The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind (50 page)

Read The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind Online

Authors: A. K. Pradeep

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Psychology


$27.95 USA/$33.95 CAN

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Praise for

Neuroscience is taking marketing to a new


level, pointing to a future where companies that properly neuromarket will reach and serve their

“ Dr. Pradeep makes the case for the potential of the dynamic new field of neuro-THE BUYING

If you understand brain basics,

you’ll sell more

customers more effectively than companies

marketing as a multifaceted marketing tool, and he does so with the combination that don’t. Bring your marketing strategy and of passion, intellect, and insight for which he is renowned. A must-read for any practice into the age of neuroscience with
marketing practitioner seeking to advance the field.”

New discoveries in neuroscience are

revolutionizing twenty-fi rst-century life,

and marketing is no exception. These

Buying Brain
, and start putting this powerful

—David Poltrack, Chief Research Offi cer, CBS Corporation insights into the human brain promise to reshape body of knowledge to work for you today.

the way companies, brands, and products get

“ Neuroscience has come out of the lab and the clinic, and is now changing how noticed, get liked, and get bought. So how do you marketers communicate with their customers. Using principles of neuroscience and marketing strategy, Dr. Pradeep brings the new fi eld of neuromarketing alive put these groundbreaking fi ndings into practice for businesses of all categories.”

at your company and gain the advantage over

your competitors?

—Rajiv Lal, Stanley Roth Sr. Professor of Retailing, Harvard University

Secrets for Selling to the

is the world’s leading

neuromarketing researcher,

pioneering the application of

Understand brain basics and sell more!

The Buying Brain
gives you a one-stop BRAIN

Subconscious Mind

playbook for understanding and applying the

latest research using fi ndings from sophisticated neuroscience in marketing,

As much as 95% of our decisions are made by the subconscious mind. As a neuromarketing techniques. Covering everything advertising, and messaging.

result, the world’s largest and most sophisticated companies are applying the from product development to packaging to point-He received the Advertising

latest advances in neuroscience to create brands, products, package designs, of-sale marketing, this is the only guide you Research Foundation’s “Great Mind” Innovation marketing campaigns, store environments, and much more, in order to appeal need to access today’s newest business frontier: directly and powerfully to our brains.

Award in 2009. He is the founder and CEO

the human brain.

of NeuroFocus, Inc., and works with many of

The Buying Brain
offers an in-depth exploration of how cutting-edge neurosci-the world’s leading companies, including CBS, ence affects how we make, buy, sell, and enjoy everything, as well as how this Incorporating data derived from electro-Microsoft, Google, PayPal, Citibank, BlueCross new knowledge can enhance customers’ overall lives.
The Buying Brain
gives Subconscious Mind

Secrets for Selling to the

encephalographic (EEG) brainwave studies, eye you the key to:

BlueShield, Scottrade, and more. Dr. Pradeep

tracking, and cutting-edge, proprietary fi ndings, holds many U.S. and international patents and has

The Buying Brain
enables you to:

• Brain-friendly product concepts, design, prototypes, and formulations been published in numerous scientifi c journals.

• Understand and employ neuromarketing

• Highly effective packaging, pricing, advertising, and in-store marketing techniques, terms, and technologies to

• Building stronger brands that attract deeper consumer loyalty build your brand and your business

• And more

• Reach consumers’ minds at the

Jacket Design: Oksana Teicholz

preconscious, precognitive level, where

A highly readable guide to some of today’s most amazing scientifi c

Author Photograph: José Sepulveda

responses are unbiased and unfi ltered

fi ndings,
The Buying Brain
is your guide to the ultimate business frontier—

• Engage the unique aspects of male and

the human brain.

female brains


• Effectively advertise and promote products Founder & CEO, NeuroFocus, Inc.

at all points in the consumer journey

• And much more

( c o n t i n u e d o n b a c k f l a p )

Document Outline
  • The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind
    • Contents
    • Foreword
    • Acknowledgments
    • Part 1: Introducing the Buying Brain
      • Chapter 1: $1 Trillion to Persuade the Brain
      • Chapter 2: Neuromarketing Technology
        • Cortical Geography
        • Market Research Challenges and Opportunities
      • Chapter 3: Your Customer�s Brain Is 100,000 Years Old
        • Caveman in a Wired World
        • Cavewoman in a Car Pool
        • The Primal Brain in the Modern World
        • The Neutral Brain
        • Back from the Brink
      • Chapter 4: The Brain 101
        • Brain Cells
        • How Neurons Gather into Functional Areas of the Brain
        • Parts of the Brain
        • Language
      • Chapter 5: The Five Senses and the Buying Brain
        • Vision
        • Predator Me
        • Mirror, Mirror
        • Smell
        • Sexual Noses
        • Proust�s Madeleine
        • Taste
        • Hearing
        • Touch
      • Chapter 6: The Boomer Brain Is Buying
        • Attention
        • New Learnings
        • The Big (Older, Happier) Picture
        • The Boomer Brain: Aging Power to the Nth Degree
      • Chapter 7: The Female Brain Is Buying
        • Learning about the Female Brain
        • Case Study: The Battle in the Beauty Aisle
        • Meet the Female Buying Brain
        • Anatomy of the Female Brain
        • 147.8 Million
        • The Female Brain in Action
        • Best Practices for Appealing to the Female Brain
      • Chapter 8: The Mommy Brain Is Buying
        • Neuromarketing and Baby Care Products
        • Building a Mommy Brain
        • Spending Power of Moms
        • Average Stats for New Moms
        • Brain Changes Begin in Pregnancy
        • New Mommies Are Made�and �Born�
        • Benefits of a Mommy Brain
        • Mom and Baby as One
        • Birth of a Mommy
        • The Super Senses of a Mommy Brain
        • The Grandmother Hypothesis
      • Chapter 9: The Empathic Brain Is Buying
        • Human See, Human Do
        • Mirror Neurons and Motor Vehicles
        • Mirror, Mirror, in My Mind
    • Part 2: Engaging the Buying Brain
      • Chapter 10: Neuromarketing Measures and Metrics
        • Attention
        • Emotional Engagement
        • Memory
        • Purchase Intent/Persuasion
        • Novelty
        • Awareness/Understanding/Comprehension
        • Effectiveness
        • Deep Subconscious Response Methodology
        • Putting It All Together
      • Chapter 11: The Consumer Journey
        • A Framework of Frameworks
        • The Consumer Journey Framework
      • Chapter 12: The Buying Brain and Brands
        • The Problem: Unknowable Feelings
        • The Complications
        • The Brand Essence Framework�A Foundation for Neurobranding
        • Apple
        • Context for a Brand
        • The Resolution: The Symbology of a Brand
      • Chapter 13: The Buying Brain and Products
        • The Problem: Altering a �Sure Thing�
        • The Problem: The Product Inside the Brain
        • Capturing the Total Consumer Experience
        • Total Consumer Experience Framework
        • The Resolution
        • New Product Launches�Innovation
        • New Product Effectiveness Framework
        • Failure Analysis: Six Reasons Products Fail
        • Making Change? Ask the Brain
        • Pricing Framework
        • The Bundling Framework
      • Chapter 14: The Buying Brain and Packaging
        • The Problem: Declining Market Share
        • Your Brain Is a Hunter
        • Packaging Effectiveness Framework
        • Olive Orchard Options
        • The Resolution
      • Chapter 15: The Buying Brain in the Aisle
        • The Problem: How to Rock the Aisle?
        • Shopper Experience Framework
        • Coming Soon to a Supermarket Near You: Neurological Iconic Signatures
        • The Subconscious Significance of Signage
        • A Sea of Orange Amid the Shelves
        • Hide and Seek
        • Video Here, There, and Everywhere
        • The Measured Miles: In-Store Neurological Testing
        • The Resolution: Delight the Mind with Soft and Soothing Designs
        • 3D Matrix
        • Future Shopping
      • Chapter 16: The Buying Brain and Advertising
        • Advertising Effectiveness Framework
        • Motion, Novelty, Error, Ambiguity
        • Eyedrops, Awareness, and Audiences
        • Neurological Neighborhoods
        • Out of Sync, Out of Sales?
        • Print Advertising�Learnings Using the Framework
      • Chapter 17: The Buying Brain, Screens, and Social Media
        • The Convergence Conundrum
        • Faces Are Fundamental
        • Action, Banners, and Women
        • Social Media
      • Chapter 18: Vision of the Future
        • Recap
        • Perfect Storm
        • The $ 1 Trillion Bargain
    • Notes and Sources
    • Index

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