The Crime and the Silence (82 page)

6. If I'd Been in Jedwabne Then: or, The Story of Meir Ronen, Exiled to Kazakhstan

8. Your Only Chance Was to Pass for a Goy: or, The Survival of Awigdor Kochaw

12. They Had Vodka, Guns, and Hatred: or, July 7, 1941, in Radziłów



I thank the heroes of my book, who agreed to return to their darkest memories.

I thank all those who helped me, by taking me in as I wandered in search of witnesses and documents, by reading my manuscript, and simply by offering support at the difficult time in my life when I was working on this book.

Special thanks are due to Joanna Szczęsna, who edited the book at each successive stage of its composition.

I would also like to mention my friends in America. I didn't take it very well when well-meaning acquaintances (and less well-meaning strangers) discouraged me from writing a book on the crime in Jedwabne, and that is why the first version was written in cafés in Manhattan, and—thanks to the benevolence of Lawrence Weschler—in a guest room at the New York Institute for the Humanities at NYU and in the office of Professor Marta Petrusewicz at CUNY. During that time I was hosted by Ann Snitow and Daniel Goode, Joanna and Lawrence Weschler, Anna Husarska, Sławomir Grunberg, Irena Grudzińska-Gross, and Ewa Zadrzyńska.

I will cherish in grateful memory the creator of the website
, Jose Gutstein of Miami, who agreed to the publication of prewar photographs of the people of Radziłów, and also the late Rabbi Jacob Baker of Brooklyn, who gave his consent for the publication of photographs and maps of prewar Jedwabne.

I lack words to thank my American translator, Alissa Valles, for her brilliant work. I also express my gratitude and admiration for my editor at Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Ileene Smith. I'm deeply honored by the amount of time, heart, and skill Alissa and Ileene invested in my book. Working with FSG, in every department I dealt with, was a happy adventure all the way. I remain in grateful debt to all of these people.



The index that appears in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

About Jedwabne
(Machcewicz and Persak, eds.)

Adamczykowa, Henryka

Adenauer, Konrad

Agricultural Chaplaincy

Agudat Israel

Alenberg, Chawa

All Saints Church, Warsaw

America, Jews' emigration to; Chicago, Ill.; New York, N.Y.

American Polish Congress

Anaf, Monio (Mosze)


Arnold, Agnieszka

Association of Young Catholic Men and Women

Atlas, Morris (Mosze Atłasowicz)

Atłasowicz, Aunt (aunt of Jack Kubran)

Atłasowicz, Judes

Atłasowicz, Małka

Atłasowicz, Szolem


Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

Axer, Erwin

Axer, Otto

Axer, Paul

Baczyński, Krzysztof Kamil

Bagińska, Elżbieta

Bagińska, Sylvia

Bagiński, Czesio

Bagiński, Henryk

Baker, Herschel

Baker, Jacob (Jakub Piekarz); Dziedzic and;
Jedwabne Book of Memory
see Jedwabne Book of Memory

Baker, Julius;
Jedwabne Book of Memory
see Jedwabne Book of Memory

Bardoń, Karol; testimony of

Bargłowski, Aleksandr

Bartnik, Czesław

Batista, Fulgencio

Begin, Menachem

Belbud, Chana


Ben-Gurion, David

Ber, Wolf

Bernard, Jehoszua

Bialik, Chaim Nachman

Białobrzeski, Mrs.

Białostocki, Awigdor

Białoszewski, Mojsze

Białystok; Institute of National Remembrance in; Interior Ministry in

Bibiński, Stach


Biedrzycka, Janina

Biedrzycki, Henryk

Bielecki, Władysław

Bikont, Maniucha

Bikont, Ola

Bikont, Piotr

Binsztejn, Basia

Binsztejn, Szajn

Birkner, Wolfgang


Black Years in the
Łomża Lands

Błaszczak, Leokadia

Błoński, Jan

Blumert, Auhhter

Blumert, Jankiel

Boczkowski, Stefan

see Więz

books of memory;
see also Jedwabne Book of Memory

Borawski, Edward

Borensztajn, Icek

Borowski, Mieczysław

Borowski, Wacław

Bosakowski, Ryszard

Brandys, Marian


Bronowiczowa, Danuta

Bronowiczowa, Jadwiga

Browning, Christopher

Bubel, Leszek

Bukowski, Józef


Burgrafowa, Józefa

Bursztyn, Abram Moszek

Bursztyn, Igal

Bursztyn, Rejza

Bursztyn, Ruta

Bursztyn, Szmul

Buzek, Jerzy

C., Czesław

Cała, Alina

Camp for a Greater Poland (CGP)

Camp for a Greater Poland Youth

Castro, Fidel

Catherine the Great

Catholic Action

Catholic Cause, The
see Sprawa Katolicka

Catholic Church, Catholics

Catholic House

Catholic Information Agency

Catholic News Agency Bulletin

Catholic University



Chicago, Ill., Polish community in

Chojnowska, Łucja

Choromański, Józef

Chower, Józef

see also
Catholic Church, Catholics

Chrostowski, Jan

Chrostowski, Waldemar

Chrzanowska, Helena; death of brother Icek

Chrzanowska, Irena

Chrzanowski, Józef

Chrzanowski, Wiesław

Chrząstowska, Maria

Church of St. Brigid


Ciszewski, Bolesław

Committee in Defense of the Workers (KOR)

Committee to Defend the Good Name of Jedwabne

Committee to Defend the Honor and Dignity of the Polish Nation

Common Cause

Communism, Communists; Komsomol; Operation Peter Pan and

concentration camps; Auschwitz; Treblinka

see Tygodnik Kontakty

Costa Rica

Council of Christians and Jews



Cynowicz, Hersz

Cynowicz, Josle


Cyra, Adam

Cytrynowicz, Jakub

Cytrynowicz, Jan

Cytrynowicz, Józef (Jósek)

Cytrynowicz, Pelagia

Cytrynowicz, Sara

Czajkowski, Michał

Czapnicki, Awigdor

Czapnicki, Chaim

Czarzasta, Halina

Czerwińska, Kasia

Czerwiński, Lejbko


Dąbrowska, Jadwiga

Dąbrowski, Władysław

Danowski, Stanisław

Darkness at Noon

Datner, Szymon;
A Forest of Righteous Men
; “The Holocaust in Radziłow”

Datner-Śpiewak, Helena

deportations; first wave of; last wave of; second and third waves of

Depression, Great

Destruction of the Jewish Population in the Białystok Region, The

Diary of the Occupation



Dmitrów, Edmund

Dmoch, Leokadia

Dmowski, Roman

Dobkowski, Bolesław

Dobkowski, Tadeusz

Dobkowski, Wincenty

Dobkowski, Witek

Dobkowski family

Dobroński, Adam

Dołęgowski, Aleksander

Domitrz, Apolinary

Domiziak, Aleksander

Dorogoj, Akiwa (Icek)

Dorogoj, Bencyjon

Dorogoj, Dora (Szyma)

Dorogoj, Fruma

Dorogoj, Mosze (Mordechaj)

Dorogoj, Szejna

Drejarski, Fajba


Drozdowski, Aleksander

Drozdowski, Dominik

Drozdowski, Olek

Dubin, Wiśka

Dudziński, Władysław



Dymnicki, Izrael Meir

Dziedzic, Ewa

Dziedzic, Leon

Dziedzic, Leszek; Baker and

Dziedzic, Piotrek

Dziedzic, Tomek

Dziedzic family

Dziekoński, Henryk

Dziekoński, Jan

Dziennik Bałtycki
(Baltic Daily)

Edelman, Aleksander

Edelman, Ania

Edelman, Marek

Ekstowicz, Franciszek

Ekstowicz, Jan

Ekstowicz, Józef,
Klimaszewski, Józef


Ellis Island

Episcopal Convention


Farberowicz, Raszka

Farbowicz, Motłe

Finkelsztejn, Chaja

Finkelsztejn, Chana (Ann Walters)

Finkelsztejn, Izaak

Finkelsztejn, Izrael

Finkelsztejn, Lejbko

Finkelsztejn, Menachem

Finkelsztejn, Szejna

Finkelsztejn, Szlomo

Finkelsztejn, Yaffa

Finkelsztejn family

Fogiel, Rywka

Forest of Righteous Men, A

Friedlander, Saul

Gawrychowski, Józef

Gawrychowski, Stanisław

Gazeta Wyborcza
; Bikont's interview with Przechodzki in; Bikont's interview with Ramotowski in; Bikont's “Jedwabne Today” piece in; Bikont's piece on the Laudańskis in; Bikont's piece on Wasersztejn in; Bikont's “Please Don't Come Back” piece on Jedwabne in; Chrzanowski's interview in; issue on sixtieth anniversary of massacre; letters to Bikont sent to; Michnik's piece in


Gebert, Kostek

Gebert, Małgosia

Gebert, Zosia

General Weekly
see Tygodnik Powszechny

German-Soviet War


Geva, Jakow Cofen vel (Jakub Pecynowicz)

Geva family

Ghostly Decade, The


Gietek, Jan

Ginsburg, Sara (Zuzanna Ginczanka)

Glemp, Józef

Gliński, Antoni


Godlewski, Aleksander

Godlewski, Feliks

Godlewski, Joanna

Godlewski, Krzysztof; Jan Karski Prize awarded to; at July 10 Jedwabne memorial ceremony; resignation of

Godlewski, Stanisław

Goldberg-Mulkiewicz, Olga

Gorfinkiel, B.

Górski, Jan

Górski, Roman

Gościcki, Wincenty

Goszczycki, Antek

Grabowski, Dominik

Grabowski, Lucjan

Grabowski, Stanisław

Grądowski, Abram Aaron

Grądowski, Eliasz

Grądowski, Emanuel

Grądowski, Fajga

Grądowski, Józef (Izrael; Srul); testimony of

Grądowski, Mejer

Grądowski, Reuwen

Grądy Małe

Grądzki, Franciszek

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