The Codex: An Angel's Guide To Seducing A Human (39 page)

Not knowing what to say, I hugged her back. "A lot? But wait! You shouldn't know who I am. Didn't I erase—"

Her tears dripped down onto my neck. “Why did you want me to forget you?”

“I… I didn’t want you to be sad.”

She pulled away and pouted. “So you thought locking my memories away was the answer?”

"But... but I was dying. I thought if you didn't know, then you could go on living your life—"

She crossed her arms and glared. "Do I look like I forgot? You know, if you hadn't pulled that little stunt, I could have... ah, forget it."

Emily leaned against me and kissed me. She caressed my tongue with hers, sending an odd pleasure through my body. I closed my eyes and moaned as she gently massaged my mouth.

When she finally pulled back, saliva from our tongues clung to my chin. "There. We are even."

I stared into her deep blue eyes and panted. “You... you are not going to ravage me?”

“What? Well...” Emily blushed, the tips of her ears turning red. “Well, you just woke up after several days of intense healing. I don’t think we should—"

I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her onto the bed. She fell against me, and I enjoyed the touch of her body. “You are real. This isn't Paradise.”

Emily twitched and looked at me with a hint of annoyance. “Well, I-I might not be the prettiest girl in the kingdom, but you don’t have to ruin the mood. Besides, we should wait before we—”

I placed my hands on her back and squeezed her in my arms. 
This is really her. This is Emily.
 Tears flowed from my eyes, and I lay my head against her cheeks so she couldn't see my crying.

I held onto her for a long time, not daring to speak another word for fear that she would go away.

Emily wiped the tears off my cheeks. "Feel better now, cry baby?"

I nodded.

She wiped her own tears away and traced small circles on my chest. “I’m just glad that you are alive… I thought you were dead.”

“What happened?”

Emily rested her head against my shoulder, her legs brushing against the blanket. “You should ask your book.”

I reached towards the nightstand and touched the cover of the Codex, waiting for her to speak, but she was asleep. So, I focused my magic and slowly shook her out of her slumber while Emily did the exact opposite by mumbling something under her breath and started to snore.

You moron, 
the Codex said. 
If it wasn’t for my quick thinking, you’d be dead.


Well, I, the great Codex, undid your grand stupidity so that Emily could keep you alive until your soul could be dragged back from Mortia's creepy room of dungeons and dice.

How am I alive?

Well, to be exact, you were revived. Emily used the fancy feather you gave her to freeze your body and soul before the latter could flutter away. I mean, the spell was messy since it was her first time. Still, once your mother woke up and mended your body, everything was fine. Then we got a few helping hands and carried you to Emily's room. Though I wouldn't be surprised if she became a little too curious and peeked under the blanket a few times.

 I asked. 
Wait, that's not important. How did she keep the spell that long? The feather can only last a short period of time unless someone was powering it continuously.

Emily stayed awake for two days straight to maintain the spell.

She didn’t sleep?
 I glanced back at Emily, who was now drooling onto my shoulder, and for the first time, I noticed the dark circles under her eyes. Guilt dragged my happiness down, and I laid my hand on her shoulder and sent a bit of magic into her and drove her fatigue away. 
How can I repay her? She did so much.

Why don’t you offer yourself to her? Tie yourself up in ribbons.

The images of the grassy plains of Paradise flashed into my mind, and my face heated up. 
Do you think I should somehow practice it first so that I know what to—

Emily stirred, and her sleepy eyes opened again. "Narius... good. You are still here. It wasn't a dream." She laid her arm across my chest, a sad look in her eyes. "So, when are you going back to heaven?"

I shook my head. "I am going to ask Lord Halfaya if I can stay here instead."

"Really?" she asked, resting her chin on my chest, a smile blossoming. "I-I mean. O-of course you are. You owe me bags and chests full of gold."

Being so close to her reminded me of the Emily I had seen in the Paradise, and what she wanted with me. I looked away from the real Emily and stared at a bookshelf in the corner of the room as if it was Lord Halfaya himself. My chest felt heavy, like a pile of books lay on top of me. "So what happened to Mafis's daughter?"

"Filia? She's fine. Thankfully, she doesn't remember anything about what she did. What about you? Are you all right?"

“Well, I... I had the strangest dream.”

“What kind of dream was it?” she asked, snuggling against me and sniffing my shirt. "Was I in it?"

"Yes, and you wanted to marry me." I laughed, avoiding her gaze. "Sounds ridiculous, right? You would never want to do that to me, right? I mean, I wouldn't know what to do if we did."

I glanced at her from the corner of my eye. Her face lit up like a scarlet firework, and her eyes were cast down. She sat cross-legged next to me. "Marry you? Umm..." She twirled her hair then coughed into her hand.

My lips quivered as my heart sank. "No?"

"Th-this is so sudden. I just thought that I would end up proposing to you under a lamppost with a full moon that made your wings shine as I gave you a ring. Of course, I-I would be wearing a dazzling dress, and looking utterly irresistible."

I thought about how Emily from the Paradise had overpowered me and made me want to rub myself against her. I squeezed my eyes shut and cringed. “I see. So, and… and if it is all right with you, well, my body is ready. I... I don't know about the dress, but if you want, we don't need the lamppost. We can ask Mother to be next to us with her halo while we get married."

“A… ah… umm… what?”

"Well, it might be odd with her looking at us holding hands, but if you want to, then I am more than willing." I peeked and found Emily giving me a confused look. I scratched my head, unsure how to say what I wanted her to do to me. Then the conversation with Nathen flashed in my mind.

"Will you marry me?" I asked, ready to feel my clothes being ripped apart and have her spread my legs. It felt scary, yet I wanted Emily to enjoy me. "I... I mean, it's going to be my first time, but I think I can figure it out when we get into it."

Emily laid her hand on my cheek and stroked it. “Yes."

I opened my eyes and saw a smile blossoming on her lips. "Yes?"

"Yes. When we have enough money for a big ceremony, we will do it in front of everyone we know.”

"Everyone? But wouldn't that be embarrassing?"

"Not for us, and everyone else would be too jealous that I chose you."

"Will there be cake while we... marry?"

"Yes. I promise."

The end





About the author

Joe Duck is a fantasy writer, residing in the surprisingly warm land of Canada. He lives with two dogs who sleep during the day and run around the house at night to annoy the neighbors.




To my computer. Without which none of this book would have ever been possible.

Also to Joey, Jeff, Ernie, Laurel, and Maria for encouraging me to keep going.

And finally to you the reader for reading up to this point. (Unless you just skipped to the end.) In fact, if you are real, feel free to send me a message at [email protected] I would love to hear from you.

Also if you enjoyed reading the book I would be thrilled if you could leave a review and encourage your friends to give this book a chance.


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