The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (62 page)

The atomic bomb was developed at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico.  The top secret project was called the Manhattan Project, because its secret director, Bernard Baruch, lived in Manhattan, as did many of the other principals.
Baruch had chosen Maj. General Leslie R. Groves to head the operation as he had previously built the Pentagon and had a good reputation among the Washington politicians, who usually asked ‘how high’ when Baruch asked them to ‘jump’.


The scientific director at Los Alamos was J. Robert Oppenheimer, from a prosperous family of clothing merchants.
In ‘Oppenheimer; the Years Of Risk’, James Kunetka, writes, "Baruch was especially interested in Oppenheimer for the position of senior scientific adviser." The project cost an estimated two billion dollars.
No other nation in the world could have afforded to develop such a bomb and the first successful test occurred at the Trinity site, two hundred miles south of Los Alamos at 5.29:45 am on the 16th July 1945.


Oppenheimer's exultation at the success of the test derived from his realisation that now his masters had attained the ultimate power, through which they could implement their five-thousand-year desire to rule the entire world and thus set in motion the next critical phases of the plan.

There were still many anxious moments for the conspirators, who planned to launch a new reign of terror throughout the world.
Japan had been attempting to surrender since early 1945 with its pleas being systematically ignored by the US administration.
On the 9th and 10th of March 1945, 325 B-29 bombers had razed thirty-five square miles of  Tokyo to the ground, leaving more than one hundred thousand Japanese civilians dead in the ensuing  firestorm.
Of Japan's 66 largest cities, 59 had been mostly destroyed, 178 square miles of urban dwellings had been burned, 500,000 died in the fires and now twenty million Japanese were homeless.
Only four cities had not been destroyed; Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata, and Nagasaki.
Their inhabitants had no inkling at this time that they had been spared solely in order to be used as targets for the experimental atomic bomb.
General Leslie Groves, at Baruch's insistence, had demanded that Kyoto be the initial target of the bomb.
Secretary of War Stimson objected, saying that as the ancient capital of Japan, the city of Kyoto had hundreds of historic wooden temples, and no military targets but of course the Jewish influences wished to destroy it precisely because of its great cultural importance to the Japanese people.


While the residents of Hiroshima continued to watch the B-29s flying by without dropping bombs on them, they had no inkling of the terrible fate which the mass-murderers in Washington had reserved for them.


“There was another Japan, and MacArthur was one of the few Americans who suspected its existence.
He kept urging the Pentagon and the State Department to be alert for conciliatory gestures.
The General predicted that the break would come from Tokyo, not the Japanese army.
The General was right.
A dovish coalition was forming in the Japanese capital and it was headed by Hirohito himself, who had concluded in the spring of 1945 that a negotiated peace was the only way to end his nation's agony. 
Beginning in early May, a six-man council of Japanese diplomats explored ways to accommodate the Allies.
The delegates informed top military officials that ‘our resistance is finished’.”
William Manchester


“We brought them down to an abject surrender through the accelerated sinking of their merchant marine and hunger alone, and when we didn’t need to do it, and knew we didn't need to do it, we used them as an experiment for two atomic bombs.”
Brigadier General Carter W. Clarke, US Army


So, it transpired that on the 6th August 1945, a uranium bomb isotope-235, 20 kilotons yield, was exploded 1850 feet in the air above Hiroshima, for maximum explosive effect. It utterly devastated four square miles and killed outright 140,000 of the 255,000 inhabitants and horrifically injured many more. 

“It was strange to us that Hiroshima had never been bombed, despite the fact that B-29 bombers flew over the city every day.
Only after the war did I come to know that Hiroshima, according to American archives, had been kept untouched in order to preserve it as a target for the use of nuclear weapons.
Perhaps, if the American administration and its military authorities had paid sufficient regard to the terrible nature of the fiery demon which mankind had discovered and yet knew so little about its consequences, the American authorities might never have used such a weapon against the 750,000 Japanese who ultimately became its victims.”
Dr. Shuntaro Hida, doctor in Hiroshima at the time of the attack


“[Hiroshima was] the most ruthless and barbaric killing of non-combatants in all of history.”
General Bonner Fellers, an adviser to General MacArthur


One of the myths of Hiroshima is that the inhabitants were warned by leaflets that an atomic bomb would be dropped.
These leaflets were dropped after the bombing because the President's Interim Committee on the Atomic Bomb decided on the 31st May 'that we could not give the Japanese any warning’.
Furthermore, the decision to drop 'atomic' leaflets on Japanese cities was not made until the 7th August the day after the Hiroshima bombing.  They were not dropped on Nagasaki until the 10th August, the day after Nagasaki had been atomic-bombed and therefore the residents of neither Hiroshima nor Nagasaki received advance warnings about the proposed use of the atomic bomb.
On 1st June 1945, a formal and official decision was taken during a meeting of the so-called Interim Committee not to warn the populations of the specific target cities.
James Byrnes and Oppenheimer insisted that the bombs must be used ‘without prior warning’.


Truman himself variously stated that the use of the use of the atomic bomb saved ‘a quarter of a million American lives’, a ‘half-million American lives’ and finally settled on the Groves figure of ‘a million American lives saved’.

  “It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan.
The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons.”
Admiral Leahy, US Navy, from ‘I Was There’


In fact Truman's wanton use of atomic weapons left the  American people feeling dramatically less secure after winning World War II than they had ever felt before and these feelings of insecurity were subsequently exploited to the full by unscrupulous Cold War politicians ever since.

“The war would have been over in two weeks without the Russians entering and without the atomic bomb.
The atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war at all.” General Curtis LeMay, chief of the USAF 29th September 1945


“In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.  The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”
President Dwight D Eisenhower’s farewell address to the American nation on the 17th January 1961


The US Air Force had sole control of the atomic bomb and it became a billion-dollar ‘game’ for these scientists, with John von Neumann, their leading scientist, becoming world famous as the inventor of ‘game theory’, in which the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a worldwide psychological skirmish to see which would be the first to attack the other with nuclear missiles.
In the United States, schools held daily bomb drills, with the children hiding under their desks.
No one told them that thousands of school-children in Hiroshima had been incinerated in their classrooms; the desks offered no protection against nuclear weapons.
The moral and psychological effect on generations of children was devastating.
If they were to be vapourised at any time, there seemed little reason to study, marry and have children, or prepare for a steady job. This demoralisation through the nuclear weapons programme is another one of the undisclosed reasons for the decline in public morality.

By failing to name the power behind the military-industrial complex, the international banksters, Eisenhower left the American people in the dark as to who he was actually warning them against.
To this day the masses still do not understand that what he was trying to say was that the international bankers, the Zionists and the Freemasons had formed an unholy alliance whose money and power could not be overcome by the citizens of the United States or indeed the world and the sooner the populations of the world come to understand this fact, the sooner we can end this insidious attack on all humanity and construct a world where people matter more than the bank balances of the already obscenely wealthy.


The United Nations

Around 25 years after the failure of the proposed ‘League of Nations’, a second attempt was made to usher-in this early form of ‘one world government’, immediately upon cessation of hostilities in World War II.
This time there was to be no dissenting voice and the UN was formed in line with the UN charter of 26th June 1945.

So, the USA encouraged and cajoled by Alger Hiss, a senior member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and a known-to-be communist sympathiser, enthusiastically joined the United Nations along with most of the rest of the world’s nations as a first step down the rocky road to out and out communitarianism, as was in the planning all along.

The UN charter and constitution is a thinly veiled copy of the Soviet Union model which Hiss had co-authored some 30 years previously in preparation for the world’s first communist state, Soviet Russia.
In effect, this means that the UN constitution is therefore a Marxist-Socialist paradigm.

It was none other than the Rockefeller family themselves who donated the 18 acres of prime Manhattan real-estate, upon which its opulent headquarters sit and at the time of writing, the CFR chairman is David Rockefeller, leaving us in no doubt whatsoever as to the allegiances and goals of this truly execrable organisation.

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it.”
David Rockefeller

The Elite goals of ‘World regionalism’ are clearly defined in the UN charter, using such terms as ‘regional arrangements’, ‘intergovernmental agreements’, and ‘metropolitan areas’.
This organisation, replete as it is with covert communists and advocates of the planned ‘New World Order’ have already divided the world into 85 ‘regions’ for policing and administration purposes and simply by adopting the UN Charter, the US Congress has established the Charter as the Supreme Law of the land (Fugi v. State of California, 1950-52) totally negating the current statutes of the United States.

The following are just some of the stated policies of the United Nations:

Control of all zoning matters in the United States and the control of its national parks, rivers and historical sites.

Control over whether women are allowed to have babies.

Control over the economic and judicial policies of all nations.

Programmes are currently being devised to create a tax on citizens of the United States as a permanent method of UN funding.

The United Nations has its own Army and other nations’ soldiers must swear allegiance to this foreign government.

By Executive Order #11647 on 10th Feb 1972, President Nixon announced the United States was divided into 10 Federal Regional Councils, each controlled by an appointed bureaucrat for the stated purpose of improving coordination of the activities of all levels of government.
The 10 federal regions were to be empowered to control all forms of regionalism within the US Regional divisions supplementing the 10 federal regions include state sub-regions, federal reserve regions, population regions, and regions to control the land, water and natural resources of America.
The goal of regional or metropolitan government is to eventually merge the US into the ‘New World Order’ ie. a one world Socialist state under the United Nations.
Regional government is a plan to eventually control all facets of its citizens’ lives.
Executive Order #11490 assigns numerous emergency preparedness functions to federal departments.

Financing of regional governments is acquired through Federal Revenue sharing. Revenue sharing is a mechanism whereby state and local governments become financially dependent upon the federal government.
Pressure can then be applied to any level of state government that refuses to comply with the dictates of the regional government rulers.
All but one of the ten federal regional capitals is a Federal Reserve Bank city.

This is the ‘One World Government’ or ‘New World Order’ currently being promoted by all major world leaders and politicians who without exception are in the pockets of the Elite.
Recently, the UN was wholly responsible for the destruction of two free sovereign nations, Rhodesia and South Africa, two nations which were not ‘politically correct’ and so, were systematically taken down.
The Elite run-UN spread vicious lies about Rhodesia and crippled the nation economically, finally turning it over to the Communists led by the radical tyrant Robert Mugabe, who renamed it Zimbabwe and has done everything in his power to rape the country of all its money and resources and divert them into his own coffers.
In South Africa, its capital, Johannesburg is now the most dangerous city in the world with one of the highest murder rates.
Much the same policies are now being carried-out in North Africa with the recent regime changes and revolutions in Libya and Egypt and in the Middle East with Syria and Iran squarely in the gun sights as I write this.

We are also in the midst of a huge propaganda campaign desired to scare and encourage us to see things the way the NWO wishes us to see them.
Their current tactic is… ‘since another great depression and financial crisis is almost certain, nations should move now to organise themselves into a One World Economic Order to ensure that even though such a calamity may occur, there will be a reconstitution of a meaningful international monetary system’.

I believe that this all proves beyond any reasonable doubt how the Elite have openly conspired to insidiously rule the world via the covert machinations of the CFR, the United Nations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group.

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