The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated) (839 page)

is bound for Italy; he is taking a ship from Milford;

I was going to him when, almost dead from hunger,

I committed this offence.



Prithee, fair youth,

Think us no churls, nor measure our good minds

By this rude place we live in. Well encounter'd!

'Tis almost night; you shall have better cheer

Ere you depart, and thanks to stay and eat it.

Boys, bid him welcome.


Please, fair youth,

do not think we are rude, and don't judge our good minds

by the standards of the rough place we live in. Pleased to meet you!

It's almost night; you will have better food

before you leave, and we’ll thank you for staying to eat it.

Boys, make him welcome.



Were you a woman, youth,

I should woo hard but be your groom. In honesty

I bid for you as I'd buy.


If only you were a woman, youth,

I should try my hardest to marry you.

I really mean what I'm saying.



I'll make't my comfort

He is a man. I'll love him as my brother;

And such a welcome as I'd give to him

After long absence, such is yours. Most welcome!

Be sprightly, for you fall 'mongst friends.


I'm glad enough that

he's a man. I'll love him as my brother;

and I'll give you a welcome such as

I would give him after a long absence. You are most welcome!

Be cheerful, for you have found friends.



'Mongst friends,

If brothers. [Aside] Would it had been so that they

Had been my father's sons! Then had my prize

Been less, and so more equal ballasting

To thee, Posthumus.


Amongst friends,

brothers.[Aside] I wish they had been

my father's sons! Then my inheritance

would have been less, so I would have been more equal

to you, Posthumus.



He wrings at some distress.


He's wringing his hands, something is upsetting him.



Would I could free't!


I wish I could free him from it!



Or I, whate'er it be,

What pain it cost, what danger! Gods!


So do I, whatever it is,

however painful it would be, however dangerous! Gods!



[Whispering] Hark, boys.


Listen, boys.



[Aside] Great men,

That had a court no bigger than this cave,

That did attend themselves, and had the virtue

Which their own conscience seal'd them, laying by

That nothing-gift of differing multitudes,

Could not out-peer these twain. Pardon me, gods!

I'd change my sex to be companion with them,

Since Leonatus' false.


Great men,

who had a court no bigger than this cave,

with no servants, and had to

be accountable to themselves for their behaviour, without

the empty praise of the crowds,

could not do better than these two. Pardon me, gods!

I'd change my sex to be their companion,

since Leonatus has proved false.



It shall be so.

Boys, we'll go dress our hunt. Fair youth, come in.

Discourse is heavy, fasting; when we have supp'd,

We'll mannerly demand thee of thy story,

So far as thou wilt speak it.


This is the way it will be.

Boys, let's go and butcher the carcass. Fair youth, come in.

Talking is tiring and hungry work; when we have eaten,

we'll politely ask you for your story,

as far as you want to tell it.



Pray draw near.


Please come in.



The night to th' owl and morn to th' lark less



You are more welcome to us than the night is to the owl or the morning is to the lark.



Thanks, sir.


Thank you, sir.



I pray draw near.



Please come in.





This is the tenour of the Emperor's writ:

That since the common men are now in action

'Gainst the Pannonians and Dalmatians,

And that the legions now in Gallia are

Full weak to undertake our wars against

The fall'n-off Britons, that we do incite

The gentry to this business. He creates

Lucius proconsul; and to you, the tribunes,

For this immediate levy, he commands

His absolute commission. Long live Caesar!


This is the basis of the emperor's instructions;

that since the common people are now fighting

against the Hungarians and Dalmatians,

and since the legions that are now in France are

too weak to undertake our wars against

the rebellious Britons, that we ask

the upper classes to do this business. He has made

Lucius proconsul: and he commands

that you tribunes must follow his orders in this current business. Long live Caesar!



Is Lucius general of the forces?


Is Lucius general of the forces?








Remaining now in Gallia?


And he's stayed in France?



With those legions

Which I have spoke of, whereunto your levy

Must be supplyant. The words of your commission

Will tie you to the numbers and the time

Of their dispatch.


With those legions

which I have spoken of,which you must supplement

with your people. The written orders will tell you

how many to send, and when

to send them.



We will discharge our duty.



We will do our duty.


Enter CLOTEN alone



I am near to th' place where they should meet, if


have mapp'd it truly. How fit his garments serve me! Why


his mistress, who was made by him that made the tailor, not


fit too? The rather- saving reverence of the word- for 'tis


a woman's fitness comes by fits. Therein I must play the


I dare speak it to myself, for it is not vain-glory for a man


his glass to confer in his own chamber- I mean, the lines of


body are as well drawn as his; no less young, more strong,


beneath him in fortunes, beyond him in the advantage of the


above him in birth, alike conversant in general services, and

more remarkable in single oppositions. Yet this


thing loves him in my despite. What mortality is! Posthumus,


head, which now is growing upon thy shoulders, shall within


hour be off; thy mistress enforced; thy garments cut to


before her face; and all this done, spurn her home to her


who may, haply, be a little angry for my so rough usage; but


mother, having power of his testiness, shall turn all into my

commendations. My horse is tied up safe. Out, sword, and to a

sore purpose! Fortune, put them into my hand. This is the


description of their meeting-place; and the fellow dares not

deceive me.



I am near the place where they should meet, if Pisanio

has got it right.How well his clothes fit me! Why shouldn't

his mistress, who was made by the same one who made the tailor,

not fit me too?More so, as - apologies for the dirty pun - they say

a woman's randiness comes in fits.So I must be the workman.

I can say it to myself, because it's not vain when a man

is only addressing himself - I mean, my physique

is just as good as his; I'm just as strong, I'm no

poorer than him, at the moment I'm ahead of him in luck,

above him in class, his equal on the battlefield

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