The Critic (27 page)

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Authors: Joanne Schwehm

He smiled. “Yeah, I’m sure we can. What about Gina and Seth?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll let them know we can hang out after we get back from my parents’ next weekend.”

“Andi, I’ll be gone.” He pulled me close.

“Oh. Well, then when you get back.” I held him tighter.

“It’s a date.”

Spending the day with him was the right choice. “Bentley?”

“Yeah, babe?”

I pushed myself up and looked at him. My index finger trailed his strong jawline. “I really do love you.”

He smiled. “I’m so glad.”

“Me too, but we need to eat . . . Chinese?” I smiled.

“Mmm, that sounds great. Make sure to get chopsticks.” He winked.

The way his eyes pierced mine, I knew he was thinking about the first time we’d had Chinese. That night hadn’t gone as planned—I didn’t know if we’d even had a plan—but the way he’d pushed me to do things and break out of the shell I’d unknowingly put myself in was something I’d never forget.

“What’s that smile about, sweetheart?” he asked.

“Just thinking about you. I hope I get a better fortune cookie this time.”

“I don’t need a cookie. We make our own good fortune, and I have mine right here.” He cupped my cheeks, and the warmth of his hands spread through me like the afternoon sun.

My lips curled into a smile. I supposed he was right, but I knew that without him, I’d still be a little lost. His lips pressed to mine, and my stomach fluttered. I swore that every time he kissed me, it was like the Rockettes were dancing their famous kick line inside me.

After he placed our order, he pulled me to the couch, and we talked about seeing my parents soon. I knew my mother would love his looks and that he came from money. My parents had always thought I’d end up married to a doctor or become a successful business woman, but I hoped they’d realize that I was happy and just be happy for me.

“Are you excited about going home?” His voice was like velvet.

My back was to his front, so his warm breath caressed my neck. I played with his hand splayed on my thigh. “I’m excited for them to meet you.” I tilted my head back to look at him. “I mean, how could they not love you?”

“Did they like your other boyfriends?”

“I really haven’t had anyone to introduce them to, so . . .” I shrugged.

He sat up straight, making my body fall back against the couch cushions. I looked into his eyes as he hovered over me. His brows lowered as he studied me. “How is that even possible?”

“Because other than my prom date, I haven’t had anyone to speak of or that I would’ve gone through the trouble of introducing to my parents.” I smiled. “Until you.”

He lowered his head and pressed his lips to mine. “Until me, huh?”


“I’m flattered, Ms. Jordan.” He chuckled.

“You should be, Mr. Chambers.” I smiled and watched his eyes light up.

Gina came over while I packed a weekend bag for the trip to my parents’ place. Bentley had made us reservations at a posh hotel not too far from the country club.

“What dress should I wear? This one?” I pulled out a black lace sheath gown. “Or this one?” I held up a black silky gown.

“Mmm . . . the first one.”

“I think so too.” I set the gown in the garment bag hanging on the hook on the back of my door.

“So, tell me. What are you going to tell your parents about Bentley?” Gina snapped her gum.

I shrugged. “Well, my mom knows he’s coming. I told her I was bringing a friend.”

“A friend, huh? What’d she say to that?”

“Ya know, the usual mom stuff.” I stood and put clothes into a small suitcase. I walked to my dresser and pulled out a black lace panty-and-bra ensemble to match my dress. With my back to her and a smile on my face, I said, “Bentley said he loved me.”


I turned around, and my best friend looked like a deer in headlights.

“Are you okay?” I couldn’t help but laugh as I placed my undies in my small case.

“Andi, this is big. Love? He loves you?” Her voice hit all different octaves.

“Is that so hard to believe?”

“No, I mean . . .” She pushed off my bed and took my hand. “You’re an amazing woman. I’m just so relieved. I’ve been worried about you”


“Because, my friend, I don’t even need to ask if you love him. It’s written all over your face, and it has been since that day you told him off at the Brookstone.”

I grinned. “I do, G, so much. I disliked him—no, I hated him—for so long that I almost didn’t want to love him. Ya know, like not give him the satisfaction or something? So I’d start shit then regret it. But when I saw him in the arms of another woman, my heart seized. I was so jealous, and that’s when I knew, or when I admitted to myself, that I not only need him, but I love him.”

“What other woman? When was this?” Gina’s arms crossed, and I expected her foot to start tapping on my carpet.

“It was his cousin. She starred in a play I went to, and when I went backstage, I saw them hugging.” I closed my eyes and rubbed my arms. “I felt lost for a moment. It was as if I was having an out-of-body experience. It was horrible.”

“Well, I imagine it was.” She gave me a hug. “I’m so happy you’re happy. So does that mean you’re going with him?”

Gina grabbed my suitcase and rolled it into the living room while I carried the garment bag. I laid it over the back of the chair and sat on the sofa with my friend.

“I don’t think so. Maybe I’ll visit, but my home is here, even if London is temporary. So tell me . . .” I needed the scoop on her love life and to get my mind off England.

She flipped her hand and studied her manicured nails. “What is it that you’d like to know?”

I shoved her shoulder.

Gina laughed. “Okay, Seth is amazing. He’s kind and totally hot. Have you ever seen his abs? Holy shit! I could do laundry on them.”

“I have seen his abs. They’re quite nice.”

“Quite, yes.” She giggled. “He’s just a great guy, you know?”

I nodded. Seth was one of the best, and I was happy for her. She and I made plans to double date when I got back. We acted like two giddy schoolgirls, gushing about our boyfriends.

My phone chimed with a text from Bentley telling me he was coming up. I opened the door a crack so he could walk in.

“I’m gonna miss you,” Gina gushed.

“I’ll only be gone a few days.”

“I know, but what will I do with my time?” She giggled, and I rolled my eyes

“Am I interrupting girl time?” Bentley’s sexy voice gave me chills.

“Nah, Andi was just telling me how amazing you are in bed.” Gina smirked and winked at me while Bentley’s brows rose. “Call me and let me know how it goes with your parents.”

I walked her to the door. “Yeah, I will. Now leave and stop causing trouble.”

“Have a great weekend, you two.” Gina walked out.

I laughed. “She’s the best.” I turned to Bentley and studied him. He was wearing black golf shorts and a light blue golf shirt. His eyes looked like the depths of the Caribbean Sea, while his body was broad, firm, and perfect.

“You like what you see?” Bentley rested his hands on my hips.

“Yeah, I do. Is that okay?” I batted my eyes a bit, hoping to delay our departure.

“It’s more than okay, but we’d better head out, or we’ll never make it on time. I’ll be too busy having the pleasure of my girlfriend.” He winked. “I’m sure you’d have a hard time resisting me since I’m so amazing and all.”

“That sounds so much better.” I kissed his cheek, ignoring the amazing comment.

“It does, but let’s get out of here. I’ll show you how amazing I can be later.”

I sighed and nodded. Bentley grabbed my bags and we went outside. Once inside his black Infinity SUV, I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes; it was all Bentley. I was encased in his cologne. It was clean, spicy, and very masculine, and it did weird things to my insides.

As we drove down, I couldn’t help noticing the flowers. After spending so much time in New York, I’d missed New Jersey. I’d never thought I’d say that, but the only flowers I saw in the city were being sold on street corners. My mind wandered to my parents and what they would think of my boyfriend. I glanced at him. His strong chin rested on his left hand, elbow on the door as his right guided us through traffic.

His eyes shifted toward me. “What’s that look for?” He smirked and looked back at the road.

“I just hope my mom keeps things in check this weekend. Like I told you, my parents had a plan for me, and that included marrying a rich, successful country club guy.” I regretted my words as soon as they left my lips. The creases on his forehead made me sad. “I didn’t mean that you aren’t successful, because you are. It’s just . . .” I really needed to shut up. I was just digging myself further into a hole.

“Should I tell them I’m worth over five million? Would that make them happy?”

“Yeah, right.” I laughed.

He nodded, his expression a mixture of sadness and humor.

I gaped at him. “You have over five million dollars?”

He looked at me. “Does it matter?”

“Obviously it doesn’t matter to me, considering I fell for you before you told me that.”

Bentley’s eyes softened. He reached across the center console and grabbed my hand. “Let’s just be us and have fun.” His lips curled into a smile that reached his eyes.

I nodded. I wasn’t going to open my mouth again. Lord only knew what I’d say. Instead, I turned the radio on. We listened to 90s music and sang along to most of the songs. Bentley’s voice was even sexier when he sang. He made me melt more and more every day.

After we checked into the hotel, we changed and got ready to head over to the club. I slid on my black lace gown, which was extremely fitted. Thankfully, it had a bit of give and a small slit in the back, so I had some mobility. My breasts looked perfectly lifted, and the neckline exposed just the right amount of cleavage. The dress also made my ass look as if I did squats on a regular basis.

I glided out of the bathroom to find Bentley adjusting his bow tie. My man in a tux was a sight to see. “Wow, you’d better hold my hand tonight, or the women in there will be all over you.”

He turned to look at me, and if I hadn’t known better, I’d have said he stopped breathing.

“Andi, wow. You look beautiful.” He strutted toward me and grasped my hand. “You better believe I’ll be holding on to you.”

I really wished we didn’t have to leave, but it was time. “Let’s do this.”

Getting into his SUV in a form-fitting gown proved to be a bit of a challenge. Bentley held my door while I tried lifting my leg, which didn’t really work. Then I tried to hoist myself up by using the seat for support, which also failed. I was ready to hike my gown over my knees to regain some mobility.

Bentley chuckled. “Let me help you, Ariel.” He scooped me up and set me in the car.


“Yeah, you know, the mermaid?”

“Yes, I know the mermaid, but really?” I giggled.

He leaned in and kissed me. “In that gown, you look like a princess, but definitely not one created for children.”

“Mmmm . . . okay.” I smiled as his eyes perused my body in a way that made my insides clench. “I’m glad you’re here with me.”

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

Bentley pulled up to the country club, and a bead of sweat ran down my back. The young valet in a red jacket opened my door and offered his hand. I had visions of myself tumbling out onto the pavement.

Before the valet could help me out, Bentley handed him the key and some bills. “Thank you, I’ll take it from here.” Bentley bowed slightly at the waist as he offered me his hand. “My princess.”

I glared at him as I welcomed his help. “Let’s leave the princess comments to ourselves, shall we?”

Bentley chuckled as he closed the door. “Whatever you wish, Your Highness.”

I swatted his arm. We were laughing when we walked into the Royale Club’s ballroom.

“Wow, nice place.” Bentley took in the surroundings. “Do you see your parents?”

“Nope, but I see a bar. Let’s go.”

Bentley laced his fingers with mine as we walked across the marble floor. I saw many familiar faces, so I smiled and nodded. Then I saw the girls from high school who’d thought they were bitchin’ but that was all they were—bitches. They didn’t act as though they’d seen me, but they definitely saw Bentley. Was I invisible? I rolled my eyes and continued toward the bar.

“They friends of yours?”

I looked at Bentley, and he raised his chin toward the clique of women staring at him. I shook my head. “Nope. I never got along with them, but they look like they’d like to get along with you.”

Before I knew it, his lips crashed down on mine as if we were all alone. His firm, tender tongue caressed my mouth. When he broke the kiss, I was breathless.

Our eyes met as he cupped my face. “You’re gorgeous, and I’m yours.”

I smiled and felt blood rise in my cheeks. “So are you.”

He kissed my forehead.

“Ahem. Andrea.”

“Mom, hi! I didn’t see you there.” I leaned in to kiss her cheek but received an air kiss instead.

“I’m not surprised. You were occupied.” She addressed Bentley. “So you’re the friend.”

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