I_______________________, having read this book and/or the series as a whole, do hereby state for the record that I no longer believe. I am a non-believer. As a result, I commit myself to doing some or all of the following actions for the cause of unbelief:
I will tell the people in my life at the appropriate moments that I no longer believe. I will set specific dates by which I plan on accomplishing this goal with specific people. We need more and more people to do this. There is power in numbers.
I will tell others about this book and/or this series of books. Christians won't be convinced with sound bites. We must create within them enough doubt that they will want to read entire books like these rather than avoiding them.
I will get involved to help end Christianity in the following way(s):
I will seek out and become involved in a local freethought group.
I will get active in online forums and blogs.
I will donate money to good secular causes, or to humanitarian causes in the name of secularism.
I will get an education for the express purpose of making a difference on behalf of reason and science.
I will become politically active on behalf of the separation of church and state, or even run for an elected office.