The Executive’s Affair Trilogy Bundle (Trinity, Desire, Unconditional) (15 page)



Laszlo stood in the backyard, a beer pinched between his fingers, manning the grill. He kept glancing at Trinity, who was sitting at the patio table with Sarah and Becky. They were laughing and smiling. He'd never seen Trinity so happy and relaxed before. It made him borderline giddy to know he had a hand in putting that smile on her beautiful face.

"I still can't believe it," Dean said, slapping Laszlo on the back. "I never thought you'd ever get married and have kids. And now look at you…you're doing both!"

Laszlo laughed and looked at his longtime friend. They'd gone to college together and had been roommates. It seemed like ages ago that the two of them had hung out. "I guess it just took meeting the right woman," Laszlo said, stealing another look at Trinity.

"She's really great, man," Dean said. "So, do I get to plan the bachelor party?" He laughed.

Rolling his eyes, Laszlo said, "I don't want one."

"What?" Dean gave him a dirty look. "Please tell me this is just another one of your bad jokes?"

"Nope, sorry." Laszlo took another pull of his beer. From the corner of his eye, he saw the disapproving look Dean gave him. "I know you, and I know that a bachelor party will involve obscene amounts of liquor and half naked women."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"It is now." Laszlo put his hand on Dean's shoulder. "Believe it or not, but Trinity is the only woman I want."

"Did I just hear my name?" Trinity asked as she walked up and snaked her arm around Laszlo's waist.

He draped his arm over her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry, love, it's all good."

She tilted her head up and smiled at him. He could really get used to seeing her smiling face every day. "How much longer on the food?" she asked, nodding at the grill.

"Another ten minutes or so." He kissed her forehead. Despite her smiles, Laszlo felt the tension in her body and he knew exactly what was bothering her. He looked at Dean. "Watch the grill would ya?" Then he took Trinity's hand and led her inside. Behind him, he heard Dean shouting something about making it quick and staying out of the bedroom. Laszlo grinned, but ignored his friend. Laszlo led her into the kitchen and pinned her between him and the counter. "What's the matter, love?"

"I don't think Frank is going to show up," she said, averting her gaze.

He put his finger under her chin and tilted her head. "He said he'd be here and he will." Laszlo wasn't sure if that was true. He'd never met Trinity's brother before and he had no idea what kind of guy Frank was, but Laszlo wanted to believe, and desperately wanted to assure Trinity, that her brother would be true to his word.

She looked at him with so much hope in her eyes. "You really think so?"

"Yeah," he said, leaning down and capturing her lips in a soft, sensual kiss. Trinity grazed her fingernails along the nape of his neck and he groaned, and then deepened the kiss. He loved it when she did that. It sent tingles down his spine and goose bumps up his arms. God, what he wouldn't give to be able to put her up on this counter and have his way with her. It was just the perfect height for him to be able to lick her pussy and make her come with his tongue. That thought alone was enough to arouse him. His cock thickened and strained painfully behind his zipper. He pushed his hips into her and she moaned into his mouth. "Do you always have to be so agreeable?" he whispered, his voice a taunting, needy rasp.

"When it comes to this," she reached down and grabbed his crotch, giving it a firm squeeze, "yes. I'm always very agreeable."

He nipped at her lips. "Would it be rude to ask our guests to leave?"

"Yes." Trinity laughed and playfully shoved him away. "I promise to make it up to you later though."

"Oh yeah?" He cocked a brow and grinned. As soon as everyone left, he was going to drag her ass upstairs and fuck her until neither of them could walk. And then he'd make love to her. His dick twitched at the memory of the sex they'd had in the
shower that morning. God, she sucked his cock so good his knees actually buckled and he'd had to grip the shower wall for support. "What do you suggest I do with this in the mean time?" Laszlo looked down at his bulging crotch.

"Sorry, baby, but you'll just have to get rid of it for now." Trinity massaged him through his jeans and he moaned.  "It's a shame to waste such a nice hard-on."

"That's not helping, love," he said, even though he didn't want her to stop. And she didn't. In fact, her grip became firmer, and it took every ounce of willpower he had not to undo his jeans and shove his cock in her hand. "Keep it up, Trin, and I will bend you over this counter and fuck you until you scream."

"Go ahead."

His eyes widened and his nostrils flared. Did she think he was joking? He didn't give a shit how many people were waiting for them outside, or who could possibly walk in on them. Right now his need for her was greater than his common sense. He stepped closer to her and put his mouth near her ear. "Don't taunt me, love. You know I'll do it." Laszlo curled his lips around her earlobe and tugged before raising his head and looking at her. Her face was flushed a beautiful shade of pink. He smiled.

"Hello? Lasz! Are you here?" Natasha called.

Trinity's eyes narrowed. "What the hell is she doing here?"

Laszlo shrugged. "I didn't invite her." Well, at least his erection was gone. He took Trinity's hand and led her into the foyer. The sight of Natasha standing there, smiling, looking smug, pissed him off. "What can I help you with, Natasha?" His voice was all business.

"Do you have a moment? There's something I need to discuss with you," she said, and then looked directly at Trinity. "Privately."

Laszlo had made it very clear to Natasha that whatever had happened between them in the past was over, so he knew the only reason she should be here, was for business. "I thought I made it clear that any and all business was to be handled at the office during normal hours."

"You did, but this can't wait," she said. "Please, Laszlo, I need to speak to you privately."

He gave Trinity's hand a gentle squeeze. "Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of Trinity."

"Damn it, this is serious," Natasha snapped.

"It's okay, baby," Trinity said, smiling at him. "I should get back to our guests anyway. Just make it quick, okay?"

Laszlo pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply, his hands finding her ass and yanking her tight against him. He hoped Natasha was still watching so that she'd get the hint that Trinity was in his life and wasn't going anywhere. When he released her, he said, "I'll only be a moment, love." She nodded, and then left him alone with Natasha.

"Thank you, Laszlo. I'm sure you'll want to hear what I have to say," Natasha said.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, get to the point. What's so damn important that you had to come to my home and interrupt my Saturday?" That was another thing he'd made crystal clear—his weekends were reserved for Trinity.

"I've heard rumors that the board is having an emergency meeting Monday afternoon to determine your mental stability, and that a few members might step down. Do you know what that means? If you don't have enough board members you won't be able to conduct business."

"I know all about the meeting, Natasha. I'm the one who called it."

Her eyes showed her shock and disbelief. "You did?"

"Yes. I've heard the rumors. The board is worried about the future of the company should a divorce ensue. I'm going to reassure them about that."

"Oh, so you've had her sign a pre-nup?"

Laszlo kept his face expressionless. "That's none of your business."

Natasha huffed. "Jesus Christ, Laszlo. What the hell are you thinking?" She paced back and forth in the foyer.

He grabbed her arm and dragged her into the living room, away from the possibility that anyone could walk in and hear them. "What the fuck is your problem?" he asked in a vehement whisper. She'd been acting strange ever since he'd told her that he was marrying Trinity.

"My problem?" She pointed to her chest. "I'm not the one with a problem, Laszlo, you are!"

"Me?" He laughed incredulously. "And what problem do you think I have?"

"That woman you're marrying," she said, pointing toward the back of the house. "She's wrong for you, Laszlo. You're making a big mistake."

"Don't!" he shouted. His eyes narrowed, his face flushed, and his hands balled into fists. How dare she stand there and say that marrying Trinity is a mistake. Trinity was the best thing to ever happen to him. "You're overstepping your bounds."

"No, I'm not." She shook her head. "You hired me because I'm the best, and the reason I'm the best is because I can see things that others can't or don't want to. I've never sugar coated things before, and I don't plan to start now. Marrying that woman will destroy you, Laszlo. It will ruin your reputation, your business, and your credibility." She ticked off the points on her fingers as she went along.

His entire body tensed, and his jaw was clenched so hard he was afraid he might break a tooth. He had to breathe through his flared nostrils because if he attempted to open his mouth right now, he'd end up saying things that he might later regret. If nothing, Natasha had taught him to think before he spoke. It was the key to dealing with the press and his competitors.

"I'm begging you, don't marry her," Natasha said. "There are other women out there for you, better women."

"Like you?" he bit out.

"We were good together." She smiled and put her hand on his chest. "Think about it, Lasz, we're perfect for each other."

Laszlo smiled coolly and lowered his mouth to her ear. "There's only one problem, Natasha." He paused, and then said, "I don't love you."

"You don't have to," she whispered and shook her head. "I can help you build the reputation of being a family man. And you know I can fill your sexual needs."

"And what's in it for you?" Being this close to her made him physically sick, but he wanted to make sure his point came across loud and clear.

"You," she said, coursing her hands down his chest.

Laszlo clutched her hands and jerked her away from him. "You're fired, Natasha. Get the hell out of my house."

Natasha stumbled back a few steps. "What? But…I thought…I mean…you…"

"I love Trinity, and nothing you or anyone else can say will ever change that."

"Please," she begged. "I've never led you wrong before. I'm right about her, and you know that."

He shook his head. "The only thing I know is that you're a jealous bitch. And so help me God, Natasha, if you don't leave peacefully, I will ruin you." His gaze was cold and calculating. From the look on her face, he knew that she understood. It wasn't an empty threat. If she so much as said one negative thing about Trinity, he'd make sure Natasha never worked as a publicist again.

"Fuck you!" she shouted. "I'll be waiting in line to say I told you so." Without another word, Natasha left.

Laszlo took a few moments to calm down before heading back outside and joining his guests. He had a feeling that Natasha wouldn't just go away so easily. He'd have to make it a point to let human resources know that she was no longer an employee, and to inform security that she wasn't allowed in the building. And if she tried, she was to be arrested. There was no way in hell he was going to let someone like her ruin what he had with Trinity.

"There you are," Trinity said as soon as he came out onto the porch. "Is everything all right?"

"Yeah," he said distractedly. "I'll talk to you about it later." He put his arm around her and kissed her temple.

"Okay. Hey, I want you to meet my brother." She pointed to a tall, lean guy standing on the far end of the porch who was talking to Becky.


The rest of the afternoon passed without any more incidents. Laszlo hit it off with Frank right away, and they spent most of the time talking business. Laszlo learned that Frank was attending college for business, and that he would be graduating in less than eighteen months providing he completed an on-site internship. Laszlo invited Frank to stop by the office on Tuesday to discuss the possibility of interning at Cstary Holdings. Frank was beyond thrilled, and Laszlo was pleased that he could do a little something to hopefully aid in the effort for Frank and Trinity to reconcile. Laszlo also asked Frank to be a groomsman in the wedding. If he said yes, it would be a nice surprise for Trinity.  

Despite how good the rest of the afternoon went, his nerves were still rattled, which was not like him at all. He'd gone up against some of the toughest, ruthless business tycoons, yet he was worried sick about Natasha and what she might try to do.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
, he thought. And he'd just scorned the hell out of her. Like him, Natasha was used to getting what she wanted. As soon as they said good bye to their guests, Trinity was by his side, exactly where he needed her to be. 

"Laszlo?" she said after they'd closed the door.

He attempted to shake the thoughts from his mind, but it was useless. There was no way he could go a moment longer without coming clean to Trinity. He had to tell her what happened, to warn her.  "I'm sorry if I was distant today, but I need to tell you a few things."

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