The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell (138 page)

  “Hold your ground and defend your sister ship!” Whitaker yelled back.

  “Correction! They’re going below the south pole!” Harnett yelled out.

  “Think of your families! We can’t let them win!” Whitaker yelled out at everyone.

   “Papa, I’m so sorry.” Chaverou said as she saw the three torpedoes come for her. All three finished her off. The destruction of Gray Serpent rang loud and true as all saw the ship, the most unfortunate of them all, destroyed.

  “We warned you! B10U spells your doom!” Maxwell shouted over the ship’s intercom.

  “Fuck you and your ship!” Harnett yelled back.

  “I got this mother fucker!” Beltchev yelled back.

  “You cowardly fuck! Bring it on!” Maxwell yelled back.

  “So be it mother fucker!” Beltchev yelled back.

  The rage that the remaining ships was feeling was beyond their capacity to feel any human decency. They lost all capability to discern any tactics, death must come to those who rebel  against it. For those who were left standing they knew must take down Dark Phoenix if their families is to survive. At least that’s what Whitaker kept on telling them. Whitaker was an opportunist and what he never told anyone was that if he joined on the side of Founder than he would be promoted to Rear Admiral (Lower). It should have told him that something was seriously wrong with the Founder’s supporters if he will be promoted that high up.

  “You know sir… I think that we need to rethink and re-strategize on how we should deal with Dark Phoenix.” Commander Lanning informed Whitaker.

  “Oh you do, do you? And just what do you suppose we do then?” Whitaker responded in a snide sort of way. Whitaker was taking it as usurping his authority.

  “Look sir, it is just possible that the only reason why The Hammer of Doom is The Hammer…”

  “No! I’ll tell you what it is! Insubordination!”

  “No sir it is not. All I am saying is…”

  “Can it! Not another word!” Whitaker responded. He had both the look of fear and anger in his eyes. He knew and both dreaded and deeply feared the consequences of a mutiny. And given the fact that his crew is so deeply demoralized, and combined with the destruction of Gray Serpent, raised the chance of one. And Whitaker knew it.

  What was deeply irritating to both Beltchev and Harnett was that Whitaker was telling them to “lead him to me so that I can finish him off,” but what Whitaker fell to understand was that Maxwell was not that stupid. If he did, then the battle would have already been over and Chaverou and her ship would still be around. There were several times in which it could have turned out that way. So how irritating is it that Whitaker still haven’t figured it out yet?

  Both Ma Duce and Midnight Rock was chasing Dark Serpent as it went both below and then above the rings of Ishtar. Ma Duce was so determined to catch it’s prey that it sprung two traps and took minor damage from it. (Midnight Rock, being far more cautious, sprung one trap, tried in vain to correct it’s mistake, and then fell into another. Both combined did more damage to it than all the torpedoes [wasted] used.) Both ships lost Dark Serpent when it used a EMP probe that temporary blinded both ships. Only Ma Duce figured correctly which pathway that it’s prey would take. But it was Midnight Rock who, against the wishes of Ma Duce, stayed in one spot. Harnett then decided to use that to his advantage and try to lead Dark Serpent to Midnight Rock. But it didn’t work. Too much time was wasted and Beltchev was growing impatient.

  “We lost them!” Beltchev shouted out.

  “Bullshit! I know where they’re coming from next!” Harnett shouted back.

  Only the madness of both war and death could determine the outcome of the day. Both Harnett and Maxwell knew that and they both took full advantage of it. Harnett knew that Maxwell was trying to confuse them. It only worked upon Beltchev. Whitaker was hoping that either Beltchev and/or Harnett would lead Maxwell to him. Unfortunately he was the only one who was thinking like that. And the more he sat there the more it made him look like a coward. And yet he was no coward he only knew that with his crew being as demoralized as they are he is not going to get the most from them. But he also knew that the longer he sat there the more demoralize his crew would become. And so he was waiting for the right opportunity.

  “Why is that fucking coward just sitting there!?” Beltchev angrily asked Harnett.

  “He isn’t. He’s waiting for Maxwell to come to him so that he can finish him off.” Harnett responded.

  “Oh for Christ sake! Doesn’t he know that’s not going to happen!?”

  “Don’t forget that his crew is the most demoralize of them all. Besides, he is periodically changing his position.”

  “In other words he’s guessing where Maxwell is going to appear next.”


  “So we do all the hard work, he waits for Maxwell to make a mistake, he then takes the kill shot and then claim the credit?”

  “Look, we’re dealing with an experienced captain. After the death of Chaverou I finally realize why The Hammer of Doom is a killer of fleets.”

  “Because of the crew.”

  “Not actually. For it also includes the tactics and the training of the crew.”

  “Shit far.” Beltchev responded. He wanted to add something along the line of - we’re shit up a creek without a paddle because we’re inexperienced and therefore we’re fucked – but didn’t. If he did then, although Harnett wouldn’t have said a word but he would have agreed.

  “Can you lead him to me?” Beltchev asked after four minutes.

  “No guarantees. But I’ll try.” Harnett responded. Both him and Beltchev did not want Whitaker to claim all the credit for their hard work and sacrifice.

  “Holy fucking shit!” Beltchev screamed as he saw Dark Serpent suddenly come out of Ishtar’s upper clouds and then using it’s main engines came headlong into a suicidal attack run at them. He was there for no more than three minutes when Dark Serpent came out.

  “Get the fuck outta the way! No not there!” Harnett yelled at Beltchev. For whatever reason Dark Serpent didn’t fire any shots at Midnight Rock but instead came at it as fast as it could. Beltchev in a panic went up (and forgetting that he is in a three dimensional universe) and straight into the rings of Ishtar all in an effort to avoid being hit. Dark Serpent, as if it had a death wish, still came for it. Dark Serpent went behind Midnight Rock (missing it by almost 100 yards which is way too close for a ship of that size) and then followed closely behind was Ma Duce. Dark Serpent fired a shot before Ma Duce came through the gap and Midnight Rock defensives fired at the same time that Ma Duce was coming through the gap.

  “What the hell!?” Harnett yelled at Beltchev at the same time that Beltchev asked him if he was okay. Both took minor damage (Ma Duce took minor damage as it went through the rings).

  “What’s you status?” Whitaker asked them.

  “Our targeting is slightly messed up. Nothing too serious sir.” Harnett responded.

  “Our engines are acting a little funky sir.” Beltchev responded.

  “How long will it take you to get your engines fixed?” Whitaker asked.

  “One moment sir.” Beltchev responded. After two minutes he responded that it would take it least fifteen minutes. When asked why would it take that long Beltchev responded that his engineering staff must first figure out why it is behaving the way in which it is.

  “Sir I got an anomaly here.” The bridge officer informed Beltchev.

  “What’s the nature of the anomaly?” Beltchev asked.

  “We have a booby trap that is moving towards us.”

  “Why do you think that it is a booby trap?”

  “Because we have space junk that is moving faster than what it should. And it is moving closer to our location.” The officer responded.

  “How long will it take to get to us?”

  “Five minutes tops.”

  “Can we shoot them?”

  “No sir. Our targeting systems can’t get a lock due to the fact that the booby trap keeps on moving in and around the rocks and/or space junk.”

  “Alright. Increase the shielding on that side and as soon as possible destroy them.”

  “Yes sir.” The bridge officer responded.

  Unfortunately for them they didn’t realize that one trap could lead them into another. They may have increased the shields on one side but it was at the expense of those on the far side. The explosions on that side of the ship forced the rocks to peppered Midnight Rock causing minor damage all along the ship’s hull. And yet the booby trap that was coming for them exploded when it found the right place and Midnight Rock was showered with more rocks which did more damage (mostly to the shields) on that side of the ship.

  “Hey Whitaker! We really need you to get your ass in the action or we’re done for! My crew nerves is pushed to it’s limits. They’re trying to poke us to death. And you’re doing nothing!” Beltchev angrily sent the message. Whitaker didn’t respond.

  Midnight Rock went above the rings as far as it could. It was then discovered that their damage was as such that if they went into Ishtar’s upper atmosphere then the radiation within the ship would go up to unacceptable levels (Both Dark Phoenix and Ma Duce endured far more radiation more often than what Midnight Rock would have.).

  “Sir I really think that we should do something.” Lanning mentioned to Whitaker.

  “Like what?” Whitaker asked.

  “Like give chase or something.”

  “And end up like Midnight Rock?”

  “If we gave chase in the beginning…”

  “It still wouldn’t have matter! We would be doing nothing more than chasing them with them taking pot shots at us! Gradually weakening us down!”

  “Look sir, I know that you are confused and…”

  “Who said that I was confused!?”

  “Then could you please explain your tactics to us!?”

  “I don’t have to explain anything to you!”

  “Sir if you don’t mind me saying but I’m having a hard time in understanding your tactics.” The chief of security added.

  “Are you usurping my authority!?” Whitaker responded with sweat running down his face. His fear was growing and it was starting to show.

  “No sir. I just wish that you would explain your tactics so that it would dispel our concerns.”

  “So what you are saying is that you are being a coward!” Whitaker responded as he stood up.

  “No sir.” The chief of security said as he gave the look that both of them were in a gun standoff. His right hand went in the direction of his gun on his hip.

  “Anybody else want to usurp my authority!?” Whitaker shouted out after he shot dead his chief of security. He was standing there pointing his gun at everyone with sweat streaming down his face. He was losing control at the point.

  “Sir what are your orders and what are your tactics?” Lanning asked him in calm manner.

  “We are going to move into position to protect Midnight Rock and wait for our prey to come to take us on.” Whitaker responded.

  As Black Eagle moved into position Dark Phoenix came out of the atmosphere of Ishtar and fired two shots at them and damaged the engines. Midnight Rock got off two shots and Black Eagle got off one. All three found their mark but it was as if though it had no effect upon the ship. (Actually it did but it was the skill in Maxwell’s crew that made it seemed as if though it was nothing.) As Ma Duce came out of the atmosphere Dark Phoenix did a 180, bow over stern, then did a belly row and came at the three ships very fast, it then fired three shots at Ma Duce. Ma Duce then used it’s counter measures and they started to chase the three shots straight into the stern of Midnight Rock. By that point it was obvious that Dark Phoenix was injured.

  “What’s your status?” Whitaker asked Beltchev.

  “Our engines are dead! We’re outta the fight!” Beltchev responded.

  “Hey sir, do you think we should inform him of our suspicions?” Beltchev second-in-command asked him. Beltchev was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.

  “If we are going to die than let that mother fucker die with us. He got us all into this for his own damn selfish glory. Don’t even inform Harnett.”


  “Because of the possibility that he may inform Whitaker.” Beltchev responded. Their suspicions were right. Space junk, or a space probe spying upon them? It was both.

  Whitaker did move into both a defensive and a protective position, but it was not a wise move. His ship was too close to Midnight Rock and Midnight Rock was too close to the rings. It was a smart move, but only if the rings wasn’t there. Whitaker was a untested captain going up against a very experienced one. It’s no wonder that he kept on making stupid decisions.

  “Here they come.” Beltchev said out loud when he saw Dark Phoenix came underneath the rings and headed towards them.

  Neither Midnight Rock nor Dark Phoenix fired at each other for two entirely different reasons. Dark Phoenix did not fire because of a tactic that they wanted to use. Midnight Rock didn’t fire because they were afraid of the same tactic that cripple them would be used again. As Ma Duce came by and went through the gap in the rings Dark Phoenix fired multiple shots at Midnight Rock and finished her off. The explosion, combined with the nearness of Black Eagle, caused significant damage to Black Eagle. Only Ma Duce escape receiving any damage and was still able to give chase.

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