make sure you’re okay.”

Sophie stilled his hands and grasped his
lapels. “Jamie, I’m
. Can I please get up? You’re
crushing me.”

Jamie stood quickly and then lifted Sophie
from the floor, ushering her out of the room and settling her in
one of the chairs in the main office. Sophie was surprised when
Andrew rushed through the door, out of breath, with a look of
relief on his face. “Sophie, are you well?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Where did you come from?”

“What did you find out?” Jamie stepped in
front of Sophie.

“Nothing. Whoever did it is long gone.”

Jamie swore, and Sophie stood and pushed him
aside. “
is going on? One of you needs to tell me.”

“We’ll talk at home, Ten-Cow.”

“Joe and I can handle everything here,
Jamie,” Andrew said. “Take Sophie home.”

Jamie assisted Sophie into the buggy, drove
back to the house, and then ushered her silently up to her

“Jamie?” Grabbing his hand, she led him to
the trunk at the end of the bed and pushed him down. Cupping his
cheek, she leaned down and kissed him. “I’m fine, sweetheart. No
injuries, no failing heart, nothing. So tell me what is going

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