The Divided Family (2 page)

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Authors: Wanda E. Brunstetter

“Our daughter’s smart.” Mom smiled at Kristi. “I’ll bet you learned that in nurses’ training.”

“I may have, but it’s something I read about a long time ago in a magazine article.” Kristi stirred her hot chocolate and took a drink. “Yum. I like it when you whip heavy cream. It’s much better than the spray kind you buy in a can, and I like the subtle way you sweeten it, without too much sugar or vanilla.”

Mom’s smile widened. “I enjoy cooking for you and your dad, and I’m glad you appreciate it.”

“I appreciate it, too.” Dad reached over and helped himself to the fluffy white topping, added some to his mug, and took a drink. “Ah … now that’s what I call good.”

Thinking about all the delicious food she’d just shared with Mom and Dad caused Kristi to reflect on one of the patients at the nursing home where she worked.
I wonder if Audrey felt up to eating any turkey today. Poor thing. She looked so pale when I checked on her yesterday.

“Is anything wrong?” Mom tapped Kristi’s arm. “You look so serious all of a sudden.”

Kristi slumped in her chair. “I was thinking about my patient, Audrey, who’s dying of cancer. I’m sure I mentioned her before.”

“You did. Has she gotten worse?” Mom’s gentle tone revealed her concern.

“Yes. Up until recently, she’s been able to be out of bed and get around on her own, but now she’s pretty much bedridden.”

“Cancer’s an ugly thing.” Dad spoke up. “Seems like there’s hardly a family who hasn’t been touched by it.”

“I know.” Kristi sighed. “I’ve been praying for a miracle on Audrey’s behalf, but with her getting worse, I have to think my prayer won’t be answered.”

“All prayers are answered,” Dad reminded. “Just not always the way we would like.”

Kristi thought about Joel again and how she’d been praying for him, as Audrey suggested. It had only been a little over a month since they’d broken up, so he was still fresh on her mind. She continued to wonder if anything in his life had changed. Obviously, Joel wouldn’t be a different person right away, but maybe he’d receive the help he needed from God sometime soon. Before Joel could change, however, he had to let Jesus come into his heart.

Redirecting her thoughts, she smiled and said, “As much as I’ll miss Audrey when she’s gone, I’m convinced she’s a Christian and will be in a better place. She’s told me more than once that she’s ready to go home and be with the Lord.”

“The sting of death lessens a bit when we know someone we care about has been transported to heaven.” Dad reached for the pot of hot chocolate in the middle of the table and poured himself another cup.

Kristi finished eating her pie and pushed away from the table. “I’ll take my dishes to the sink and then get out one of our favorite games.” Hopefully once they started playing, she could concentrate on something more uplifting.

After she rinsed her dishes, Kristi decided to check her phone messages, in case someone from the nursing home had called with an update on Audrey’s condition. Dorine was working this evening and had promised to let Kristi know if Audrey took a turn for the worst.

Listening to the only message she’d received, Kristi inhaled a long breath when she heard Joel’s voice. She took a seat at the kitchen table and pressed the phone closer to her ear. For a split second, hearing him say he wasn’t feeling well touched a soft spot in her heart and she felt pity for him. Kristi was aware of how miserable a person felt when they had a bad cold, much less a sore back. But common sense kicked in when she remembered Joel lying to her about why he’d taken money from their joint account. He was probably either making up the situation, or using it as a means to get her there so he could try and talk her into taking him back.

Kristi’s lips pressed together as she pushed her shoulders against the back of the chair.
Sorry, Joel, but it’s not going to work. I’m staying right here for the rest of the evening.

Berlin, Ohio

ow are you feeling? Are you comfortable there on the couch, or would you rather lie on your bed?”

Doris clenched her teeth in an effort to keep from shouting. Today was Monday, the last day of November, and she’d only been home from the hospital a few hours. But in those few hours, all her sister Elsie had done was fuss.
How does she think I feel? I’m laid up with a broken leg and sore head. Worse than that, my hopes of giving Brian a baby have been destroyed.
“I’m fine here on the couch for now,” she murmured.

Elsie placed a pillow under her cast, with a reminder that the doctor said she should keep her leg elevated as much as possible. “You’ll probably have less pain that way, and it will help with the swelling.”

okay.” Doris blinked back tears threatening to spill over.
It won’t help the pain in my heart, though, will it?

“Is there anything you need me to bring you before I wash the breakfast dishes?”

“No, I don’t need a thing.”
Except my baby.
Since Doris had been pregnant less than twenty-four weeks, there would be no funeral. In some ways, she saw it as a blessing, for she wouldn’t have to endure the agony of watching a tiny coffin being lowered into the ground. On the other hand, a funeral service brought closure.

Elsie placed her hand gently on Doris’s shoulder. “Arlene should be here soon, and then the two of us can do your laundry and get some cleaning done.”

After her sister got busy in the kitchen, Doris sat on the sofa awhile, pondering the loss of her unborn child. With the aid of her crutches, she pulled herself up and made her way down the hall to the room next to her and Brian’s. It would have been the baby’s nursery.

Inside the doorway, Doris paused and looked around the small room with anguish. Her vision blurred as she gazed at the wall where the crib would have gone. Across from it, Brian had placed a rocking chair—the same one he had been rocked in as a baby. Doris’s leg throbbed as she hobbled over to the chair and collapsed into it. Strong sobs shook her body. Her heart felt as if it was broken in two. She thought her tears would never stop flowing. So many feelings hit her all at once; it was hard to feel any hope.

In no time it seemed, both of Doris’s sisters were at her side. Arlene, wearing her jacket and outer bonnet, held baby Samuel in her arms and placed him gently on Doris’s lap. “Will you hold him for me awhile?”

Doris sniffed. “Jah, of course.”

Elsie and Arlene stood quietly beside her, looking down as she rocked the baby. Doris found comfort in the little guy’s chubby, warm body. Did Arlene know how fortunate she was?

“What about the sorting we’d all planned to do at Dad’s house this week?” she asked, looking up at Elsie. “How’s that going to get done if you two are here helping me?”

“It can wait. Right now, your needs take priority over finding Dad’s will.”

“I bet Joel won’t be happy about that.”

“I still haven’t called him, but I need to do it soon.”

Doris figured Elsie had put off making the call because she dreaded Joel’s reaction to the news that the search for the will had been suspended. She couldn’t blame her. Their brother could be quite difficult when he didn’t get his way.

“I’m worried about Doris,” Arlene said after she and Elsie had gotten their sister settled on the living-room couch and gone to the kitchen.

“She looked tired, so hopefully she’ll sleep awhile,” Elsie replied.

Arlene had brought the baby to the kitchen with them so Doris could rest. “I hope Samuel doesn’t get fussy and wake her. With my older children in school and Larry at work, I didn’t have anyone to watch him today.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine. We can set his playpen up here in the kitchen, if you brought it.”

“Jah, it’s in my buggy. I’ll go get it.” Arlene handed Samuel to Elsie and went out the door.

Elsie looked at the precious infant in her arms. The little guy’s eyes closed slowly then opened. He was no doubt ready for a nap. “You’re so adorable and sweet,” she whispered, reflecting on how soothing it felt when her children were babies.

A short time later, Arlene returned with the playpen. Elsie waited for her to set it up before passing the little one to his mother.

“When I finish the dishes, we can move him to whatever room we decide to clean.”

“That’s a good idea.” Arlene placed the baby in the playpen, then grabbed a dishtowel to dry the dishes. “I feel sorry for Doris. She wanted a boppli so badly.”

Elsie’s chest felt heavy. She stared at the sponge she held. “It’s hard to stay positive during times like these, but for our sister’s sake, we must encourage her to look for the good in things. As Dad used to say, ‘This too will pass, and things are bound to go better soon.’”


Joel blinked against the light streaming through the blinds in his living-room. He’d spent another miserable night on the couch, which had probably done his back more harm than good.

Groaning, he forced himself to sit up and winced when he tried to straighten.
How am I going to do any work today when I’m still in pain?
Joel had spent the last four days alternating between using a heating pad and an ice pack on his back.
Probably should see a chiropractor, massage therapist, or doctor—maybe all three. This isn’t getting better on its own.

Joel rubbed the sides and top of his head. His hair felt greasy. He really ought to take a shower, but his back hurt worse when he stood too long. His cold lingered, which didn’t help, either. He wished he could call on someone to take care of him. He’d tried calling Kristi several times over the weekend, but she hadn’t returned even one of his calls. He’d called Tom last night, but his friend couldn’t help because he’d gotten stuck at his folks’ in bad weather and didn’t know when he’d make it home.

Guess I could call one of my sisters, but they’d have to hire a driver to bring them here.
He winced.
Bet they wouldn’t even care that I’m here alone with a bad back and a horrible cold.

Joel picked up his cell phone and searched for local chiropractors. He found one a few miles from where he lived and dialed the number. After explaining his predicament, he was given an appointment for three o’clock that afternoon. It would not be easy, but somehow he’d muster the strength to drive there. In the meantime, he would force himself to take a shower and put on some clean clothes. He wrinkled his nose. “Bet I smell as bad as I look.”

“How’d your weekend go? Did you have a nice Thanksgiving?” Dorine asked when Kristi arrived at the nursing home.

“It was good. I spent Thanksgiving Day with my parents, went shopping on Friday, attended another quilting class with my mom Saturday, and had dinner at my folks’ house after church on Sunday.” Kristi smiled. “How was yours?”

Dorine pressed her palm against her chest. “Thanksgiving was kind of rough here at work, and when I had a late meal at my boyfriend’s house that evening, I had a hard time feeling thankful.”

“What happened?”

“Mr. Riggins had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital.” Pausing to pick up a magazine someone had dropped on the floor, Dorine’s shoulders drooped. “It happened in the lunchroom, and the patients who were eating there became quite upset. It took a while to get them settled down.”

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