The Devil's Handshake (13 page)

Read The Devil's Handshake Online

Authors: Michael Reagan

Tags: #obama, #cold war, #sas, #putin, #oligarch, #cia and diplomacy, #natural resources, #thriller actiion, #mi6 operative

Nara quickly sat down like a little girl by
the side of Thomas opposite Mikhail while he poured her a cup of
coffee. She saw him wink in the direction of Mikhail.

Miss Gurbanmammedowova,”
Mikhail said taking his cue to leave with an additional

Quietly, as Nara sipped her coffee Thomas
opened his briefcase beside him, pulled out, then put her letter
“Giving her permission to leave the country” and her passport that
Mikhail had now returned to him after he advised him he was going
to give her the decision to choose her destiny, on the table.

Something Mikhail had quickly said in
response had pleased him, as he never saw Thomas as “Slave

I know Mikhail, I blame
that prick Oleg’s presence!” he responded.

Er iz gevorn far ir di
kapore!” Mikhail had muttered while shaking his head in
disagreement drinking his coffee with his eyes twinkling. It was a
Jewish saying, meaning, “He fell for her hook, line, and

Bugger off, you sod!”
Thomas responded laughing understanding his joke.

I will tell Hanna to stop
her search!” Mikhail responded in kind continuing with the

But now as he took in the sight of the
beautiful young woman in front him Thomas concluded that his old
friend had been correct in spite of her being only just

I am going to release you
from my protection,” Thomas said causing her eyes to shoot up with
panic. Sensing her fear, Thomas moved quickly to calm

Don’t worry Oleg won’t
touch you or your family,” he said, guessing at what the look of
terror in her eyes was about. “If you come with me I will expect
that you obey by my rules and submit to my needs without question,”
Thomas carried on looking into her eyes again using Turkmen tribal
law to provide Nara with an anchor despite it not being his
intention at all.

He looked at her for a moment to try and
gauge her. Then she answered.

I and my family belong to
you T-h-o-m-a-s. I will follow you until you say otherwise,” she
answered slowly in English to show her commitment. She was smart
enough to recognize that he was offering her a way out of

Putting down her coffee cup she picked up his
hand lifted it up and kissed it with her lips for the effect to
show her acceptance. Her training as a concubine was on display for

Good, now call your
mother!” Thomas ordered as he gave her a mobile phone.

I hope you know what you
are doing, old chap!” he told himself as he watched her dial her
mother’s number on the mobile having caught her overt but bloody
sexy professional attempt to satisfy him with an answer she knew he
wanted to hear.

Later as they took off in his plane,
something she had never done before, Nara watched the powerful man
who now “owned” her despite his words to the contrary as he talked
about things she assumed was his business with Mikhail while she
pretended to flip through a fashion magazine.

She reflected on the whirlwind events of the
last two days then concluded, “He is certainly different to any man
I have ever met!”

Baby, he means what he
says, I know it!” her mother had said with tears in her eyes as
they stood together in the bedroom absorbing his promise to look
after Nara after her still traumatized mother had come to the hotel
with some more clothes for her.

Allah has sent you an
angel!” her mother had said with authority.

I know he has!” Nara had

Knowing her mama was still in shock from the
terrible savagery of the yesterday Nara had chosen not to argue
with her not even when she had told her that she must not fail him
but look after him and bear him children. That was something that
was most definitely not going to happen as she had decided at the
time as soon as she got Moscow she was going to escape from him and
head to Dubai.

However it was only when they had emerged
from the bedroom that she started to believe her mother’s

Suspiciously she observed Thomas, as she now
called him, take her mother aside then give her a large thick

As soon as her mother opened it she could see
her face was one of shock, her body shaking. Worried, Nara bit her

Baby! Look, what your Angel
has given me!” she said in Turkmen handling her the envelope

Looking inside, Nara saw what she assumed was
fifty thousand U.S. dollars in cash!

It is to give you choices,
Madam Tania,” Thomas had said with a smile as her mother set about
hugging him in tears.

It was an action Nara had concluded that must
have caught him off guard by the way he hesitantly patted her
mother awkwardly in return.

From now on you are under
my protection and I will advise the President accordingly,” he
said. “If you need anything, call Gunara and I will take care of
it,” he stated with authority.

No man had ever done that
for them in their entire life certainly not her drunken father! And
he was going to tell the President to look after Mama,” Nara
thought while watching him doing his paperwork.

Who are you?” she

Arriving in Moscow in good time, the drive to
his home in the diplomatic residence area of the city was less so.
It took an hour and a half due the traffic, the bane of Moscow.

On reaching the house they were greeted by
his personal butler Sergeant Tan (who she later found out, thinking
him to be a Tajik at first, was Nepalese and Thomas’s first platoon
sergeant from his time in the army) and his wife.

Sergeant and Mrs. Tan will
look after you,” he said, introducing them.

Thank you,” she replied as
she watched him go into another room with Mikhail and his

Please follow me, Madam
Gunara,” said Mrs. Tan indicating with her arm to do so.

Madam?” thought Nara. That
was a title given to the ladies of powerful men in her country.
“Does it mean the same here?” she pondered as she followed the
woman upstairs. Mrs. Tan first showed her to her bedroom then on to
another room with built-in wardrobes.

This is your dressing room,
Madam Gunara,” stated the servant, having already surprised her
moments go by telling her that the beautiful bedroom was hers and
not his.

Dressing room!” that was
something she only read about in Magazines, she thought.

Leaving her with a little bow a gesture that
made feel like a Princess, Nara couldn’t believe how much her life
had just changed in two days.

These rooms are five times
bigger than my entire apartment!” she thought, dumbstruck, taking
in her new surroundings. Opening the cupboards, she was further
surprised once more to find a range of outfits, underwear, and
shoes all from the pages of Vogue, although not all to her taste,
nor completely fitting her, they were near enough as she picked
them out to look at them.

Who is this man?” she
pondered again. “Allah, my thanks to you for blessing me!” she said
closing her eyes again as she suddenly realized that God had heard
her prayers.

At which point as Thomas entered the room.
Nara turned quickly then ran into his arms like a schoolgirl,
excitingly kissing him with force for the first time in their

My Thomas,” she murmured in
a lusty sexy Russian accent.

I take it you’re happy
then!” he said almost breathlessly after she kissed him.

He had asked Hanna to deliver a range of
outfits from her friend’s boutique for her, so he was hoping his
friend’s wife had chosen well. It appeared she had done so.

Yes… of course my baby, but
not because of the clothes,” she replied in her English slowly like
she were a little girl.

Really?” he responded
slightly disappointed.

Because you had promised to
look after my Mama!”

A questioning look came from him followed by
a question. “Why now?” Thomas asked now seeing quite a different
girl to the professional one of earlier in the day.

Because this was the first
time I could be alone with you, my darling, for our first time,”
she answered looking up into his eyes as Nabokov’s “Lolita” with
wide-eyed innocence.

I want you now!”

Take what is yours!” she
suddenly demanded, kissing him again and again as she wrapped a leg
around him tugging at his black silk and wool trousers in the
process. “T-h-o-m-a-s, I NEED YOU TAKE ME HERE NOW,” she continued
as if possessed, the trained Jelep in control figuring that to
secure her position she must submit to him despite her dislike of

Undoing his belt buckle, she pressed her hips
against his crotch as he roughly pulled at her Nike training
tracksuit bottoms. Noting that they had come off rather easily as
he yanked them down, Thomas inhaled deeply as he continued to kiss
her, drinking from her moist lips as she stepped out of them.

Suddenly he felt his trousers around his
ankles in moments. Then he felt her hands working on his

I need to feel his strength
now so to satisfy Allah and his will as well,” she reasoned to
herself as the professional in her kicked in.

Helping her get his underwear off he then
offered to go to the bedroom but instead she simply grabbed hold
off his now rigid manhood and wrapped her leg around him again.
Easing him inside her so to let him slam himself quickly she pulled
him into the built-in cupboard for balance as he entered her.

At that moment, Nara felt all the years of
physical abuse and torture of the last two days flood over her. It
was so intense it almost caused her to pass out, yet something else
happened to her.

What is this? No man has
ever done this!” she thought as she wrapped her other leg around

Taking hold of her taut bottom, he drove
himself into her over and over against the wardrobe.

He had wanted this release all day as he
watched her on the plane, her incredible beauty bewitching him with
every passing minute as the two of them made small talk and probed
each other on their backgrounds. Now it was finally happening.

Bloody hell!” he murmured
for he had never felt anything like this with a woman

Kissing him deeply for a moment so she could
catch her breath from the emotions that were now laying siege to
her from his assault on her, the moans from both of them rang
loudly in the room before back in control Nara encouraged him to
take her even harder as if forcing out the “demons” whirling around
in her head.

Taking her instruction verbatim, Thomas did
as he was ordered to do with more force and animal lust as he drove
up against her over and over again, slamming himself into her as
her legs locked around him, causing her to start babbling.

They carried on like this for the following
two minutes, bringing each other to the shared brink of orgasm
before feeling herself come / first she held onto him tightly
digging her nails into his back.

MY T-H-O-M-A-S!” she
screamed as her soaked sex clamped down on his manhood.

Feeling her intense orgasm arrive caused
Thomas to lose all control as waves of release cascaded throughout
his body as well, with his whole body becoming rigid just before he
exploded into the young woman he sworn he would look after with his

Now breathless while he pressed himself into
her Nara opened her eyes. Unwrapping from him, she put one leg on
the ground then kissed him deeply. As she did so she separated from
him, then lowered the other leg, pulling him close to her.

I can feel your seed inside
me, my love,” she huskily whispered as she held him.

Now we go to the bedroom!”
she ordered the professional in her taking over.


Washington D.C

In the rather dull colored situation room of
the White House, very unlike how one of the most secure locations
in the world is portrayed in films, waiting for the President and
the Chief of Staff to arrive for the regular debriefing on the
latest national security threat that their country was facing were
the Secretary of State, Director of the CIA, the National Security
Adviser and finally Joseph McGiven.

In the week leading up to this briefing, each
servant of the President’s administration relevant institutions had
been tasked to prepare a situation analysis and formulate
recommendations for POTUS’s consideration and action.

As this was the “pre-briefing,” the
Secretary, as the most senior member of the Administration, was
chairing the meeting until the President’s arrival.

A distinguished former member of the Senate
and Presidential Candidate, John Kerry had possessed a unique
understanding of U.S. Foreign Policy due in part from his education
in Europe, at the sharp end with his decorated service in Vietnam,
then once he was elected, by his stints on the committees for
International Trade and Foreign Relations.

To kick-start the meeting he asked the
Director of the CIA to begin his overview.

After a rather long-winded introduction
during which the Director paused to drink a glass of water and
irritating the Secretary in the process, the man finally reached a
crucial point of the briefing.

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