Read The Eye of Minds Online

Authors: James Dashner

Tags: #sf, #ya

The Eye of Minds (30 page)

You are only the beginning, Michael. The first step in a massive leap forward in evolution. Congratulations. You no longer have to worry about experiencing Decay, which means the headaches will finally end. Excellent news, I’m sure.
We’ll be in touch shortly. We need your help.
And in one horrifying moment, it all made sense.
Michael was a creation of artificial intelligence, a Tangent, a computer program. Everything about his entire life had been fake, and he now understood every bit of it. His “home,” his “Wake” had been within
Lifeblood Deep
—those signs he’d seen every day outside his window weren’t advertisements. They were
. Location plates.
Lifeblood Deep
had represented his programmed life. When he slipped inside his Coffin and sank into the Sleep, he was actually
the Deep and entering the normal VirtNet that real humans entered to game. All the memories of his childhood had been fabricated. He was nothing but a computer program.
And the headaches, the strange visions—just as Kaine said, he’d been experiencing Decay. It had nothing to do with the KillSim attack at the Black and Blue Club. Tangents could only last so long before they began to break down. It also explained why his parents and Helga had disappeared without explanation. He’d always been told that was what happened—that elements of your life began to vanish from the programming and you didn’t even realize it half the time. At least, not at first. He remembered the sinking feeling he’d had when it hit him that his parents had been gone for weeks and it hadn’t seemed strange until that moment.
Michael wasn’t real. He was fake. It sickened him. As if someone had poured poison down his throat in big, choking mouthfuls. He didn’t want to be alive anymore. He didn’t deserve to be. He was a
But Kaine had given him life. Had stolen a human body, made it Michael’s. The Path
been a test—but one he wished now that he hadn’t passed. Michael was nothing but a guinea pig for a Tangent that had somehow become self-aware. And now he wanted him to help make it happen again and again. Take over the entire human race, maybe. It all fit, and he understood why the VNS had wanted to find Kaine.
And what about Bryson and Sarah, his parents, Helga? Had anyone in his life been real? Could he ever find them if they were? A rush of despair overwhelmed him.
Michael turned off the NetScreen, leaned his head against the wall, and closed his eyes. His first thought was of Tanya, and how she’d ended her life by jumping off that bridge. If he really was a human now—flesh and blood—then he could do the same thing. And perhaps it would even upset Kaine’s plans—slow them down a bit. Maybe they needed Michael as a template so they could duplicate what they’d done.
But even as he thought it, he knew that following Tanya’s path wasn’t an option.
There was only one thing he could do to make things right.
Live to face Kaine again.
The doorbell rang.
Michael walked through his unfamiliar apartment with his unfamiliar body. He was tense, his heart beating rapidly. There was no way of knowing who else lived there, who might come home, who might be waiting outside in the hall. But he knew, absolutely knew, that he had to answer the door.
When he pulled it open, Agent Weber stood there—all dark hair and exotic eyes and long legs. Her expression was hard to read. It seemed like another lifetime when he’d met her at the VNS headquarters. He almost laughed out loud when he realized that, indeed, it had been. Michael could never have known if she was real or not until that moment.
“You must have a thousand questions,” she said, her voice tight.
“More like two thousand.” His new voice sounded strange to his new ears.
“Our meetings were real,” Weber said. “Our interactions—your mission—were real. We were all duped by the Tangent. By Kaine.”
“You did know
was a Tangent, though. Right?”
She nodded. “Of course we did. We knew he was gathering Tangents to his lair, testing them somehow. That’s why we used you. We met you in
Lifeblood Deep
and used you. I’m sorry, Michael, but it was the only way.”
Michael felt a hitch in his gut, but he had to ask the next question. “And Bryson? Sarah? Are they…”
“Yes.” Weber nodded. “They’re real, Michael. And they didn’t know that you weren’t. You’ll have to do a lot of explaining to them yourself.”
Michael laughed. He had no idea where it came from, but he laughed.
“So,” he finally said, “what’s next? I’m sure Kaine knows you’re here.”
“I just wanted you to see my face. To know that I really exist—that you’re not alone. To know that the VNS is still determined to catch Kaine and stop his plans. I’m going to leave now, Michael.” Weber paused. She looked almost sad. “We’ll be in touch with you. In the meantime, do your best to play the part of the human you’ve replaced. There’s simply no other choice.”
And with that, Agent Weber turned from him and walked away, her high heels clicking on the tiled floor of the apartment hallway. Michael stared after her until she was gone, then closed the door and headed for the kitchen.
He was hungry.
I owe so much of my life to the good people at Random House and Delacorte Press. Over the years of the Maze Runner series, so many of you contributed countless hours, and blood, sweat, and tears to make it a success. Management, editing, publicity, marketing, copyediting, design, the sales team… so much hard work, spearheaded by Beverly Horowitz and Krista Marino. I just want all of you to know how deeply, eternally, monumentally (insert a few more adverbs—plenty were cut from the books themselves) grateful I am to have been a part of it.
And now I’m so excited for this new story and the next few years of working with all of you.
Of course, all that hard work would’ve been pointless if it weren’t for my faithful, passionate, amazing, sometimes crazy, always awesome readers. I really, truly hope this new story will put you on the edge of your seats and spin your minds just as much as the Maze Runner series did. Thank you for liking my books. I don’t know a fancier way to say that. Thank you. You make my life fun.
A special thanks to J. Scott Savage and Julie Wright. Just because. Also to Lauren Abramo and everyone at Dystel & Goderich for ensuring that as many people as possible can read my books all around the world. Thank you!
And finally, like dedicating the book to him wasn’t enough, thank you to Michael Bourret. He’s not just an agent of the highest order. He’s a friend, a boss, a therapist, a counselor, a life planner, and a cheerleader. And he’s funny. I wouldn’t be here without him.
James Dashner was born and raised in Georgia but lives and writes in the Rocky Mountains. He is the author of the
New York Times
bestselling Maze Runner series:
The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure
, and
The Kill Order
. To learn more about him and his books, visit
The Maze Runner
The Scorch Trials
The Death Cure
The Kill Order
THE 13
The Journal of Curious Letters
The Hunt for Dark Infinity
The Blade of Shattered Hope
The Void of Mist and Thunder
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Text copyright © 2013 by James Dashner
Jacket art copyright © 2013 by Kekai Kotaki
All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Delacorte Press, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. Delacorte Press is a registered trademark and the colophon is a trademark of Random House, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dashner, James.
The eye of minds / James Dashner. — First edition.
pages cm
Summary: “Michael is a skilled internet gamer in a world of advanced technology. When a cyber-terrorist begins to threaten players, Michael is called upon to seek him and his secrets out”—Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-0-385-74139-2 (hc) — ISBN 978-0-375-99001-4 (glb)
ebook ISBN 978-0-375-98463-1 — ISBN 978-0-385-37492-7 (intl. tr. pbk.)
[1. Computer games—Fiction. 2. Virtual Reality—Fiction. 3. Cyberterrorism—Fiction. 4. Terrorism—Fiction. 5. Science fiction.] I. Title.
PZ7.D2587Ey 2013
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