The Day After Roswell (15 page)

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Authors: Philip J. Corso

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Science, #Paranormal, #Historical, #Politics, #Military

Tesla and a number of other European scientists had been
pioneers in the conversion of circumscribed small area antigravity
fields out of electromagnetic fields. However, the effort to develop
true antigravity aircraft never came to fruition among conventional
aircraft manufacturers because gasoline, jet, and rocket engines
provided a perfectly good weapons technology. But the theory of
electromagnetic antigravity propulsion was not unknown even if it was
not well understood and, without a power source like a small portable
nuclear fission generator, not at all feasible. But, what if the flying
craft already carried enough electric potential and storage capacity to
retain its power, just like a very advanced flying battery? Then it
might have all the power it needed to propagate and vector a wave
directionally by shifting its magnetic poles. If the magnetic field
theory experiments carried out by engineers and electrical energy
pioneers Paul Biefeld and Townsend Brown in the 1920s at the California
Institute for Advanced Studies were accurately reported - and the U.S.
military as well as scientific record keepers at the Bureau of
Investigation kept very close tabs on what these engineers were doing -
then the technological theory for antigravity flight existed before
World War II.

In fact, prototypes for vertical takeoff and landing disk
shaped aircraft had been on the drawing boards at the California
Institute since before the war. It was just that in the United States
nobody paid them much attention. The Germans did develop and had flown
flying disks, or so the intelligence reports read, even though they had
no impact on the outcome of the war other than stimulating a race
between the United States and the USSR to gather as much of the German
technology as possible. Thus, even though engineers had attempted to
build vertical takeoff and flying wing aircraft before and had
succeeded, the Roswell spacecraft, because it was so truly functional
and out flew anything we had - as well as traveled in space -
represented a practical technological challenge to the scientists
visiting the Air Material Command. We knew what the EBEs did, we just
couldn’t duplicate how. My reports for Army R&D were
analyses of the types of technology that we had to develop to either
challenge this spacecraft militarily with a credible defense or build
one ourselves.

In my notes to General Trudeau, I reviewed for him all the
technological implications that I believed were relevant in any
discussion about what could be harvested from the Roswell craft. I also
wrote up what I understood about the magnetic field technology and how
unconventional designers and engineers had drafted prototypes for these
“antigravs” earlier in the century. All of this
pointed in one direction, I suggested : that we now had a craft and
could farm out to industry the components that comprised this
electromagnetic antigravity drive and brain wave directed navigational
controls. We had to dole them out piece meal once we broke them down
into developable units, each of which could have its own engineering
track. For that we’d need the advice of the scientists who
would eventually comprise our brain trust, individuals we could rely on
and whom we could talk to about the Roswell debris. These were
scientists who routinely worked with our prime defense contractors and
could tell us whom to approach in their R&D divisions for
secure and private consultations.

I was hoping that the evaluation of the kinds of things we
were able to learn from the EBE and his craft that I was preparing for
General Trudeau would lead me toward the solution of some of the
physiological problems we knew our astronauts would encounter in space
flight. In the early 1960s, astronauts from both the United States and
the USSR had made their first orbital flights and had experienced more
than a few negative physical symptoms from the weightless environment
during the mission. Despite our official claims that humans could
travel safely in space, our doctors knew that even short periods of
weightlessness were extremely disorienting to some of our astronauts,
and the longer the flight, the more uncomfortable the symptoms could
become. We were worried about loss of physical strength, reduced muscle
capability in the heart and diaphragm, reduction of lung capacity, and
loss of tensile strength in the bones.

Yet, scattered across the desert floor outside of Roswell were
creatures who seemed completely adapted to space flight. Just to be
able to examine these entities was an enormous opportunity, but I knew
we had the ability to harvest what we could observe about aliens. So,
again, along side the speculations I had made about the EBEs and their
craft I listed what I thought were the major possibilities of
developing product to enable us to travel in space for extended periods
of time.

Renewable oxygen and food supplies were obvious directions to
take, and by the 1960s, NASA engineers were already designing ways to
recharge the atmosphere inside a capsule and provide for food storage.
We helped. It was Army R&D and our plan for developing an
irradiation process for food that even today provides the basis for
non-refrigerated food supplies on board spacecraft. But beyond that
were real issues of health and survival. Merely getting human beings
into earth orbit or even launching them into lunar orbit and bringing
them back safely were straight forward engineering projects. But the
readaptation of the human body to earth gravity after an extended
period of weightlessness or reduced gravity was a far more intractable
problem to solve. The physiology of the EBEs provided an important
clue. Besides the development of super tenacity fibers that would
protect the astronauts and the skin of the spacecraft and the
development of a food preservation process that would neutralize all
the bacteria that cause spoilage, we needed to examine the ways we
trained our astronauts physically so that they would be more adaptable
to periods of weightlessness and spatial disorientation. At the same
time we needed to develop nutritional packages that would not place
undue stress on a digestive system that needed to compensate for
deprivation of gravity.

Since there were no food preparation facilities on board the
spacecraft, we didn’t know how they stored or processed food
or even what they ate, if anything at all. However, my concern over a
process to preserve food for space travel was prompted by the obvious
challenge posed by the spacecraft itself. If we were going to travel in
space, and it was clear from what the army found at Roswell that at
least one culture had developed the technology to do so, then
R&D had to find a way to feed our pilots in space. Therefore,
we needed to develop a process to preserve food for space missions that
didn’t require refrigeration facilities and the consumption
of excessive amounts of energy.

The problem of long term space travel still hasn’t
been solved, in part because we continue to rely upon conventional
means of propulsion that subject our astronauts to great periods of
physical stress, especially during takeoff. We also have no magic way
for astronauts to readjust to earth gravity after a long ride in an
orbit in space station like the Russian Mir or our own planned station
early in the next century. Manned trips to Mars, also on the drawing
boards for early in the twenty-first century, will also be a problem
because they will last for months and subject our astronauts to a great
deal of stress.

I suggested to General Trudeau in my report that although this
wasn’t explicitly an Army R&D mission, NASA should
begin the preparation of astronaut candidates from the time
they’re still in school. “If we train our
astronauts from the time they’re children the same way we do
with potential athletes at sports camps and provide the most promising
candidates with flight training and military or government scholarships
to ROTC colleges, we will create a cadre of officers physically
adaptable and scholastically trained to enter the next generation of
space travel, ” I wrote. I know that General Trudeau passed
this recommendation along because NASA itself opened a space training
camp for future astronauts within a few years after my retirement from
the service.

Beyond the issues concerning the training potential of
astronauts for conventionally powered space flight, the examination of
the EBE bodies and the ship’s possible propulsion system
raised other intriguing questions. What if, in addition to having been
bioengineered for interstellar travel, the EBE’s
weren’t subjected to the kinds of forces human pilots would
routinely face? If the EBEs utilized a wave propagation technology as
an antigravity drive and navigation system, then they traveled inside
some form of adjustable electromagnetic wave. I suggested to General
Trudeau that we should study the potential physiological effects on
humans of long term exposure to the kinds of energy spillage generated
by the propagation of an electromagnetic field. Biologists needed to
determine how feasible such a form of space travel would be based upon
whether energy radiation would disrupt the cellular activity of the
human body. Perhaps the external one piece skins worn by the EBEs
afforded them protection against the effects of being enclosed in a
portable electromagnetic field.

Although Army R&D never conducted these studies
because the medical issues surrounding space travel were subsumed by
NASA under contracts with the military, indirect medical research was
conducted years later. Studies surrounding the physiological effects on
persons living near high voltage power transmission lines and persons
using extendable antenna hand held cellular telephones both proved
inconclusive. While some people argued that there were higher
incidences of cancer among both groups, other studies argued just the
opposite or found other reasons for any incidences of cancer. I believe
that a definitive piece of research on the effects of low energy or ELM
wave exposure still needs to be done because, ultimately, even more
than atomic energy or ion drives, magnetic field generation will be the
system that will propel our near planetary voyages from 2050 through
the early twenty second century. Beyond that, for humans to reach
destinations beyond the solar system technology will require a
radically different form of propulsion that will enable them to reach
velocities at or beyond the speed of light.

Thus did my second report cover the opportunities for research
presented to us by the autopsies of the EBEs and from the crash of
their vehicle. To my mind, it was nothing less than a confirmation that
the research into electromagnetics in the 1920s and the highly
experimental saucer and crescent shaped development of aircraft by the
Allies and Axis powers would have led to an entirely new generation of
airships. I know that my reports were read by the higher ups in the
military because top secret research has continued right through to the
present on a whole range of designs and propulsion systems from the
Stealth fighter and bomber to prototypes for a very high altitude
suborbital interceptor aircraft, developed at Nellis and Edwards, now
on the drawing board, which can hover in place and fly at speeds over
seven thousand miles per hour.

Once I finished my report on the opportunities we could
possibly derive from the EBEs and the craft, I turned my attention to
compiling a short list of immediate opportunities I believed achievable
by the Army R&D’s Foreign Technology Division from a
reverse engineering of items retrieved from the crash. These were
specific things, not as theoretical as questions about the physiology
of the EBE or the description of its craft. But, while some might call
them purely mundane, each of these artifacts, as a direct result of
Army R&D’s intervention, helped spawn an entire
technological industry from which came new products and military

Among the Roswell artifacts and the questions and issues that
arose from the Roswell crash, on my preliminary list that needed
resolution for development scheduling or simple inquiries to our
military scientific community were:

- Image intensifiers, which
ultimately became “night

- Fiber optics

- Supertenacity fibers

- Lasers

- Molecular alignment metallic alloys

- Integrated circuits 

- Microminiaturization of
logic boards

- HARP (High Altitude
Research Project)

- Project Horizon (moon base)

- Portable atomic generators
(ion propulsion drive)

- Irradiated food

- Third brain guidance systems (EBE headbands)

- Particle beams (“Star Wars” antimissile energy weapons)

- Electromagnetic propulsion systems

- Depleted uranium projectiles

For each of the items on my list, General Trudeau went into
his human resources file and found the names of scientists working on
government defense projects or in allied research projects at
universities where I could turn for advice and some consultation. I
wasn’t surprised to see Wernher von Braun turn up under every
rocket propulsion issue. von Braun had gone on record in1959 by
announcing that the U.S. military had acquired a new technology as a
result of top secret research in unidentified flying objects. Nor was I
surprised to sec John von Neumann’s name next to the mention
of the strange looking silver imprinted silicon wafers that I thought
looked like elliptical shaped crackers. “If these are what I
think they might be, ” General Trudeau said,
“printed circuitry, there’s only one person we can
talk to. ”

Dr. Robert Sarbacher was an especially important contact
person on our list of scientists because he had worked on the Research
and Development Board during the Eisenhower administration. Not only
had Sarbacher been consulted by members of Admiral
Hillenkoetter’s and General Vandenberg’s working
group on UFOs during the 1950s, he was part of the original decision
General Twining made to bring all of the Roswell debris back to Wright
Field for preliminary examination before farming it out to the military
research community. As early as 1950, Sarbacher, commenting on the
nature of the debris, said that he was sure the light and tough
materials were being analyzed very carefully by government laboratories
that had taken possession of the debris after the crash. Because he was
already knowledgeable about the Roswell debris, Dr. Sarbacher was
another obvious candidate for an Army R&D brain trust.

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