The Collision on Hardwood Drive (21 page)

I wanted to have something nearly as beautiful as you are. I can’t wait to see your gorgeous face. —R

I peeled back the tissue paper to reveal a stunning beaded dress. I gasped and admired the intricate detail of the bodice as I pulled it out of the box, careful not to wrinkle it with my hands. It was a cool champagne color, spilling from the box like liquid as I lifted it up. I held it against myself and felt the cool beads cascading down my legs. The luxurious dress was floor-length, and I was so wrapped up in the feel of the fabric against my skin that I almost didn’t notice another item in the package.

It was a smaller box, covered in velvet, that I hadn’t noticed when I first opened the package. Cushioned in the satin lining of the box were two perfect teardrop diamonds.

Holy shit
, I thought as my jaw went a bit slack. The only earrings in my jewelry box were faux pearls and bangles that cost less than a sandwich from my favorite deli. They went well with many of my outfits and gave off a good enough effect, but
—these were

I couldn’t wait to get dressed. I returned to my mirror and stepped out of my robe, slipping the dress over my body. It slid over my hips easily. I only had to adjust the small cap sleeves, and then it was perfect. It showed off the form of my body without being too constricting. The front of the dress crept up to my collarbone, and I stared at it for a full minute before turning to admire the back—or what little
there was, at least. The dress was almost entirely backless, the curve of it skimming my skin just above my tailbone. I pinned the diamonds on my ears and felt like royalty.

I removed the rollers from my hair next, letting my curls pour down my back. When I shook my hair to let it fall back a bit more, the delicate diamonds shone through the locks. They were two brilliant stars in the mahogany tangle of my hair.

I felt like a classic movie star, radiating sex appeal and ready to be seen with the most famous celebrities strolling down a red carpet. If I hadn’t been ready for such a huge night before, I was certainly ready now.

Beatrice welcomed me into the house when I arrived. As I made my way inside, I admired the simple, but stylish, decorations placed around the house for the party. Bottles of bubbly were placed all around the room. Vases overflowed with lilies, and orchids stood like exclamation marks on each side table. As I passed the kitchen, mouth-watering aromas wafted out in such a rush that my mouth
began to water. I knew that, within the hour, hired servers would be offering tiny morsels with delicious explosions of flavor to the guests.

I was led to the study where Beatrice left me with a polite smile. I knew Rob would be inside, brooding into a tumbler of bourbon. He would be sitting on that luxury couch—the one that was a beautiful deep shade of green—and rubbing at his temples to stave off a headache. I pushed the door open and knocked on the frame lightly to indicate my arrival without disturbing him too suddenly.

He turned toward me instantly, his eyes lighting. His mouth, which had been twisted into a small frown, widened into a sexy, charming grin. He whistled low and appreciatively. “
, you’re gorgeous.”

I smiled shyly, as I felt a blush rise to my cheeks—he always made me
gorgeous. “It helps when a Dior dress appears on your doorstep,” I said, moving closer. “Thank you. How did you even know my size? It’s a perfect fit.”

“I’ve mapped every inch of your perfect body. I could draw it with my eyes closed.” He lifted a hand and motioned for me to stop before I got any closer. “Spin for me. I want to see it from every angle.

I smiled again, spinning slowly and—I hoped—seductively. I felt his eyes trail down my back, following the shimmer of the beads.

“Get over here,” he growled as soon as I faced him again. “I’m not letting you out of my sight tonight. Someone will steal you right out from under my nose if I’m not careful.”

I laughed as his possessive tone sent a delightful shiver down my spine. I met him halfway as he rose from the couch. He touched his lips to mine softly, and then drew me closer to kiss me more urgently as he swept his tongue across mine. I was breathless by the time I pulled back.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” I whispered, meaning every word of it and more.

He was dressed in a tuxedo tailored to his firm frame in a way that accentuated his broad shoulders. The crisp white shirt made his skin appear even more bronzed and golden than it normally did. A black bowtie hung loosely around his neck. I reached up to it. “May I?”

Of all the things my mom taught me growing up, how to tie a bow tie was the one she always said would impress a man the most. “Stephanie, Eve,” she said, calling my sister and me into her bedroom. She would always be dressed beautifully when my dad decided to take her out, her lips stained a deep red and curled in a graceful smile. She would joke, sometimes, that she was going to the Oscars, waving at us, and saying, “I’d like to thank the Academy.”

But before they left, she always waved us over to help our father with the bow tie she draped over his shoulders. “Stand close,” she said helpfully as I took my turn. “You want him to smell your perfume.” I would inch in closer until we could smell her Chanel.

“That’s right,” she said, encouraging me when I fumbled with the knot. “The wide part goes over, then under—good. Tuck it through…”

When I finished, my father looked amazing. We practiced Windsor knots and Pratt knots as well, depending on the occasion. I loved helping a man into his tie these days because it would always remind me of my parents getting dressed for an evening out with those huge loving smiles on their faces.

Rob only raised his eyebrows and allowed me to continue. He curled his hands at my ass, drawing a laugh out of my lips, as he let me maneuver the silk around the neck into a neat bow. He would squeeze my ass occasionally, making it hard for me to concentrate.

“Mr. Huntley?” Beatrice said when she popped her head in a few minutes later. “The first guests have arrived.”

“Thanks,” he said, not looking away from me or even moving his hands. “We’ll be right out.”

He gave my ass one last squeeze, firmly and fondly, before smiling at me. “Ready for the masses?”

I grinned, straightening his bow and trying to ignore the nervous fluttering in my stomach. “As ready as I’ll ever be. I have a good feeling about tonight.”

A brief flash of worry shot through his eyes. He tipped my head up with a finger at my chin and kissed me once more before whispering against my mouth, “I hope you’re right.”

The house quickly filled with guests, everyone eager to wish Rob luck by clinking their champagne glass against his. Just as he promised, Rob never let me out of his sight. He guided me through the crowd with his arm around my waist and introduced me to everyone as “my lovely Stephanie.”

His guests were all gracious. I had feared that they would see right through my guise and know, somehow, that I wasn’t of the same high-class social level as they, but everyone was completely polite as they introduced themselves. There were so many new names and faces that I started to have a difficult time keeping everyone straight.

There was one name and face, however, who was not new. Rachel Bartlett, District Attorney. Rob’s savior. She wasn’t lingerie-model sexy, but she was certainly striking—and
. She was a real
. I knew it was silly, but I couldn’t help feeling the hand of jealousy grab my insides and twist as she approached us. Rob let me go for the first time that night to embrace her with a handshake with which he greeted all his other guests.

He turned back to her, offering her another warm smile. I shook her hand, reluctantly, when she offered it. Just then, a second stunning woman joined us.
, I thought,
just what this party needed
. However, that thought disappeared instantly when Cynthia wrapped her arm around Rachel’s waist and offered me her hand, as Rob said, “Ah, and this is Cynthia, Rachel’s better half.”

Her shake was firm and confident when I took her hand. “It’s a pleasure,” she said, a faint Texan drawl present in her voice. I pressed my lips together tightly, trying to stifle a relieved giggle as the tension of jealousy left me.
I’m being nuts here
, I admitted as I offered them another smile—a genuine smile this time. “I’m so glad to meet you both.”

Any residual envy that had prickled my nerves disappeared as they walked away, hand in hand. Rob was mine just as wholly as I was his—there was nothing to be jealous of here.

Champagne flowed freely throughout the night, and everyone seemed to drink a bit too much. We were all aware that a phone call changing
could come at any moment.

When Rob was called away by a few of his buddies, he had to let go of me once more. I kissed him on the cheek to reassure him that I could take care of myself for a little while. I ducked into the kitchen to snag a morsel of fresh crab ceviche before it vanished into the crowd out there. On the counter, I noticed a lusciously frosted cake. The words
Congratulations, Rob!
were inscribed on it with a swirl of dark chocolate.

My heart ached with the thought that this cake might never make its way out there into the crowd—not like this, at least. If the results weren’t good, the kitchen staff might have to make a hasty correction from

As I reentered the main room of the party, Rob reappeared at my side. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him into a private corridor where we could be alone for a minute. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close, breathing a sigh against my hair. “There you are. I feel as if I’m going to explode with all this mystery. Distract me, Steph.”

The sight of his tousled hair and frantic eyes turned me on instantly. That carnal look in his eyes screamed
to me. We were still dangerously close to the party, but alone for the time being—and being alone with him was exactly what I wanted. I wanted to distract him just as he had asked, and I wanted him to release his tension into me.

He pressed me against the wall, stepping forward until our bodies met from head to toe. I could feel his cock stiffen against my leg, and I couldn’t resist reaching down to wrap my hands around his hard length. A sense of urgency flowed between us—we were both ready and aching for each other.

He tilted his head to breathe against my ear, his breath teasing my skin. “You’re so fucking hot tonight, Steph. All I can think about is my mouth on your sex, on your wet,

He dropped his hand to the exposed skin of my back, slipping it down to the round curve of my ass. “I want to feel your legs around my neck while I make you come.”

The crevasse between my legs grew increasingly moist. I could practically feel his tongue on me, teasing my wetness from just the promise of it. I moaned quietly, overcome by a sudden surge of desire. “Can we go upstairs? I’ll distract you—you can do whatever you want to me.” I couldn’t spend one more second in that room full of people—not like this. They would surely sense the need for sex emanating from my body.

Rob moved his hand to the front of my dress, massaging my skin sensually. “Tell me what you want, Stephanie,” he ordered, his voice going hoarse and deep as it always did during our most lustful exchanges.

I ground my hips against his hand, unable to stay still for even a minute more. “I want—” I could barely get the words out and had to swallow around the lump in my throat before continuing. “I want your cock in my mouth. I want to suck every ounce of tension from your skin. I want to spread myself for you, and I want you to fuck me.”

I whispered the last words, feeling a flush of desire heating my face. I had never been so vocal with my needs, never been so direct—but all my inhibitions melted when I was with Rob. I was desperate to please him, to satisfy the pulsing ache between my legs.

I opened my mouth against his as we kissed, seeking his tongue and needing to feel at least some part of him inside me. “
,” I said, “take me upstairs.”

Finally, he stepped back. The loss of his presence left me weak and unsteady. I followed him up the stairs when he beckoned, the pounding of my heart fast and muted under the haze of lust. He locked the door to his bedroom as soon as we were inside, lifting me with ease and tossing me on the bed.

“Anything I want?” He raked his eyes down my body, hunger clear in his expression.

I nodded, parting my legs while I slipped the beaded sleeves of the dress off my shoulders. My breasts fell from the snug bodice that hadn’t allowed me to wear a bra underneath it, exposing my dark and swollen nipples. Rob shrugged out of his jacket and pulled off his tie. I could see his cock bulging out of his pants.

“Hands above your head,” he whispered. His voice was so low that I could barely hear it, and I could detect a hint of danger in his tone. I complied immediately, lifting my arms to the headboard. He looped the tie around my wrists, securing my hands to the wooden frame.

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