The Fire Inside (12 page)

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Authors: Virginia Cavanaugh

“That’s it, Tyra. Beautiful,” he whispered.

Her joints began to bend then change. Her teeth sank into
her lower lip as she fought the whimper that wanted to rise.

“You’re mine, Tyra. I won’t let you leave me.”

Her eyes slid closed as the rest of her shift consumed her.
Voices, weak but there. They filled her subconscious mind. Then a powerful
voice—one she recognized as a melody she never wanted to stop hearing. She
opened her eyes as she felt a tongue lap at the side of her face. Konrad stood
before her in his wolf form and leaned in to nuzzle her neck.

“My beautiful mate.”

Shock tore through her. The silence that had been her
companion was now gone. Her head was filled with the others from the pack, like
background music. But Konrad’s thoughts rang loud inside her head. A whimper
escaped her. She’d forgotten. It’d been so long that she’d forgotten what it
was like to hear the thoughts of your pack. To be surrounded and know you
weren’t alone. She looked into his rich amber gaze, not sure how to put into
words all that she was feeling.

“I know. You’re home now.”

Emotion burst forth inside her and she pressed her body
against the soft pelt of Konrad’s.
“Thank you for finding me.”

“I’ll always find you, Tyra.”

He nipped at her flank and she jumped to the side.
was that for?”

“Play with me, Tyra.”

She growled in his direction before taking off toward the
side gate. His thoughts rang clear in her head.
“That’s it, mate. Run.”

She burst out into the front yard and made her way toward
the park. It took a little getting used to, running on four legs again, but it
came back. She knew Konrad was giving her a head start. He wanted to hunt her.
Her insides tingled as she thought of all the things he would do to her once
the moon set. Oh yes. She definitely wanted him to catch her.

Funny how her memories came flooding back. Not those that
had haunted her so much over the years, but the good ones. She now played a
game that she’d learned as a child. Laying false scent trails as she looked for
a place to hide. A wolf’s version of hide and go seek, but this game would end
differently. This wasn’t just a childhood game she played with Konrad. When he
found her, he’d assert his dominance and claim her. She shivered with desire.
Her memories surfaced of the younger ladies playing a similar game with the
males of her father’s pack. As a child she just ignored them, but now she
understood why they’d been so excited.

Tyra rubbed against a few trees in the park, making a
circular pattern to help disguise which direction she’d take. She was at a
disadvantage somewhat, as she didn’t know the lay of the den as well as he. But
she didn’t let that stop her. Her lips pulled back from her teeth as she raced
toward the clearing where she and Konrad had nearly made love the first time by
the lake.

She laid a false trail as she made her way around the
perimeter of the clearing. She set out in different direction, rubbing her fur
against the rough bark of the thick tree trunks. This had been one of her best
talents as a child. Each full moon she’d succeeded in escaping detection of
others. So many memories had come flooding back. All good. She’d held on to the
bad for so long, but how could she have forgotten the best ones? She knew she
wouldn’t fool Konrad for long. But she didn’t want to make it easy for him. She
wanted him to find her as worthy prey.

With quiet steps she moved around in the woods. She kept her
ears open as she blocked her thoughts from being read. She still heard the
background noise of the pack, creating a soothing sound. Konrad was silent, but
she knew he only hid his thoughts to heighten her anticipation.

She knew there was a chance that he even now had her in his
sights. But even if he did, he would make her wait. He wouldn’t try to take her
down until the moon was low on the horizon. It had taken her more than an hour
to reach the clearing, and by her best guess she’d spent the next few hours
spreading her scent down different paths and sometimes straight into the thick
underbrush. He’d come soon.

Chapter Twelve


Tyra hunkered down low in a pile of fallen leaves as she
spotted movement near the edge of the clearing. She pulled in a breath, nice
and slow, looking for that familiar spicy scent that drove her crazy with lust.
Faint, but there. Just enough to tease her hormones. She was willing to bet he
had the ability to conceal it totally from her, but what would be the fun in
that? She burrowed further down, using the earth’s scent to mask her own. She
spotted a flash of dark fur as he turned and went deeper into the woods.

Most likely he’d caught one of her scent trails. She
wondered how much longer it would take him to find her. She knew the moon would
soon set, and along with it the force that kept them in their animal form. Heat
flared inside her. She craved the coming fight with him and inevitable
claiming. She’d give him her all tonight and in the end she planned for him to
wear her mark.

She’d been so lost in her own fantasy that she’d barely
heard the crunch of underbrush to her left. He’d find her at any moment.
Wanting to keep the element of surprise, she spotted him and leapt from the
leaves at him. He growled as he rolled with her onto a nearby path. She
recovered quickly, nipping at his side before darting away toward the clearing.

Konrad cut off her retreat, baring his teeth at her.

She released a growl of her own as he went up on his back
legs and she met him, ready to give her all. They batted at each other, but
their claws stayed sheathed. She knew he’d never hurt her, and she likewise
would never want to hurt him. This match was about strength. Her need to know
her mate was worthy and his need to prove his dominance. The whole thing was a
massive turn-on.

Never had she fought harder in a battle she so wanted to
lose. He overpowered her and she landed on her back. He loomed over her,
snarling. She scrambled, using her feet against his torso to push her way out
from under him.

His teeth dug into her neck, but not enough pressure to
break the skin as he lowered his body to use his weight to keep her still.

A low growl vibrated against her neck and she shivered with
anticipation as she stopped her movements and gave into him.

The low light of dawn brightened the sky, turning the thick
blackness into dark shades of purple and blue. The buzz that hummed through her
skin began to lessen as the moon began to wane and a new day was upon them.
Lights shimmered in the near darkness as the lunar pull released them and they
once again took on their human forms.

Warm flesh pressed against her and she wrapped her arms and
legs around Konrad’s tight, hard body. His erection slid against the slick
cleft of her pussy, tearing a moan from her lips. His teeth scraped the skin of
her neck and then his tongue laved the flesh.

Sweat slicked both of their bodies and she rubbed against
him. His chest hair abraded her nipples. His mouth found hers and there wasn’t
anything gentle about the kiss he laid on her. His tongue darted between her
lips, demanding a response. One she gladly gave as she kissed him back with the
pent-up passion she’d been holding in. His hands caressed her body, driving her
wild with the want of him. She ground her pelvis against his and whimpered as
his cock teased her clit. Sensation burst through her as he rubbed his erection
even harder against the little bundle of nerves.

His fingers slid against the wet flesh of her cunt and she
lifted her hips, wanting him to bury the digits deep inside her. Another growl
rumbled his chest as he pushed one finger then two into her tight sheath and
matched the rhythm of his tongue. She cried out into his mouth as he plunged in
and out of both sets of lips, those talented fingers hitting the spot that was
sure to make her come hard.

That spicy scent she could no longer live without filled her
nose with each rapid breath she took. Her hips undulated beneath him franticly
as she strived for that burst of pleasure. When her movements became too wild,
he released her lips and she arched her back, rubbing her breasts against his
chest as the familiar weight grew inside her core. The muscles inside her pussy
began to flutter then spasm. She screamed as her climax gripped her hard, her
quim fisting around his fingers. Her head moved forward and she felt the
partial shift of her jaw a moment before she sank her teeth hard into the flesh
were Konrad’s shoulder met his neck.

He howled as she continued to come, drenching his fingers
and digging her teeth tighter into his skin. Warm jets of cum sprayed over her
pussy and lower belly as his cock jerked, releasing seed as he ground against

Konrad slid lower down her body, taking one taut nipple into
his mouth and sucking hard as his thumb covered her clit and began stroking it
fiercely. He moved his fingers inside her and the pleasure was just too much.
As one wave ebbed another crested and she was crying out his name. “Konrad!”

His answering growl was fierce as he withdrew his digits and
gripped her thighs, flipping her onto her stomach. On shaky legs she made it to
her knees and then moaned as he slid his marble-hard cock across her ass and
pussy. Her panted breaths stirred the small strands of grass as she laid her
cheek against the dew-dampened earth. She fisted the blades of green as she
wiggled her ass provocatively. “Take me. Fuck me. Mark me.”

She screamed as he slammed his cock deep inside her.
Pleasure rushed through her so harshly tears sprang to her eyes. There would be
nothing gentle about this coupling and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Konrad thrust in and out of her pussy, his pelvis slapping against her ass. He
held her hips steady as he fucked her hard and deep. Each caress he dealt to
her inner flesh had her moaning and crying out his praise. She gave him
complete control, helpless to fight him off even if she’d wanted to. But oh how
she didn’t want to. Her nerve endings hummed with pleasure as he drove her
closer and closer to a new level of ecstasy. He pulled on her hips and angled
her to where each thrust maximized her pleasure and took her to new heights.

He leaned over her, wrapping one strong arm around her hips
and supporting the rest of his weight with his other that was now palm down on
the ground next to her face. She pushed up with her arms, bringing his warm
chest flush against her back.

She tossed her head, the motion sending her hair over one
shoulder, baring her skin for him. With a powerful roar, he climaxed, taking her
over the edge with him. When his teeth sank into her tender flesh she had
expected pain, but there was none. Only a warm rush that had her coming harder,
her quim fisting his dick so hard that she doubted he would even be able to
move. He snarled against her skin, tightening the hold his teeth had on her,
and she shivered and quaked beneath him.

Never had she been so sexually sated that she felt she could
weep from the joy coursing through her body. He rolled them to their sides,
spooning her body while remaining inside her. His teeth released their hold and
she smiled as his tongue traced a path over his mark.

“I will never let you go.” His heated breath fanned over her
skin with his whispered words.

“Good. Because I never want you to,” she replied as she
snuggled further into the heat of his body.

* * * * *

Tyra brushed her hair as she looked at her reflection in the
bathroom mirror. She caught Konrad’s gaze in the glass and frowned at his
unpleasant facial expression. He wasn’t happy about her decision to go to work.
She’d reminded him of their earlier agreement when he’d let it be known that he
had to attend a meeting regarding the upcoming land purchase. She’d wanted to
go with him, as any mate should, but he’d shot that idea down.

“Will you not reconsider this, Tyra? I told you, it has
nothing to do with not wanting you at my side. Your heat cycle will most likely
be fully upon you by morning if not sooner.” He growled. “I’m having hell right
now resisting the urge to rip those clothes off you, pin you beneath me and
fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.”

A quiver of pleasure rushed through her at his words, but it
didn’t erase the sting he’d dealt to her feelings when he’d forbidden her to go
with him. They’d shared such a closeness all day as their mate bond slipped
into place. Made love again and again and had been so happy, until he got up to
shower and get ready. Now they were quarreling and she didn’t much like it. It
was one thing to submit to him in bed, but it really irked her to do it outside
of the covers. “I will be fine around humans. They can’t smell me the way you
do. And if I can’t go with you, then I’m not going to sit here, bored all night
while I wait for you. If you wanted a submissive you shouldn’t have marked me.”
She tossed the brush down on the counter and looked down at the sink. She
inhaled a shocked breath as he pulled her back against his chest and growled in
her ear.

“I don’t want a sub; I want you, even though you’re driving
me crazy.”

She pressed her ass against the long length of his erection
and rolled her hips. The heat inside her and the need to breed had doubled
since this morning. “Do you really want to leave me here all alone?”

“You’re playing with fire, Tyra.”

“Let me take my place at your side as I should.”

“Damn it, Tyra, I don’t want you around the others. Not

She pulled out of his hold. His jaw muscle twitched,
betraying his leashed anger. Well if he wanted to be angry at her, fine. “Then
I won’t be around other wolves. I’ll be around humans. At work. Where you
already agreed I could go. Or are you going to try and go all barbarian on me
and revoke your word?”

“I know you’re doing this to get at me. And I swear it’s for
your own safety that I don’t want you at this meeting tonight. But I won’t go back
on what I told you.” He turned away and strode out of the bathroom. “I’ll be at
the bar as soon as I can.”

Tyra released a sigh as she exited the bathroom and grabbed
the keys Konrad had left her on the bedside table. He’d bought her a new car.
Luken had come to deliver it only a few hours ago. And even though inside she
was jumping up and down like a sixteen-year-old girl, she couldn’t help but
feel a little irritated that he hadn’t even asked her first. She didn’t want
him to think that she expected things like this. Hell, what he’d given her
already was more than she ever expected in her life. And more precious.

Her heart ached as she made her way outside. She shouldn’t
have fought with him. Damn hormones. She’d be so glad when her heat cycle was
over. Her emotions were extra sensitive and when he’d refused to take her,
she’d gotten all butt-hurt and lashed out at him. It wasn’t fair. “Damn,” she
whispered as she opened the door of her car. It really was a nice car.
Dark-blue exterior and a light-tan leather interior. That new-car smell wrapped
around her and she had to brush the tears off her cheeks.

It was only natural that he’d want to protect her. She
growled as she pulled down the visor and checked her makeup for smears. She
damn sure wouldn’t want Konrad going into a den full of women with that spicy
arousal lacing his scent. She’d seriously have to tear some chick up if she
made a move on him. “Double damn.”

She’d make it up to him. Tonight when he came for her she
would quit her job and fully focus on being his mate. He deserved her respect
and her trust. It was just so hard to let someone else be in control after all
the years alone. But for him she would give it her all.

* * * * *

Konrad slammed the door of his truck and met Luken and
Javin, who stood next to a large tree. He’d agreed to meet Thanasis here, deep
in the woods away from prying eyes. The fucking prick thought he’d come to
accept his offer, but after talking with Luken on the phone on the way here,
they’d decided it would be best if Thanasis thought they were turning him down
over the fact he’d tried to force their hand.

But damn if it wasn’t going to be hard to rein in his fury.
Konrad wanted Thanasis dead, head on a platter served up to his mate. He would
avenge her. By God, he would do it soon. His guard had agreed to gather intel
on Thanasis’ pack over the coming weeks. Once they had all the info, they would
begin a plan of attack. And Tyra deserved the truth.

In a way he’d lied to her tonight. He knew while other males
would scent her and have the irresistible effect of her, they wouldn’t dare try
to touch what was his. He hadn’t made it this far in life without others
knowing he could chew them up and spit them out with ease.

He had to muster his own will power to keep cool, and to
spring something like this on his mate and not let her have the time to deal
with it would just be begging for him to lose his shit with Thanasis. So he’d
played on her heat cycle. The talk that would come between them later he didn’t
look forward to. He hated her choice of going to the bar. He wanted her home
safe, in his den. But he couldn’t very well argue the points of her safety
without letting it slip that there was more to this meeting tonight. So he’d
sent Cole to watch over her.

“You ready for this?” Luken asked.

Konrad blew out a frustrated breath. “As ready as anyone can
be when starting shit with an enemy.”

“That good, eh?” Javin asked on a sarcastic laugh. “Way
better answer than I expected.”

Konrad reached out and his palm connected with Javin’s
shoulder, pushing him back. Konrad smiled. “All right, smartass.”

A howl in the distance let Konrad know that said enemy was
now approaching. Six of his pack mates had spread out around the perimeter as
lookouts. But Konrad didn’t want to start a war right here, right now. He took
in a deep fortifying breath and waited for Thanasis to approach. He would have
his revenge later, and only that comforted him enough to get him through this

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