The Escort (17 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

They didn’t speak about the visit to his sister’s house, they both realised it would break the spell of lust between them, and right now it was lust.

Luckily he parked right outside his house, and was out of the cab and going around to help Max out before the engine had finished ticking. To her credit she was already half out, and they ran like a couple of school kids into the private sanctuary of his house.

This time they did make it past his hallway, but only as far as the large sofa in the middle of his living room. Tumbling onto it they kissed, fumbling fingers working at each other’s clothes.

“Damn how does this thing come off, he said, struggling with the clasp on her top.”

“It doesn’t. It lifts over my head.”

“I am out of practice at this dating thing.”

“It’s a good job you have plenty of time to reacquaint yourself isn’t it?”

“Only with you Max, only with you.”

She sat back away from him, and smiled. Then she tugged the hem of her top upwards, and drew it up over her head. When she looked at him again he was sat, enraptured by the sight of her breasts.

“Take off your bra.” His voice was a command. She didn't question him, and his cock grew harder in his pants.

She reached for the clasp, and undid it, her breasts spilling forward eager to be touched, and he planned to do plenty of touching, and sucking. First he reached out a tentative finger and traced the swell of her breast, mesmerised by the way her flesh wobbled as she shuddered under his touch.

Her skin was so soft, her breasts swollen, filling his hands. Licking his lips he leaned forward and kissed each nipple in turn, before sucking one into his mouth, the sharp hiss of her breath an incredible turn on. His cock was bursting to get out of his pants, and foreplay might have to get cut short if he couldn’t control himself.

Then Max touched him through his pants, his hips rising to meet her eagerly. She stroked his hard length, sliding her hand up and down, before plucking up the courage to undo the button of his pants, and eventually free his swollen member. It was his turn to take a sharp breath, his mouth still clamped onto her nipple.

When she grasped him firmly, and slid her hand up and down, he sucked harder on her little bud. More confident now she knew he was enjoying her touch, her grip tightened, and she teased him, exploring what he liked. His concentration was completely absorbed by the way her hand moved. Rewarding her with his mouth on her breasts when he liked the way she squeezed him, and ran her hand over the head of his cock.

“Take off your pants.” It was her turn to command him, and he shifted, reluctantly releasing her breasts to stand up and drop his pants.

Max got up too, and dropped to her knees in front of him.

“Oh Lord,” he said, and then silence took him as she closed her lips around his shaft.

Slowly at first, only the head entering her warm soft mouth, she took her first taste of him. Oh, it had been so long since anyone had done this to him, and it was so much more than he remembered, Max’s inexperienced mouth working it’s magic until he built up ready to explode.

“Max, you might want to stop right... there.” He didn’t want her too. Instead he wanted her to carry on sucking and licking him until he filled her wonderful mouth with his seed, but he thought that might be a bit too much for her.

“Don’t you like it?” she asked, lifting her eyes to look up at him, her mouth leaving his cock.

“It’s not a matter of not liking it, but I’m going to come if you keep doing that.”

“Isn’t that the idea?” She lowered her head and sucked on him again, his hips thrusting forward, reacting to her mouth sucking on his hard length. There was no way he had the willpower to stop her again, not when her tongue swirled up and over the head over his cock, probing it in the most delicious way.

Now her teeth grazed his sensitive skin, and he pushed his fingers into her hair, encouraging her, trying not to hurt her. Thrusting in and out, her mouth sucking, her tongue licking she bought him to his knees, and then took everything he had.

As he spurted into her mouth she swallowed, gagging a little, but valiantly battling to keep up the onslaught of pleasure she had unleashed on him.

Only when his legs trembled with the effort to stand, and his cock had stopped pulsing did she pull away and run for the bathroom.

“Straight at the top of the stairs,” he called as she disappeared out of the room. Dropping onto the sofa to catch his breath, his head felt a little light, she was an incredible woman. More importantly with every minute they spent together she was becoming his incredible woman.

Chapter Fifteen - Max

Leaving the bathroom, Max felt a little stupid. Not only had she run off from Dan, but she was only half dressed, and feeling cold now the heat of passion had passed.

Wrapping her arms around her breasts, she made her way back downstairs, to find Dan waiting for her. She smiled coyly, he came to her and took her in his arms, pulling her close. Immediately she relaxed, although when he turned her face to his, and kissed her lips she wondered if he might be put off. Despite washing her mouth out thoroughly, she thought she must still taste of him, but he didn’t care.

“Come to bed with me.”

“I can’t stay tonight,” she said. “I have to get up for work, tomorrow I’ll bring an overnight bag, if you want me to stay all night.”

“I do, Max. I want to wake up with you in my arms.” He kissed her again, pulling her arms gently away from her body. “Will you stay for an hour or so, or do you want me to take you home now?”

“What time is it?”

“About ten.”

“As long as I’m home by midnight I won’t look too terrible in the morning.”

“I don’t think you could ever look terrible.”

“You haven’t seen me in the morning. I’ll have to get up and sneak to the bathroom before you wake up when I stay.”

“No you won’t. I’m going to wake up first, and then we can have morning sex. You can’t beat morning sex.”

“Does that mean you don’t want evening sex?”

“I never said that, did I?” He stroked her flesh, his fingers reawakening her arousal. She wanted to feel him inside her, making love to her slowly. “Sex with you is fantastic any time of day.”

“Then shall we go upstairs?”

“As long as you promise not to run out on me again.”

“I promise,” she said, allowing him to take her by the hand and lead her upstairs, the memories of that first time they made love filling her brain.

He switched the light on, turned to Max and said, “Take off the rest of your clothes.”

She tilted her head to one side and smiled. “I will if you will.”

With no further words he took his t-shirt over his head, and took her breath with it. His tanned skin, covering toned abs, called to her. She wanted to run her fingers along the top of his chest, and then trail them down over his ripped muscles, and further, to explore the whole of his body.

“Your turn.”

“I seem to have already lost my top,” she said innocently.

“Then take off the rest. Please,” he added.

“Seems you asked so nicely.” She slipped her pants off, standing for a moment in just her panties, watching the eager expression in his face. But she wanted him inside her, and so she didn’t stall much longer, teasing him would only lead to her own frustration.

“Perfect.” He looked at her, her body the sole focus of his attention, and then he too stripped down so she could see him in his full glory. And he was glorious. His cock hard and erect in front of him. He placed his hands on his hips, shamelessly letting her gaze on him. “Like what you see?”

“It could do with a little work, but I guess you’ll have to do.”

“Maybe you need a demonstration of my skills.”

“That would be very enjoyable.”

His eyes darkened with lust, and she knew the teasing was over. He wanted her, and he planned to get what he wanted.

She stepped back towards the bed, and he followed, his prowl predatory. When the back of her knees came into contact with the mattress she wobbled a little, and he stepped in so close she over balanced, sitting down hard so her breasts jiggled. His hand cupped her left one, massaging it with his palm.

His cock was right in front of her, and she couldn’t leave it unsatisfied, so she grasped it in her hand and pumped up and down along the shaft. Right now she wasn’t so bothered about foreplay, she just wanted him to make love to her intimately. So she stroked and teased him, fondling his balls until he groaned in submission, and pushed her back onto the bed, covering her with his body.

He kissed her mouth, and then the tips of her nipples, before reaching for some protection. This time he fitted it on himself quickly, her urgency transmitting to him. Lifting her knee, he spread her thighs nice and wide, looking at her exposed flesh briefly, something that would have made her excruciatingly embarrassed about with anyone other than Dan.

Then he moved, his hand guiding his thick length into her aching sex, slowly penetrating her, and any embarrassment disappeared, to be replaced by the sensation of him filling her. Inch by slow inch he moved, her earlier effort to relieve his sexual tension giving him the will power to take it very slow.

Max wanted to bear down on him, to make him push harder and deeper, but he had ultimate control over her body. His weight supported on one elbow, allowed him to stroke her skin, beginning at her neck, and slowly moving down, his lips following in it’s wake.

Over her shoulder, down over her arm, and then across to stroke her breasts, his mouth sucking in her nipple, before his tongue swirled over it, her hips rising as she arched her back to offer him more.

Licking and sucking with his mouth while he moved slowly inside her, pushing in and then pulling out, increasing the friction between their bodies. Regaining some coherent thought, she reached up and stroked his body, along his arms, and down the length of his back. His skin, now damp from the heat of their lovemaking, searing her fingertips. He was so virile, all male, and he wanted her. She spread her hands over his butt and pressed her fingers into his toned behind, urging him deeper into her. She wanted him to fill her, to take her hard and fast, her arousal demanded it.

Dan kept his cool. His body in no hurry to bring her to climax, instead he teased her, allowing her to reach for heights it had not yet experienced. Max tried to relax and enjoy it, but the tension in her body was building and she searched for release.

“Relax, Max. Don’t rush it.”

“I can’t hold on.”

His body stopped moving. “Yes you can.”

Damn she wanted him to move, to slide in and out of her, to take her to the peaks of pleasure he had let her glimpse before. In desperation she placed her mouth over his nipple and sucked hard, grazing his skin with her teeth. He groaned, but still didn’t move.

Well if this was a battle of wills, she was strong, she could break him.

Slipping her hand between their bodies, she managed to twist her hand around to cup his balls in her hand. Slowly and deliberately she fondled them, stroking, squeezing, feeling them enlarge in her hand.

“No fair,” he said, gasping for air.

“I didn’t know there were rules, Dan.”

“Oh, there most definitely are rules. And I might have to teach you them all one day.”

“But not today.”

He grunted, and gave in, moving inside her hard and deep, making her sex clench around his cock. “No, not today. We don’t have much time. But tomorrow, we will have all... the ... time... we need.”

His rhythm was intense, hard and deep he thrust, her hands going to the sheets on the bed and curling around the fabric, balling it up as she tried to hold on for the ride. She raised her knees, lifting her hips and taking everything he offered until he exploded inside her. His seed spurted into the condom, the feel of him pulsing inside her sending her over the edge at last.

She cried out, her hands releasing the sheets and instead she dug her nails into his back, urging him to take her harder and faster. Every part of her vibrated with pleasure, her orgasm taking control of her until she didn’t know where she was, all she knew was that Dan was inside her, and they were joined as one.

He cried out, straining forward over her, until he was totally spent, his movements slow, his breath ragged.

“You certainly know how to drive a man wild,” Dan said, moving to lie beside her.

“No, I don’t,” she said turning over to rest her chin on his chest. “I only know how to drive you wild.”

He stroked her back, caressing her shoulders before lifting his head and kissing her gently on the lips. “I think we were made to fit together,” he said, pulling back and letting his head flop down onto the pillow, his chest lifting and falling rapidly as he fought to return to normal.

She stroked the sprinkling of hair on his chest absently. “I sometimes think that although we got together in the strangest way, it was meant to be. You know?” She hoped he did, because otherwise she felt a little foolish saying something so personal. Max only hoped he didn’t think she was completely mad or a stalker to fall for him so hard and so fast.

“I’ve never given fate and all that much thought, but now I think about it, you,re right. It was all meant to be, Drake going off suddenly on holiday, my sister needing the money for her house. If she didn’t then Drake would have called you up and cancelled.”

“So you agree we owe a lot to fate. And I still want to give the money to your sister.”

“Max, I can’t take it.”

“Please, Dan. I want them to be happy. Seeing Jess and Laura, it made me realise how important families are, and the homes they live in. Do you know Jess won’t name her kitten because they might have to give them up?”

He stroked her arm absently. “No, no I didn’t.”

“I want them to be happy. To have a happier childhood than I did. Let me help them, please.”

He sighed, and turned to face her, stroking her cheek. “Let me think about it. If you haven’t already worked it out, I’m too proud for my own good.”

“You’ll also come to realise I’m too stubborn for my own good, so you might just as well take the cash now. It will save us so much time.”

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