The Dead Game (14 page)

Read The Dead Game Online

Authors: Susanne Leist

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Teen & Young Adult

“How could Shirley be so stupid? Now I have four more people to worry about!” He couldn’t understand why Shirley would invite them to the private party. Was she trying to stir up trouble? He would have to question her later at the party—that is, if he wasn’t too busy protecting Linda and her silly friends.

“You’re the one who’s acting stupid! I told you not to touch me! Leave me alone! I don’t want to discuss this any further!” snapped Linda in a stern voice that he’d never before heard directed at him.

“I’m truly sorry, Linda. I was worried about you, but I never meant to raise my voice. If you don’t inform me where you are going, then how can I effectively protect you? I would never ever hurt you! Sam and I are trying very hard to protect you and Shana!”

Slowly turning around, she walked back to him. Taking her hand, he raised it slowly to his lips, all the while keeping her eyes locked with his, showing her with his eyes what he could never show with words: how much he deeply cared for her. Her eyes drifted closed, as if she was savoring his touch. Oh God! He hoped that she was as enthralled as he was with her. Tucking her arm in his, he led her to his car.

They were quiet during the short drive home and later at dinner, which Linda prepared with a loud symphony of banging pots and dishes. He understood why she was annoyed, but he knew that he’d had no other choice.

Chapter 21

riday evening is already here
, thought Todd in dismay. He was dressed in a tuxedo, standing at Linda’s doorstep before 8:30, before she had a chance to leave on her own for the party.

At his knock, Shana promptly opened the front door. She was elegantly dressed in a low-cut gown with her auburn hair falling in ringlets on her exposed shoulders. The dark-green gown had tiers of green lace flowing from her small waist all the way down to the pointy tips of her high heels. She had taken giant steps forward from her usual earthy appearance, Todd noted, as his eyes slowly roamed up and down her shapely body. His good friend Sam was in deep trouble.

Deep in thought, he heard someone clear her throat. Seeing the vision stepping out from behind Shana, he finally understood that he was the one in big trouble.

Linda was dressed in a white gown that sparkled and flowed with her body, hugging all her curves in the right places. The neckline of her gown was cut so daringly low that it gave the illusion of ending at her stomach. She wore high-heeled white sandals that brought her petite frame closer to his 6’4” height. Her dark hair was swept up in a bun with a few wisps of loose hair framing her heart-shaped face. Linda always took his breath away, but tonight her bright blue eyes were glaring back at him.

In a desperate attempt to win back her favor, he murmured suggestively, “No one looks as beautiful as you do tonight.”

“What about Shana? She is standing right beside you.” she responded coyly.

“Of course, Shana always looks beautiful,” replied a chastised Todd. He hurried on to explain his unexpected presence at their front doorstep. “I’m here to drive everyone to the party.”

“Great! You can be Shirley’s date!” proclaimed Linda, her eyes twinkling with suppressed mirth.

He understood that she was attempting to distract him from her earlier display of jealousy, so he went along with her charade, smiling at her small jab at him.

Meanwhile, Shana burst out laughing. “Come on! We must pick up your date while she’s still alive! You know about old folks…you don’t know how long they have left.”

“Very funny, Shana…I’m about the same age as you,” responded Todd.

“Yeah, but you move much slower,” Shana retorted as she dramatically flounced out the front door.


They drove through the quiet town. No lights shone through any windows; even the street lights were off. 
Not a very good setting for tonight’s activities
, sadly contemplated Todd.

Continuing with her earlier pretense of being annoyed with him, Linda joined Shana in the back seat instead of the front next to him. He smiled at her through the rearview mirror, amused at her cute attempts to preserve her dignity.

Mike and David were waiting for them in front of their store with Shirley by their side. They were dressed in tuxedos while Shirley wore a short pink flouncy dress. They huddled together as protection from the heavy winds that blew leaves and dust around them.

Todd respectfully opened the passenger’s door for Shirley.

Stepping off the curb, Mike hurriedly explained, “We picked up Shirley at her store, since we didn’t want her to wait alone. The town is really eerie tonight: the weather started out warm with calm winds and then all of a sudden, the lights went out and the winds started to crazily pick up speed. The streets are deserted; no one seems to be around.”

Squeezing into the back seat with David, Mike continued, “The stage is definitely being set for tonight: we have the deserted town, the lights going out, and the strong winds. All we now need is a haunted house and some demons, and then we’ll be all ready for tonight’s entertainment.”

Not appreciating Mike’s theatrics, Todd responded as cheerfully as he could, “The weather in this town is very unpredictable: it constantly changes from calm to stormy. But this doesn’t mean that something evil is afoot tonight.”

Shana giggled. “I like the word ‘afoot’—it gives a spooky aura to everything.” Todd was thankful that Shana was helping him to put everyone at ease. He was worried enough about this evening, and he didn’t need to worry about Mike upsetting everyone unnecessarily.

“Doesn’t Todd look adorable with his date, Shirley?” asked a teasing Shana.

“I didn’t know they were going out?” pouted David sullenly.

“Of course we aren’t going out, my dear boy,” retorted Shirley with a twinkle in her eye, “but I wouldn’t mind being Todd’s date for the evening.”

“It will be my pleasure, madam,” responded Todd gallantly.


The drive up the hill was excruciatingly slow: they had to follow a long line of cars and limousines making their way up the narrow country road. At the tall metal gates encircling Diane’s property, each car had to be checked by the guards on duty. Diane’s glass house was brilliantly lit up, with bright lights sparkling throughout her property. The lights extended far into the distance, weaving through the many trees and bushes, without an end in sight, Linda dreamily reflected.

At the front gate, uniformed men were inspecting everyone’s invitations. At Todd’s car, Shirley handed the officer her invitation.

“It says here that the invitation is for only one person. Who are these other people?” asked the officer.

“These are my guests. Diane told me that I could bring guests,” Shirley replied defensively.

“I must verify this with the gate house. Please wait here,” ordered the officer before returning to the large gate house. All the officers were huge and muscular and looked to be very professional to Linda. The security seemed more appropriate for an important political event than for a plain dinner party. She didn’t like the look of things, and they hadn’t even entered the property yet.

Todd jumped out of his car to speak with the officers on duty at the gate house. After some hushed conversation he returned to the car, informing them that they were cleared to enter. As the huge gates swung open for them, he drove up the gravel road between the two lines of tall trees with glistening lights hanging from their low branches.

“Why did they stop us? Why are they checking everyone?” queried Linda.

“The sheriff just wants to make sure that everyone is safe at the party,” explained Todd.

“These are not the sheriff’s men, but private officers,” remarked Mike.

“I know,” answered a curt Todd.

The four of them in the back seat glanced at each other with worried looks, but they all remained silent.

Chapter 22

s the car neared the house, a stunning vista slowly unfolded before their eyes. Encased in a tight circle of trees, shimmering from the lights strung through their heavy branches, the glass house sparkled brilliantly against the dark night sky: a huge glass ball shooting green sparks of light from within its rounded walls. Its great dome twinkled as radiantly as the multitude of stars shining down from above.

Leaving the car with the valet, Todd led the way up the marble stairs to the rounded front door. Two armed men, formally dressed in tuxedos, guarded the door, their holstered guns only slightly marring the fantasy image running through Linda’s vivid imagination: for as soon as she turned away to admire the scenery, she was once again in fantasyland.

The panorama facing her was completely doused in white. Gleaming white snow caps covered the tops of the tall trees and the great dome of the house. Snow was playfully falling on them from somewhere. She could feel snowflakes melting on her lips. They felt wet, like real snowflakes. She touched her face and hair. Her hand came away wet. She actually had snow on her fingertips. She searched the grounds for a snow machine, but couldn’t locate anything—not on the glass domed roof or in any of the trees. She couldn’t believe that genuine snow was falling on them from the dark sky. The landscape resembled a winter wonderland, mused Linda in awe, despite its being fall in Florida.

Todd placed his hand against her back and escorted her into the house. The others silently followed them into the glowing green ball that was alive with dazzling lights, music, and laughter.

Once inside, Linda was mesmerized by the glittering glass walls that mirrored the dancing images of the guests twirling around the marble dance floor. These images were cast in bright halos of light reflected from the myriad of crystal chandeliers hanging throughout the room. Soft candlelight from mounted crystal sconces flickered across the intricate patterns carved deeply into the green walls.

It was definitely the most beautiful and fascinating house that she had ever seen. Glancing back, she watched as Shana’s mouth slowly dropped open. She was certain that Shana would agree that the house appeared simply magical.

Couples were happily swirling around the immense dance floor. They were actually dancing in a large studio between Diane’s life-sized statues. Each sculpture was expertly carved from clear glass: each one revealing a full-sized person. To Linda, they appeared much too lifelike. Standing next to one, staring into it frozen face, she was startled by a fleeting expression of horror that seemed to cross over its features—as if a real person was trapped inside, pleadingly staring out at her from within his glass tomb. Then the look was gone and the statue appeared lifeless once again.

Her morbid thoughts made her shiver involuntarily, prompting Todd to grasp her even tighter against his body. Smiling up at him, she wondered how she could have been afraid of him. She was brought back to reality by the quick tapping of someone’s high heels.

A beautiful blonde woman with huge green eyes, wearing a diaphanous white dress, came over to greet them.

“Hi! Welcome to my party! I am Diane, your hostess,” she said as she gracefully glided over to greet them.

Linda quietly admired the tall blonde’s ageless beauty, while Todd made the introductions.

Diane responded that she was thrilled that they’d come to her party, and then floated off to welcome other people who were arriving.

Linda gazed around the exquisite room, recognizing two familiar faces: Minnie and Frank, who appeared to be floating across the dance floor. Frank was formal in his tuxedo, while Minnie was cute and perky in her short white baby-doll dress. As soon as they spotted Linda’s group, they danced over. Over the loud music, Minnie explained that they’d gotten a babysitter for this evening.

All of a sudden Minnie lost her happy glow, appearing both nervous and unhappy. She mouthed to Linda that they’d never missed one of Diane’s parties—no matter what. Frank took Minnie by the arm and led her back to the dance floor.

Linda knew that there had to be some hidden meaning behind Minnie’s hastily whispered words. She was beginning to believe that everyone in town had their own little secrets. She wasn’t so sure anymore whether she wanted to unbury all of them: Who knew what would come up when these unearthed secrets were finally brought to light?


Linda followed Todd through the thick crowd of people. Guests were chatting and laughing; some held plates while others held glasses of wine. The men looked dignified, dressed in black tuxedos; and the women were exquisite in their fancy gowns and jewels.

All the guests were tall and good-looking: the men were handsome and muscular, and the women were beautiful with tall, shapely figures. She spotted redheads, blondes, and brunettes; each person unique and gorgeous in his or her own way.

A loud commotion by the front door broke into her reverie. She turned to watch Hank walk into the party with a young beautiful blonde on his arm. A throng of people surrounded them, waiting to be introduced to Hank’s knock-out date.

The striking blonde was wearing a white, low-cut dress that was much too tight and clingy, decided Linda. Surreptitiously checking to see if Todd was staring at this new beauty as he’d done earlier with Shana, she found him instead staring down at her. Linda hoped that the silly smirk on his face didn’t mean that he’d figured out the full extent of her errant thoughts about Hank’s girlfriend. She usually had only kind thoughts about people, but this time she didn’t know why she felt this sudden hostility toward Hank’s female friend.

Perplexed by her own insensitivity, she pleasantly turned to Hank. “Please introduce us to your lovely friend.”

“Frances, please meet the residents of Oasis,” requested Hank as he formally introduced the gorgeous woman by his side.

“How…how…do you know each other?” asked Mike, openly ogling her.

Hank responded with a hint of humor in his eyes, “Frances is my daughter who is visiting from college this week.”

“Oh,” hastily swallowed Linda. From the corner of her eye, she noticed that Todd was grinning at her. Annoyed with him, she pointedly looked away.

When she spun back around, she noticed that Hank and his daughter had already disappeared. She could see them dancing in the middle of the dance floor. He must have led her away pretty quickly—most probably before Mike had a chance to ask any more questions. Hank definitely didn’t like being interrogated. Unfortunately, she had learned that earlier during her very unpleasant encounter with him at his shop.

As she watched the perfect guests dance and mingle, she realized that the party seemed to have a dire purpose behind it. There was definitely much more going on behind the scenes than what appeared on the surface. There was a grave seriousness behind all the gaiety. Looking up, she noticed an exchange of pointed looks pass between Sam and Todd. Todd immediately responded by pulling her against his side, announcing loudly to their companions, “We are going to dance. Have fun! See you later!”

She definitely didn’t want to be used as a pawn in Todd’s new game. As she tried to ease away from his strong hold on her, his grip became even tighter. He firmly led her around the dance floor, dancing past Sam, who was also leading Shana through the eerie statues and the circling dancers.

“Maybe I don’t want to dance,” she argued, angrily stomping on his toes with the high heel of her shoe. Todd’s only response was to continue dancing and twirling her—as if he hadn’t felt the hard jab from her sharp heel. She eyed him carefully, wondering if he ever got hurt. She sensuously slid her hand up his arm, which seemed to tremble slightly from her touch. Her hand continued to travel up to his neck, touching his soft skin, until he grabbed her hand to move it away from his body. Her eyes slowly met his. His eyes, appearing darker than usual, were smoldering with emotion and maybe even desire. He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her wrist very gently, causing it to tingle and throb. On the other hand, he might be human after all.

She glanced up into his pensive face as he turned to check out the room. His attention was now riveted on the other dancers, ignoring her again. She couldn’t hold his attention for more than a brief minute. How he could be immune to her, when she felt like she was being held both physically and mentally by him? She never could escape from his intense stare; even in her dreams she visualized his dark eyes boring holes deep into her soul.

Breaking into her gloomy thoughts, Todd finally responded, “It’s a dance. Of course you want to dance,” as he drew her against his hard body. She felt hypnotized by the smell of his cologne and the feel of his strong arm holding her snugly against him. She ran her hands across his muscular back and into his dark hair. Looking deep into her eyes, Todd brought her under his spell. She felt herself losing herself to him. Oh no! Not again! Abruptly snapping back to reality, she told herself that she couldn’t lose control.

“I don’t want to dance with you!” she cried, pulling away from him.

“Of course you do. I can read your mind; I know what goes on in there,” he teased, playfully tapping her forehead with his finger, bringing her back into his arms.

Todd’s reply made her nervous: she hoped that he really couldn’t read her mind; she also hoped that he wasn’t using her for some nefarious purpose. What had he seen right before he’d dragged her onto the dance floor? She furtively searched around the room, but didn’t notice anything unusual.

All of a sudden, she had a strange feeling that she was being stared at. Glancing around, she was promptly rewarded with a quick glimpse of Leanne standing behind a glass wall. She wore a severe-looking, long-sleeved black gown. It looked like she’d been avidly watching them before she’d snuck behind the green wall. 
A glass wall doesn’t hide too much
, Linda reflected, as she watched Leanne make her way up the clear staircase. But maybe Leanne hadn’t been hiding: she could have been innocently climbing the stairs. Leanne was creepy. She was tall and skinny with long black hair, a serious look forever plastered on her long face. She was never seen laughing or smiling. In retrospect, Linda realized, she was hardly ever seen at all in town.

Sounds of laughter flowed in from the entrance. Turning around, she noticed Reece standing in the middle of a group of ladies—all giggling and vying for his attention, just like on one of those bachelor shows on TV, where women vigorously competed for one man. Reece gave them all equal attention. Maybe he wasn’t the recluse that people portrayed him to be.

Reece was tall and ruggedly good-looking, but she couldn’t figure out his age. He had a full head of dark hair without any grey running through it. He could have easily picked any one of the beautiful women standing around him, but instead he chose a short and chubby brunette. She seemed to have a good sense of humor, since Linda could hear their laughter bubbling across the ballroom.

Todd cut into her thoughts by explaining, “Reece is a good person. I hope he finds someone to replace his wife, who died this past year.”

“How did she die?”

“She died from old age.”

“How could that be? Reece doesn’t look old,” Linda asked incredulously.

He didn’t answer, and she decided not to pursue it any further for now.


Todd brought her over to a group of people standing by the tall windows overlooking the garden. There were six people in all, each more beautiful than the last. She was first introduced to a blond- haired couple, both dressed in white: the man in a white tuxedo and the woman in a long white gown.

“Linda, these are my close friends from England, Duke Alan Rutherford and his wife, Duchess Amy Rutherford. They came in for Diane’s party—as did everyone else in this room.”

The duke politely bowed to Linda while the duchess bowed her head regally in greeting. They held themselves stiff and erect like proper English nobility. The duchess proudly displayed ruby jewelry around her elegant neck and narrow wrists. Linda even noticed sparkling rubies nestled among the blonde strands of her long wavy hair.

“You old fox, you finally found a woman that you could introduce to us,” the duke teased as he playfully nudged Todd with his elbow. The duke was tall and handsome with blond hair and dark-green eyes. He kept a watchful eye on all the guests: he was laughing with Todd, but his eyes never left the dance floor.

While Todd grimaced in reply, the duchess walked over to Linda and whispered, “They are very old friends who love to rib each other…. Just ignore them.”

Linda smiled at her in response. The duchess seemed to be very pleasant and cheerful.

Next Todd led her to a dark-haired couple, who were standing off to the side. “Come meet Count Vladimir and Countess Leona Stravinsky. They are from Russia.” This remark brought a dark scowl to Vladimir’s face. At first Linda had found him scary, but now with the scowl he seemed positively terrifying. Vladimir and his wife had perfectly chiseled features, tall lean bodies, and luscious dark hair; but all their beauty didn’t at all improve upon their icy cold demeanors. Linda nodded hello and then quickly moved back to the duchess.

The last couple walked over to introduce themselves. The tall, broad-shouldered man spoke with a heavy accent. “We are happy to meet you. I am John von Strobe and this is my wife, Caroline. We have come from Romania.”

The woman spoke with the same accent. “We are happy to meet a friend of Todd’s. We have known him for many years and have never before met any of his friends.”

Linda timidly replied, “Thank you…I love your accents. Were you both born in Romania?”

The woman smiled. “Yes…however, I was born to a farmer and John was born to nobility.”

Linda was impressed. “Should I be bowing?”

“Oh no!” exclaimed Caroline. “We are very down to earth people and expect no special treatment from our friends. No one ever calls us Baron or Baroness.”

Linda hoped that she hadn’t insulted them; but as she closely watched their faces, she realized that they were still smiling at her. John had such a beautiful face, with blue eyes that sparkled mischievously, while his wife had gorgeous black hair and dark-blue eyes. 
What a beautiful couple
, Linda thought as she admired them.

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