The Cry for Myth (37 page)

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Authors: Rollo May

confirmation rituals, 39


biblical depiction of, 27

myth vs., 37

pride and, 232

of Sisyphus, 144-147

unconscious complemented by, 224-225

contraceptives, 195

Coolidge, Calvin, 119,126

Cooper, James Fenimore, 108-109

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 91, 220, 224

Coughlin, Father Charles E., 126


heroic examples of, 55

of relationship, 205

Courage To Be, The
(Tillich), 33

cowboys, 97-98, 142

creation, mystery of, 31, 298

creative waiting, 205, 207, 208–210, 287-288


from devil, 261-263, 273-275, 282-284

Eros-Thanatos conflict and, 76, 77

exile and, 52

memory and, 68
, 70–71

negation vs., 274, 275

as painful struggle, 275-277

schizophrenia and, 18, 20

see also

Creon, 8o, 81, 82–84

Cuéism, 103

cults, 22-24, 48,101,122,126, 274

cultural decline, 259, 26–262

Culture of Narcissism, The
(Lasch), 112

cultures, Apollonian vs. Faustian, 218-219

Cupid, 77

Cusanos, Nicolaus, 220

Custer, George Armstrong, 95

cynicism, 56, 186

Da Free John, 22


artist’s struggle with, 282-283

Briar Rose
, 205

Nietzschean sense of, 190

“shadow” concept vs., 27

“Damnable Life and Deserved Death of Doctor John Faustus, The,” 221, 265

Damn Yankees
, 218

Dante Alighieri:

Beatrice figure and, 164

exile of, 52

death addressed by, 39

hell described by, 18

literary sources used by, 155

on memory, 70

mid-life reference of, 154

see also Divine Comedy, The


fear of, 105, 294

imminence of, 187-188

love vs., 76-77, 294

mortality and, 293-297

myths connected to, 39, 217, 219

voodoo, 51

Death of a Salesman
(Miller), 42-44, 117,137,141

Death of Cod
(Nietzsche), 259

Deborah (case history), 17–21, 46, 51, 98

Declaration of Independence, 236, 254

Decline of the West, The
(Spengler), 217, 218, 260


in America, 113, 120-123

modern escapes from, 238

mythlessness and, 21

desert, 94-95

despair, 133,185–186, 190

development, feminine, 196–199, 200, 201, 203, 206, 207, 212


contemporary belief in, 21, 270, 272

as creative source, 261–263, 273–275, 282-284

cults of, 274

Enlightenment absence of, 283

God opposed by, 274, 275-277, 284

see also
Lucifer, Mephistopheles; Satan

Devil and Daniel Webster, The
(Benét), 218

Dillinger, John, 100

discovery, age of, 91-93, 288

Discovery of Being, The
(May), 203

disease, creativity derived from, 262-263

Divine Comedy, The
(Dante), 153-167

Beatrice in, 159, 163, 164, 193, 220, 230, 253

Faust legend vs., 219–220, 229–230, 253

Inferno in, 39, 154–155,156, 160-–62

opening line of, 154

Paradiso in, 162, 164

Prologue of, 154–15;

psychotherapeutic process vs., 153, 155–164, 165, 167, 193

Purgatorio in, 162,164, 273

sexual love in, 1;;, 164-16;, 229-230

Virgil’s role in, 153, 156–160, 162, 163-164, 273

writing of, 52


magical knowledge vs., 224

rejection of, 222-223

Doctor Faustus
(Mann), 218, 256-266

on Germany, 256, 264–265

Helen of Troy in, 244

Nietzsche and, 258, 259, 260

psychotherapeutic process and, 267

Satan in, 259-263, 267

Doll’s House, A
(Ibsen), 289

Don Giovanni
(Mozart), 218

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 273

“Dover Beach” (Arnold), 152-153, 154

Dowie, Mark, 103

Dow-Jones average, 119

drama, trivialization of, 43, 261

dreams, 38, 61, 251

Dresden, bombing of, 257, 265

drugs, 23,123, 238

Dubos, René, 218

Earhart, Amelia, 55

earth, community of, 299–302

earth mother, 291

Easter, 24-25, 50, 166, 236, 255

Eastwood, Clint, 94, 100


education, ethics and, 21, 22, 28-29

egocentricity, 69, 177, 190

Einstein, Albert, 11, 25,75–76, 287

Eliot, George, 58-59

Eliot, T. S., 70,138
, 162, 208-210

Elmer Gantry
(Lewis), 27

empathy, 157

encounter groups, 101


Goethe influenced by, 234, 235, 236

industrial progress and, 235, 254

no devil in, 283

rationalistic goals of, 22

envy, 34
, 185–186, 202, 211–212

Erhard, Werner, 103-104

Ericson, Leif, 91

Erikson, Erik, 33, 289

eros, aggression and, 283

Eros, myth of, 39, 76–77,134

EST, 103

., 18


mortality and, 297

mythic character of, 50


education in, 21, 22, 28-29

heroic role models and, 54

modem ignorance of, 21–22

see also


churches of, 51

historical sense in, 99-100

Eve, 27, 42


cathartic struggle with, 282-284

good in conflict with, 274, 282-283, 284

goodness born of, 34, 235, 236, 255, 261

national, 264–265, 266

power of, 279

worship of, 274

evolution, frog’s place in, 200–201

exile, 51-52,81

existential crises, 38–40,43

fairy tales, myths vs., 196

see also Briar Rose

Fallaci, Oriana, 97-98

“fantasy,” “phantasy” vs., 65

Farrell, Joan, 60

fatalism, 120, 270

fathers, overprotectiveness of, 202, 203

(Goethe), 234-255

creative impulse manifested in, 76, 247-250

cruelty in, 226, 239, 247, 249

female power in, 164, 242-243, 245-246, 247, 253-255, 287

Doctor Faustus
vs., 219 226, 254

Mephistopheles in, 34, 235, 236, 237–243, 245-246, 248, 249–252, 254, 255, 272–273,280

Part One, 236-241

Part Two, 241-255

patriarchal power depicted in, 239, 250

prologue to, 34

psychotherapeutic models found in, 237-238, 240, 243, 245, 267

salvation in, 219, 241, 247, 251-255

sexual equality and, 288

sexual love in, 239-240, 242, 244, 247-248, 252

theme of progress in, 247, 250, 254, 255

writing of, 217, 234, 241, 253, 283

Faust, myth of:

Divine Comedy
vs., 219–220, 229-230, 253

literary versions of, 217–218

nuclear arms and, 218–219

origins of, 220-222

Renaissance thought and, 219–221

see also Doctor Faustus; Faust; Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus


cultural, 218-219, 269

psychotherapy and, 266-269

Faustus, John, 221

Feder, Lillian, 28
, 76, 77
, 106

femininity, development of, 196–199, 201, 203, 206, 212

Ferenczi, Sandor, 73

films, 18, 26–27, 97

Fink, Mike, 95 Fitzgerald, F. Scott:

alcoholism of, 128, 134, 137

background of, 127–128, 139

loneliness of, 137

self-pity of, 139

see also Great Gatsby, The

Fitzgerald, Robert, 83
, 105
, 296

Flies, The
(Sartre), 40-41

Fliess, Wilhelm, 72, 75

Flying Dutchman, 49

Ford, Henry, 103

forgiveness, divine element of, 254-255

form, beauty as, 228
, 242
, 244

Fortuna, 118, 119


Four Quartets
(Eliot), 162

France, German occupation of, 40, 41

Franklin, Benjamin, 110

Freedman, James O., 57


individualism and, 123

myth of, 95

responsibility incurred with, 291

(Weber), 258

Freud, Sigmund, 72–77, 251

Adler vs., 69

on aggression, 283

childhood memories assessed by, 65, 74-75

colleagues’ differences with, 69, 289

contemporaries of, 170

cultural importance of, 74

on dreams, 168
, 188

Eros myth and, 134, 283

evolutionary theory and, 201

favorite authors of, 153

on guilt, 83

on instincts, 72

on love-death antagonism, 76-77

Mann’s respect for, 260
, 266

on myths, 9,11, 25

on narcissism, 112

Oedipal theory of, 28, 74–75

Oedipus Rex
, 78, 79

on pain of reminiscence, 162

on psychotherapist’s experience, 151

on repetition, 97

on resurrection scene in
, 164

self-analysis undertaken by, 73, 74–75

self-expressionism and, 268

on sexual basis of neurosis, 155

on truthfulness in therapy, 163

on wishes vs. actions, 226–227

women patronized by, 289

Frieda, Dr.,
Fromm-Reichmann, Frieda

Frisch, Max, 57

frogs, symbolism of, 200–201

Fromm, Erich, 47, 102, 268, 294 Fromm-Reichmann, Frieda (Dr. Frieda), 102

psychoanalytic school of, 47, 102

schizophrenia treated by, 18-19, 20

on therapists’ personal problems, 158

frontier, American, 93-98, 127

fundamentalism, 27, 122, 270

fundamentalist preachers, sexual misconduct of, 225

Galileo, 91, 220, 224

gambling, 119–120,124,126

Gandhi, Mohandas K. (Mahatma), 58

gangsters, as heroes, 100

Garden of Eden, 196

Genesis, Book of, 27, 142–143, 298


collective guilt of, 266

Enlightenment in, 234, 23;, 236

Hitlerism in, 256–258, 264-265

refugees from, 257

Giotto, 227

Giraudoux, Jean, 293
, 295

Gnosticism, 270, 275


in Christian trinity, 220

contemporary belief in, 24,121, 270

death of, 207

devil’s opposition of, 274, 275-277, 284

estrangement from, 137–141

trivialization of, 266

God Within, The
(Dubos), 218

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von:

publication dates and, 217

female relationships of, 243-244

German Enlightenment and, 234, 235, 236

industrialism and, 235, 288

last word of, 255

writing process of, 217, 234, 235, 241, 253, 283

see also Faust

“going steady,” 214


evil as source of, 34, 235, 236, 255, 261

evil in conflict with, 274, 282-283, 284

Good Friday, 50,154,166

grace, Oedipus and, 84-85

(Jensen), 164

Grapes of Wrath, The
(Steinbeck), 276-277, 291-292

Gatsby, The
(Fitzgerald), 125-147

Daisy in, 128,129–130, 132-133, 134–135, 136, 137, 142

Eckleburg sign in, 138-141

existential crises and, 39

Faust legend and, 218

Gatsby’s transformation in, 102, 129, 130

Green Light symbol in, 130–131, 144, 146, 147

helpful stranger in, 117, 129

on inability to care, 133-135

loneliness in, 135-137

Luke Larkin’s Luck
vs., 129

sense of sinfulness in, 129,134,135

story of, 129–130,132-133, 135, 138, 141-144

success theme in, 131-132

“Great Stone Face, The” (Hawthorne), 54

greed, 56

Greek culture:

prized in, 29, 244-245

hubris condemned in, 231

philosophy developed in, 16

Greek myths:

Christian attack on, 24-25

cultural health and, 16

moral education through, 28-29

Olympian conflicts and, 278, 283

Western civilization shaped by, 42

see also specific Greek myths

Green, Hannah, 17-21, 25, 46

greenhouse effect, 40

Green Light, 130–131, 144, 146, 147

Grey Fox, 95

Grieg, Edvard, 178, 182

Grimm brothers, 194

see also Briar Rose

Grinker, Roy, 60

Grunewald, Matthias, 221

Guerber, H. A., 145

“guiding fiction” (Adler), 69


collective, 84, 264-265, 266

neurotic vs. normal, 87

responsibility vs., 82–84, 87

Guyana, cult suicide in, 23, 274

Habits of the Heart
(Bellah), 110

Haggard, H. Rider, 165

Haley, Alex, 30, 47-49

(Shakespeare), 37, 42, 78
, 155

happiness, television stereotypes of, 99
, 113

“Happy Ending” (Brecht and Weill), 207

Harding, Warren G., 126

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 54, 282

health, as cultural metaphor, 260–261

Hebrew tradition, myths of, 28, 42

see also
Old Testament;
specific books of Bible

Hegel, Georg W.F., 265

Heidegger, Martin, 134–135, 203
, 207-208

Heisenberg, Werner Karl, 25

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