Read The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality Online
Authors: John Hamer
Significantly, in this case, the whole is indeed greater by magnitudes than the sum of all its parts.
It is extremely important to accept and understand that despite every fibre of your being denying that it could possibly be true, the world has indeed been hijacked by a satanic cult, better known as the Illuminati, whose nefarious plans, in place for at least 235 years (and probably millennia), are almost at fruition.
They have taken every possible safeguard and spared no expense to ensure that you are not aware of this, but should you become aware of even a small part of their master-plan, through the resulting wholesale denial and ridicule from both your masters and your peers, your deliberately pre-conditioned mind will immediately reject it as impossible or insane.
This is an acknowledged psychological condition known as ‘cognitive dissonance’, during which state your mind is subjected to an attempt to displace the truths in which you have always believed, by a conflicting ideal which you subconsciously concede has great merit, resulting in extreme confusion and distress.
This state of mind can itself often cause irrational anger and occasionally, violence among its sufferers.
My many years of research have led me to conclude that what they are doing is actually totally senseless and in fact, is pure evil.
It is destruction of all that is good, wholesome and natural simply to reap short-term profit and to further their sick agenda.
There can be no other logical explanation.
No amount of reasoned logic can explain the utter stupidity of the seemingly deliberate destruction of the planet on which we all have to live, its finely balanced eco-systems and its indigenous species to the extent that is happening today.
The only vaguely plausible reason for world events of today, can be a staggering disregard not just of the welfare of those they seek to oppress and enslave or eliminate, but also their own wellbeing and that of their descendants.
Through their wars and corporate exploitation they are succeeding in destroying the rainforests, the natural weather cycles, land and oceanic eco-systems, polluting rivers and fresh water systems beyond the point of no return, destroying whole species such as the honey-bees that are essential for pollinating food-crops worldwide and latterly the bat population, poisoning the entire atmosphere and oceans with deadly chemicals and radiation, undermining the entire food-chain with genetic modifications, artificial growth hormones and poisonous pesticides and generally creating a kind of ‘hell on Earth’.
They then have the sheer audacity to blame the state of the planet on ‘overpopulation’ and/or ‘global warming’, now re-invented and re-branded as ‘climate change’ as it becomes more apparent that the world climate is actually growing noticeably cooler.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.
“This is what we are experiencing today: Perpetual War, created illegally, to invade and destroy other countries and steal their natural resources; pestilence created in black ops bio-weapons labs; extensive famine in Africa, India, and now Haiti; millions of American children, too, are without adequate daily food; a contaminated food supply created by corporate chemical production and dangerous husbandry practices foisted on us by greed.
The soil is destroyed, because genetically engineered and carcinogenic plants can only grow in soil that must be loaded with pesticides.
This is now part of a globally poisoned food chain.
Medicine is no longer the practice of doing NO harm, but rather radiating critically ill patients and injecting young and old with poisoned vaccines that have created two generations of children with compromised cognitive function (ADD, ADHD, and autism) and damaged immune systems.
The list goes on and on.
In all of it, precaution is hardly ever used, and harm is the avenue chosen.”
Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri ‘The Allegories of Good and Bad Government’, January 2011
If and when their master-plan ever comes to fruition and the world is completely under their jackboots, I am afraid it will have been a pyrrhic victory and I sincerely hope that I am no longer around in our desolated Earth to witness their hollow triumph.
So then, if all this is even remotely true, how is it possible to keep such a vast conspiracy secret, especially as it encompasses every aspect of our lives?
For instance, would there not be ‘whistle-blowers’ by the thousand, coming forward to expose it?
The answer is complex.
Firstly, let me say that there have been and no doubt will continue to be, many, many people who come forward to expose this or that individual aspect of the plot.
These people for the most part are not generally aware of the whole picture and so are fairly easy to dismiss and ridicule as ‘conspiracy nuts’ or even ignore completely.
Secondly and more importantly, the hierarchical structure of the Elite network is similar to that of any individual company or corporation, in that it is pyramidal and self-contained, albeit huge in its scope.
Contained within the larger, overall structure is a series of smaller and smaller, pyramids within pyramids each with its own individual hierarchy reporting upwards as in a typical corporate scenario.
In a corporate structure for example, the top of the pyramid is the CEO or managing director who has overall responsibility for the entity as a whole and he is served directly by a board of directors or vice-presidents.
Within that small cabal of these corporate ‘leaders’; instructions, orders and information are passed down, strictly on a ‘need to know’ basis and nothing that is privy to that small group is released down the ‘food chain’ unless it has some importance in the smooth operation of the organisation.
Similarly, proceeding down the hierarchy, senior management will be made aware of certain facts or situations that are for their ears only and these will not be passed down to middle management, junior management and so on to the very bottom of the pile, the base of the pyramid where the armies of clerks, assistants, assorted labourers and wage-slaves ply their trades, unless vital to the company’s needs.
For example, a cashier in a bank has no idea and is not made aware of the ultimate goals and strategic financial policies of the bank, other than what she needs to know to perform her duties efficiently, which is therefore, in effect virtually nothing.
This construct of pyramids within pyramids and ‘divide and rule’ is the ultimate tool by which secrecy is maintained.
There have of course, been many instances of Elite, Illuminati defectors who attempt to expose what is happening behind the scenes, but these people are comfortably contained by denying them a mainstream platform and thus any form of credibility in the eyes of the ‘masses’ and the ‘useful idiots’ who control them for their Elite masters.
They may well be given air-space on occasions in order to ridicule the information they impart or enable their being labelled as crazy or ‘madmen’ and indeed many of them disappear forever after their brief moment in the spotlight.
This may often be attributed to the ‘if it’s not in the mainstream, it cannot be true’ viewpoint, we have been conditioned all our lives to believe.
Our completely impartial news media would of course tell us all if there was anything untoward going-on in the world would they not?
“This `cabal` of evil is best known as `the Illuminati` and includes a core of thirteen bloodlines, all interconnected, intermarried and tracing their lineage back to the Near East in ancient times.
They are worshippers of `Lucifer` and see themselves as `Gods` on a planet filled with `cattle`.
They number amongst their members, the Royal families of Europe, the leading bankers, industrialists, media tycoons and political elites.
They operate through a dazzling array of `front groups` and secret societies such as the Freemasons, The Council for Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Common Purpose and many, many more.
Their tentacles are everywhere and the major intelligence agencies of the world are in the pockets of these self-styled `Gods`”.
Philip Jones, ‘Playing God’, 13th March 2009
"The world is governed by far different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
Benjamin Disraeli, former British Prime Minister
"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
J. Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI
Indeed the very fabric of our so-called ‘democracy’ can be shown to be a complete sham as may be witnessed by the examination of the corrupt two-party state of affairs prevalent today, both elements of which immediately, quietly backtrack on all election promises the moment they come to ‘power’ and proceed to implement very largely the same policies as their supposed opposition would have done, should the puppet-masters have declared that it be they whose ‘turn’ it is to be ‘in power’.
In Britain, the hugely corrupt ‘first past the post’ political electoral system ensures that we regularly get governments voted in by a small minority of the population.
Indeed, we really need to closely scrutinise the extent of the political spectrum covered by the ‘free democratic choice’ we are given in elections.
In the US there are the Democrats and the Republicans and in the UK, we have the Labour and Conservative parties (with the odd token interjection by the almost irrelevant Liberal Democrats).
We all need to ask ourselves, how much of the full political spectrum do these ‘choices’ encompass?
I would strongly suggest that the answer is ‘a miniscule amount’.
In all cases, these political parties are almost identical bar one or two minor differences in their views and policies, despite what the mainstream press will contend to the contrary.
Example of mainstream politics versus other possible political alternatives
“Obama campaigned longer than anyone else in American history, for the office of the Presidency.
For over two years this half-white, half-black man ‘ran’ for the presidency. During that impossibly-long campaign he was running against everything that George W. Bush had done or was doing.
Once he was anointed as 'president' however, he began to break every campaign-promise he made to all of us, about everything that Cheney-Bush had done.”
Jim Kirwan, political researcher, May 2011