The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated) (455 page)

Your loan without interest. Then, for a joke,

Let’s write in that if you don’t pay me on a particular day,

At a particular location all of the money I lend to you,

Let it be said that you will give me

As a penalty an exact pound

Of your flesh, which will be cut off and taken

From whatever part of your body I want.



Content, i' faith: I'll seal to such a bond

And say there is much kindness in the Jew.


I’ll accept that in good faith. I’ll sign the bond

And even say that Jews are very kind.



You shall not seal to such a bond for me:

I'll rather dwell in my necessity.


I will not let you sign such a loan for me.

I’d rather go without the money.



Why, fear not, man; I will not forfeit it:

Within these two months, that's a month before

This bond expires, I do expect return

Of thrice three times the value of this bond.


Don’t worry about it. I won’t forfeit it.

Within the next two months, which is a month

Before the amount is due, I expect profits

Of three times the amount of this loan.



O father Abram, what these Christians are,

Whose own hard dealings teaches them suspect

The thoughts of others! Pray you, tell me this;

If he should break his day, what should I gain

By the exaction of the forfeiture?

A pound of man's flesh taken from a man

Is not so estimable, profitable neither,

As flesh of muttons, beefs, or goats. I say,

To buy his favour, I extend this friendship:

If he will take it, so; if not, adieu;

And, for my love, I pray you wrong me not.


Oh, father Abram, what kind of people these Christians are

Whose own ways of dealing taught them to suspect

The intentions of others! Please, just tell me this:

If he should not have the money on time, what could I possibly gain

By taking a pound of his flesh for the forfeit?

A pound of a man’s flesh taken from his body

Is not worth very much—it’s not even worth as much

As the flesh of lambs, cows or goats. I’m saying

To win his esteem, I am offering this friendship.

If he will take it, good. If not, then goodbye.

And please don’t slander me for making the offer.



Yes Shylock, I will seal unto this bond.


Yes, Shylock, I will sign for the loan by your terms.



Then meet me forthwith at the notary's;

Give him direction for this merry bond,

And I will go and purse the ducats straight,

See to my house, left in the fearful guard

Of an unthrifty knave, and presently

I will be with you.


Then meet me at the notary’s

Give him the details of our little joke.

I will go and get the money right away,

First I have to check on my house—I left it under the care

Of a useless servant. After that

I will meet up with you.



Hie thee, gentle Jew.


Hurry up, my kind Jewish friend.


Exit Shylock

The Hebrew will turn Christian: he grows kind.


The Jew is almost Christian, he’s being so kind.




I like not fair terms and a villain's mind.


I don’t like pretty ways from someone with the mind of a villian.



Come on: in this there can be no dismay;

My ships come home a month before the day.


Come on, there’s no need to worry.

My ships return a month before the day the loan is due.






Flourish of cornets. Enter the PRINCE OF MOROCCO and his train; PORTIA, NERISSA, and others attending


Mislike me not for my complexion,

The shadow'd livery of the burnish'd sun,

To whom I am a neighbour and near bred.

Bring me the fairest creature northward born,

Where Phoebus' fire scarce thaws the icicles,

And let us make incision for your love,

To prove whose blood is reddest, his or mine.

I tell thee, lady, this aspect of mine

Hath fear'd the valiant: by my love I swear

The best-regarded virgins of our clime

Have loved it too: I would not change this hue,

Except to steal your thoughts, my gentle queen.


Please don’t dislike me for my skin color,

The sun has made my skin so dark

Since I was born under it and lived near it.

Show me the palest skinned man that was born in northern regions,

Where the sun’s warmth barely thaws the icicles,

And I will make a cut in my skin

To prove my blood is just as red as his.

I can tell you that the darkness of my skin

Has made brave men fear me and I swear to you

The finest young women in my region

Have loved it. I would not change my color

Except to find a place in your thoughts, gentle queen.




In terms of choice I am not solely led

By nice direction of a maiden's eyes;

Besides, the lottery of my destiny

Bars me the right of voluntary choosing:

But if my father had not scanted me

And hedged me by his wit, to yield myself

His wife who wins me by that means I told you,

Yourself, renowned prince, then stood as fair

As any comer I have look'd on yet

For my affection.


I am not led in my choice of a husband

Based soley on how good looking a man is to the ladies.

Besides, the contest with the trunks my father devised

Takes away my right to freely choose.

But if my father had not robbed me of chosing,

and restricted me with his cleverness, I’d give myself

As wife to any man who wins me fairly,

And you, famous prince, would stand as much a chance

As any other suitor I have already met

Of winning my heart.



Even for that I thank you:

Therefore, I pray you, lead me to the caskets

To try my fortune. By this scimitar

That slew the Sophy and a Persian prince

That won three fields of Sultan Solyman,

I would outstare the sternest eyes that look,

Outbrave the heart most daring on the earth,

Pluck the young sucking cubs from the she-bear,

Yea, mock the lion when he roars for prey,

To win thee, lady. But, alas the while!

If Hercules and Lichas play at dice

Which is the better man, the greater throw

May turn by fortune from the weaker hand:

So is Alcides beaten by his page;

And so may I, blind fortune leading me,

Miss that which one unworthier may attain,

And die with grieving.


For that, I thank you.

So, please lead me to the trunks

To try my luck. By this sword

That killed the Sophy and a Persian prince,

That won three battles with Sultan Solyman,

I would outstare the meanest eyes in the world

And act braver than the most daring man on earth.

I’d take a mother bear’s cubs from her,

And would even tease a roaring, hungry lion

To win your love, lady. But, this is not good!

If Hercules and Lichas were to toss dice

To decide which is the better man, the best toss

May by a turn of luck come from the weaker hand.

Just as Alcides could be beaten by his servant,

I might also, led by blind luck,

Miss the opportunity for you that one less worthy might win

And I would die with grief about it.




You must take your chance,

And either not attempt to choose at all

Or swear before you choose, if you choose wrong

Never to speak to lady afterward

In way of marriage: therefore be advised.


You must take your chance,

And either choose not to attempt it at all

Or swear before chosing that if you choose wrong

You will never speak to any lady again

About marriage. That’s the deal.



Nor will not. Come, bring me unto my chance.


I won’t get married if I lose. So, let me take my chance.



First, forward to the temple: after dinner

Your hazard shall be made.


Let’s go to the temple first. After dinner

You can make your guess.



Good fortune then!

To make me blest or cursed'st among men.


I’ll hope for good fortune!

I will be the luckiest man or the most cursed man in the world.


Cornets, and exeunt

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