Read The Complete Hammer's Slammers: Volume 3 Online

Authors: David Drake

Tags: #Science Fiction - Adventure, #Fiction - Science Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction - Military, #General, #Science Fiction, #Science Fiction - General, #Adventure, #Fiction, #Science Fiction And Fantasy

The Complete Hammer's Slammers: Volume 3 (18 page)

“And there’s no police force, I understand?” Coke said.

The tribarrel in the armored truck’s cupola pointed up at twenty degrees, probably its maximum elevation, and fired a two-round burst. The rich cyan of the high-powered 2-cm charges flashed in reflection from the facades.

“Police?” Mistress Hathaway crowed. She pointed into the saloon. “Police? Look at them there, afraid to go out without covering up so they won’t be seen! Oh, we’ve got fine police here in Potosi!”

The two men drinking morosely at a corner table did, now that Evie called attention to the fact, wear white uniforms. Dingy white uniforms. They hunched their shoulders under the lash of her tongue. Drab capes like the one with which Pilar covered herself hung over the backs of their chairs.

“Evie, now, don’t get yourself into a state,” Georg murmured, wringing his hands again.

The gunman in the armored truck rotated his barrels manually, then fired another two rounds. The ill-maintained tribarrel jammed again at the third loading sequence.

One of the policemen turned and glared from deep-sunk eyes. “Look, what do you want us to do?” he demanded. He waved a shock baton, the only weapon he carried. “Go out and arrest them all, and for what?”

He made a face as if to spit, then thought better of it. Sinking back over his mug of beer he added, “Better I should shoot myself. At least I could be sure it was quick if I did it myself.”

“Find someone worth a bullet!” Evie Hathaway snapped, but she’d lost the edge of anger. Exhaustion reasserted itself.

A ripple—three pairs—of hypervelocity rockets cracked down the street in the opposite direction, well over the heads of the L’Escorial cordon. The Astras must have brought one of their own armored vehicles out, though Coke couldn’t see it from his present vantage point.

The projectiles were aimed deliberately high, just as the L’Escorial tribarrel had been; but that sort of game could get out of hand as quickly as Russian roulette could. A red-clad gunman spread his fringed leather kilt and urinated in the direction of the Astra line.

“You gentlemen—and lady, of course,” Georg Hathaway said cautiously, “are in the instrument business, then? You plan to sell instruments to the gage syndicates?”

“Not exactly,” Coke said curtly.

“I’ve got a hook-up, sir,” Barbour said. “Ah, Matthew. You can have a panorama here on the console or fed to your helmet.”

Coke glanced briefly at the data console. A holographic globe a meter in diameter hung above the base. The image was a schematic of the center of Potosi. Buildings appeared as simplified versions of themselves, while vehicles and armed personnel were icons—red and blue, as indicated.

The L’Escorial armored car revved and backed slowly away, its tribarrels pointing toward the Astras. While turning to the courtyard, the vehicle’s right rear fender bashed a gatepost. The engine stalled. The car rolled forward a meter.

Gunmen in the cordon hooted and catcalled at the vehicle’s crew. The driver started his engine again with a cloud of black smoke. He advanced into the middle of the street and cramped his wheels to get a running start at the entrance. There was plenty of room, but the single side mirror wasn’t adequate for backing so clumsy a vehicle.

The armored car lurched into reverse. It roared backward in a shower of sparks and concrete powdered from both the vehicle and the gatepost it scraped. The gunmen clapped and cheered ironically.

Johann Vierziger sat on a stuffed chair with his hands crossed in his lap, watching the scene in the holographic display. His face wore a grim smile.

The sensor tech had returned from upstairs. He shook his head and said, “I told them I’d never work with wogs again. Lord knows that was the right decision.”

He grinned. Coke had read the kid’s file. Daun was obviously as resilient as he was skilled in his specialty; but then, he was young too.

“Master Hathaway?” Coke said. “I under—”

“Georg,” the host said, nodding. “Please, call me Georg.”

“Georg, then,” Coke said. “I understand that there are no professional military units on Cantilucca—no mercenaries, that is. Is that your understanding as well?”

“Well,” Hathaway said, “both syndicates have Presidential Guards. They’re mostly soldiers from off-planet.”

“But not off-planet units?” Coke pressed. The guard forces in full uniform might be individually more skillful than the ruck of ex-farmers and ex-sailors carrying guns, but they obviously lacked the discipline necessary to carry out complex maneuvers.

“No, not that I’ve heard of,” Hathaway said. “That would be much more expensive, surely?”

“That depends on what you’re assigning values to,” said Mary Margulies.

Coke had thought the cordons might disperse when the armored vehicles left, but a score of red-clad gunmen remained. Traffic was picking up slightly. The citizenry had decided that the gunmen didn’t mean serious trouble.

“They can’t bring mercenaries onto Cantilucca,” Evie Hathaway said unexpectedly. “Because of the Confederacy.”

“We’d heard the Marvelans left Cantilucca pretty well alone,” Sten Moden said quietly.

“The Confederacy doesn’t care anything about law and order here, so long as they’re paid their money,” Evie said. “Blood money, I call it. But they won’t let a proper army onto Cantilucca. For fear they’d take over and the Confederacy wouldn’t be able to drive them out.”

Georg Hathaway looked at his wife in surprise. “What’s that, Evie?” he said. “I hadn’t heard that.”

She turned slightly away. In a less forceful voice she said, “When the Marvelan delegation was on Cantilucca a year and a half ago, the overflow from the High Commissioner’s residence stayed here. One of the aides explained that to me when, when I was complaining to him.”

“Aides . . .” Georg repeated in a flat tone. “That would be young Garcia-Medina, I suppose you mean?”

“It might have been!” said Evie. “I was complaining about the horrible situation, that was all!”

“We have,” Johann Vierziger said, “a war of sorts outside. I don’t think adding one inside is necessary at the moment.”

“No, no,” Georg said. The innkeeper’s forced smile quickly asserted its own reality over his personality. “That’s old business and nothing to it, not really, not even then. Pardon me, mistress and masters, for letting the stress of the moment get the better of me.”

The whole team was assembled in the lobby of the hotel. Coke grinned wryly at his people. With the corner of his eye still tracking developments in the street peripherally, he said, “Well, what do the rest of you think? Niko?”

The sensor tech grinned and flipped his hands palms-up in a noncommittal gesture. “I can set you up to count the change in the pocket of anybody in town, sir. Just tell me what you want.”

Coke nodded. “Bob?”

Barbour looked through the space occupied by his holographic display. His hands hovered over the console keyboard, not quite touching it.

“There’s something over six hundred powerguns live in the three-klick radius,” he said. “Given the ratio of powerguns to other weapons outside, that roughs in well with a total of a thousand shooters in town at present.”

He looked at Coke; his eyes focused again. “What else would you like to know, Matthew?”

“That’ll do,” Coke said. He’d deliberately kept the parameters of his question vague. The team members were answering each to his own specialty, just as they should. “Sten?”

The logistics officer nodded twice before he spoke, as though his mind were a pump and he was priming it. “Yes,” he said. “What Mistress Hathaway says rings true. If so, we’ll either have to infiltrate the personnel or arrange a combat landing. I doubt we’ll be able to get the Bonding Authority to cover either option.”

“Is that a deal-breaker, then?” Coke asked. “Shall we just pack up and go home?”

Moden shook his head. “There’ve been precedents,” he said. “They aren’t talked about officially, but you hear about them in the bars around Camp Able. It affects the price and the size of the force to be risked, however.”

“I don’t like the idea of going in on a non-bonded operation,” Margulies said with a frown.

“We won’t be going in anywhere,” Coke said. “And the decision isn’t ours. We’re just here to assess possibilities.”

The Bonding Authority on Terra guaranteed that both parties to a hiring of mercenaries would perform according to the terms of the contract. That is, the troops would obey the orders of the contracting local party—whether the latter was a recognized government, a rebel movement, or an interstellar business conglomerate extending its holdings by force. And the troops would be paid even if that meant the contracting local parties starved or starved every civilian on the planet, in order to meet their obligations to the mercenaries.

The Bonding Authority didn’t take a moral stand: money has no smell. Though one could argue that forcing adults to keep their word was itself a way of instilling morality on human weakness.

Margulies grimaced and nodded.

“Johann?” Coke said.

Vierziger sniffed. “A company of infantry, backed up by a company of combat cars,” he said. He snapped the fingers of his left hand dismissively. “It could be done with less. These people are hopeless, quite hopeless.”

“How about panzers instead of cars?” Margulies suggested. “This is a city of bunkers.”

Vierziger shook his head. “There’s too many hiding places for buzzbomb teams,” he said. “Tribarrels can break up the facades almost as fast as a twenty-centimeter main gun could, and a car has twice as many eyes as a tank to watch for launchers. Even that’s risky, but the infantry needs the firepower support.”

Margulies pursed her lips. “We could use the local allies, whichever side, to unmask ambushes?” she said, the question implicit in her tone.

“Dream on,” Vierziger said scornfully. Margulies shrugged and nodded agreement with her nominal underling’s judgment.

“May I ask just what business you goodfolk deal in, please?” Georg Hathaway said in a cautiously distant voice.

Vierziger raised an eyebrow at Coke. Coke scratched the side of his neck. No point in trying to conceal matters. Theirs was, after all, a legitimate commercial operation.

“We’re representatives of the Frisian Defense Forces,” he said, nodding toward Mistress Hathaway to include her in the explanation. “Our superiors had been told that one or both gage syndicates here on Cantilucca might be interested in hiring high-quality mercenaries. The FDF are the best, period. We’re here to assess prospects for doing business and to report back to our superiors.”

Evie Hathaway’s face hardened by increments as Coke spoke. When he finished, she said harshly, “I don’t think you made a very positive impression when you arrived, gentlefolk. I doubt either the Widow Guzman or the Lurias will be interested in paying for the services of more like yourselves.”

“Evie, now, don’t be that way,” her husband begged. “I’m sure these—”

“No, no,” Coke said. “Mistress Hathaway is right. I suppose we need to do something to correct the situation immediately.”

“People are drifting away from the roadblocks, sir,” Barbour commented.

Coke had seen as much through the viewport, but there were still twelve or fourteen L’Escorials in position. About right for the purpose.

Margulies raised an eyebrow. Coke nodded. Margulies and Vierziger unlatched another pair of cases.

“How thick are the walls?” Coke asked.

“You won’t start a fight in here!” Evie Hathaway shouted. “You have to kill me first! This is a place of peace!”

“Ma’am, I wouldn’t think of it,” Coke said truthfully. “Anything that happens will be out on the street. I just want to be sure that none of the—side effects—will be dangerous to your structure.”

Barbour adjusted a set of controls. A ghost of Hathaway House glowed as a sidebar to the schematic of the immediate streetscape.

He looked up at Coke. “The front wall is nearly a meter thick,” he said. “Glass-reinforced concrete, and well shaken down. There’s a slight batter, but nothing that should matter.”

“Well, that’s right,” Georg said in surprise. “I thought, Evie thought, really, that we shouldn’t spare expense on protection if we were going to get the kind of guests we wanted.”

The innkeeper looked at the cases the security detail had opened. Like those of Barbour and Daun, they were filled with equipment. This time, all the equipment was lethal.

Margulies and Vierziger began handing out weapons to the rest of the team.

Vierziger handed each member of the survey team a vest woven from beryllium monocrystal. Moden and Daun had carefully lifted the segments of ceramic plate from the exterior walls of the luggage. The plates fitted into pockets in the vests, forming body armor almost as resistant as the clamshell hard-suits which the FDF issued for normal field operations.

Coke took off his loose outer jacket and paused. “I don’t think I want armor for this,” he said. He was—

Well, of course he was frightened, a turtle would be frightened if it was about to walk into this one. It was his job, and anyway it’d be all right.

“I think you ought to wear it, sir,” Margulies said.

She’d completely emptied the suitcase on which she’d been working. Weapons and ammunition lay in neat stacks on the tile floor around her. She stood up and latched the case, then twisted the hand-grip 180 degrees. She slid the luggage over to him.

“I think he ought to wear armor also,” said Johann Vierziger, “though I’ll admit I wouldn’t myself if it were me.”

He smiled. His face was that of an ivory angel. “I prefer the freedom. But what I really think is that I should be the one to go outside, Matthew.”

Coke shook his head forcefully. “It’s my job,” he said. “And anyway, it’ll be all right.”

He thrust his arms through the holes of the vest he’d prepared, then mated the front closures. His outer jacket was cut to hang the same whether or not there was armor beneath it. He pulled it on.

“Helmet?” said Barbour without looking up from his console display.

Coke shook his head brusquely. “The implant will do in a pinch,” he said, tapping his jaw. The right mastoid contained a miniature bone-conduction radio transceiver. “They’d react to the helmet the same as they would if I went out in full uniform.”

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