The Dragon (G.O.N.Y. - Double Dragon) (19 page)


Jezebel was awake when he re-entered the room.

She’d awoken when Ramsey closed the door as he stepped out, and finding herself alone, had been unable to sleep. Instead, she’d used the bathroom, turned on the TV for a bit, and finally, after shutting the TV off because there was nothing interesting on, had stared into the dark, wondering if he’d just gotten up early and was preparing for his day.

Ramsey was light on his feet as he made his way back to her. The bed barely moved as he slid under the covers and inched closer to her. “Where’d you go?”

He sidled closer to her and settled in. “I was thirsty. I went downstairs for something to drink.”

“Something strong.” It wasn’t a question. She could smell the alcohol on his breath.

Instantly, his body tensed before relaxing once more. “Sleep, Jezebel.”

Remembering the nightmare he’d had nights ago, she couldn’t help but say, “I still think you should see someone.”

When he didn’t respond, she continued, “The nightmares are so bad you’re getting up early in the morning for alcohol?” Next to her, Ramsey exhaled but remained silent. “Does it help you sleep?” As the silence stretched between them, she sighed in frustration. Why did she care? She didn’t. She was just making an observation and a suggestion. “Whatever. Do whatever you want.”

As she made to roll over and hug the corner of the bed that was “hers” due to Ramsey’s imposition, his arm moved to her side, boxing her in and holding her still. In the dark, she could see little, but she felt him move, felt the soft brush of his lips against hers.

“Thank you,” he murmured. “I’ll look into that…later.”

A part of her wanted to be outraged at his stolen kiss, while most of her was just glad he’d acknowledged what she was saying and seemed to be considering it. Jezebel nodded. “Good.” He was going to be a father, the father of her child, and she needed him to be mentally fit for the baby. It wasn’t about him. It was about the baby.

His lips caressed hers again.

Jezebel froze. It gave him time to trace his tongue along the seam of hers, and as she parted her lips instinctively, she tasted the woodsy drink on his tongue.


His tongue penetrated, swooping into her mouth and laying claim. Whiskey, she thought with a moan, stroking her tongue against his for more. She didn’t even like whiskey.

The next few seconds were a haze.

Her shirt went over her head. Her shorts and panties disappeared. Jezebel didn’t know where they went. One moment they were on, the next, his hand was cupping her sex, his fingers sliding through her slit. She tossed her head aside to take great gulps of air. She felt like she was drowning. Ramsey was undeterred, running his lips across her cheek, down her neck, her collarbone, her breasts. As his hot mouth closed over her nipple, she tossed her head back and arched into him. He groaned, and the vibrations sent a jolt of heat to her sex.

Suddenly, he pulled away. The slight chill on the air brushed her wet nipple and she shivered. There was rustling, then silence. About to call his name, Jezebel halted when the bed shifted and he came over her. She parted her legs and moaned as his hot, steely flesh stroked her. He’d removed his pajamas.

He kissed her again, this kiss a passionate devouring of her lips and tongue. Jezebel arched into him, sliding her fingers through his hair, rubbing her breasts against the muscular hardness of his chest. His cock brushed her again and she tried to take him home but failed.

“Now,” she moaned, tugging her lips from him long enough to get the word out.

Ramsey ignored her. He teased her with his kisses, and the quick, unfulfilling brushes of his sex against hers. She remained unfilled, empty…

“Ramsey!” she growled.

“What?” He nipped her bottom lip before kissing the hurt. “What do you want?”

He rocked against her again and she gasped, preparing herself for the fullness, but once more, she was denied. “You know what I want!”

Ramsey moved down her body. His tongue flattened against her nipple and dragged.


He did the same for the other nipple before moving down her body. As he passed her belly, he placed light kisses upon it, and then his fingers were twirling in the curly hairs of her mons. Briefly, the thought of her lack of landscaping occurred to her. As soon as Ramsey pinched her clit, the thought vanished.

“I’m going to kiss you here, Jez,” he murmured, rubbing her sensitive button between his fingers. “And then, I’m going to lick along here.” One finger slid along her wetness. “And lastly, when you’re trembling in my arms and screaming my name, I’m going to put my tongue…right here.” His finger traced her opening.

If her breathing was erratic before, it was a wonder she could even get air into her lungs after his declaration.

“Any objections?”

She released a snort-laugh that ended as a moan. That had to be a rhetorical question. She’d grabbed hold of her senses to speak when he started following through on his promises. As his tongue stroked her button, Jezebel’s body live-wired. She arched against him, her hands finding her heaving breasts as she whimpered his name. In a matter of seconds, she was contracting on herself, her body gradually going limp as he placed soft kisses to the inside of her thigh.

Minutes, perhaps, hours later, his voice intruded on her post-orgasmic calm, “Are you ready for the rest, Jez?”

His fingers traced the length of her slit. She shivered. No, she wasn’t ready but she wanted more. She’d never had an addiction before, but now Jezebel admitted to herself that Ramsey was her drug.

And this was just the beginning.


She was ready.

Ramsey pulled away from the quivering feast that was Jezebel and made his way up her body. In teasing her, he’d teased them both. He had to get inside of her soon, now. Before she could recover from her second orgasm, he was sliding into the tightest, softest heat he’d ever known.
. The thought was instant but easily pushed aside.

Bracing his hands on the bed, he leaned down and caught her lips again. Her tongue was as eager as his, stroking into his mouth as he thrust into her, harder and deeper. Her body told him when he needed to retreat, her little whimpers broadcasting that he’d given her too much.

“Ramsey!” she squealed when he went particularly deep.

He licked her bottom lip in apology and withdrew. “You can take all of me, can’t you, baby?”

She moaned, her sex contracting around him in agreement.

“Yes, you know you can,” he continued, thrusting into her hard. “You’ve taken every inch of your
before, haven’t you?”

“I think my pussy missed taking all of her
,” he continued, leaning down to suck at her lips. “Jez?” She mewled as he thrust deeper. “That’s it, baby, open for me.” He felt her cream further and moaned as he withdrew and came into her again. He was mindful of her condition, but the doctor had assured him that they could have sex, all kinds of sex because hell, he’d wanted to be sure, and not hurt her or the baby.

Except for the breathy moans, the occasional mewls, she kept up with his thrusts. He licked the seam of her lips and when she parted them, sucked her tongue into his mouth. Her hands slid into his hair and she kissed him with a hunger matched by his own. Only then, did he thrust deep, hoping he’d readied her enough to take all of him, and biting the inside of his cheek to keep from coming as her sheath took him to the balls.

” If he could scream more expletives, Ramsey would have done so. He only got that out before he was forced to breathe through it.

“Oh God! Ramsey!”

He withdrew and thrust to the hilt again, groaning at the feel of her tightness sucking on him. “So good.” He hauled in air and withdrew again. “Are you going to come for me, Jez?” He kissed her neck, sucked her spot. “Need you to come.” He wasn’t going to last much longer. His balls were already tingling, tightening…

Pulling from her slick heat to protests, he latched on to a distended nipple before moving to the other. She moaned, mewled, whimpered, and finally demanded he fuck her. Ramsey obliged. His thrusts were quick, meant to finish.

“Ramsey!” she moaned, running her hands up and down his back. As her nails scored him, he growled. “Fuck me, Ramsey!”

He increased his thrusts, pushing faster, harder. It was wild, it was intense. Beneath him, her body tensed, coiled, and then her pussy began to clench down. Seconds later, he thrust to the hilt and lost it.

Ramsey fell off of her. He wouldn’t describe it as a roll. That was too graceful a word for him falling to the bed at her side. As he caught his breath, he turned to her. If not for the uneven breaths, he would have thought her asleep.


“Hm?” she rasped.



That was good enough for him. In those moments, everything outside of her, of
, was forgotten. Finding the strength to reach down for the covers and wrap around her body, he stroked her belly once, twice, and was asleep before he could do much of anything else.


She wasn’t addicted to Ramsey Stone. No, it was much worse. She was falling in love with him, again.

Jezebel had never thought of herself as weak. Weak was not something she associated with herself or ever wanted to, but right now, that was exactly what she was. He was a gangster, a criminal who’d done things,
things she’d probably never know about because he was also a liar, and she was in love with him. She reminded herself of her shattered life, the company she’d had to turn over, the house she’d had to leave, the man she’d killed, the danger she and her unborn child were in, and although anger came in waves, it did nothing to snap her out of loving Kang Jae Ramsey Stone. Even replaying the night she’d gone to his apartment and found him with a woman, who she now accepted was Sarah, did little to appease her need, her longing for him. If it was just sexual, she’d have embraced it and dismissed it as pregnancy hormones, but it was so much more. She found herself constantly thinking about him, concerned about him. Damn it, it had barely been two weeks and she was right back to where she’d been all those months ago when she’d first learned of Ramsey’s other life:

With a groan, Jezebel continued shampooing her hair. She scratched her scalp with the tips of her fingers, finding great pleasure in washing the grit, grease and grime of many weeks from her hair. She’d mentioned she needed shampoo and conditioner this morning when she’d awoken to Ramsey twirling a lock of her hair around his finger, and by midday, he’d handed her a bag filled with three different kinds. At this point, Jezebel didn’t care. She needed a perm, and her hair was going to break anyway, but his thoughtfulness had only made that silly organ in her chest flutter like the wings of a fleeing butterfly.

When had it happened? She’d hated him for the months she’d been in hiding, and then he’d found her, and she’d hated him some more, and somehow, she was right back to loving him. Her emotions had probably started rolling right around seeing him again in the Catskills. He’d saved her life, saved her sister, though he was responsible for her being in the situation in the first place. And he’d apologized for putting her in danger and ransacking her entire life, told her he hadn’t slept with anyone since their last encounter in July, and made love to her instead of fucking her. Jezebel remembered how he’d dragged her into her room that night and taken her from behind. Heat coursed through her body. Made love to her
fucked her. He’d also gotten her shampoo, three different kinds of shampoo.

Jezebel groaned and stepped under the powerful spray of the shower. She was weak, ridiculous, and hopeless. As sudsy, vanilla-scented water ran down her face, she brushed it away and pulled her fingers through her hair. Had she ever fallen out of love with him? Even when she hated him, hadn’t she always felt
for Ramsey Stone?

By the time she was finished, robe-clad with a fluffy towel wrapped around her head, Jezebel still didn’t have answers. What she did know was that somehow, she still loved Ramsey Stone. Staring at herself in the fogged up mirror, Jezebel shook her head and built her resolve. Love him or not, he was dangerous, and she envisioned no future, outside of the child they’d share, with him.


“You wanted to see me?”

From his seat in the chair that faced Ramsey’s desk, Bastian nodded and cleared his throat. “I wanted to apologize for my attitude and actions over the past months.” He paused and sighed. “I was out of line and I’m sorry.”

It had been one week since Ramsey and Bastian squared off in the boxing ring, and his brother’s bruises were all but gone. There was still some redness around one eye, but it was barely noticeable.

“You were out of line and you’re sorry?” Ramsey repeated slowly.

“Yes.” Bastian locked eyes with him. “I shouldn’t have acted the way I did to Jezebel or you. She’s a guest here and you’re my brother, my older brother, and I owe you the respect of the station.”

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