The Demon and the Succubus (20 page)

An awkward silence fell between them and Raphael knew Uriel sensed there was more he hadn’t said. It wasn’t as if Raphael was trying to hide anything, but he didn’t believe in coincidence. There had to be a reason that out of all days, two days ago he had been summoned to meet Levi and be there in time to save Amalya.
As much as he hated to admit it, this very situation helped him to understand Michael’s dilemma of not being able to share everything.
“I’ve found another journal,” Uriel said finally as he stepped back and waved Raphael forward. He turned to head deeper into the house. “It mentions something odd that I wanted to run by you. Neither Michael nor Gabriel had any idea what it could refer to.”
Curious, Raphael followed Uriel out to the back porch, the soothing sound of the waterfall in the background making him feel welcome as it always did. He sat without being asked and waited for Uriel to do the same.
Uriel laid a blue leather journal on the table between them. This one was the same size as the previous journal, worn around the edges with gold-tipped pages. A long green leaf marked a page near the center and Raphael reached out to open the journal to that page.
He laid the leaf aside and began to read. When he reached the word
his blood ran cold. “Beware the second of four, the destroyer of worlds, who carries both the blood of temptation and the blood of the angels . . .” He let his words trail off as the possibilities percolated inside his mind.
It might be a reference to Amalya, who now carried his blood in her, but Raphael didn’t think so. His instincts told him it alluded to Levi. He would definitely have a part to play in the end times. But the question remained . . . which side needed to beware of him?
Since he’d shared a soul gaze with Amalya before he’d shared his blood, he’d been able to see Levi through her eyes. The man wasn’t capable of doing great evil. But it wouldn’t be the first time evil had used an innocent man as its pawn in the larger scope of events.
“I can tell by your expression you know who this refers to.”
Raphael met Uriel’s gaze and nodded. “I’m not sure what part he will play, but he’s already involved. He’s currently protecting the succubus Amalya.”
“Amalya?” Uriel frowned. “Sinner’s Redemption. That’s where he found her, isn’t it.”
Raphael nodded, confused with the sudden turn in the conversation. “Why?”
“We need to go and speak with Lilith.”
and Raphael were ushered inside Lilith’s throne room to find Gabriel already there.
There was no telltale musk of arousal hanging in the air, but Uriel still had the potent scent burned into his memory along with the sight of the two of them twined together on Lilith’s bed. Jealousy curled through him and he wrestled it back and clamped it down mercilessly.
A small crease appeared between Lilith’s brows as she looked between Uriel and Raphael. “What’s happened?”
Tension caught and held as she met Uriel’s gaze, and almost absentmindedly Uriel noted how Gabriel and Raphael shifted uncomfortably as long seconds ticked by.
Gabriel stood abruptly. “Raphael, why don’t you fill me in while Uriel and Lilith talk?”
Uriel turned to ask them to stay, but they were already out the door by the time he found any words. When he turned back, Lilith looked as stunned as him with their sudden departure.
“Please, sit.” Lilith’s small smile was forced and Uriel resisted the urge to make up some reason to flee. Instead, he sank into the chair she offered.
“I don’t like this tension between us, Uriel.” The words were blurted out more than stated.
It was the most honest they’d been with each other in a long time and Uriel blew out a relieved breath that she’d broken the stalemate between them. “I don’t like it either. I’m sorry I brought us to this.” He waited for all the familiar arguments they’d had in the past, but none came.
“We need to find a way to coexist without losing all semblance of the relationship we’ve had.” She swallowed hard and studied her hands in her lap. “I know we can never have—” She waved away what she’d been about to say. “Anyway, I don’t want to dread being left in the same room with you, Uriel. We care for each other. There has to be a way for us to make a friendship of some type work.”
He nodded and reached out to take her hand in his. The fineboned fingers were warm to his touch and he feathered his fingers over her knuckles as he’d done a thousand times in the past. “I agree.” He forced himself to meet her gaze. “I miss you.”
A small, sad smile curved her lips. “I miss you too.”
Silence fell again, but this time it was much less uncomfortable. Finally, Lilith squeezed Uriel’s hand and glanced up. “Why did you come to see me today? I know it wasn’t originally to talk.”
Lilith was right. He’d been a coward, and if Raphael and Gabriel hadn’t taken the choice from him, he would’ve avoided this talk with Lilith for as long as possible. All because he couldn’t find a way to reconcile his desires and his duty. He didn’t blame Lilith—she’d been completely honest about what she wanted from the start. He’d been the one to sleep with her, then tried to redraw the line of separation between them. Even as he’d pushed her away, he’d felt like he was betraying something deep inside him.
What a hypocrite he was. And even knowing that, he had no idea how to change things.
He sighed and met her gaze. “What do you know about Obediah Levi Spencer, Duke of Ashford?”
Lilith’s lips pressed into a firm line and the crease between her brows returned. “He is Amalya’s protector.”
“What deal did you make with him?”
Her expression remained wary, but Uriel knew she wouldn’t deny him the information. “He wanted information on his parentage in return for escorting Amalya safely back here.”
Raphael had filled Uriel in on Levi’s parentage before they made it to Lilith’s lair. “If I’m not mistaken, he’s already in possession of that information.”
Lilith raised one brow in question. He knew she prided herself on finding and bartering rare information. If Levi had found out through another source, Lilith would want to know who had told him and why.
Uriel quickly told her about Levi and Raphael’s meeting and what he’d found inside the journal.
“I suppose it was Raphael’s story to tell,” she said with a thoughtful expression. “Don’t worry, I’ll find something of equal value to pay Levi with. I have a knack for deal making.” She smiled and Uriel was gratified to see something of the old Lilith in the expression.
“He is somehow integral in the end times. I’d like to keep him close if I can. If he comes to you for any other deals, I’d be interested in buying that debt from you.”
She glanced at him from under her lashes, the mischievous Lilith flashing through quickly. “Buying it from me? With what?”
Uriel grinned. “Yes, buying. We can discuss details later.”
Lilith’s artful expression fell away to reveal the real being beneath. She looked down at their joined hands and then up into his gaze. “No. This is one debt I’ll happily pass along to you. I’m grateful for all you’ve ever done for me. And most of all I’m grateful to have not lost your . . . friendship forever.”
Uriel noticed the slight hesitation before the word “friendship,” but he wasn’t so sure he knew how to define what they had either.
Lilith smiled. “Don’t worry. I’m a master at getting humans indebted to me. You’ll have Levi’s debt. I promise.”
He leaned over and brushed a kiss across her brow before standing. “Thank you,” he murmured before he turned to walk away.
The fresh, warm
scent of sunshine and woman filled Levi’s senses as he slowly surfaced from sleep. He was relaxed and comfortable, his face resting on a pillow of silken hair, the front of his body pressed against familiar soft curves. His arm was around Amalya’s waist holding her close, and her hand rested over his as if to ensure he didn’t move or pull away.
From her deep, even breathing, she was still asleep, and Levi enjoyed the comfortable moment to just savor their closeness before the world encroached on them again.
He spread his fingers over her perfectly smooth stomach, forcibly erasing the gory image of how she’d looked after the demon had gotten hold of her. Raphael had saved her, and Levi would feel forever in his debt.
Amalya stirred in her sleep, shifting against him and reminding his body there was a very desirable naked woman in front of him.
His cock grew and lengthened against her ass and he had to resist the urge to lay a line of gentle kisses along her neck and shoulders.
He shifted to try to find a more comfortable position where the silky skin of Amalya’s back and lovely bottom wouldn’t brush against his erection with her every breath.
She thwarted his efforts when she stretched in front of him, arching back and reaching back under the covers to lay her hand on his bare hip. “Mmm. Morning.” Her voice was filled with sleep and pure female satisfaction.
“Good morning.” He swallowed hard, not sure where to go from here. The last time they’d spoken, back before the demon attack, they’d fought horribly and he’d stormed out. He wasn’t sure if he’d been forgiven or if this was some sort of diabolical female test.
She turned over, wriggling against his aching cock unmercifully on the narrow couch. When she settled herself comfortably, his cock lay pressed against her stomach, her full breasts flush against his chest and her feet tangled with his. “You look well rested this morning,” she said with a slow smile.
“As do you,” he ventured as he searched her face for clues about how to proceed. “In fact you look quite mischievous this morning.”
She laughed, tracing her fingers over the stubble along his jaw. “You don’t need to be afraid of me, Levi. I’m sorry for the other day. I don’t react well when people keep things from me.”
“I suppose I don’t either. I’ll endeavor to do better in the future.”
“Good.” Her slow smile lit her face and his chest ached from how beautiful the woman in his arms was. “Is Levi short for something? It’s a unique name.”
“My full name is Obediah Levi Spencer, Duke of Ashford.”
She laughed. “Your Grace. That’s why Jethro kept calling you that. Do you still hold the title?”
“Technically, yes. But I haven’t been a practicing duke for a long time.”
“That explains a lot, you know.” She traced her fingertips over his lips and Levi sucked in a breath as a spear of hot arousal shot straight to his groin. “I’m sure that’s where you get the haughty arrogance.” She smiled to soften the comment. “But when you’re not busy being overbearing and bossy, you’re actually very sweet.”
“Sweet?” he asked with disbelief. He’d been called many things through the years, but sweet had never been one of them.
Ignoring his reaction, Amalya wriggled tighter against him. “How about we start again? After all, Raphael did remind me to enjoy the little things and not let all the good parts of life slip by me.” She smiled up at him. “What do you think . . . Your Grace?” she murmured before brushing her lips over his.
The sudden softness and warmth made his entire body tighten. He opened for her, excitement swirling through him as she dipped her tongue inside his mouth, stroking and enticing until he growled low in his throat and pulled her tight against him.
Her seeking fingers teased and stroked as did her talented mouth while she arched against him until he was panting and breathless.
When he would’ve rolled them over and covered her with his body, she preempted him by sitting up and shifting him over to lie on his back on the couch so she could straddle him. The wet heat of her pussy pulsed against his cock teasing and beckoning while she ground against him, thrusting her tongue inside his mouth as if showing him what she would soon let him do to her.
When he thought he would go mad from all the erotic sensations careening through his system, she finally shifted and reached between their bodies to guide the tip of his cock to her opening.
She traced him up and down her slit, the hot slickness of her arousal coating him, the exquisite sensations ripping a long moan from his throat. “Amalya,” he said through gritted teeth.
She didn’t answer, but instead sank down on him fully, impaling herself with a ragged gasp and began to move, her body slick and smooth as it accepted him.
She anchored her hands on either side of his head as she rode him, her blue gaze burning into his. An unnamed connection slowly formed between them and grew stronger, tighter as he stared into her eyes while pleasure built between them.
This was much different than last time. Amalya was here. Present. She wasn’t purely using him to gain energy. She wanted him for him, and it showed. The difference was clearly stated in her every movement, and it sent possessive warmth swirling through him.
he wanted to say.

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