The Dark Angels: Tied Together (13 page)

Read The Dark Angels: Tied Together Online

Authors: Z. Allora

Tags: #Romance, #MLR Press LLC; Print format ISBN# 978-1-60820-573-8; ebook format ISBN#978-1-60820-574-5, #Contemporary

“Oh...” Was the only thing telling the other three men that Darius understood his birthday party was far from over.

Seeing the nervous concern wash over Darius, Josh moved over to him to drop an arm around the shorter man’s shoulder.

“We won’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with…just checking to see how bent you are. So, you think you’re bisexual now? Is it like fifty-fifty or forty-sixty?” Josh’s teasing laugh had a little evil touch to it. “I think after Robin and me, we might help Angel tip the scale.”

Darius half laughed and half choked at being reminded that Josh overheard how excited he found the idea of being with Josh and Robin was to him. Angel shook his head and chuckled.

Robin leaned into him as he whispered heatedly in Darius’s ear. “Angel will be in charge and we will just follow
instructions on the celebrations.” Josh smiled on hearing the catch in Robin’s breath at the idea of someone else being in charge.

Josh held his breath hoping he would push the right button.

He needed this night to take place. “Imagine it…” He paused before finishing his thought, “You, Angel, and

Darius groaned, deep and low. Robin moved to stand closer to Josh. This allowed Josh to feel Robin’s excitement throbbing against his leg.

Placing a small kiss on the birthday boy’s cheek, Josh moved even closer to Robin so he was invading his space. Josh turned his head to looked over at Darius as if he were daring him to join them. He slid his hands down Robin’s ass to cup that gorgeous rounded bottom. Josh pulled him closer to his body so Robin could rub against him.

It was as if Robin’s body was magnetically drawn to him. Josh wanted him so badly but he didn’t do anything further. He let Robin move on his thigh like a kitty in heat. The two of them being so close seemed to change the air around them until it fairly crackled.

Dare tore his eyes from the erotic visuals that could be played out in front of him to ask Angel, “Are you sure?”

Angel smiled down at the man he clearly adored. “Very.”

He confidently led the group across the street and up to the penthouse suite of the swanky hotel.

chAPteR 12

Once they shut the door, Josh was happily surprised when the quietist of the group started things off. Robin slipped off his boots and socks and took off his leather jacket and white silk shirt. He stood there barefoot before the other three men in just his leather pants and leather collar.

Josh loved seeing Robin wearing
leather. On their shared birthday, the year before they were kicked out of their house, they went to a street fair since there would be no cake or celebrations at their house. Robin had eyed the black leather collar at one of the vendors. Neither had much money, but Josh bought him the piece he was eyeing. Robin bought Josh a matching black leather bracelet. The leather pieces had the exact same design detailing them.

Josh rarely saw Robin without it. Josh felt the collar and bracelet tied them to each other. He only took his bracelet off to shower.

Josh shrugged out of his long leather duster, as the other men got comfortable too. Robin surprised Josh yet again by coming over to him, fingers trembling with excitement as he unbuttoned Josh’s shirt. Robin’s soft, warm hands brushed across his skin and soon Josh’s red silk shirt had floated to the floor.

Robin’s hands gently traced Josh’s muscular chest. Josh’s workout included more weightlifting then Robin’s so Josh was more corded muscle which Robin’s fingers seemed to enjoy.

Those long talented fingers being dragged over his body was like a balm for his soul. It had seemed so long since their last encounter that they were both starved for the contact.

Before he had his fill of Robin’s wonderful fingers, he took Josh’s hand and led him over to Dare, who stood watching them with avid interest. Angel was right next to Darius, rubbing his lover’s shoulders. Both stared as the younger men approached.

, why don’t you both give the birthday boy here a kiss.”

Angel’s voice was husky as he used the nickname the fans favored.

Josh wrapped an arm around Robin. They exchanged a quick look, which spoke volumes between them. Leaning in they both placed a wet little kiss on each of Dare’s cheeks, then looked at him with mischief.

Angel smirked at their teasing. “Very nice boys. Now, give Dare a nice open mouthed soft kiss.”

Josh teased as he whispered loudly, “Thought you weren’t gay, Dare.”

Angel chuckled and said, “Shhhh, Josh.”

Darius tried to get a handle on the conversation. “Not.” Dare seemed to be grinding his ass back into Angel’s front as he tried to talk. “But this is you guys…” As if that explained everything.

He shrugged. “Maybe bent…bisexual.”

Angel ignored Dare’s rambling and repeated his request.

“Sweet open mouthed kisses, boys.”

Following instructions, Josh leaned in first to give the kiss and as it was ending, he looked at Robin. Their eyes locked as Josh pulled back slightly from Dare’s mouth and Robin’s mouth descended to give the birthday boy the gift of his kiss.

Josh felt a rush of emotion that bordered on jealousy but decidedly fell on the side of lust. Robin looked so beautiful kissing Dare. Josh leaned in towards the men so his lips could join them. He gently brushed his tongue over Robin’s perfectly pouty lips as they transitioned onto Darius’s mouth. His lips hesitated on Robin’s to enjoy the hungry glide of their lips as they swept across the others.

Josh let all of his want and desire for Robin flow into the kiss.

Instead of moving back so Josh could kiss Dare, Robin turned his mouth to follow Josh’s towards the birthday boy’s lips. They melted into a hot three-way kiss.

Dare kissed back while leaning back into Angel’s arms. Both sets of their lips were tracing over Dare’s in deliciously sexy patterns. Someone’s tongue licked out and everyone’s tongue joined in.

Josh found himself turning towards his heart’s desire. Robin’s mouth was quick to not only cover his lips but devour them. At a distance, he could hear Angel say, “Kiss his neck.”

Josh didn’t normally take orders from anyone, but he happily complied. He placed his long wet tongue at the base of Robin’s throat licking up the side of his jaw. Then his lips trailed back down to lick and gently suck the flesh. He loved kissing Robin’s neck and couldn’t stop himself from giving him a small hickey at the base.

Robin arched into him groaning with all of his repressed need as he was marked. Josh’s fingers wound into his wonderfully soft and colorful hair to tilt his head to the other side. Continuing to feast on the creamy flesh offered to him, he was ready to simply die a happy man.

They broke away from each other as if they remembered why they were making out. Robin blushed and gave him a quick kiss on the lips in consolation for the attention he was losing. He sang softly in his lovely soft voice, “Happy Birthday to you.” Josh came out of his fog to harmonize with him for the rest of the song.

It was exactly what they did for Angel’s birthday last year.

They sang a sexy breathy version of Happy Birthday ala Marilyn Monroe-style as they touched and caressed the birthday boy, ending the song with another long wet three-way kiss.

As the kiss ended with Darius, Angel cleared his throat. “Very nice, boys.” Angel grinned. “Now be good little helpers and take off Darius’s pants.” Dare turned to look at Angel with worry.

“Shhh, baby it’s okay. The boys here are going to do exactly what they did for my birthday. Aren’t you, boys?”

Josh certainly hoped Robin was okay with that because he was more than happy to soon focus all of his attention on him.

Josh wanted to wrap himself around the man to remind him of all they could have together. He was going to pour all of his love into this…and maybe Robin would…he couldn’t bring himself to finish that hope.

Angel tugged Dare’s shirt off and threw it to the floor as Robin and Josh nodded their agreement with his decree.

Josh looked at Robin who was watching him with hungry eyes as he unsnapped Dare’s dark purple leather pants. Josh placed a soft kiss on Robin’s shoulder before he unzipped the leather of Darius’s pants just to hear him groan. Then they worked as a team to peel them off the birthday boy’s lithe body. Boots and socks slid off with the pants. Darius was naked while Robin was shirtless. Josh and Angel were still fully clothed.

Looking at Darius in his birthday suit, Josh had to admit Angel had very good taste in men. Dare was gorgeous. But as pretty as the man was Josh was more interested in helping Robin off with his pants.

It had been far too long since their last encounter. It happened when they had been watching a movie on TV. An erotic scene implying BDSM came on and it seemed to flick a switch. They were all over each other. Josh still couldn’t say if he made the first move or if Robin did. As he’d sank balls deep in the man, who refused to see him as a lover, he realized it didn’t matter as long as one of the two of them broke down to make it happen.

Feeling Robin shift closer to him brought him back to the present. They were waiting for Angel to instruct them. Without conscious thought his hand traced across Robin’s lower back giving him a chill before he reached the man’s awesome ass to caress it. He figured out early on that Robin adored having his ass touched so he gave it a nice firm squeeze and was rewarded with a soft moan of need.

Angel finally gave an instruction. “Come here, Dare.” Dare’s eyes seem to flare with heat at the demand. Angel arranged Darius so he was sitting between his open legs on the oversized designer sofa. Wrapping his arms around Dare, Angel held him so he lay back against his front. “Boys, do you see anything you might want to suck on...or lick?”

After a long loving look at each other, their hands entwined, they moved slowly over to Dare. When they reached his feet they knelt and smiled up at him in unison. It couldn’t have been sexier if they had practiced it.

Darius gasped and his head dropped back onto Angel’s shoulder but watched them with a gleam of lust and want in his eyes. Dare tipped back so Angel kissed him deeply as they moved to be closer together between his knees.

Robin squeezed Josh’s hand and he returned the tight grip letting him know they were in this together; doing this together.

Josh had to admit his lead singer and guitarist looked hot together.

There was no denying that.

Angel ended their hot kiss and whispered loudly, “You might want to watch the boys, Dare…they put on such a pretty show.”

His lips and tongue traced patterns on his lover’s neck. Between licks Angel teased. “Aren’t they pretty, Dare?”

Dare squirmed against his lover in desperate arousal. “Very.”

Dare’s desire could be heard in his voice and seen in his body.

It was coiled up taunt as it waited to spring loose. His cock was erect and begging for attention. Precum was seeping from the tip. It seemed to be beading and waiting for a tongue to swipe it clean.

Josh smiled at Robin and their heads descended slowly. Josh loved everything about this moment. Being with Robin in a very sexual situation just seemed right. Together. They were together and that’s really all that mattered.

Robin and he became mirror images of each other. Their extended tongues were placed on opposite sides, at the very root of Dare’s straining cock. As they slowly licked their way up his cock, the birthday boy groaned loudly in approval.

Josh looked up to see Angel circling and pinching his lover’s pink nipples as he continued to suck his neck. Josh could see Angel’s approving smile in his eyes as he watched them with Dare. No jealousy, only satisfaction at being able to give his lover a new experience.

Once they reached the tip of Dare’s shaft, Josh watched Robin’s wickedly active tongue lick at the beads of sweetness.

He couldn’t stop his tongue from licking at Robin’s. Contact with that tongue shot through him like an electric volt being directed at his heart. He was powerless to resist the kiss that followed.

Josh pulled back from the kiss with regret as he turned them back to the cock at hand...or in mouths as the case was. Lowering his mouth to wet Dare’s balls. He could feel Robin’s heated breath over Dare’s cock before engulfing it in his mouth. Feeling Darius’s eyes on him, Josh winked before licking his entire ball sac. Once it was painted with his spit, he blew on it causing a moan to be ripped from Dare.

Robin slowly moved up along the cock in his mouth until it popped out. He licked his way down to replace Josh’s efforts as he rose up over Dare’s dick. Josh’s mouth moved at a painstakingly slow speed as he slid all the way down to the base of Dare’s cock.

Every last inch was in his mouth and had entered his throat. Dare was going crazy as if he couldn’t get enough.

Dare arched back against Angel looking for more loving stimulation. Angel was quick to provide for his needy lover.

His mouth went to work as his hands crept low on Darius’s flat stomach. Within moments, Angel’s hand wound into Robin’s hair. He gently but firmly guided his head up to replace Josh’s mouth. Angel then controlled Robin’s head setting the motion to the rhythm his lover liked best.

Josh’s insides clenched at the sexy move. Robin loved his head being controlled if his moans of bliss were any indication. Josh moved closer to Robin’s body and began to lave Dare’s balls with his wet tongue again. Robin’s head was being drawn up and down over Dare who was writhing against Angel in pleasure. Hands found Josh’s hair to pull him up to join Robin in his endeavor to pleasure Darius’s cock.

“Mmmmm.” Josh moaned as he felt his head being tugged up into service. He didn’t mind, not really especially when his mouth began to share the prick with Robby. As Robin pulled off to lick down to the base, Josh licked the crown before taking the large mushroom-shaped head into his mouth. He could deep throat as well as Robin.

Josh moaned at the memory of them practicing on each other in that ratty dive hotel so long ago and a number of times since.

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