The Deadliest Alien Artifacts (Story Collection) (21 page)

Read The Deadliest Alien Artifacts (Story Collection) Online

Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #horror tales, #horror short stories, #science fiction short stories, #ancient lost artifacts, #classic bestsellers, #science fiction classics, #ultimate technology, #classic sf horror, #fantastic voyagers, #ultimate sf

Then he
realized from the voyager, and perhaps Davidson’s questioning, that
it was not the voyager – it was the entity/transcendent – and it
had created the voyager.

On and
on it
hurtled into space and time

chasing another
entity/transcendent – with a
determination and vengeance almost inconceivable.

Unlike the first
entity/transcendent it had taken
the form of an enormous monstrous
creature, with
its giant demon shape glowing
in flickers against its circular wall, while it shifted like a
wild killer lion, ready for the kill.

Parts of its
composition frequently altered into its original
entity/transcendent state, and it also altered to other things, and
its appearance almost altered into things it had killed.

Its claws
pounded controls, and it mentally activated them when it
occasionally transformed back to an entity form.

voyager, unlike the first entity/transcendent’s voyager, was
, and
powered by vast unstable energy explosions, across space and time,
which were so powerful that they ripped at the fabric of space and
time, and made it unbalanced, temporary warped, and almost crack –
across light years of space – with only its protective energy
shield and voyager stability holding it from the effects, which
many nearby worlds orbiting stars were subjected to in its field –
in the form of time jumps, warps, decelerations, accelerations, and
leaps through space – and whole worlds being thrown out of space
and time entirely.

tar formations flashed by, as it continued
its pursuit, and expedition of exploration, through the vast depths
of the universe, with
the massive
sphere of light from its
propulsion system floating across the blackness like a

Through mind-boggling accuracy and use
of its vast powers it explored the unexplored stars of the

searching for the other
entity/transcendent –
voyaging through the
central galaxies

exploring vast billions of galaxies
throughout the expanse of space and time

while transforming its voyager and
existence further from their original pure energy states, to normal
space and time states that it encountered.

Nevertheless, its perception of the
diminished, and it was
unable to locate it
where it was going.

Space and time
turned relatively unknown and mysterious to it, and it had no full
understanding of it, and it needed a solution – to establish where
the other entity/transcendent was – even if it meant it or anything
else would be destroyed.

Parker watched it create a miniature
white hole and it magically floating, inertly in mid-air, in front
of it
the front of the voyager
within a field of energy, in its own
reality, while energy beams dragged its radius apart.

It had worked and experimented on it for a
long time, altering and reinventing it for its purpose.

It resembled a star in space, as it fired
energy discharges at regions of it to spin it wildly about itself,
and it simultaneously increased the light behind it to whiteness.
The speed of its rotation increased and increased, and the power of
it could be felt in vibrations and whirling sounds.

With a vociferous explosion, and
gleams of light exploding out, it imploded, until it almost
vanished, and turned black, and the
entity/transcendent stretched it apart until it
resembled a miniature black hole
, with fuzzy
multidimensional forms rotating around it, clearly from time

clustering in clustered layers.

At times it took the form of a black
bubble of pure energy

buzzing wildly and dangerously about

ready to

Sparks of energy rotated it, edging into its
fringes, creating spectacular effects, making it distort in twisted

entity/transcendent concentrated its mind more and more, and
consequently the object exploded out across the entire area in
front of it, revealing its interior of zillions of miniature clouds
of gas floating partially spaced apart, in an energy bubble of
and it stopped its progression.

It had clearly just created and
invented a miniature universe

with a miniature copy of the big bang that
created this universe.

entity/transcendent, after almost
applauded its creation, created a time field around it, and
its time rate swiftly accelerated at a rate of millions and then
billions of years per second, with its clouds of gases altering
zillions of zillions
of lights floating partially spaced apart.

It was a miniature universe identical to
this one, and it now was the same age, and state.

stopped its
progression at a calculated point, and carried out a series of
basic experiments, and it decreased its own size and form, into a
new form of entity, and partially entered it.

Its reality magically spun around it, in
patterns of light.

It floated in the depths of its own
universe, and it continued decreasing its size, and entering

Space shrank, all about it, and the stars
appeared from clusters.

Spectacular white beams exploded out,
and stars shot about

In its depths, it saw a region,
situated within the
center of space,
and it surrounded it with
diagrams and symbols,
and it put a line stretching through the galaxies from it –
which reached away out to the Milky Way.

It was the course that the
had taken!

It had used telepathic recordings that it
was now able recreate.

It studied the entire surroundings, and
grasped how feeble it was.

Galaxies, everywhere, altered, shrank,
and deformed into nothing

the whole universe was disposed of

many zillions of galaxies
destroyed – a glittering immense jewel, embedded in a black velvet
background, vanishing into a zero point.

It shuddered at its findings, and fully
realized what it wanted.

For weeks, while it voyaged to
the Milky Way, it
planned its encounter with the other

Infinitely streaking stars, of solar
systems, flickered by, on a screen, at the front of the circular
chamber wall.

Infrequently it would react to sounds and
reaccelerate, and orbit worlds, or come to a standstill in space at
unknown objects.

Its entry of this galaxy might have
been the second entry of it, millions years ago

unique acceleration
letting it travel across the immense depths of galactic and
intergalactic space.

s glowing shape
would hold out objects, while strange ghostly shapes of life forms
from extraordinary worlds flashed about it.

Its voyager would plunge down through
their atmospheres, and its immense dark shape would hover over
mind-bending landscapes

with such phenomena as swirling currents of
unidentified living gas clouds engulfing it.

On many desolate worlds, with silence and
motionlessness, it would lunge over extraordinary entities and life
forms and collect them, and hurtle upwards towards the stars.

With its mind-boggling technology and
powers, and an accuracy and capacity inconceivable, it explored
this galaxy

while voyaging across all the different star quadrants, and
through the central stars

exploring vast billions of unexplored stars
throughout its expanse of space.

The voyager’s
present state had been formed by it from encounters and the
findings from spacecrafts, technology, entire civilizations from
throughout the universe, and the specimens it had were from all
over the universe.

After the collision with the black
force, exactly as the other
had done, the
entity/transcendent and voyager
and were damaged, and were almost destroyed, and,
exactly as the other
had done,
used protection shields to
avoid destruction – but at a cost, due to the protection shield
being a time field, which froze time and space – which the voyager
was unable to fully use its functions in, with the consequences
almost colliding with a star, exactly as the
had done, and it also
crashed into the surface of the Earth

it buried away for millions of years, as the
voyager was unable to release it, as it had damaged itself too
much, and it would need to leave the universe to stop the
entity/transcendent dieing – which it was unable to do, as it
needed a controller like entity/transcendent to help it perform it
– and the entity/transcendent inside was left in its protection
field – in suspended animation – waiting to be revived.







Voyage Beyond



s monstrous devilish figure shape lit up in
blood red shades, from lights around its compartment, as it was
opened out, by the voyager, from a nearby wall, to show

Well we cannot allow that thing to be
revived on this world!

Worthington stated.

We can only handle so

You are perfectly

Davidson continued.

It is far too deadly



Parker felt excitement exploding across his
mind, which he had even enjoyed when a hole had formed in the
structure of a wall, and the voyager had moved it out.

The darkness about them grew apparent, and
horror gripped them.

Where do you think the other
entity/transcendent is?

Worthington asked.

It was in the Cornwall

Davidson confessed.

I heard something about it from Professor
Farrell, but he hardly told me anything of its nature, and, of
course, made me give my word not to reveal that such a discovery
had been found.

Incredible! Another one of these was
found over there, and it was not revealed!

It was not awakened

and is no longer
in this universe. It left space and time! And that can be the only
answer to what to do with this one.

We can make a deal with

Worthington replied.

We want rid of it, but we want as much of its
technology as we can get!

Good idea!

Davidson replied, and started to
telepathically communicate with it.

After five minutes, he stopped and looked
startled, preparing himself.

This is not going to be easy

and that may be
an understatement!

Parker, knowing Davidson, knew they could be
in big trouble, especially if anything went wrong.

I have to help it, and command it.
The voyager is programmed to only carry out major things with the
commands of a controller, and it could not do anything, and it is
going to give me the commands, to complete its

All of the controls burst into life all
about them, and Davidson went into a strange state, as he became
the controller, and everything began functioning all about

The screen at the front flickered on, and
showed symbols all over it, and he heard sounds from it, which
indicated that the voyager was about to be activated.

Get ready!

Davidson announced.

We are leaving
space and time!

Parker felt horror, and shuddered, and
wondered if he would survive.

Brydon and Worthington looked confused, and
they continued monitoring everything.

Parker remained where he was, ready to
observe everything.

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