The Draglen Brothers - SHOWKEN (BK 2) (11 page)

“What did you dream, love
?” he asks, relaxing his body.

“You were in my dream, with a big bird dragon thingy
, and we flew on its back,” I say. I feel really stupid now that I say it out loud, until he speaks.

“It’s either a dragon or
a bird, but not both. Did you enjoy the dream?” he says, looking me in the eyes, not blinking. His eyes almost remind me of, shit . . . fuck. It can’t be.

“Showken, I feel like you already know about
it, your eyes . . . I should go home,” I say, getting ready to lift the cover, but he’s at my ear. “Be still, Marilyn, you are not leaving this time. Besides, we are having fun, and I want to give you at least four more orgasms tonight,” he says. Lowering his head, he starts licking my back. It feels so good.

“Umm, ok
ay, I should at least call Jasmine. I promised I would call her.” He looks at me, narrowing his eyes.

ay, I’ll get your cell phone; as you already know, walking is out right now.” He climbs out of bed, fully erect. My mouth goes dry, but I need to let Jasmine know I’m okay. I did tell her I would when I picked up Bruiser. Oh damn, where is Bruiser?

“Umm, Bru
iser, where is he?” I ask.

Bruiser is sleeping, but he won’t be able to hear us, I’m a man of many talents, so don’t hold your screams in,” he says, handing me my cell phone. He slips out of his sweat pants. I want him in my mouth. I lick my lips, feeling a growing need.

“Thanks for the information,
” I whisper, turning my head away from him. I hit one on my phone, dialing Jasmine’s number.

lo Mari, how’s everything going?” she asks. I feel Showken positioning himself between my legs. My eyes go big, no he can’t do this while I’m on the phone. I shake my head very fast.

“Umm, it’s going good. Umm, OH!” I say, feeling something cold being placed in between my folds. What is that?

“Well, did you kiss and make up?” she says, all excited. Jazz, if you only knew, is my thought.

“Umm, m
mm, yes we did. It’s amazing!” I shout out. Showken looks up and he has chocolate on his mouth, damn, I’ve got chocolate in my doodah.

“Mari, are you screw
ing?” Jasmine asks. I can’t talk. Showken is laughing at me and devouring my sex.

“Umm, Yesssss!” I yell, in ecstasy.

“Well, hot fudge on a Popsicle stick, have fun, bye,” she says, laughing, and hangs up the phone. Showken really goes to work, I’m sure he heard Jazz’ big mouth. He starts sucking my sex so hard I hear his mouth make a popping sound when he releases. I’m pulling his hair now, I can’t be still. My hips are jumping. He holds my hips in place, so he can start sucking my clitoris. I feel my release coming, he does, too. He’s at my entrance with his tongue moving in and out. My release comes, and I can’t stop the scream that escapes my mouth. Showken is on top of me fast, kissing me. I open my mouth to feel his tongue; our tongues dance together. I taste myself and chocolate. I feel his sex on my entrance, while staring into my eyes, he pushes inside me. I gasp at the feeling.

“Don’t leave me, please
,” he says. His eyes are pleading.

“Okay,” i
s my only response. I know I can’t stay, but I will enjoy him for a little while.

We make love for the rest of the night. I cry some of the time, but no words
are exchanged. I can’t believe it. I think I love him, and soon I will have to walk away.


The morning is here. I’m naked in bed with Showken, feeling good, but tired. I need sleep. I rub his head, loving his beautiful hair. What man’s hair is so beautiful? I look at my cell phone on the table and it’s just after 6:00 a.m. I need to get up, but I don’t want to be on the floor again.

“Good morning, sexy.
I assume you need the bathroom,” he says, chuckling.

“Yes, you are assuming right,
” I say, smiling. He climbs out of the bed, naked. I had almost forgotten I needed the bathroom, until the cover comes off and the need to pee comes over me. He lifts me like I’m a doll and walks me into the bathroom, seating me on the toilet. His bathroom is huge. I walk over to his gigantic tub. He starts the water and pours a green liquid into the tub. He walks back over to me smiling. This man is not real. I’m going to wake up soon, I just know it. He is too good to be true.

“You ready for your bath
, beautiful?” My mouth is open. I grab the tissue and wipe myself. The toilet flushes automatically. Showken leans down and picks me up. He carries me to the tub, and he steps in and sits, with me in his arms. I try to move, but he doesn’t let me.

“Relax, I’ve got you. I’
m sure you need to relax,” he says, turning my body slowly so that my back is up against his hard chest. I wince some, as I am sore.

“Showken, you have to stop spoilin
g me, I may not want to go home,” I say, joking. I think.

“Then don’t. You can stay
, Marilyn, in fact I would like that,” he says, grabbing what looks like shampoo. He squeezes a nice amount into his hand and starts to massage my head. He pushes me down his body until my hair is in the water, and pulls me back. The massage on my head is fantastic.

“I can’t stay here, I’m going home this
morning. I need to go home,” I say. His hands still on my head, then he continues the massage.

“If you go
home, can I come over later?” he says. Sliding me forward, he stands, taking me with him. He turns the shower on and turns me towards him. I lean back into the warm water. I rinse my hair. I grab some body wash. I can’t look him in the eyes. I know that when I leave here, seeing him again will not be in my, or his, best interest. He is in the public eye, being with me will tarnish that, being as how I’m an ex-prostitute and murderer. We shower together like a couple. I’ve regained my strength, and after drying my body I put my clothes back on, excluding my panties. They are stained with my juices.

“Precious, your hair is still damp, let me dry it? I on
ly ask that you close your eyes,” he says, raising a brow. I nod okay, and sit in the green velvet chair by the bathroom door. I close my eyes, feeling his hands in my hair. I hear the dryer turn on. I feel the hot air on my head; this is a great dryer. In a minute my hair is dry. I open my eyes and the dryer is in his hand.

“Thank you
,” I say, feeling like he wants to laugh.

’re welcome, beautiful, before you leave, breakfast, please? I’m going to go to work after you leave,” he says, reaching for my hand.

fast, then I go home,” I say, smiling.

“Everyone is waiting,” h
e says, walking me out of the room. What does he mean everyone is waiting, fuck! I don’t want to eat with everyone. We walk into this huge, all white room. I giggle to myself. Why the damn white room. I laugh more, shaking my head. I open my eyes and all his brothers are standing, looking at me. Oh shit.

” I say, not even knowing why I’m apologizing.

“You’re fine, let
’s eat,” Showken says. We get to the table and the head seat is empty. I thought Showken was going to sit there, but he doesn’t, he takes the seat next to it, and I’m seated next to him.

“Who else is coming?” I whisper.

“That’s our oldest brother’s seat, no one sits there except him,” Showken says. I don’t ask anything else. He starts to fix my plate, loading it with eggs, sausage, fruit, toast, and strawberry jam.

Marilyn . . . ” Layern starts.

“Shut up, Layern. She’s my comp
any, and don’t ask her anything,” Showken says, in a frightening tone. Another brother speaks up.

“Well, our mother called, she says you are on a time limit.”

“OK, HAWKEN!” Showken yells. I stuff my mouth with eggs. I need to go, shit this is intense. I stand, grabbing a piece of toast. I’m getting the hell out of here.

“Where are you going?” Showken asks, grabbing my arm. He
doesn’t look up at me, he is glaring at his brother, and I’m pretty sure I hear growling

“I’m going home,
I, I don’t want any more to eat,” I say, feeling a little shaky. His grip is strong.

“Please sit, my bro
thers are sorry for scaring you,” he says, through his teeth.

“Umm, I’m not scared.
Bruiser!” I yell. He shows up next to me. Showken won’t let go.

ease, please, breakfast, remember,” he pleads. I sigh out loud. I see all eyes are on me.

Marilyn, I don’t like my brother begging, so will you do him the honor and give him some respect and sit down,” Domlen says. I can’t believe I remember his name, but more importantly, Domlen just spoke to me in a no nonsense tone. We stare at each other, and I find myself sitting back down.

Thank you, beautiful. Thank you,” Showken says, continuing to eat. The silence in the room is thick. There is some unspoken message among them. They all look at each other, and glance at me. I grab the orange juice, and wonder what could be so important about me staying for breakfast. I will just sit and eat some fruit.

Finally I make it home. Bruiser and I go snuggle on the sofa. I can’
t believe these last couple of days. Being with Showken is nice, but I don’t belong. How am I going to get Showken to back off? He tracked me down and followed me. I look at Bruiser, hoping for an answer, but he just looks at me. He likes Showken. “Bruiser, it’s going to be you and me again,” I say, rubbing his head. My cell starts buzzing, and I know it’s a text from the sound. I get up and check to see who it is. I used to know who would text me, but since Showken that has changed.

Are you home yet?

The text is from Jazz.

Yes but I’m not talking on the phone. Text what
ever questions you have.

I just don’t feel like talking, besides this way I can control Jazz a little. She wants details of me and Showken.

Fine, is your doodah sore? He looks like he can make a doodah sore. Lol.

I shake my head, knowing only Jazz would ask something like that. She’s shameless.

Yes, I’m sore but I took a bath and yes he can make a doodah sore. Lol He’s the BEST I’ve ever had.

I wait for the reply. It takes a minute then it come
s through.

THE BEST!!!! I want some of that action. Hook me up with a brother I hope it runs in the family. I can’t believe you got a hot shot billionaire chasing your ass. I mean not that you don’t deserve it. I’m so freaking happy for you. Is his house the shit?

I laugh out loud reading Jazz’ text. She’s so crazy. She’s not going to like what I text back.

Well, I’ve decided not to see him anymore, and before you go all crazy. I think it’s for the best. I’m not the woman he needs. He’s not for me. Soon he will get bored and I have to protect my heart but I will try and hook you up with Layern. The other two I don’t think so one is an asshole and the other is a bigger asshole.

I wait for Jazz’ text to come. When I get another text coming through, I see it’s from Showken, shit. Jazz’ text dings.

If you break
up with him over some stupid shit like that then I’m going to choke you. Just have fun and if it ends it ends. Now which one is Layern?

I type back fast.

Showken just texted me. I will consider your suggestion and Layern is the really good dancer. Ttyl.

I open Showken
’s text right away. I feel butterflies in my gut.

Hello beautiful, I can’t stop thinking about last night or this morning. I want to see you again tonight, I can pick you and Bruiser up at 7:00
p.m. I got a long day at work. Please say yes, I have a surprise for you, sexy.

Shit, I’m trying to get away, and he can’t stay away. Do I want to see him?

Showken I think I should stay at home. I need some space to think ok.

I walk over to my kitchen and open the fridge
, just looking. I’m nervous about his response. I usually don’t care about people, especially a man’s response, but Showken is different. My cell dings.

I’m in a meeting right now or I would be coming over. I’m not letting you go beautiful, now put on something nice I have a surprise for you. You don’t need space you only think you do. Don’t try to run, I’ll find you. 7:00
p.m. please be ready.

I guess the decision is made.
My mind is spinning as I stare at the text in shock. I can’t believe him. What is this surprise? It must be important because he’s even told me what to wear. I smile a little, feeling special that someone wants to surprise me. I will see him one last time, I hope. I text back:

Fine, I’ll be ready at 7pm but don’t make this a habit. I do need space.

I head towards the room to pick out a dress and my cell dings again.

No space.

I shake my head as I enter my room. He said Bruiser and me. Where are we going? I’m not the dress type of girl. I own three dresses, one black, one orange, and one flowered. I’m not liking my choices. I need to call for Jazz. She has plenty of dresses.

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