The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated) (815 page)





Do you see that cornerstone in the Capitol over ther?

See you yond coign o' the Capitol,--yond corner-stone?



Yes, what of it?

Why, what of that?



If you can move it with your pinky,

If it be possible for you to displace it with your little

then there is a chance that the ladies of Rome, especially Coriolanus’

finger, there is some hope the ladies of Rome, especially his

mother, will convince him to have mercy. But I think there’s no hope.

mother, may prevail with him. But I say there is no hope in't:

We are doomed, and waiting to die.

our throats are sentenced, and stay upon execution.



Is it possible that a man can change so much in so little

Is't possible that so short a time can alter the condition of a





There is a difference between a butterfly and a caterpillar, but a

There is differency between a grub and a butterfly; yet your

butterfly was a caterpillar. Marcius has changed from a man to a dragon.

butterfly was a grub. This Marcius is grown from man to dragon;

He has wings, he’s better than a mere man.

he has wings; he's more than a creeping thing.



He loved his mother so much.

He loved his mother dearly.



Yes he did. And he doesn’t remember that now any more then a

So did he me: and he no more remembers his mother now than an

horse remembers its mother. His severe expression is ugly enough to rot food.

eight-year-old horse. The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes:

He walks like a battering ram, and everyone runs in fear when he approaches.

when he walks, he moves like an engine, and the ground shrinks

He can pierce armor with his eye,

before his treading: he is able to pierce a corslet with his eye,

talks like death and when he disapproves, it’s like an artillery barrage. He sits in his

talks like a knell, and his hum is a battery. He sits in his

throne like a statue of Alexander the Great [Greek conqueror king].  What he wants done

state as a thing made for Alexander. What he bids be done is

is finished when he says so. He lacks nothing that a god has except

finished with his bidding. He wants nothing of a god but

immortality, and a throne in heaven.

eternity, and a heaven to throne in.



My God! If you’re telling the truth.

Yes, mercy, if you report him truly.



I’m telling you how he is. Observe what mercy his mother

I paint him in the character. Mark what mercy his mother shall

gets from him. There is no more mercy in him than there is

bring from him. There is no more mercy in him than there is

milk in a male tiger. Rome will find that out, and all of this

milk in a male tiger; that shall our poor city find: and all this

is your fault.

is 'long of you.



God help us!

The gods be good unto us!



No, God will not help us. When we

No, in such a case the gods will not be good unto us. When we

banished him we disobeyed the gods, and when he comes back to break

banished him we respected not them; and, he returning to break

our necks, they won’t listen to us.

our necks, they respect not us.





Sicinius, if you want to live, run home.

Sir, if you'd save your life, fly to your house:

The mob has seized Brutus

The plebeians have got your fellow-tribune

and they’re dragging him through the streets, all swearing that if

And hale him up and down; all swearing, if

the ladies don’t bring back good news

The Roman ladies bring not comfort home

they’ll kill him slowly.

They'll give him death by inches.  


[Enter a second MESSENGER.]



What's the news?

What's the news?



Good news! The ladies have triumphed,

Good news, good news;--the ladies have prevail'd,

Volscians have left, and Marcius is gone.

The Volscians are dislodg'd, and Marcius gone:

Rome has never seen a happier day

A merrier day did never yet greet Rome,

since we banished our last king and founded the Republic.

No, not the expulsion of the Tarquins.





are you sure that’s true? Is it certain?

Art thou certain this is true? is't most certain?



As certain as I know the sun is made of fire.

As certain as I know the sun is fire:

Where have you been hiding, that you haven’t heard already?

Where have you lurk'd, that you make doubt of it?

The tide never flowed under a bridge faster

Ne'er through an arch so hurried the blown tide

than this good news spread around. Look!

As the recomforted through the gates. Why, hark you!


[Trumpets and hautboys sounded, drums beaten, aand shouting



The instruments

The trumpets, sackbuts, psalteries, and fifes,

and singing Romans

Tabors and cymbals, and the shouting Romans,

make even the sun dance. Look!

Make the sun dance. Hark you!


[Shouting within.]



This is good news!

This is good news.

I will go greet the ladies. Volumnia

I will go meet the ladies. This Volumnia  

is worth more than all Rome’s politicians put together!

Is worth of consuls, senators, patricians,

Definitely more than you,

A city full: of tribunes such as you,

or even the whole world. You have prayed well today.

A sea and land full. You have pray'd well to-day:

This morning I was sure you would

This morning for ten thousand of your throats

be killed. Look, how happy everyone is!

Ied not have given a doit. Hark, how they joy!


[Shouting and music.]



[To the SECOND MESSENGER.] God bless you,

First, the gods bless you for your tidings; next,

and thank you.

Accept my thankfulness.



We all have

Sir, we have all

good reason to be thankful.

Great cause to give great thanks.



Are they near the city?

They are near the city?



They’re about to enter.

Almost at point to enter.



We’ll meet them

We'll meet them,

and help celebrate.

And help the joy.







[Enter VOLUMNIA, VIRGILIA, VALERIA, &c., accompanied by Senators,

Patricians, and Citizens.]



Look at our benefactor, the savior of Rome!

Behold our patroness, the life of Rome!

Call all the social groups together, praise the gods,

Call all your tribes together, praise the gods,

and make a victory fire. Throw flowers in their path.

And make triumphant fires; strew flowers before them:

Take back the votes that banished Marcius

Unshout the noise that banish'd Marcius,

and recall him from exile to be welcomed by his mother.

Repeal him with the welcome of his mother;

Everyone say: “Welcome, ladies, welcome!”

Cry, 'Welcome, ladies, welcome!'--



Welcome, ladies,

Welcome, ladies,









[Enter TULLUS AUFIDIUS, with attendants.]



Go tell the leaders of Antium that I am here.

Go tell the lords o' the city I am here:

Give them this letter, and when they’ve read it,

Deliver them this paper; having read it,

tell them to go to the market place, where I

Bid them repair to the market-place: where I,

will swear in front of everyone that the contents of the letter are true.

Even in theirs and in the commons' ears,

He whom I accuse [Coriolanus]

Will vouch the truth of it. Him I accuse

has already entered the city, and

The city ports by this hath enter'd and

intends to appear before the people, hoping

Intends t' appear before the people, hoping

establish his innocence with his words. Go do it.

To purge himself with words: despatch.


[Exeunt attendants.]


[Enter three or four CONSPIRATORS of AUFIDIUS' faction.]



Most welcome!



How are you?

How is it with our general?



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