The Complete Bad Boy Series (5 in 1): Best Billionaire Romance Collection (Bad Boy Billionaire Stepbrother Romance Paranormal Series) (6 page)

Chapter Two: Transformation

Adara watched as Ronan walked away before locking her store and heading toward her apartment. She wasn't certain what had come over her, inviting a man she barely knew into her place to cook him dinner. She was incredibly grateful for his help, and she certainly found him attractive, but she was also quite glad that he had turned her down.

As she walked home, she tilted her head back and watched as the stars shone, twinkling in their blanket of sky. The frustration she had felt earlier in the day about the missing inventory was lessening. She certainly wasn't pleased with the situation, but at least she was attempting to do something about it.

It was a beautiful night, she decided, albeit a bit chilly. As she stepped down from the curb to cross the road that separated her from her apartment building, Adara didn't notice the car swerving toward her. She didn't even have time to scream before she felt the car hit her body, sending her sprawling into the street. She was barely conscious as she saw the driver of the car climb out and stare at her, wide-eyed. She then watched as he ran back to his car and drove away, leaving her alone in night without a hope for help.

After he walked away, Ronan found a spot in the shadows from which he could watch Adara. She took only a moment before she left the store, locking the door behind her. He trailed a distance behind her so she wouldn't notice him following her as she walked home. He watched as Adara tilted her head back, staring at the stars. She kept her eyes to the sky as she walked several blocks.

Just as she reached the corner before her apartment building, Ronan watched as a car came barreling down the street toward her. Adara didn't notice and Ronan's eyes widened in horror when he realized the car would hit her. He began to run but he was too far away to help save her.

"No!" he yelled out as the car ran into her. Time seemed to slow as he watched her body fly from the impact before landing in the road. He had to stop as the driver got out of the car and looked at her body, not wanting to be seen. He figured the driver would do the right thing and call for help, but instead he climbed back into the car and drove away.

Ronan ran to Adara and kneeled next to her. Blood poured onto the ground from a wound in her head and he had to resist the urge to place his mouth over the wound. He could hear her heartbeat begin to slow and her breathing came in ragged breaths. Knowing she didn't have much longer to leave, Ronan realized he had a decision to make. He could either leave her in the road and let her die or he could place his mouth to her neck and change her into a vampire.

Deciding he didn't really  have a choice, Ronan lowered his mouth to her neck and began to drink her blood. After a moment, he pulled himself away, letting his venom spread through her body. It would take only a few hours before her body would heal itself and she would join him as a creature of the night.

When Adara woke up, she felt different. Somehow she knew she was now the living dead, but she wasn't certain what had happened to cause that. As she sat up, she looked around the room her body had been laying in. The moon shone in through a window and she found that she lay on her bed in her own room.

She looked toward the shadows and realized she could she someone sitting there, even though no light penetrated the darkness. "Ronan?" she whispered.

He stood and passed through the moonlight, sitting on the bed next to her. "Hello," he said.

"What happened?" she asked. She knew that he was the same as her, but she didn't know why.

"You were hit by a car," he told her. "I couldn't save you and had to make a choice."

"So you turned me into a vampire." It wasn't a question.

Ronan nodded. "You'll need to find some blood soon."

Adara knew what he said was true and while the thought of blood was appealing to her senses, her mind was repulsed by the idea. "I don't want to kill innocent people," she told him.

"You don't have to be," he told her. "I'll teach you my ways. We can find those who harm the innocent and rid the world of them."

Adara slowly nodded her head. She knew that he was right and she couldn't avoid it. "What do I do?"

"Just follow your instincts. They'll tell you," he said, holding out his hand. Adara hesitated for only a second before she accepted. Together, they left her apartment and out into the night.

Adara found that the night was much more beautiful to her, now that her senses were heightened. She could see, hear, and feel so much more. As they traversed through the city, Ronan talked to her about what she would need to do now that she was a vampire. "You can't go out during the day—that much about folklore is correct. The sun will kill you and quickly. You can sleep during the day, just to pass the time, but you don't have to. At least once a week you'll need to find blood."

"What about if someone finds out about us?" Adara asked. She was worried about what would happen if others found out the truth.

Ronan shook his head. "You won't need to worry about that. Hardly anybody, especially here, believes in vampires. Just don't let them see your eyes, unless you're prepared to say you're wearing contact lenses all the time."

It didn't take them too long before Ronan pointed to a man who was hunched behind a car, watching a woman walk down the street. "Do you feel that?"

Adara nodded. A bad feeling radiated from the man and she knew that he had evil on his mind. He was going to harm the woman if he could. However, Adara and Ronan would make sure that didn't happen. Together, they swept out of the shadows, Adara following Ronan, and saved the woman from the demise the man had planned for her.

When they were finished, Ronan suggested they take their walk along the beach. Adara readily agreed, excited to experience the sand beneath her feet now that she was a vampire. She felt flushed and excited from this change and she could feel the blood from their victim filling her body.

As they walked across the sand, Adara watched the way the moonlight passed across Ronan's face. It was still a few hours until sunrise and they took their time, exploring the beach. Ronan told her a bit about his life before he was changed into a vampire and she found herself finding him increasingly attractive. She was surprised to feel her loins fill with desire.

Ronan turned to her, looking deep into her eyes. They had reached a part on the beach where large rocks took over and they couldn't go any further without climbing them or risking the pull of the tide through the water. "Have you ever been to the other side of the rocks?" he asked her.

Adara shook her head. "No, it's always been too dangerous."

He smiled. "Well, now you don't have to worry about it. Shall we?"

"Yes, please," Adara said, excited. Together, they climbed to the top of the rocks and she saw that they extended a great distance down the beach. However, in the middle there was an opening where the water could flow in when the tide was high. They climbed down into the opening and watched as the ocean broke up against the rocks.

Ronan's shirt became wet from the spray and he removed it, pulling it up and over his head. He noticed Adara admiring his naked chest and abs as he twisted. He smiled to himself, knowing how he had felt after his first feed. It took only a moment before Adara walked toward him, placing her hands on either side of his face. She pulled him toward her and pressed her lips up against his. Fire shot through Ronan's groin. He placed his hands around her waist and kissed her deeply, his tongue exploring her mouth.

Adara moaned into his mouth, rubbing her hands along his chest. Placing his hands at the hem of her shirt, he pulled it up over her head, dropping it to the ground once it was free. He used one hand to unclasp her white lace bra and pulled it off of her chest, letting her breasts hang free. The nipples were taut with desire and he lowered his head, taking one nipple inside her mouth. As he licked and sucked, Adara pulled her pants and lace panties off, leaving them in the sand.

He pulled away, taking in the sight of her naked body in the moonlight. As he pulled his pants down, his rock hard erection stood straight up. Adara grabbed hold of it, and fell to her knees so his member throbbed in front of her face. She took him in her mouth and he moaned in pleasure. Her tongue swirled around his head quickly as she sucked. He placed his hands in her hair, grabbing tightly. She moaned and rubbed her hands up and down his shaft.

They remained like this for a few moments until Ronan decided he wanted to return the oral favor. He pulled away and gently pushed on her shoulders so that she lay in the sand.

Adara watched as Ronan fell to his knees and slowly lowered his head toward her pussy. His tongue reached first, licking her pussy lips and causing her to moan on pleasure. He trailed his hands up her thighs until he reached her opening. He stuck one finger inside while his tongue swirled circles around her clit. She moaned; never in her living days had it felt so good to have a man eat her. He pumped his finger in and out, lightly sucking on her clit.

As her body built with tension, she knew it would take only moments for her to orgasm. Wrapping her hands in his hair, she pushed her hips up. He followed her motions, sticking another finger inside of her and rapidly pumping them in and out. His tongue still worked circles and finally her body exploded in pleasure. She cried out loudly, knowing there was no one around to hear.

Finally, he slowed as her body calmed. She lowered her hips back to the ground as he pulled his fingers out. "I want you inside of me," she whispered. She  pressed her hands against his chest as she sat up, making him fall backward onto the sand. She then crawled on top of him, her legs straddling him, and slowly placed her opening at the head of his cock. Looking into his eyes as she lowered herself onto him, she reveled in every inch of him that filled her.

She began to move her hips forward and back and watched as his eyes widened with the pleasure. He reached up and took a hold of her breasts, his fingers playing with her hard nipples. Adara tilted her head back, her hands pressed against his chest for support, and began to move her hips faster.

Ronan moaned with pleasure and tightened his grasp on her breasts, massaging them with his hands. His hips matched hers in motion, causing his cock to press against the front of her insides. He began to thrust harder and faster as she rode him. His pelvic bone pressed against her clit and she knew that she would orgasm again—it would be the first time she'd ever had two orgasms in one day. The thought excited her and she moved her hips faster with his, until she knew he would come.

His eyes rolled back into his head and she could feel his cock spasm as he the orgasm encompasses him. His pleasure sent her over the edge and she felt her own orgasm explode through her body, causing her to cry out loud again. Finally, they began to calm and she collapsed on top of his hard chest, keeping him inside of her.

After a moment, she rolled off and lay in the sand next to him. "That was...incredible," she said.

Ronan smiled. "Vampire sex is pretty great, no?"

Adara laughed. "The best I've ever had."

The sky began to lighten and Ronan knew the sun was soon going to rise. They needed to go and he told Adara as much. They had spent the rest of the night in their little nook on the beach, watching as the water rose higher and higher.

Together, they went back to Adara's apartment, where he quickly covered the windows in the apartment with heavy blankets she had in a hallway closet. He finished just as the sun began to peek over the eastern horizon. They sat on the couch and began to talk. He had told her a little of his living days, but she told him that she wanted to hear about how he'd been turned into a vampire.

"It's not really that great of a story," he told her. "I lived in a small village in Ireland. My mother had died giving birth to my younger sister, so it was just us and my father. My sister had an adventurous spirit about her and was always exploring the forest near our house. I often had to go looking for her and felt it was my responsibility to take care of her.

"One day, in late fall, she had gone wandering. It was growing late and she still hadn't returned. When dinnertime came and went and she still hadn't returned, I decided it was time to look for her. Because it was so late, my father decided to join me in my search. We looked for hours, before we finally found her body. It was pale and cold and had been discarded in the middle of a field.

"We brought her back to our house and laid her on the kitchen table. Planning to begin funeral arrangements the next morning, my father and I retired to bed, tired and exhausted from the emotional and physical exertion we had been through.

"However, in the early hours of the morning, I heard a noise coming from where we had laid her body. Assuming some sort of creature had gotten in our house and was attacking her body, I went to the kitchen to find my sister standing before me, white as a ghost, but alive! Or so I thought. 'Fiona!' I exclaimed, thrilled that we had somehow misjudged her death.

"She turned to me and I saw that she was different. I immediately knew she was the living dead, a creature of the night. Fear pulsed through my body. It would bring shame on our family name to have one of our members turned into one of these evil creatures. 'Ronan, brother,' she said to me, holding out a hand. Knowing what I know now, she must have been incredibly thirsty and unable to contain herself. She attacked me, biting my neck and drinking my blood.

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