The Far Bank of the Rubicon (The Pax Imperium Wars: Volume 1) (19 page)

“Thanks. It was St. Adrian’s, but the whole thing was way overdone.” Jonas flushed a little as he felt the heat of his irritation rise.

Jo nodded with an understanding look. She waited, expecting more.

Jonas shrugged. “I didn’t do anything heroic. In fact, what I did was stupid, and now I’m getting rewarded for it. Anyone else would have been reprimanded.”

Jo smiled kindly. “And that’s the problem, isn’t it? You finally found a space where you could be a normal person without all the pomp and circumstance, and the palace found a way to interfere.”

Jonas suddenly felt very uncomfortable. As much as he liked Jo, she had a direct manner and a way of getting straight to the heart of things that could be quite shocking. Jonas enjoyed watching her do that to others at parties, but he didn’t like it when she did it to him. He decided he wasn’t ready to talk about his frustrations with her, so he changed topics. “What are you doing here? I thought you had finals today.”

“I got done early.”

Jonas rolled his eyes. “I used to struggle all day to just squeak by one of Dmitri’s exams. He must be getting soft in his old age.”

Josephine giggled. “Maybe. Or maybe I’m just smarter than you are.”

Jonas had to cover his mouth to keep from bursting out laughing. “You’re probably smarter than I ever will be. So if you have free time this afternoon, why are you spending it here? This is boring.”

Jo shrugged her shoulders. “Why are you here?”

“I’m here because one of my friends gets introduced at court today.”

“You mean Sophia Malek?”

Jonas grimaced. “Yes, I mean Sophia.”

Jo gave Jonas a knowing grin and winked at him.

“So are all my secrets to be published in the Court Reporter tomorrow?”

“Court Reporter? Absolutely not. Milton Rain is a pompous ass who couldn’t interview his way out of a paper bag.”

Jonas grinned. “Still bitter about that interview he did with your parents four years ago about Aetna?”

“They aren’t my parents, and I’m not bitter. I just don’t have to support someone who made Anna and Jack look stupid.” With an undertone of sarcasm, she added, “No, I sell all my information on you to Royalty Daily. Steve Ashburn over there is a crack journalist.” Jo nodded toward the seventy-year-old, white-haired, rotund Ashburn who was sitting only six or seven seats over.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jonas had the distinct impression Ashburn was scratching the inside of his ear with his pinkie.

Jo winked at Jonas.

Jonas snorted in amusement and buried his mouth behind his hand. When he could contain himself, he asked, “Why are you here?”

“Because it’s the last place Dmitri or Jack would think to look for me. Besides, I think it’s funny to watch the way the people respond to your father.”

Jonas smiled to himself.
Yep, you’re definitely smarter than me
, he thought.

Below the gallery, the Keeper of the Lists read out the name of yet another person receiving an honor. One by one they went forward and knelt in front of the king, who either put a medal around their head, or touched them on the shoulders with a sword for a military honor. Some of the higher honors came with a cape or a sash. Jonas was glad to have missed most of the honorees today. Investiture ceremonies happened on a regular basis at the palace, usually once a month.

Once all the O.K.A.s and the S.S.C.s had been given, members of the nobility who had come of age would be formally introduced to the King. Sophia came near the beginning. Her mother and father sat in the front row below.

“Sophia Katerina Ariana Malek, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Galatia,” declared the Keeper. Sophia stepped into the room from Jonas’ left in a pale green designer dress which hugged her figure. She walked gracefully in front of the assembled guests, including her parents, and then curtsied at exactly the right distance from the King. He inclined his head slightly to acknowledge the gesture. They spoke briefly. Jonas couldn’t tell what they discussed, but the king seemed genuinely amused by it, and Sophia smiled. Then, right on cue, she exited the room and entered court life.

“Oh, Jonas, she did well. I never see your dad talk like that to anyone.”

“How often do you come to these things, Jo?”

“Every month if I can. Like I said, I enjoy watching how people interact with your dad. It’s fun. You can learn a lot about them. My favorites are the ones who faint or who can’t stop talking.” Jo smiled wickedly.

Jonas just rolled his eyes, shook his head, and grinned at Josephine. He stayed to watch a few more, hoping to keep the press from immediately knowing which person he was there to see. When he thought he had covered his tracks somewhat, he reached over and put is hand on Jo’s arm. “Have fun. I have to get going.”

“See you.” The twelve-year-old smiled at him.

Feeling one part mischievous and one part magnanimous, Jonas nodded to Ashburn and the rest of the media, who all watched him intently as he left.

Ashburn inclined his head in return, surprised to be recognized by the usually reserved prince.

Well, that will give them something to chew on for a moment
, thought Jonas.

After finishing his glass of champagne at the garden party an hour later, Jonas was just about to go find Sophia when he turned around and nearly ran into the bulk of Duke Malek. Although this was Sophia’s first visit to the palace in the last four years, the Duke’s visits were all too frequent. With the arms race between the Allied Nations and the Unity, the Duke had become a necessary evil for Jonas’ father.

“Congratulations, Your Highness. It is a rare thing when a St. Almo’s graduate enters the Society of St. Adrian on the same day…” The Duke smiled with all his teeth. “…But good connections and the right pedigree help with these sorts of things, don’t they?” The Duke set down his empty champagne glass in a nearby planter.

Trying to get a moment to think, Jonas swallowed and returned the Duke’s smile. Neither man meant it. Jonas’ thoughts were further confused by his own internal conflict about the medal his father had pinned on him earlier in the day. It had been a surprise to him and an embarrassment. It brought attention to an incident in his training that he would rather forget.

Having Malek so accurately touch the sore spot angered Jonas. He was instantly on the defensive. He decided not to answer and inclined his head slightly, without saying anything.

And so you show me the sword at your side
, thought Jonas.
Now, what is it that you want with me?

Seeing that Jonas wasn’t going to answer, Malek plowed forward. “I wanted to thank you for convincing my daughter to bend to my wishes about coming to the palace.”

En garde!
thought Jonas. He shrugged off the false compliment and said deferentially, “I’m not sure that I did much, Your Grace. I merely found a way to accommodate her desire to continue her education and your desire to have her at court.”

Malek’s face hardened. “Yes, well, that is the problem, isn’t it?”

And so we duel. “Sorry?” he said, feigning innocence.

“Of course, I am grateful that she has chosen to enter your father’s court, but that would have happened no matter what. However, St. Agnes’ would be a school much more fitting to her station. A simple tutor…well.” Malek waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.

“Dmitri is an excellent tutor. He served both the Crown Prince and myself for many years, and he has impeccable credentials in xenobiology, and of course, New Cornell is here in nearby Olympia. It is by far the premier school in the galaxy for her intended course of study. I’m sure…”

The faux warmth in Malek’s smile froze. He gave Jonas a calculating look and then interrupted. “Don’t play me for a fool, Jonas Athena. You didn’t work so hard to get my daughter to this palace to simply further her education. I have no doubt that you have your own self-interest front and center, and not some altruistic motive. St. Agnes’ would be more fitting for a future queen, rather than studies in biology—no matter the qualifications of the tutor or the university.”

Jonas’ heart beat a little faster, and his face flushed, whether from anger or embarrassment, Jonas wasn’t sure. Malek’s guesses were too near the mark for comfort, and yet, assuming his daughter would become queen was audacious to the point of lunacy. Whereas any other father in the kingdom would have been proud that their daughter had such an intimate friendship with the second prince, Malek thought Jonas below his daughter’s station. Jonas lied. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Malek laughed. “Oh, yes, you do. You know exactly what I’m talking about. I was a young man like you once. I remember.” The Duke took half a step closer to Jonas, until even his foul breath intruded into Jonas’ personal space. “If you know what’s good for your father and the kingdom, you will stay away from her. She’s not for you.”

For a moment, the image of himself punching the duke flashed through Jonas’ head. From the heat in his cheeks, Jonas knew he must be beet red.

Even as he spoke, he felt Dora appear at his side, coming to rescue her nephew. Jonas’ tone was glacial. “If you will excuse me, I see that my company commander is about to be introduced to Admiral Hansen.”

He decided he wouldn’t try to speak with Sophia until later that evening.

Jonas smiled at Dora as he walked away. Inside, he shook with fury.

Until the incident with Malek earlier in the afternoon, Jonas had been looking forward to the party he had planned for his graduation at the end of the day. But now that he was loading onto the bus with his fellow graduates, a select group of students from St. Agnes’, and a few other invited guests, he realized he wasn’t looking forward to it any longer. In his mind, he had imagined a scene in which Sophia undulated toward him across the dance floor and, without hesitation, put her hand behind his head, brought his lips down to hers, and kissed him. In his fantasy, the crowd around him cheered them on. However, with her father threatening an international incident if he so much as sneezed on her, Jonas didn’t think his fantasies were about to come true.

Mercifully, those on the bus left him alone with his own thoughts for the short flight to the club in Olympia, and he managed to smile and thank all his guests as he got on stage. He even enjoyed himself as he surprised Teddy Lutnear by announcing that in honor of his acceptance to Rhinegau, Paper Thin would be doing a private concert for all of them. His friends roared with delight, and the festivities began.

Perhaps it was simply being among his unit—the place where he felt most at ease—or perhaps it was the alcohol, or even a combination of the two, but for whatever reason Jonas found himself dancing with abandon along with the other newly minted officers, despite his frustrations. Jonas had always like clubs, although his status and commitments gave him little time. In the crowd of throbbing people, he could lose himself and feel normal.

Jonas closed his eyes and gave way to the moment. When he opened them again, she was there.

Still dressed in the dress she wore for her introduction at court, she stood in front of him, moving with him as he danced.

The freedom of the moment prior vanished, and Jonas stopped, bound by the invisible chains of duty, completely unsure of what to do next.

Sophia stopped as suddenly as Jonas. The authenticity of joy melted from her face, replaced by a rubber mask of anxiety. “What did he say to you?”

Jonas didn’t bother pretending. “That there would be an international incident if I touched you.”

“Jonas, my dad is a bully. If you give in to his threats, he controls you.” Hope and pain mingled in her expression as she held out her hand. “Don’t let him bully you.”

Jonas felt as if someone had thrown a cold bucket of water on his head. The fear which had controlled him let loose. He reached out his hand and felt the skin of the girl he had longed to touch.

When all was said and done, it was nearing the twenty-sixth hour, local time, when Jonas finally felt free of responsibilities.

When the doors opened to the bus at the palace again, it felt to Jonas as if a spell had been broken. He thanked his guests at the door of the bus. He and Sophia had said their goodbyes at the club. No matter what Sophia said, Jonas hadn’t seen any need to push it. Sophia was close by now. They had time, and they could afford to be discreet. Instead, Jonas walked up the stairs with Teddy, who had had one too many. On Teddy’s other side, a young thing from St. Agnes’ had her arm around him as well, but she wasn’t much better off. With a cheshire grin, Jonas handed them both off to one of the staff and headed to his own quarters by himself.

Despite the late hour, the palace was still busy. Staff were cleaning up from the graduation earlier in the day and preparing for the arrival of a military delegation from one of the alliance members tomorrow. The day after that, his father was to fly out for an economic conference with the other leaders from the allies.

Last minute cleaning and fussing seemed to be the order of the night. Jonas passed at least two staff members working to polish the gold picture frames, and he could hear other staff discussing this or that matter of cleanliness and protocol. Jonas wished for quiet.

With all the bustle at this late hour, he wasn't surprised to see his room door slightly ajar when he arrived. He guessed it was possibly the staff returning some laundry. He opened his door and was surprised to see his father sitting at his desk, reading over a report on a bright yellow tablet reader with red letters declaring the document and the reader as security clearance Alpha. Time with his father had been exceedingly rare in the last year, especially as he and Stephen were asked to do their part in the arms race. Bringing the princes into the daily workings of the palace had made it nearly impossible to find times where all three of them were available at once.

As Jonas stood in the door of his room, the King looked up from his work. He smiled. He always smiled when Jonas or Stephen walked in the room. Over the last four years, Jonas had watched the crow’s feet grow into the beginning signs of middle age.
For all our technology, we still cannot stop the aging process
, thought Jonas.

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