The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated) (620 page)



Monster, I will kill this man: his daughter and I

Monster, I will kill this man: his daughter and I
will be king and queen--save our graces!—and

Will be king and queen—God save our royalty!--and
Trinculo and thyself shall be viceroys. Dost thou

Trinculo and yourself will be deputy monarchs. Do you
like the plot, Trinculo?

Like the plan, Trinculo?




It’s an excellent plan.



Give me thy hand: I am sorry I beat thee; but,

Give me your hand: I am sorry I beat you; but,
while thou livest, keep a good tongue in thy head.

While you live, you must be polite.



Within this half hour will he be asleep:

Within half-an-hour he will be asleep:
Wilt thou destroy him then?

Will you destroy him then?



Ay, on mine honour.

Yes, I swear on my honor.



This will I tell my master.

I will tell my master about this.



Thou makest me merry; I am full of pleasure:

You make me happy; I am full of joy:
Let us be jocund: will you troll the catch

Let us be joyful: will you sing the musical round
You taught me but while-ere?

You taught me only a while ago?



At thy request, monster, I will do reason, any

At your request, monster, I will do what is reasonable, anything
reason. Come on, Trinculo, let us sing.

Reasonable. Come on, Trinculo, let’s sing.




Flout 'em and scout 'em

Insult them and ridicule them
And scout 'em and flout 'em

And ridicule them and insult them
Thought is free.

Thought is free.



That's not the tune.

That’s not the song.


Ariel plays the tune on a tabour and pipe

“[Ariel plays the song on a small drum and a pipe]”



What is this same?

What is this song?



This is the tune of our catch, played by the picture

This is the tune of our musical round, played by the image
of Nobody.

Of no one at all.



If thou beest a man, show thyself in thy likeness:

If you are a man, show yourself as you are:
if thou beest a devil, take't as thou list.

If you are a devil, take any form you would like.



O, forgive me my sins!

Oh, forgive me for my sins!



He that dies pays all debts: I defy thee. Mercy upon us!

A man that dies must pay all his debts: I will resist you. Show us mercy!



Art thou afeard?

Are you afraid?



No, monster, not I.

No, monster, I’m not.



Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises,

Don’t be afraid; the island is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.

Sounds and sweet melodies, that give delight and don’t hurt.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments

Sometimes a thousand jingling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices

Will hum around my ears, and sometimes voices
That, if I then had waked after long sleep,

That, even if I had just awaken from a long sleep,
Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming,

Would make me go to sleep again: and then, in my dreams,
The clouds methought would open and show riches

I would see clouds that I thought would open and show riches
Ready to drop upon me that, when I waked,

That were ready to fall down to me so that, when I awoke,
I cried to dream again.

I cried because I wanted to be dreaming again.



This will prove a brave kingdom to me, where I shall

This will prove to be an excellent kingdom for me, where I will
have my music for nothing.

Have my music from thin air.



When Prospero is destroyed.

When Prospero is destroyed.



That shall be by and by: I remember the story.

That will happen immediately: I remember your story.



The sound is going away; let's follow it, and

The sound is going away; let’s follow it, and
after do our work.

Afterward do our work.



Lead, monster; we'll follow. I would I could see

Lead the way, monster; we’ll follow. I wish I could see
this tabourer; he lays it on.

This dummer; he plays energetically.



Wilt come? I'll follow, Stephano.

Will you come on? I’ll follow you, Stephano.




Another part of the island.




By'r lakin, I can go no further, sir;

By our Lady Mary, I can’t go any further, sir;
My old bones ache: here's a maze trod indeed

My old bones ache: we’ve walked a maze indeed
Through forth-rights and meanders! By your patience,

With straight and winding paths! Please be patient,
I needs must rest me.

I need to rest.



Old lord, I cannot blame thee,

Old lord, I cannot blame you,
Who am myself attach'd with weariness,

When I, myself, am also gripped by weariness
To the dulling of my spirits: sit down, and rest.

That is bringing down my spirits: sit down, and rest.
Even here I will put off my hope and keep it

Now I will have to let go off my hope and hold on to it
No longer for my flatterer: he is drown'd

No longer for the sake of he who tell me that my son isn’t dead: he is drowned,
Whom thus we stray to find, and the sea mocks

The one who we are now wandering in order to find, and the sea makes fun
Our frustrate search on land. Well, let him go.

Of our frustrating search on land. Well, let him go.



[Aside to SEBASTIAN] I am right glad that he's so

[Aside to SEBASTIAN] I’m really glad that he’s so
out of hope.

Out of hope.
Do not, for one repulse, forego the purpose

Do not, because of one rebuff, give up on the plan
That you resolved to effect.

That you determined yourself to accomplish.



[Aside to ANTONIO] The next advantage

[Aside to ANTONIO] We will thoroughly take
Will we take throughly.

The next opportunity.



[Aside to SEBASTIAN] Let it be to-night;

[Aside to SEBASTIAN] Let’s do it tonight;
For, now they are oppress'd with travel, they

Because, no they are wearied from walking, they
Will not, nor cannot, use such vigilance

Will not be able to, nor can they, use the same watchfulness
As when they are fresh.

As when they are fresh.



[Aside to ANTONIO] I say, to-night: no more.

[Aside to ANTONIO] I say, tonight: let’s speak no more.


Solemn and strange music



What harmony is this? My good friends, hark!

What music is this? My good friends, listen!



Marvellous sweet music!

Marvelous sweet music!


Enter PROSPERO above, invisible. Enter several strange Shapes, bringing in a banquet; they dance about it with gentle actions of salutation; and, inviting the King, & c. to eat, they depart


“[Enter PROSPERO above them and invisible. Enter several strange Ghostly Shapes, bring in a feast; they dance around it with kind welcoming guestures; and after they invite the King and his men to eat, they leave]”



Give us kind keepers, heavens! What were these?

You’ve given us kind guardian-angels, heaven! What were they?



A living drollery. Now I will believe

A real-life puppet-show. Now I will believe
That there are unicorns, that in Arabia

That unicorns exist, and that in Arabia
There is one tree, the phoenix' throne, one phoenix

There is a tree that is the phoenix’s throne, with a phoenix
At this hour reigning there.

Ruling from there even now.



I'll believe both;

I’ll believe in both;
And what does else want credit, come to me,

And whatever other mythical creatures want acknowledgment, come to me,
And I'll be sworn 'tis true: travellers ne'er did

And I’ll swear you are real: travelers never did

Though fools at home condemn 'em.

Although the fools at home don’t believe them.



If in Naples

If in Naples
I should report this now, would they believe me?

I told this story now, would they believe me?
If I should say, I saw such islanders—

If I should say that I saw such islanders—
For, certes, these are people of the island—

For certainly, these are people of the island—
Who, though they are of monstrous shape, yet, note,

Who, though they look like monsters, still, notice
Their manners are more gentle-kind than of

That their manners are more gentle and more kind than many
Our human generation you shall find

You would find in our human family,
Many, nay, almost any.

Really, more than almost anyone.



[Aside] Honest lord,

[Aside] Honestly, lord,
Thou hast said well; for some of you there present

You have said the truth; for some of you there now
Are worse than devils.

Are worse than devils.



I cannot too much muse

I can’t marvel too much at
Such shapes, such gesture and such sound, expressing,

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