The Copper Horse #2 Pride (13 page)

Read The Copper Horse #2 Pride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #erotic, #crime, #Gay, #victorian, #BDSM, #bondage, #pony play, #Slavery, #animalization

He started
making his way out on all fours but looked around, unsure of what
to make of the place. They were in a pebbled courtyard surrounded
by tall white walls. Too tall to be anywhere in Bylondon. The
chilly September air made Reuben hunch his shoulders, but he got to
his feet at his master’s gesture.

Hans shook his
head behind Erik’s back, but Master didn’t pay it any mind,
instructing Reuben to make himself presentable. Reuben wasn’t sure
what was the best way to do that, but he straightened his back and
held his forearms closer to his chest in an imitation of a horse
rearing up. If Erik’s expression was anything to go by, he hit the

“Gods, you’re
so beautiful.” He leaned closer, petting Reuben’s flaccid cock.
That was exactly what Reuben had been waiting for, and he nuzzled
his master’s arm without changing position. The moment was broken
by the sound of someone walking straight toward them. It was a
young man wearing breeches with an open shirt. From what Reuben
could see, he was fairly handsome, despite thinning hair.

You’re finally here,” he said with a smile before taking Erik in
his arms.

Reuben looked
up, curious as to who they were meeting, and the man returned his

“And who do we
have here!” He clasped his hands, eyes glistening with curiosity.
“What’s his name? Poor thing must be cold; let’s go inside.” The
man grinned and petted the shaved side of Reuben’s head. Only now
Reuben realized that he was completely unbothered by his own
nakedness. Just like Erik always said: animals didn’t have shame.
And he was a pony.

Erik tugged
Reuben along, walking by his friend’s side. “His name’s Copper.
Isn’t that fitting?”

“Oh, it is!
That’s so charming! They’re a rare breed. You were lucky to find a
gem like that.”

Reuben found it
hard to focus and looked everywhere around, though there wasn’t
much to see in the courtyard. One small tree and some carriages.
The tall walls around them had almost no windows and suffocated the

“So, tell me
about that champion of yours.” Erik nudged the other man with his
elbow. “Is his prick really that big?”

“Oooh! He’s a
!” Their host gasped and looked back at Reuben with a
strange glint in his eyes. “His hair is like the night sky, and he
has this intense look in his eyes.” With his lively intonation and
gestures, the man was a big contrast to Erik’s stoic demeanor.

“I bet he’s
excited, then.” Their host led them into a proper stable. It was
very clean smelling, and the horses peered out of their stalls,
probably curious about the unfamiliar scent of the visitors.

Reuben smiled
at them from behind his bit. It was rare to see so many in one
place, as most people traveled in steam coaches or on foot.
Meanwhile, the conversation continued next to him.

“Oh yes! He’s
had his cock in a cage for a week now. I bet he’s eager to meet the
lovely Copper.” Erik’s friend grinned back at Reuben, who had to
blink, trying to comprehend what he’d just heard. Only now it
occurred to him what this whole escapade could be, and blood
instantly rushed to his face.

“It’s a shame
we get only one foal. I’m sure it will be lovely with parents so
handsome,” said Erik, ignoring Reuben as if he were a real

So this was the
‘breeding’ Erik had mentioned so many times. Reuben’s breathing
quickened. He was to be fucked by a ‘beast’? Just the thought of it
made his anus pulse around the tail.

That’s why you came to me after all—for the best stallion. We’ll
make sure Copper gets his fill before you take him home. We
wouldn’t want to miss a chance for impregnation.”

It was a lot
warmer inside the building, but Reuben’s skin burst into goose
bumps at their host’s words.

Erik laughed.
“Alexander, I’d never expect anything less of you, especially with
the hairless breed. They are such rare commodity, aren’t they?”

guided them to a small door in the back of the stables. “I’m still
searching for an albino. That would really be a crown jewel in the
collection, but my lovely stallion is more than a handful at the

“Is he that
frisky?” Erik gave Alexander a wide smile, and the man laughed.

“He likes to
use his God-given talent. A lot.”

“So, how many
mares had he bred with so far?” Erik asked as they walked down a
modest corridor, their pace slow enough for Reuben to be
comfortable with the thick phallus shifting in his ass.

“Six, so this
is seven. Lucky number. Will this be Copper’s first time with a
stallion? Is he skittish?”

“He tends to be
in unfamiliar situations.” Erik cast a worried look back at Reuben.
“But he likes cock, so it should be all right.”

Reuben opened
his eyes wide and snorted with a stomp of his foot, but Alexander
only laughed.

“Good, Coal has
the most beautiful instrument I’ve ever seen.” He opened yet
another door. This one had a padlock, and when Reuben saw the stone
stairs to a cellar, his anxiety increased. And as soon as he was
forced to take the stairs, the push of the base of his tail became
almost too much, relentlessly pressing on the ring of his anus from
the inside time and time again.

“Ah, someone
sounds enamored!” Erik teased their host as he walked down the
stairs, seemingly knowing where he was going.

Bluefinger.” Alexander covered the bottom part of his face. “I
can’t help it. I don’t even mind he’s a biter.”

Erik’s eyes
narrowed. “I can’t see any marks on you.”

“Well, he
doesn’t bite my face.”

The cellar
looked a lot less threatening than the stairs suggested, and it was
warm, too. Just right for a naked man not to feel a chill.
Alexander lit candles all around, which cast a pleasant glow on the
long room, but Reuben’s focus shifted toward something grunting and
snorting in a closed stall in the far off corner. That section of
the space was still mostly dark, but he could see jerky

“Come, Copper,
you need to meet him first!” Erik pulled him towards the stall,
with a big grin on his face. “I bet you’re excited.”

Reuben was
overwhelmed by the unknown figure in the dark stall, especially
after all he had already heard about Coal and his beast of a cock.
His heart thumped in his chest like a trapped bug.

“Keep a firm
grip on those reins. Coal can be intimidating to mates,” warned
Alexander, who walked right behind them. Reuben’s eyes were
transfixed on the jerky movements behind the barred door of the
horse stall, but when the light went on, his heart almost stopped

The pony was
massive. He had to be over six feet tall, broad shouldered, with
powerful arms and thighs. His cock was no less impressive: thick
like a French baton and longer than any prick Reuben had been
acquainted with so far. Coal backed away to the corner, but as soon
as he noticed Reuben’s eyes on his crotch, he leapt forward,
hitting the stall door with his large hoof gloves. Copper had to
admit to himself that his eyes strayed to the man’s crotch first
before settling on his face, and Coal  truly was handsome.
Symmetrical features, dark eyebrows, and a Roman nose all
surrounded by black hair that reached far beyond Coal’s shoulders.
His looks didn’t stop Reuben from flinching away at another abrupt
move. A black leather harness stressed the bold curves of the
stallion’s muscles in ways that made Reuben’s face heat up.

“Oh, he wants
to mount you, darling.” Erik was grinning.

“Coal! Bad!
Back off!” Alexander ordered, grabbing a riding crop from a hook on
the wall. “He sure does. A bit too eager sometimes, but this time I
can’t blame him. He hasn’t spilled for a week.”

Coal snorted,
and his gaze locked with Reuben’s. It really
his black eyes already scrutinizing his new
breeding partner. Reuben couldn’t help but take deeper breaths when
he drank in the sight of the gorgeous stallion.

“I’m surprised
could last that long. Or do you have others mount you in
the meantime?” Erik asked Alexander with blatant curiosity. He let
his hand glide up and down Reuben’s torso in a way that made
Reuben’s cock harden within seconds. Erik’s touch, Alexander
disregard for his nakedness, and that wild man clearly wanting to
fuck him all sent Reuben’s mind spinning. Only moments later he
realized what Erik’s question meant. The other ‘horse’ fucked his
owner. Alexander kept a slave to fuck
? It reminded
Reuben of the scene he’d witnessed two months ago, though it felt
like it had been centuries ago: a man and a prostitute under a
bridge. The punter paid the rent boy for the privilege of sucking
him off. He wasn’t sure what to make of it, but it intrigued him

“Sometimes his
company is enough. Waiting can make the pleasure more intense.
Isn’t that right, my beauty?” Alexander laughed and opened the
padlock on the stall’s door.

Erik frowned,
but he drew back against Copper’s body when Coal lunged forward
like a wild beast, his nostrils flaring. But then, with a clang of
metal, the stallion stopped inches away from them. He groaned into
his bit as he stared at Reuben with wanton lust, his huge cock
swaying between the powerful thighs, but he couldn’t go any further
with a chain attached to his halter

patted Coal’s arm. “Yes, he’s a wild one!” He laughed, but Reuben
couldn’t take his eyes off the captivating, pitch-black gaze that
seemed to pull him in so deep that he would never again see the

Erik squeezed
Reuben’s arm. “We should prepare Copper. Shall we?” he asked
Alexander. “Where’s the station?”

Reuben wondered
what he meant, but as Erik guided him to an enclosure nearby, he
couldn’t stop looking back. Coal seemed even taller and more
imposing because of the hoof-like boots on his feet. They made his
legs look graceful but seemed to give no support to the heels.
Their black leather reminded Reuben of heavy soldier shoes, and the
mere thought sent a shiver of excitement to his groin. These were
the ‘hooves’ Erik told him he was being trained for. Up till now,
Reuben only wore far less arched ‘training hooves’. Now that he saw
the real thing, it made him wonder what it would feel like to wear
them. They certainly served their purpose, making Coal’s legs
resemble the elegant shape of a horse’s. Combined with the buff,
naked body and that... beautiful monster between the stallion’s
legs, they had Reuben’s whole body stirring in excitement.

“Easy there,
boy, shush.” Alexander detached Coal’s chain from the wall but held
it in both hands.

Reuben was a
bit embarrassed that he was already heaving, his cock was already
hard, but he took a deep breath through the nose.
You are a
horse now, Copper, a mare, ready for breeding, ready to take that
big stiff rod over and ove
r, he told himself. And though it
didn’t lower his excitement, it did give him a sense of peace. He
wasn’t alone with the stallion, either. His master was there,
petting his side and back.

“Are you ready,

Reuben imagined
being a horse. He wouldn’t know what his master asked, but would
probably read into his tone. Instead of nodding, he leaned down to
nuzzle Erik’s face. Erik let out a strangled moan, his gaze
trailing over Reuben’s face with wonder. He looked like a child
who’d been given permission to have any kind of candy in the store.
Reuben and his friends used to spend many hours ogling the
beautiful displays of the candy store in the main street. They
never got any, and he assumed if he had, his face would have been
like Erik’s right now.


And that was
exactly what he wanted to be to Erik. If he managed that, Erik
would never get bored with him, never leave him.

They both
looked back at Coal when the stallion snorted and tapped his hoof
on the floor in a clear display of impatience.

Erik smiled.
“Look at that, Coal agrees with me. We can’t keep him waiting
anymore. The poor thing hasn’t spent for a week. I guess he’ll be
breeding you for hours,” he told Reuben as if he were talking about
their dinner menu. It was incredible how comfortable his master
could talk about matters that would be outright embarrassing for
any other person. He didn’t have much time to dwell on that,
though, when Erik tugged on the reins, forcing him to look at a
strange metal frame. It reminded Reuben of the wooden horse Erik
fucked him on several times before, and he guessed it served a
similar purpose. The top was roughly T-shaped, with leather straps
on both sides of the top arm, as well as two at the bottom of the
“letter” which stood on four steady legs that were screwed to the
floor. Erik led him closer until the base of the T-shaped table hit
his lower belly.

“Bend over,
Copper”. Erik pulled on the reins as if his pet couldn’t understand
the verbal command.

Reuben let out
a weak whinny and lay down on the padded top of the trestle. He had
wondered what position he was expected to assume, and it looked
like this was his answer. He had to arch his ass high, exposing it
for everyone to see. Reuben could hear the cacophony of Coal’s
growling and the rattle of his chain.

“Bad Coal!
Wait!” Alexander reprimanded his stallion, and Reuben heard a harsh

“See? He can’t
wait to bury his cock in your sweet cunt. Oh, how I understand
him.” Erik gently ran his hand up Reuben’s bare back, only to
secure his hooved hands in a spread position.

“Is the dam
ready?” Alexander asked, and Reuben gently swayed his hips to shake
the tail, just to tease them. He loved the way the fake phallus
shifted inside of him and how the soft hair teased his sensitive

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