The Elusive Wife (5 page)

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Authors: Callie Hutton

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #Regency

After dismissing Rose, who had helped her out of her gown and into her night rail, Olivia burrowed into the warm bed, thinking of all the new gowns and accessories she would need as Lady Coventry. Even more delightful was the picture she envisioned of his lordship’s face when he received the bills. Grinning, she fluffed up her pillow and settled in for a good night’s sleep.

For the first time in weeks Olivia felt the darkness recede. Being with Elizabeth had done wonders for her already. Now, armed with the title of Lady Coventry, she would visit the best shops and outfit herself as she saw fit. Resorting to something she hadn’t done in years, Lady Coventry giggled, the sound carrying in the night air.

Chapter Five

“My lady, you look absolutely divine.” Mademoiselle DuBois, a well-known London modiste, gushed as she eyed Olivia. The gown she’d helped her customer into boasted a deep blue velvet underskirt, covered with a paler blue silk overskirt, edged in lace and draped to the side, held with a tiny clip. The low cut bodice clung to her generous breasts and small cap sleeves edged in a thin cream-colored satin band covered only the very top of her arms.

“With the right hairstyle and jewels you will be stunning. Madam has a most beautiful coloring and form.” The modiste shook the back of the gown, expanding the slight train.

Olivia viewed herself in the mirror. Her reflection presented the finest gown she’d ever seen. The dark blue color brought out the depth of violet in her eyes. The flush of excitement brought a pink tint to her cheeks.

Mademoiselle DuBois walked around her, tapping her slim finger against her lips. “Only a few alterations need to be made, my lady. The woman who ordered this lovely gown stood only an inch or two taller than you. Since she has notified me she no longer wants the gown, it is yours. If you will give me a bit of time to pin the hem, I will deliver it to Lady Lansdowne’s home tonight in plenty of time for your party.”

“That’s wonderful,
,” said Elizabeth. “I can’t tell you how thrilled I am you had something already made up that suits Lady Coventry so well.” She waved her hand. “Now quickly remove the gown. We must hurry to purchase everything else.”

“Everything else?” Olivia’s voice rose in surprise.

“Yes, of course. Gloves, undergarments, fans, hair ornaments.” Elizabeth grinned and laced her fingers together like a young debutante.

Olivia had decided to thoroughly enjoy her day of shopping. Her lack of a social life and the isolation imposed by her father’s preferences hadn’t allowed for many reasons to indulge in buying gowns, dance slippers, and the other fripperies Elizabeth insisted she must have.

“My lady, when would you like to continue with fabric and pattern selections for your other gowns?” The modiste interrupted Olivia’s thoughts as she slipped the garment over her head.

Olivia tilted her head, eyebrows raised in Elizabeth’s direction.

“I think tomorrow morning. Lady Coventry needs a complete wardrobe, but we only have time today for one outfit for this evening’s ball. Shall we say ten o’clock?”

“We will await your arrival.” The modiste inclined her head.

“This is so exciting.” Elizabeth hugged Olivia close as they headed toward the shops along Bond Street that would supply Olivia with the rest of her ensemble.

They spent time in Wood’s, selecting dance slippers, with a promise to return on the morrow to order more footwear made.

Elizabeth insisted they make a trip to Harding Howell & Co. for several parasols, and then finally a visit to John Arpthorp, Stay & Corset Maker, to replace the worn corset Olivia owned.

The weary pair returned to Lansdowne Townhouse to bathe and rest before the evening’s entertainment. The Wilson-Henson Ball—the first time Olivia would come face-to-face with her husband. Elizabeth assured her Jason would indeed attend since Grif relayed that information to her after speaking with Jason earlier that day at White’s. Meeting with Lord Arrogant once more released butterflies in Olivia’s stomach. With excitement or nerves?

After inching along the lengthy queue stretching more than a mile from the Wilson-Henson residence, the Lansdowne carriage reached the footman waiting to assist the occupants. After alighting, Olivia turned to observe the line of elegant Landaus and Barouches as they continued to snake their way up to the entrance. After discharging the passengers, footmen directed the drivers to an area where the carriages would remain until the owners reclaimed them for the trip home.

The Marquess offered his arm to his wife, then extended his other arm to Olivia. With one woman on either side, they made their way to the door. Not wishing to alert Jason to her presence until she had the opportunity to speak with him privately, Olivia gave her name to the servant who announced the arrivals as Lady Olivia Grant.

The ballroom glowed with flickering candlelight and the reflection of hundreds of precious stones and diamonds from ladies’ necks, arms and wrists. Probably three hundred people crowded the room, gentlemen in their elaborate waistcoats and expertly tied cravats.

Olivia scanned the ballroom, looking for the tall handsome Earl who had married her, and then had left, all in less than twenty-four hours. Her heart beat rapidly each time her gaze landed on the back of a well-built dark haired gentleman.

Having missed a Season of her own, Olivia found herself mesmerized by the
She had never seen so many well-dressed, adorned people in her life. Ladies displayed elaborate hairdos with jewels and pearls wound throughout. The snowy white intricately tied cravats of the men sported glittering gems and diamond stickpins. She felt somewhat underdressed with the simple strand of pearls and small pearl earbobs from her mother’s jewelry collection.

“I will leave you lovely ladies to elicit envy amongst all the other women. I shall be in the card room, and will return to claim the supper dance, my love.” Grif kissed Elizabeth’s hand. “And a dance for you as well, my lady.” He nodded to Olivia, then left.

“Your cheeks are flushed.” Olivia smiled at Elizabeth.

“I know, isn’t it silly? But the man can still turn my insides to mush. And you know it’s not quite proper for a husband to claim the supper waltz with his wife. But Grif has never cared for the conventions.”

They meandered around the room. Olivia’s nerves wound tight as she studied each face, trying not to appear obvious, but always searching for the piercing blue eyes that had seized hers for a brief time at her wedding. Several gentlemen made their way to her and Elizabeth, seeking an introduction. Elizabeth fumbled a bit at first, and then repeated Olivia’s statement at the door, claiming her dearest friend from school, visiting for the Season, to be Lady Olivia Grant.

Olivia soon entered the dancing in a quadrille with a middle aged baron, who kept studying her through his quizzing glass. It being a long time since she had danced at all, she discovered concentrating on the steps took her full attention. She didn’t notice the Earl of Coventry enter the room with the Marquess of Stafford at his side until the footman announced their names.

The two notorious members of the
called attention to themselves by merely entering a room. Both tall and handsome, with the predatory prowl of confident male animals, they made the hearts of debutantes speed up and their mamas to pull them closer. The marriage-minded mothers would love to snare either one of them as husband for her daughter, but knew enough to keep the innocents on a tight leash when the two men were present.

Jason crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, taking in the assembly. “A few new faces tonight,” he said to Drake while his eyes continued to wander. Selena held an intimate conversation with Lord Wesley who hung on her every word. Maybe she’d already found the next occupant of her very active bed.

“Not that it should matter to you, old man. You do remember you’re married?” Drake signaled a footman to bring him a glass of champagne.

“Don’t start, Drake.” Jason’s eyes flashed. “I’ve told you the subject of my marriage is not up for discussion.”

Drake snorted his opinion and downed the champagne in one gulp.

“Who’s the lovely miss dancing with Ware?” Jason’s eyes narrowed as he pushed himself away from the wall.

Baron Ware was not well liked by the
, but tolerated due to his connection with the Prince Regent. Now the stout, red faced baron practically drooled down the bodice of a beautiful dark-haired woman in a lovely deep blue gown.

“Don’t know. Never saw the chit before.” Drake frowned. “Another new debutante seeking a husband, no doubt.”

Jason studied her for a while. Something about her looked vaguely familiar, but he doubted they had ever met. Porcelain white skin contrasted by a delightful blush on her cheeks drew his interest. Her curly black hair sat in a loose knot at the top of her head, a slim velvet ribbon circling it. Wispy curls dangled from her temples and neck. But the smile. Every time she looked at her partner and beamed, Jason felt his groin tighten. He would love to see that grin bestowed on him. And lips designed for kissing created the intriguing smile. Deep red, full, and pouty.

When the dance came to an end Jason continued to study her as Baron Ware walked her back to Lady Lansdowne. He bowed over her hand and left. So the beauty was an acquaintance of Lady Lansdowne? Hmm. Time to renew his association with the fair Elizabeth.

“Where are you going?” Drake asked, as Jason started across the ballroom, his attention riveted on Lady Lansdowne and her companion.

“Nowhere in particular. Just going to circulate a bit. Isn’t it time for your dance with Miss Ingram?” he tossed over his shoulder.

“Yes, as a matter of fact it is. Stay out of trouble, Jas.”

Shrugging at Drake’s comment, Jason made his way through the crowd gathering for the next dance. He smiled when he noticed the beauty didn’t appear to have a partner for this dance.

Olivia’s eyes grew wide as she watched a tall, dark haired man move in their direction from across the room. “Is that him? Blast, with everyone moving about, I’m not sure.” She grabbed Elizabeth’s hand. “I think he’s headed in our direction.”

“Yes. ’Tis Lord Coventry. Calm down, Olivia. Remember
in the wrong, not you.”

Olivia was certain the entire ballroom could hear her heart pounding. She grasped her ice cold hands together, trying to stop the shaking.

Good heavens, I’m going to swoon like some delicate debutante right here at his feet.

“What should I say to him?” Olivia chewed her lip.

“He’s approaching us, let him do the talking. Maybe you’ll get an apology.”

“Lady Lansdowne, you’re looking lovely as ever.” Jason grasped Elizabeth’s hand and kissed it. “And who, pray tell, is your beautiful companion?” He turned and looked directly into Olivia’s eyes.

Elizabeth’s mouth fell open as she looked back and forth between Jason and Olivia. “Lord Coventry, surely you know Lady…”

“Olivia Grant, my lord,” Olivia whispered, her mouth dry.

Jason bowed, taking her hand and kissing it. “Earl of Coventry at your service, my lady.”

He frowned as his gaze slid back and forth between the two women. Olivia glanced at Elizabeth who glared at Jason, her lips clamped in a firm line.

“My lady, may I request the pleasure of this dance?” Jason said before he released Olivia’s hand.

Unable to locate her voice, she merely nodded and darted a panicky glance at Elizabeth, before she accepted Jason’s arm.

He doesn’t even remember me! All this time I’ve been dreading this meeting and the fool has no idea who I am.

But when he studied her with those piercing blue eyes, she shuddered inwardly. Deserting her was bad enough, but to not even recognize her was the ultimate mortification. Thank goodness only Elizabeth knew the story and had witnessed the exchange.

Whatever made me give him—of all people—my maiden name?

The words had popped out of her mouth without even thinking. Now that it was done she would continue on. If only he would stop looking at her in a way that made it difficult to get a full breath.

Jason made general comments when the dance brought them together. Still unable to form two words, Olivia merely smiled or nodded at his remarks.

So this is what my husband looks like sober.

Devastatingly handsome came to mind. His strong jaw and full lips with a slight scar on the right upper corner of his mouth gave him a dangerous look. It was bad enough when he smiled. But when he flashed that irresistibly devastating grin and regarded her with those blue eyes as if to eat her up, her air seemed to cut off.

Wait a minute. He believes himself married, yet he’s flirting with me?

Anger and humiliation washed over her like a wave knocking a small boat and her palm itched to slap the captivating smile off his face.

The nerve of the man!

Finally the dance ended and Jason raised her hand and placed it on his arm. “You look a little warm, perhaps a glass of champagne or lemonade, Lady Olivia?”

Again, Olivia only inclined her head. Except now, rage, not panic, stifled her voice.

They strolled to the refreshment table, Jason nodding at various people they passed. He found her a seat and presented her with a glass of cold champagne before she even realized he had left.

“Since I have not seen you before tonight, I assume this ball is your first appearance of the Season, my lady?” He settled in the seat across from her.

“Yes, it is. I’ve just arrived from the country.” Annoyance tightened her lips at the breathlessness of her voice.

Her cheeks warmed as anger continued to race through her. She carefully placed the glass of champagne on the table to prevent herself from throwing the contents into his face.

“The name Grant sounds somewhat familiar to me.” Jason signaled the footman for another glass of champagne.

Do you think so?

“Is it possible I know your family?”

“My parents are deceased. But we had not lived in England for quite some time.”

“In any event, I’m sure all of London is certainly glad you made the trip from the country. You’re staying with Lady Lansdowne?” He continued to stare at her with those eyes, but her anger kept her immune to his charm.

“Yes, I am her house guest.” She had to get away from Lord Arrogant before she did something to embarrass Elizabeth, or something that she would surely regret.

Jason sipped the champagne and studied her over the rim of the glass. “Do you ride?”

“Yes I do.” She gave him a tight smile and added, “Riding’s about our only entertainment in the country.”

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