Read The Darkening Online

Authors: Robin T. Popp

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The Darkening (5 page)

"What are you doing?" Lexi gasped.

"Taking off my clothes," he said, shoving down his pants in order to free his straining member.

She pushed against his chest looking shocked. "Why?"

He smiled. "So we can have sex."


Her indignation was so unexpected that an unlikely thought occurred to him. "Are you a virgin?" he asked, automatically reaching to pull up his pants.

"No, but-"

"Great, he interrupted, relieved. "Then there's no problem." Again he started to push down his pants.

"I'm not having sex with you," Lexi said forcefully.

He stopped undressing and looked up at her abruptly. "Of course you are. You find me attractive. I find you attractive. I can feel your need beating at me. The only question is: Do we do it here on the floor? Or should we take the time to find a bedroom?"

Her eyes sparked with indignation. "I'm a werewolf, and we're about seven days away from the full moon. Right now, I'd find a troll attractive, so don't flatter yourself."

He'd never forced a woman to have sex with him, and he wasn't about to start now. Clearly, he needed to brush up on his charm.

Fastening his pants, he gave her a knowing smile. Whether she believed it or not, she wanted him, and sooner or later, he intended to have her.

If seven hundred years in Ravenscroft had taught him anything, it was how to be patient. "I won't deny I'm disappointed with your decision," he said, "but I'll respect it."

He could tell his sincerity surprised her, but she recovered quickly and nodded. "Thank you."

He looked around. "So, now what?"

"Right now, I have some unfinished business lying unconscious in a trash Dumpster. You're welcome to stay here while I'm gone. I should be back in a couple of hours."

"I have a better idea," Darius said, walking to the door and pulling it open. "I'll go with you.


It was six o'clock when Lexi walked back into her apartment after taking Maurice Gonzalez to jail. She and Darius had found him just where they'd left him in the Dumpster. Though she'd never admit it to Darius, she'd been grateful for his help. He'd easily removed the cement blocks and lifted Gonzales's two hundred plus pounds out of the Dumpster. When Gonzalez woke up and tried to resist arrest, Darius restrained him as effortlessly as if he were holding on to a butterfly.

Lexi knew she could have taken in Gonzalez by herself, but Darius had made it so much easier. He'd been so polite and helpful, she considered inviting him to spend the evening with her after all. It wasn't like he had anyplace else to go. But before she could ask, Darius told her he wanted to explore the city. She'd offered to show him the sights once she filled out the paperwork on Gonzalez at the station, but he hadn't wanted to wait.

She suspected he was looking for a woman who would be more accommodating than she had been.

The thought made the dying embers of her previous anger flame hot once more.

How dare he assume she'd have sex with him? It wasn't that she refused to have sex with a complete stranger-goddess knew that from time to time, she'd done just that-out of need, of course, she silently argued. No, it was more his arrogance in just
she would.

If she were honest with herself, she'd admit that not all of her anger was directed at Darius. The truth was that she had been tempted to have sex with him. Forcing the Immortal from her thoughts was nearly impossible, so she headed for the kitchen to make her self something to eat. She felt restless and needed a distraction. But she couldn't help wondering where he was. What was he doing?
was he doing?

When the phone rang, she welcomed the diversion. "What are you doing tonight?" Mai asked with that not-so-subtle, hey-I've-made-plans-for-us tone of voice.

"Feel like helping me do some research?"

"What kind of research?" Lexi asked hesitantly. "I want to check out the Crypt." a "That new vampire bar?"

"That's the one," Mai said.

"Why?" Lexi asked, not sure she wanted to know the answer. Mai was not only a tenacious investigative reporter, she was a wood nymph with a gluttonous sexual appetite. The fact that she wanted to do research at New York City's newest and most-raved-about vampire nightclub couldn't be good news.

"I hear the back rooms are really hot."

Lexi heaved a weary sigh. "I don't know. I realize it's
place to go, but I'm pretty sure it's Vlads' territory.

Ricco's not going to like the idea of us going to a club owned and operated by his chief rival."

Mai heaved a weary sigh. "We always go to Ricco's place, and then you run off with Ricco and I'm left with someone boring."

"You never complained before. Did something happen?"

"No. It's just that I've been through all the regulars at Ricco's, except for Ricco himself. I'm in the mood for a Ricco, and I know that's not going to happen with you around. I thought that maybe at the new place, we might find new blood, so to speak." She laughed at her own pun.

"I don't know," Lexi repeated.

"Look, if you don't think Ricco will like you going to another club, don't tell him." Everything was so simple for Mai. "Besides, this isn't just for fun. It's work. I'm doing an expose on the popularity behind the vampire nightclubs, but the article is going to be severely slanted if the only club I visit is Ricco's." She paused. "If you don't want to go with me, that's fine. I'll go by myself."

Lexi rolled her eyes. While Mai might have the spirit of a werewolf, she was built like a pixie, and her magic wasn't much stronger. If there were trouble, Lexi would never forgive herself for letting her best friend walk into it alone.

"All right," she agreed. "It's not like Ricco owns me. I guess I don't mind checking out a new place."

"Great. It'll be fun," Mai promised. "And, Lexi-try to wear something sexy." Lexi opened her mouth to protest, but Mai cut her off. "No offense, honey, but you know how you are. You dress in those black leathers all the time and scare half the men away."

"Fine," Lexi agreed, mentally searching her closet, hoping she owned something that would meet with Mai's approval. "I'll see what I can do."

"Good. I'll see you in a bit."

Almost as soon as Lexi hung up, she wished they were going to Ricco's club instead. Her energy levels were starting to get out of control. Ricco was the First Fang of the Bloods, the largest vampire gang in town. He was also the most in-demand male working the back rooms of his nightclub.

Normally, they should never have been able to come together-Lexi a creature of living magic and Ricco one of death magic. But there had never been anything "normal" about their relationship. That first night, long ago, she'd shown up at his club desperate with need, and he'd insisted on being her partner. It had been rough, but she'd been beyond caring, and he'd shown that he could easily keep up with the vigorous appetite of a shifter.

All he asked for in return was a little blood. Under the circumstances, the advantages far outweighed the slight discomfort of being that close to a death-magic creature.

She liked Ricco, but she didn't love him. She hated herself for using him the way she did, but she didn't have a lot of options. And the situation seemed just fine with Ricco. Over time, they'd built a comfortable relationship. And tonight, she needed that just as much as the sex.

When Mai arrived two hours later, Lexi had a pile of discarded clothes on her bed and was standing in front of her nearly empty closet, stark naked, wondering if anyone had invented a spell that could turn street-tough leathers into ballroom glitz.

"I see you're ready to go," her friend joked as she let herself into the apartment and walked into the bedroom. She looked stunning as usual in an emerald-green column-style dress that hugged her curvy body.

"I'm not going," Lexi told her.

"Of course you are," Mai assured her, placing a previously unnoticed department-store shopping bag on the bed. Reaching inside, she pulled out what looked like three feet of Lycra tubing in a bright sapphire blue. "Okay, Cinderella-look what your nymph godmother brought you Lexi instantly saw the possibilities and pulled the dress on. Standing in front of the full-length mirror, she adjusted the gathers of the material to show off her figure to its best advantage. It was tight, did nothing to hide any figure flaws-and she looked terrific in it.

"You like?" Mai asked.

Lexi smiled. "I like. Thanks."

"Okay-grab some heels and let's go. With the full moon on the rise, every bitch in the city is likely to be out tonight-no offense. I don't want to be the one going home sexually frustrated."

Lexi pulled her only pair of high heels-black, of course-out of the closet, grabbed her purse and left the apartment with Mai.

Twenty minutes later, they were stepping through the front doors of the Crypt. It was only ten o'clock, but the place was crowded. At the far end of the room, on the other side of the dance floor, a disc jockey was spinning CDs in a lighted booth. A second-story landing ran around the perimeter of the room, with tables and booths set up for small parties to gather. Lexi glanced up and noticed that several tables were occupied-mostly with couples well on their way to needing one of the back rooms.

Most club rules stated that heavy petting and groping were tolerated in the public area, but for more serious activities, guests were encouraged to find a private room in back. For those who wanted something a little different, theme parties were available-for a price.

The owner of the bar hadn't scrimped on giving the place atmosphere. Everything-flooring, furniture, walls and lights-was done in black or red. Panels of lush red drapes hanging on the walls helped foster a feeling of decadence. Strategically placed colored lights gave off a soft glow, making it possible to see without destroying the illusion of intimacy.

Lexi and Mai got their drinks and wove through the crowd, openly checking out the men they passed.

Mai, a natural extrovert, struck up a flirtatious conversation with a group of three males. Two of them were vampires, but Lexi wasn't sure about the third. He had a definite vitality that seemed more than human. When he smiled, Lexi found herself smiling back.

"My name's Josh. I haven't seen you here before," he said to her.

"No," she agreed. "I'm Lexi. This is my first time."

"Your first time to the Crypt? Or your
first time?"

She smiled. "First time to the Crypt," she clarified.

"She prefers Blood Club," Mai interrupted.

The man smiled appreciatively. Ricco's Blood Club had a reputation for being a little rougher than most clubs. Lexi didn't think the rep was deserved, but then she was a wolf by nature. Besides, five minutes of heavy breathing and groping wasn't her idea of sex.

A flash of something caught her eye, and she turned. She could see nothing but the usual crush of people, so she looked back to Josh. Ten minutes later, she thought she caught the flash of something familiar once again out of the corner of her eye, and she turned to scan the room.

There, across the bar, still dressed in his long black duster and black pants, was Darius. As if he'd felt her staring, he turned and their gazes met.

The intensity of his look shot straight through her, causing her pulse to race and her body to hum with awareness. It was more than just his good looks that made him so irresistibly attractive. His whole demeanor spoke of male confidence and determination. This was a man who knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to go after it. He would let nothing stand in his way. And right now, as he moved toward her, his expression made it clear what he wanted: her.

Annoyed by his arrogance, she forced herself to turn away. She was about to tell Mai it was time to go, when her friend stood on tiptoe to speak in her ear. "I'm going with Roger here"; she indicated the better looking of the two vampires. Before Lexi could stop her, Mai and Roger took off into the crowd, leaving her with the other vampire and Josh.

The hairs along the back of her neck tingled as Darius came closer, and Lexi suddenly became very interested in making conversation with Josh.

"You come here a lot?" she asked him.

He shrugged. "I've been here a couple of times," he admitted. "But now that I've met you, I'll have to make a point to come more often." He gestured to her glass. "Can I get you a refill?"

Before she could answer, he'd taken her empty glass from her and handed it to the vampire, who disappeared into the crowd. Somehow Josh had gained possession of her hand and lightly caressed it, which was very distracting.

Every fiber of her awareness tingled, and she didn't need to turn around to know that Darius was right behind her. He was standing so close, she could feel the heat of his body warm her back. She continued to ignore him, giving Josh a smile that was a little too bright and friendly.

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