The Common Pursuit (44 page)

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Authors: F. R. Leavis


NATURAUSM, 197, 198

Napoleon, 153

Nazism, 286

Negro Slavery, 99-100

New Cambridge Shakespeare, 160

New England, 203

New Republic, The, 205

New Statesman and Nation, The, 157

New Testament, The, 166

Nicholson, Norman, 252

Nietzsche, 131

Nightwood (Djuna Barnes), 284

Notebooks of Henry James, 230

'ODE TO AUTUMN', 16,17, 28, 46 'Ode to a Nightingale*, 39 'Ode to the West Wind', 220


Old Drama and the New, The (William

Archer), 177 O'Neill, Eugene, 127 On Writing and Writers (Sir Walter

Raleigh), 196 Original Sin, 246

Othello, 128, 131, 136-159, 175, 177 'Other Kingdom* (E, M. Forster),


Owst, Gerald, 205, 207 Oxford, 97,100, 295 Oxford Book of XVIIIth Century

Verse, The, 116

Oxford Book of English Verse, The, 113 Oxford Book ofXVIIth Century Verse,

The, 34 Oxford Standard Texts, 116,117


Lord Tennyson), 29 Paleface (Wyndham Lewis), 243-244 Palgrave, Francis Turner, 34 Paradise Lost, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 32,

37, US, 153 Passage to India, A (E. M. Forster),

272-273, 277 Passos, Dos, 233 Pater, Walter, 48 Pericles, Prince of Tyre, 177 Philosophy, 211-222 Phillpotts, Dame Bertha, 194 Phoenix (D. H. Lawrence), 233, 244 Piccarda de Donati, 121 Pilgrims Progress, The, 188,189, 206*

207, 210 Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins

(edited by Robert Bridges), 52,61,


Poetical Sketches (William Blake), 192 Poetic Renaissance, 293 Poetics, The (Aristode), 126 Poetry and Personal Responsibility (Bro.

George Every), 248-249 Poets of the IXth Century (A. H. Miles),

82 Polite Conversation (Jonathan Swift),


Pope, Alexander, 38,39,73,84,88-96, 104,113*117, 191,192,282

Pope (Leslie Stephen) in 'The English Men of Letters' series, 91

Portrait of a Lady (T. S. Eliot), n

Portrait of a Lady, The (Henry James), 230-231,263

Pound, Ezra, 17

Practical Criticism (I. A. Richards), 241

Preface to The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (ed. Robert Bridges), 72

Preface to Notes on The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins (ed. Robert Bridges), 62

Preface to Shakespeare (Samuel Johnson), ioo, 108, 109, no

Prelude, The, 219, 221

Principles of Literary Criticism, The (L A. Richards), 134-135

Project for Advancement of Religion, A (Jonathan Swift), 85

'Prolusions' (John Milton), 35

Prometheus the Firegiver (Robert Bridges), 68

Promos and Cassandra (George Whetstone), 169

Prose Literature since Jtpjp (John Hay-ward), 297

Prujrock, The Love Song of J. Alfred (T. S. Eliot), 293

Puritanism, 203

Psycho-analysis, 204

QUAKERS, 99,206 Quennell, Peter, 233 Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur, 113


Rajan, Dr B., 278-280, 287-290

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 196

Ranters, 206

'Rape of the Lock, The', 104, 1x3

Rasselas (Samuel Johnson), 115

Rationalism, Cambridge, 255-256*

'R. B., To' (G. M. Hopkins), 57

Read, Herbert, 74, 249, 251

Reformation, The, 207


Renaissance, The, 126 Restoration, The, 186, 191, 235 Revaluation (F. R. Leavis), 12, 92,112 Revelation (T. S. Eliot), 238 Richards, Dr I. A., 134,135, 240, 824 Richardson, Samuel, 107 Ridler, Anne, 290-291 Rise of the Greek Epic, The (Professor

Gilbert Murray), 194 Robinson Crusoe, 73-74 Rock The (T. S. Eliot), 278 Romantics, 29,104,165,183,185,216 Romeo and Juliet, 142-149, 164, 171 Room with a View, A (E. M. Forster),

261-264 Root and the Flower, The (L. H. Myers),


Rosenberg, Isaac, 124, 133 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 44, 47-49, 6% Russell, Bertrand, 128, 129 'Ruined Cottage, The* (William

Wordsworth), 14

SACRED WOOD THE (T. S. EllOt), 12, 279, 280

'Sailing to Byzantium* (W. B.

Yeats), 14

Samson Agonistes, 22, 23 Samuel Johnson (J. W. Krutch), 97-


Santayana, George, 121-135 Savile, George, see Halifax, Marquess


Sayers, Dorothy, 97, 278 'Scholar-Gypsy, The,' 29, 30, 54 Schopenhauer, 22 Schucking, L. L., 195-199 Science and the Modem World (A. N.

Whitehead), 220 Scrutiny, 133, 173, 200,211, 223, 250

288 'Sea and the Skylark, The* (G. M.

Hopkins), 55

Selected Essays (T. S. Eliot), 282 Seneca, 123,127, 128,130 Shadow of Cain, The (Edith Sitwell),


Shakespeare, William, 38, 40, 42, 43,

100, 101, 108-113, 117-118, 121-

128, 130-159, 179, 191, 199, 203,

208, 231, 236 Shakespeare and the Stoicism of Seneca

(T. S, Eliot), 128,151 Shakespeare's Final Period (Lytton

Strachey), 179 Shakespearean Tragedy (A. C. Bradley,

136-140, 143, 147, 159 Sharp, Cecil 190-191 Shaw, George Bernard, 156 ShelburneEssaySyThe (P. E. More), 235 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 29,3 8,111,112,

185, 216, 220-222 Sherman, Professor, 234 'Short Song of Congratulation, A*

(Samuel Johnson), 117 Sidgwick, Henry, 259 Sidney, Sir Philip, see Arcadia Sitwell, Edith, 251, 296, 298 Sitwell Edith (C. M. Bowra), 298 Sitwell, Sir Osbert, 296 Sitwells, The, 16, 296-297 Smith, Professor Gregory, 34 Sociology, 195-203 Sociology of Literary Taste The (L. L.

Schucking), 195 Son of Woman (Middleton Murry),


Sons and Lovers (D. H. Lawrence), 258 Spectator, The, 103, 185 'Spelt from Sybil's Leaves' (G. M.

Hopkins), 67

Spenser, Edmund, 29, 38, 40, 42, 196 Spirit of Man, The (Robert Bridges),

46, 60, 62 'Spring and Fall' (G. M. Hopkins),

45, 46, 62

Sprung Rhythm, 71-72 Stephen, Leslie, 91, 93, 198, 260 Stephenson, Fr. A. A., 173-176, 178 Steuert, Dom Hilary, 106 Stoicism, 123, 128,151 StoU, E. E., 155,156,158,159 Strachey, Lytton, 75, 97, 179, 205,

206, 259, 260, 276


Studies in Classical American Literature

(D. H. Lawrence), 233 Study of Thomas Hardy (D. H. Lawrence), 237

Sutherland, Professor, 88-89 Swedenborg, Emmanuel, 224, 230,


Swift, Jonathan, 73-87,89,93,98,284 Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 28, 49, 69,152, 160, 283

TALE OF A TUB, A, 79, 80, 85

Tatler, The, 103, 185 Tempest, The, 169,179-181 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 16, 28, 29,

34, 42, 44-49, 5i, 52,197 Testament of Beauty, The (Robert

Bridges), ii, 253 Thackeray, William Makepeace, 73,


Thomson, James, 42 Thomas Cranmer (Charles Williams),


Thomas, Dylan, 249, 251 Thrale, Mrs, 98, 99, 115, 116 'Tiger, The' (William Blake), 187 TiUyard, E. M. W., 21,25, 33, 34, 37 Time and Western Man (Wyndham

Lewis), 243 Times Literary Supplement, The, 293-


Tindall, William York, 204-208 Tinkler, F. C., 173,174, 178 Tolstoy, Count Leo, 197 'Tom's Garland' (G. M. Hopkins),


Toryism, Johnson's, 98-99 Tourneur, Cyril, 42, 283-284 Tradition and the Individual Talent

(T. S. Eliot), 184 Tragedy, 121-135 Tragic Philosophy (George Santayana),

121-135 'Tragic Theatre, The' (W. B. Yeats),

131 Travels in Arabia Deserta (Charles M.

Doughty), 71

Traversi, D. A., 132, 175, *7&

Trevelyan, G. M., 201-203

'Triumphal March' (T. S. Eliot), 286

Troilus and Cressida (William Shakespeare), 164

Tupper, Martin, 59

Turn of the Screw, The (Henry James), 230

Twickenham edition of Pope, The, 88

Two Gentlemen of Verona, The, 255


THE MEMORY OF AN' (Alexander

Pope), 113

Unicorn, TJie (Isaac Rosenberg), 133 University College, Nottingham,

235-236 Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism ,

The (T. S. Eliot), 241, 281

'VANITY OF HUMAN WISHES, THE' (Samuel Johnson), 101, in, 117, 118

Verschoyle, Derek, 233

Victorian Age, 54, 59

'Vision of Mermaids, A' (G. M. Hopkins), 44

Voltaire, 8o> 156



Warner, Rex, 249

Washington Square (Henry James),

230-231 Waste Land, The (T. S. Eliot), 11,

286, 287, 293 Webster, Sir Charles, 260 Webster, John, 127 Wellek, Dr Ren6, 211-222 Wells, H. G., 192, 233, 234, 263, 285 What is a Classic? (T. S. Eliot), 291 WhatMaisieKnew (HenryJames), 231 Wheel of Fire, The (Wilson Knight),

142, 166, 170

Wheelwright, Philip, 286, 291 * When the lamp is shattered * (Shelley),



Where Angels fear to tread (E. M.

Forster), 261-264 Whibley, Charles, 73, 80, 97 Whitehead, A. N., 220 White Peacock, The (D. H. Lawrence),


Whitman, Walt, 64 Williams, Charles, 249, 252, 253 'Windhover, The* (G.M.Hopkins),

58 Wings of the Dove, The (Henry James),

224, 226-228, 229 Winter's Tale, The, 158, 174, 175,

177, 179-iSi Winters, Yvor, 203 Wodehouse, P. G., 97

Woolf, Virginia, 38

Wordsworth, William, 14,29, 31, 35,

42, 185, 192, 216, 219 Work in Progress (James Joyce), 284 World of William Clissold, The (H. G.

Wells), 234, 284 'Wreck of the Deutschland, The*

(G. M. Hopkins), 51. 55* 58, 59,6*0 Writings of E. M. Forster, The (Rose

Macaulay), 261 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 291

YEATS, w. B., 14, 38, 66, 131, 296 Yellow Book, The, 250

ZOLA, EMILE, 197, 198

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