Read The First Three Rules Online

Authors: Adrienne Wilder

The First Three Rules (23 page)

“I wish you wouldn’t use those,” Ellis said.

“And I told you why I do.”

“Please.” Ellis’s voice was small, but it hooked Jon’s will and tested its strength.

Jon brushed his lips against Ellis’s shoulder. He needed to say no.

Ellis rocked back and Jon’s cock slid between his legs, the tip bumping the back of his balls. Ellis tensed the muscles in his thighs, making the space tighter and did it again. Jon shivered. Being buried inside Ellis with nothing between them would be heaven.

“You sure?”

Ellis nodded.

Jon slid the condom under the pillow and opened the lubricant bottle. He slicked up his cock.

“Bring your leg up.”

Ellis hesitated, so Jon guided him, positioning his leg bent at the knee. He put Ellis’s foot down on the other side of his leg so he had more room to thrust. Ellis’s breathing quickened and the muscles in his back tensed. Jon slid his hand over Ellis’s hip and cupped his balls. Ellis’s cock was soft against his wrist and still wet with saliva and cum. Shivers of anticipation prickled Jon’s skin. Now that he had permission, now that he’d agreed to do this bare, his body strained for release.

Jon huffed a breath against the back of Ellis’s neck. He leaned back until Jon’s cock was nestled against the crack of his ass.

“Patience.” Jon’s already hung by a thread.

“What are you waiting for?”

“I’m giving you a rest.” Jon gently tugged Ellis’s balls making him squirm, then slid his fingers up the length of Ellis’s cock, but he didn’t touch the head because it would be too sensitive. From there, he followed the line of hair to Ellis’s pec, circling one nipple with his thumb and giving it a firm pinch. Ellis hissed. Jon did it again and Ellis dropped his head back against Jon’s shoulder. It gave him perfect access to Ellis’s throat. Jon peppered Ellis with soft kisses.

Jon moved to Ellis’s other nipple and pinched it into a hard bead.

Ellis grunted. “Why does that feel so good?” He whimpered when Jon gave one then the other a flick of his thumb.

“Because I have magic fingers.”

Ellis’s laugh was lost to another groan.

Jon continued from one nipple to the next and Ellis rode back against him with short strokes. He slid his hand back between Ellis’s legs and his cock swelled.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to use the condom?”

“I’m sure.”

Jon angled his hips. “Remember, push.”

Ellis nodded.

Jon nudged Ellis’s opening with the head of his cock in an attempt to coax the ring of muscle to let him in. A little more pressure and the head of Jon’s dick pushed though. Ellis clenched.

“God…” Jon stopped.

“Keep going.”

“Give it a moment. You’ve only done this once.” Jon held Ellis’s hip to keep him from rocking back. After a moment, Jon pushed in one long, fluid motion. He didn’t stop until he was fully sheathed in Ellis’s body.

He turned his head, and his exhale brushed Jon’s cheek. Ellis’s eyes were closed, but the expression on his face was pure bliss. He was so beautiful like this. All the worry, all the concern gone from his expression. Just him and his wants.

If only Jon could always keep Ellis this happy and content. He wanted to, but he was afraid he could only fail.


“Shhh—” Jon pulled back the foreskin of Ellis’s cock and ran his thumb over the tip. Ellis tightened around Jon. “Feel good?”


“I love being inside you.” He gave Ellis a slow stroke, coaxing his cock to full attention. “I love the sounds you make.” Jon fondled Ellis’s balls. He whimpered. “Yeah, like that.” Jon kissed Ellis’s shoulder. “Make those sounds for me, baby.”

The plaintive cry was more of a whisper yet it conveyed Ellis’s pleasure, his hunger, and his fulfillment.

And Jon was the one who gave him those things.

The knowledge gave Jon the glimmer of hope that he could be what Ellis wanted. More importantly it gave him the desire to make it happen.

He tilted his hips and made a short hard thrust.

“Yesss—” Ellis arched back. “Just like that. Like that.”

Jon did it again. The small gasps Ellis made turned into needy growls. The vibration sent a heated static dancing across Jon’s skin.

Ellis leaned forward shifting his position. His breathing hitched and he dug his fingers into Jon’s thigh.

“What do you need?” Jon nipped Ellis’s ear. Whatever Ellis said was lost to whimpers. “Tell me, baby, tell me what you need.”


“Harder? Faster? Deeper?”


Jon chuckled. “I’m gonna move you, but I’m not going to stop. Just relax and let me.” The tension in Ellis’s body released. Jon put his arm around Ellis’s ribs and rolled back enough to lift him from the mattress and slid his shoulder under him.

Cradled against his chest, surrounded by his body, Jon was able to plant a heel into the mattress to gain purchase.

“If it’s too much, tell me and I’ll stop.”

Ellis shook his head. “Never too much.”

God, Jon hoped not.

He withdrew to the tip and Ellis clenched his ass. Without the condom to take some of the friction every inch of Jon’s cock was stroked by the tight ring of muscle and soothed by the warm velvet of being sheathed.

Jon gripped Ellis’s hips and plunged deep.

“Oh, God.” Ellis gulped air. “Oh, God, Jon, Jon, Jon…” His voice cracked and Jon started to slow down. “No, no, don’t stop.”

“You sure?”

Ellis nodded. He kept nodding.

Jon gripped Ellis’s hips and pulled him down as he thrust. Over and over, their bodies slapped together with a hollow sound. Sweat soaked Jon’s body and he kept losing his hold. He rolled Ellis over just enough to plant his shoulder into the mattress. The new position twisted Ellis half way almost putting him ass up.

Now Jon had enough room to drive himself with both legs.

Ellis buried a ragged scream into his pillow.

“That’s it.” Jon kissed the back of Ellis’s neck. “Make those sounds, let me know how good it feels.”

The words Ellis cried out were muffled but Jon could still pick out his name.

“Do you need something else?” Jon strained against the rising euphoria. “Tell me, Ellis. Anything you want is yours.”

He turned his head just enough for Jon to hear him. “You.”

“What about me?” Jon buried a grunt into Ellis’s shoulder.

“I-I-I want you.”

“You have me.”

Ellis shook his head. “Feel…you. Want to feel you…”

“The words, say the words.”

“To feel you come.”

“Mmmmm—” That request, from his mouth was almost as sweet as his cries. “Tell me again.”

Ellis moaned.

“Tell me, Ellis. Tell me and I will.”

“I want to feel you come.”

Some how, the second time the words were even sweeter. Jon pressed his forehead to Ellis’s back. The crackle of pleasure inching up his spine condensed. Jon increased the speed of his thrust, sometimes drawing out to the tip and making short strokes, then going deep.

A tremor ran down his body and his muscles tightened. Jon gave himself to the loss of breath, the dizzying rush, and the eruption of fire and ice in his veins. Ellis wanted to feel him come, and Jon wanted to fill him.

Jon’s balls pulled tight and his cock pulsed. He barked out a cry on the first surge of ecstasy. Ellis’s name traveled on the following waves.

When the last one faded Jon reached between Ellis’s legs and held his cock. He tensed and the ridged length of flesh jumped in Jon’s hands.

“You ready to come for me now?” Jon sucked up a spot close to Ellis’s ear.


“Fast or slow?”

Ellis shook his head. “I don’t care. I just need to…” His body tightened around Jon.

“You, will. I promise you will.” Jon swept his hand over Ellis’s cock making a swipe across the head with his thumb. Jon used the foreskin to protect the sensitive head and made short quick strokes, concentrating on the first few inches of Ellis’s cock. Ellis pawed at the mattress and undulated against Jon. He squeezed just enough to make Ellis whimper.

Shivers racked Ellis’s body, shattering his cries.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me.”

Ellis jerked and wet heat smeared over Jon’s hands. With every pulse of Ellis’s cock his body rippled. Jon continued to milk him with languid pulls, stopping only when Ellis collapsed against the mattress.

“I promise you,” Jon rubbed his cheek against Ellis’s.

He looked at Jon. “Promise me what?”

“Everything.” Jon exhaled a sigh close to Ellis’s ear. “I promise you everything.”

It was a promise Jon would live up to or die trying.

Chapter Eight

Ellis brought his empty plate into kitchen and found Jon looking behind the cookie jar.

“What’s wrong?”

“Can’t find my keys. I was going to make a trip back to my place. I have some long distant phone calls to make and a few house chores I need to cover or it’s going to become a rat hotel.”

“Didn’t you put them in the basket?”

“Yeah. At least, I thought I did.” Jon looked underneath. “Maybe they’re in the pocket of the jeans I wore yesterday.” He cast one more glance at the basket before going upstairs.

Ellis checked the drawers just in case. Then the cabinets. He even looked in the fridge. Nothing.

Jon walked back into the kitchen.

“Any luck?”

“No.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Jesus, I must be losing my mind.”

Ellis glanced though the opening over the sink. Rudy’s gaze met his, then flicked away.

“I don’t think you’re crazy.”

“Then where the hell did I put them?”

“I don’t think you put them anywhere.”

Ellis walked into the dining room. Rudy hunched over his empty bowl of oatmeal.

“Have you seen Jon’s keys?”

“No.” Rudy sank lower in his seat.

“You sure you haven’t seen them?”

He stared into the bowl. There was nothing left, but he continued to scrape the sides.

“I’m asking you a question, Rudy.”

“I’m going to my room.” He stood.

Ellis pointed to the chair. “Sit.”

“But I want to go color.”


Rudy did.

“You took Jon’s keys, didn’t you?”

Rudy looked away.

“Answer me.”

“Maybe.” He wrung his hands close to his chest.

Ellis knelt so they were almost eye level. Rudy still wouldn’t look at him. “You can’t take people’s things. How would you like it if someone stole your baseball cards?”

“I wouldn’t like it.”

“No, you wouldn’t. Now I need you to tell me where you put his keys.”

“I sent them away.”


“I didn’t want Jon to leave. You need someone to keep your clothes from being wrinkled and that’s important. So I sent his keys away.” Rudy raised his gaze to Jon, leaning against the doorway. “I’m sorry, Jon.”

Ellis took Rudy by the chin. “If you’re sorry then tell me where you put the keys.”

“They’re in the hole.”

“What hole?”

“Where the water goes.”

Ellis sat back on his heels. “You’re not making sense.”

“In the bathroom.”

Ellis clenched his eyes shut. “You flushed them in the toilet?”



“It’s important. Jon has to stay and…” Rudy stood and the chair fell back. “He’s my friend and he makes you laugh. And you laughing is the best sound.” He made small steps one way then the next. “Like ice cream is the best food and baseball cards, the best thing to have.”

Ellis looked back at Jon. “I’m sorry.”

Jon lifted a shoulder. “It’s not your fault.”

“I should have put the basket up. I just never thought he’d…” Ellis couldn’t even say it. He stood.

Rudy looked at both of them with wide eyes. “Am I in trouble?”

“Yes,” Ellis said.

“I’m sorry.”

“That’s not good enough. Go to your room.”

Rudy went a few steps and turned around. “I’m sorry.”

“Rudy, go.”

“But I had to.”

“Rudy, go now.” He hurried up the stairs. The crack of his door slamming shut followed.

The fridge kicked on and the clock on the wall ticked.

Ellis sighed. “I’d apologize again, but that isn’t going to bring your keys back.”

“I have a spare set at the house. Can I borrow your truck?”

“Yeah, of course. And I’ll pay to get you a new set made.”

When Ellis walked by Jon, he caught Ellis’s arm, and said, “Don’t be too hard on him.”

“I’m not.”

“Then don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Ellis managed not to look away. “I have to.”


“Because he’s my brother.”

“That’s right. He’s your brother.” Ellis pulled, but Jon wouldn’t let him go. “And you are his incredibly loving, devoted, and self sacrificing brother. And you shouldn’t punish yourself for all his mistakes.”

Jon let him go. Ellis got his keys out of the basket and held them out. “Give it some gas before you start. And don’t accelerate too fast or it will backfire. The back window is all gunked up. I’ve tried to clean it, but nothing I use takes it off.”

Jon took the keys. “I’m sure it will be fine.”

“Oh, and sometimes it shimmies when you stop and go.”

“Stop worrying.” Jon kissed Ellis on the forehead. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”


Jon climbed through the window in the living room. The couch, the chair, the sagging bookcase were all where he’d left them, but the house felt foreign. Like someone else lived here and he was trespassing into their domain.

Dust motes danced in a beam of sunlight on a current of stale air. Even daytime couldn’t push back the darkness of the wood panel walls. At Ellis’s, there had been welcoming colors and it smelled like oatmeal and cinnamon.

Jon already missed being there.

No, you just want to fuck him again.

He stopped.

Poor Ellis. If he only knew the kind of man you really are. A coward. A liar. No wonder taking advantage of someone isn’t even an afterthought for your conscience.

“I’m not taking advantage of him.”

Aren’t you? The guy has been a shut in since he was a kid. You really think he knows anything about the world? You really think he has any idea what he’s doing?

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