The Forbidden Promise (20 page)

Read The Forbidden Promise Online

Authors: Helena Rose

Aurora woke up early,
went to the kitchen to get something to eat then quickly returned to her room,
she wanted to avoid meeting Lucas until the time of the ceremony. She put on a
light dress of turquoise blue and gathered her hair into an elaborate
hairstyle. Then, sighing, she went downstairs.
Lucas was waiting for her in the living room, still and silent. When she raised
her eyes to look at Lucas’ face, she saw a cold and hostile look that froze her
heart. She immediately averted her gaze, unable to bear seeing so much
bitterness in those beautiful green eyes that she loved but that had also made
her suffer so much.
They went out into the street and Aurora saw Santos already in the driving seat
of the carriage, ready to take them to church.
Aurora hesitated a moment, then forced herself to speak in a firm and cold
"I'd rather walk. I'm going to the church on foot."
Without waiting for an answer, she turned and walked down the street, when
suddenly she felt someone pulling her by the arm.
" Where do you think you are going alone?" Lucas asked, his voice
vibrating with anger. "I’ll not let you make a fool of me in front of the
whole of Tampico. I came here just because you convinced me that it was time I
took up my position in society. I don’t intend to look like an idiot because of
you! If you want to walk to the church, you’ll go there on my arm!"
Aurora chewed her lips annoyed.
"Let me go," she said articulating every word well. "You're
hurting me."
In response, Lucas let go of her arm, but he took her hand and put it in the
crook of his arm.
"I said we're going to church together, like a perfect couple. We’re in
front of the whole world, right? Is this not what your damn pact
Aurora chose not to answer. She preferred not to fight before meeting her
parents, in fact she must try to cheer up as much as possible as otherwise they
would suspect something.
They walked in this way along the road towards the church, while Aurora tried
to think about something else, so as to leave no room for the disturbance that
Lucas’ proximity was causing her.
As they maintained a rather fast walking pace, they were among the first people
to arrive at the church. They stood waiting for the other guests and
fortunately Aurora’s parents arrived not long after.
Viviana saw them in front of the main door, she hurried to
meet them followed by her husband Don Costantino.
"My dear, it’s lovely to see you, Did you have a good trip? You look very
tired," she said worried.
"Good morning, mother, father. The trip went well thank you." Replied
As usual
Viviana avoided talking to Lucas. Don Costantino remedied
this after giving his wife a reproachful glance.
" Lucas, good morning, I trust you are well. Tell me, how’s the work at
" It couldn’t be better," Lucas said, trying to mask his feelings.
"The mine has been reopened and the extraction of silver is in full swing.
Even the fields under cultivation promise a good harvest if the weather remains
"I'm glad, a determined young man like you deserves all the success
possible." Replied Don Costantino. In the short time he had known Lucas,
he had seen his value and was sincerely convinced that the boy who had been so
unlucky, would find the place he deserved in the world. Of course he had never
said a word of this to Viviana who continued to oppose all members of the
Navarra y Reyes family, but he was confident in his heart that Aurora could not
have married a better man.
Shortly after, they decided to enter the church together with the other guests.
They took places about halfway down the aisle and waited for the arrival of the
bride and groom. For a moment Aurora relived the time of her marriage, when
naive and trusting, she had advanced down to the same aisle, dressed in white,
to join Lucas.
Aurora felt her mother next to her stiffen and shook herself. She saw a woman
enter the church elegant, pale-skinned, dressed in an elegant black dress
decorated with silver lace with long black hair that was braided around her
head and dark eyes that stared straight at the altar.
She walked majestically down the aisle and sat in the front row.
Here she
is, the infamous Doña Raquel Navarra y Reyes.
Aurora could not help raising her eyes to see Lucas’ expression, but he looked
impassively straight in front of him and Aurora could not decipher his
"Here’s the bride and groom, the bride and groom are here!" an
excited murmur swept through the waiting crowd.
Federico walked down the aisle with haughty and bold steps, his black suit
enhanced his complexion and his glacial eyes. His eyes rested now on one guest
now on another, eyeing everyone. Then he saw Lucas, for a moment the two
brothers faced each other in a silent battle, hatred, malice, revenge were the
feelings that pervaded Lucas’ soul, while scorn and a sense of superiority
could be read in Federico’s expression.
Exclamations of awe and wonder rang out along the aisles. Marisol had arrived.
She was wearing in a beautiful white dress the like of which had never been
seen before in all Tampico. The precious gown, rich in fine lace, had arrived a
few days before sent especially to her by one of the best fashion houses in
She proceeded forward safe on her father’s arm, Don Miguel Vargas de Coronado,
Count of Rivera, but her face was strangely not beaming as would be expected of
a bride in love. Instead, a veil of concern and regret darkened her beautiful
The church was decorated with a profusion of fragrant flowers, and the choir
sang the hymns flawlessly, everything was perfect, appropriate to the marriage
of the young scions of the two most important families in the city.
At the end of the ceremony, Marisol and Federico, now married, left the church
to celebrate the union of two families rather than the closeness of their

In the meantime, outside
the church all the residents of Tampico had gathered curious to watch the extravagant
Alma tired and out of breath, reached the main square already crowded with
people, at exactly the same time as Federico and
Raquel’s carriage
stopped in front of the church.
On seeing her beloved, Alma almost fainted from agitation. She tried to make
her way through the people, not minding the confusion that reigned.
Her eyes were fixed on Federico’s handsome, cold face, while she tried to
attract his attention by shouting his name. People would definitely think she
was crazy, but nothing mattered to her. She thought only of reaching her
coveted goal, when suddenly she felt someone grab her arm and drag her to one
side of the square.
Alma turned terrified. She saw two fiery eyes looking angrily at her with lips
tight in a grimace of anger. The hand gripping her arm increased its grasp on
her, so much so that she gave a cry of pain.
Penelope stared at her furiously.
"What the hell are you doing here? "She asked angrily, "Why
aren’t you locked up in that damn brothel?"
Alma did not answer, but the grip on her arm increased. She felt Penelope’s
nails digging into her flesh and she groaned again.
"Answer me," ordered Penelope.
"I've escaped," whispered Alma, trying to free herself from
Penelope’s grip. In response she was griped tighter.
" And what did you think you were going to do? Poor fool, you weren’t
really thinking of creating a scandal?"
"It's that Federico ... he ... he can’t marry someone else. I’m expecting
his child and I have to stop him from making a mistake."
Penelope slapped her viciously.
"Quiet, you idiot," Penelope shouted, pulling her away from the
square and stopping in a side street, away from prying ears.
" You’ll do nothing, do you understand?" She ordered firmly.
" But he can’t do this to me ... to our child ..." Alma began to sob
in despair, leaning against the wall of a house.
Penelope released her grip on Alma's arm and looked at her with a mixed
expression of pity and disgust.
"Fine, now let me explain." She said, her voice quieter. "The
cards assured me that you’ll be happy with him one day, you know that. Today’s
marriage isn’t important, he’s getting married only to please his mother, don’t
worry. It’s you he will truly love. But how do you think he will do so if you
create a scandal today? He’ll never forgive you if he’s made a fool of in front
of all Tampico!"
Alma cried desperately.
"But then what must I do?" She asked through tears.
"You have to be patient, only in this way will you finally win him."
repeated Penelope almost bored with saying the same old lie.
I must try to
be more convincing
" Now go back to Gonzalo’s." Ordered Penelope.
"No," replied Alma vehemently, "I’ll never return there
Penelope gave her another slap.
"Listen child, I’ve no time to lose, is that clear? You're coming with me
now to Don Gonzalo’s or I’ll put a death spell on you. You already know that
I’ve made a doll with your hair, don’t you? I only need to stick in a couple of
my pins and for you and your baby it will be over ... "
" No, I beg you, no! "Alma pleaded.
"Then obey me, walk!" Penelope grabbed her again and led her back to
. Alma, terrified by Penelope’s words and the beatings that she
would surely receive gave only feeble resistance.
Tears fell down her cheeks as she let herself be dragged back to her prison.
Don Gonzalo was awaiting furious. When he saw Alma come back accompanied by
Penelope he began to rage at Alma.
"Where have you been you stupid slut?" He yelled, attacking her.
"Do you want me to get into trouble with Don Federico by any chance? Don’t
you dare run away again!"
Alma gave him a look full of hatred. Feeling challenged for the first time,
Gonzalo became even angrier, raised his hand and violently slapped Alma who due
to the blow, slammed into one of the red velvet chairs that furnished the room.
Alma tasted the tang of blood in her mouth, but what made her more terrified
was the strong pain she felt in her stomach. Then she realized that hot liquid
was wetting her thighs.
" My God," cried Alma crying. "My baby, damn you!"
Penelope immediately leaned over her.
" Your waters have broken... you’re giving birth!"
" My baby! I want my baby to be saved!" sobbed Alma.
Penelope turned to talk to Gonzalo.
" Take her up to her room, I'll see what I can do." She gave him a
warning look. "See that you treat her well, her child could be useful to
us. Remember who its father is."
Gonzalo grunted an affirmative answer, he took Alma, who was crying
uncontrollably, in his arms.

Don Hector also attended the wedding unnoticed. The news of the
wedding had reached him and he could not resist the temptation to attend. Just
before the ceremony he slipped inside the church. He mingled among the crowd of
onlookers who thronged near the doors. He watched
Raquel’s haughty
behavior and recognized Lucas among the guests. It had not been difficult,
Lucas looked so much like his father Don Eduardo as to leave no doubt. A great
sadness came over him as he looked at Lucas, his cowardly act had sentenced
Lucas to a life far more miserable and difficult than his birth had destined
for him. Hector was astonished to see Lucas talk to the Vargas De Coronados. He
would have to investigate what relationship existed between Lucas and Vivian’s
When his eyes fell on Federico, he was struck by the similarity between them.
is my son, without doubt. He has my features, my eyes, my guilt is therefore so
obvious ... My God, if only I had had more courage.

Chapter 12


wedding reception was held at the Navarra y Reyes
. In the
garden, in the shade of climbing plants whose flowers filled the air with heady
scents, long tables had been set up
with food.
Raquel had spared no expense to ensure that the party would be an
event talked about all over Tampico for a long time to come. The servants
diligently ran to fill glasses and plates and guests were able to enjoy all
sorts of delicacies and exquisite food while being entertained by music and
Federico and Marisol sat at the table of honor, from where they could observe
all the guests. Federico sat erect and after a few glasses of wine, began to
laugh uproariously. Marisol, trying to maintain an air of haughtiness, looked
at him shocked and embarrassed.
Aurora and Lucas, after formally congratulating the bride and groom sat down
next to Viviana and Costantino. The places assigned to them were a long way
from those occupied by the other Navarra y Reyes and emphasized in everyone’s
eyes that as Federico’s stepbrother Lucas was only tolerated in virtue of his
kinship with the Vargas De Coronados. The fact that Lucas had become a cousin
by marriage to the bride gave him access to the
that he had
been kicked out of a long time ago.
This is yet another humiliation that I
have to suffer as a result of Doña Raquel and her son. I did it only out of
love for my Aurora, but now I no longer see this as a reason ...
Suddenly a doubt flashed into his mind.
And what if Aurora wants to
enforce the pact? No ... what nonsense, not now that things between us have
reached this point ... she would never dare to do it.
However, the thought that Aurora would leave him permanently continued to
plague him.
No ... I can’t allow it, I’ll prevent it at all costs ...
Don Cristobal sat next to them. The shrewd lawyer that had just arrived
from Europe had already carved out a prestigious place in the city of Tampico.
Don Cristobal, had just noticed the presence of Don Costantino and began to
chat amiably with him.
Don Costantino presented him to Lucas and Aurora. " You haven’t met my
daughter Aurora and my son in law Lucas Navarra y Reyes."
"In fact I haven’t yet had the honor." Said Cristobal as he looked at
Lucas from head to foot.
So this is Federico’s much talked about stepbrother
"Very pleased to meet you."
"The pleasure is all mine." Lucas said sharply. The return to the
that had belonged to his father and the closeness to the people who had done
him so much harm affected him deeply and made him grumpier than he would have
Then Cristobal’s eyes fell on Aurora. For the first time after the death of his
beloved wife, a woman’s face struck him for its grace and beauty. For a moment,
the dull ache in his chest that constantly accompanied him disappeared to make
room for a sweet and poignant feeling he had not felt for a long time.
Instinctively he put his hand on his heart, where he kept his wife’s picture in
an inside pocket of his jacket.
"Enchanted ma’am" Cristobal managed to say after a moment's
"A pleasure to meet you," replied Aurora
"If you'll excuse me I have to leave for a moment." Said Cristobal as
he walked away quickly looking for an isolated place where he could be alone.
With trembling hands he drew out his wife’s picture from his pocket and looked
at it.
My dear, what's happening to me
Aurora looked puzzled her father.
" What a strange expression that young man had."
"Your loveliness will have dazzled him, I haven’t had a chance to tell
you, but you're looking really beautiful today," joked Don Costantino.
Neither of them had seen Lucas’ irritated look. The way in which Cristobal had
looked at Aurora had alarmed him, Aurora was really beautiful, but no one would
come between them. He already had too many problems as it was, he could not
also worry about a rival. He suddenly felt pangs of jealousy grip his chest.
is only mine
... the thought made him feel even worse. Aurora was no longer
his, maybe she had never been, the dream of a happy life together was proving
to be a mere illusion.
He was distracted from his thoughts as the orchestra began to play the opening
song, auspicious for the bride and groom, a cheerful melody sung by the
The guests moved to the area reserved for the musicians to admire the newlyweds
open the dancing. Many couples followed suit and started to dance, while other
guests walked in the park.
Viviana moved away from her family. She hated to show her
weaknesses in public, therefore she felt the need to be alone, to overcome the
anxiety and melancholy caused by the visit to the
where her
love for Hector had blossomed.
She walked along the park’s tree-lined avenues admiring the beauty of the
well-tended hedges filled with flowers with heady scents. Engrossed in her
memories she did not realize that she had walked such a long way from the area
of the festivities until she saw one of the side gates. She turned to retrace
her steps when she heard a squeaking of metal and saw a man sneaking into the
He was smartly dressed and had his face partially hidden by a wide-brimmed hat.
The man looked around warily, and when he saw her, he stopped uncertain.
Sighing, he walked slowly towards Viviana.
Viviana, frightened, addressed him.
" What are you doing? You can’t enter here." The man did not answer.
Viviana stepped back frightened, he could be an attacker, sneaking stealthily
into the park. "I'll call the guards if you don’t leave immediately!
"Don’t, please Viviana."
Viviana was startled to hear his voice. She had never forgotten the deep, warm
timbre of the voice of the man that she had once loved.
" Hector." She said in a whisper. The man took off his hat and looked
at her with his ice-colored eyes. The years had left a deep mark on him. His
hair was still thick though graying and wrinkles emphasized the bitter twist of
his mouth. What surprised Viviana more, however, was his gaze, his eyes were
clouded and his gaze once vibrant and crystal appeared dull.
"You're back?" She exclaimed.
Hector nodded. "I couldn’t stand the separation anymore.”
Viviana smiled ironically. "And tell me, why were you feeling the absence
so poignantly?" She asked.
"I was missing many things: Mexico, this beautiful and wild land, its
people, my home. This was my home, remember?"
" All too well, I remember this and so much more.” Replied Viviana.
"Remember also that I loved you." Hector approached her reaching out
a hand to her face.
Viviana moved away from him. "No, I remember that I loved you and that you
deceived and abandoned me.”
Hector closed his eyes, overwhelmed by remorse. "I loved you, I said it
even then, but I see you didn’t believe me, nor have you forgiven me. Viviana,
I was obliged to leave, I had no choice."
" Obliged." Viviana scoffed. Resorting to sarcasm was the only way
she had to not give in to the desire to express her pain and lose control.
"Yes. Viviana believe me, I beg you. Raquel managed to distance me from my
brother, to make us rivals. She said she loved me, but then she married him.
And even after her marriage to Eduardo, she never left me alone, she
blackmailed and seduced me at the same time, I was imprisoned in a web from which
I had no escape, except to leave here forever." Hector added earnestly.
" You're pathetic," said Viviana with contempt.
Hector nodded.
" Yes, I am. I'm a coward and a weakling, I didn’t have the strength to
oppose Raquel, I was like putty in her hands. But I beg you to believe me that
I've always loved you and leaving you was the hardest thing in my entire life.
I wasn’t myself anymore, I've never loved anyone else. "
"Why are you back at this precise moment?" Viviana asked upset.
" I had to, I need to fix the ... someone's coming," he said lowering
his hat to cover his face. "I mustn’t be seen. Not yet." Hector
walked quickly away.
Costantino saw Viviana and joined her breathless "My dear, I've been
looking for you everywhere, I was getting worried."
"I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that I had gone so far." Said Vivian as
she took Costantino’s arm, "Let’s go my dear." From the corner of her
eye she followed Hector’s movements as he disappeared into the lush vegetation.
" Who was the man you were talking to?" Asked Costantino.
"No one, there was no one with me," said Viviana feigning surprise.
Costantino did not reply. He was sure he had seen someone with Viviana, but
insisting would be of no avail, Viviana could be very stubborn, and he trusted
her blindly.
He could not help thinking, however, that there something familiar about the

Don Cristobal tried to
regain control of himself. Since he had been a widower, he had not thought of
another woman. Yet now, looking at Aurora Navarra y Reyes’ sweet face he had
felt an indescribable feeling, a very strong emotion that stirred in his heart
like a wild butterfly. The most shocking thing was that Aurora did not look
like his poor wife, and yet something undefined in her eyes, in her expression,
reminded him of her.
And that something had found a way to his heart, so incisive, like a glowing
blade. He realized suddenly that he could not get along without her, he had to
see her, talk to her, hold her ...he suddenly shook himself. Aurora was a
married woman and she was not free. The understanding of the enormity of the
obstacle that stood before him, left him breathless for a moment.
I have to
forget her! I’ve only just met her, must I already forget that she exists?
Maybe tomorrow, maybe in the next few days, with a cool head and with his
typical self-control regained, but not tonight when the excitement was still
alive and burning in him.
Cristobal returned to the other guests who were watching the first couples
dancing after the
song. He noticed that
Viviana was
not present anymore, but Don Costantino was still there enjoying the show.
Cristobal looked around and finally he saw Aurora who was standing not far
away, her face sad, intently watching the guests dancing. Her husband was next
to her, serious and rigid, but not touching her. Between them, it was as if
there was an invisible wall.
Cristobal, without thinking, walked over to the couple.
"Sorry, I needed a little air, it’s quite hot tonight," he justified
himself in a confident voice.
"Please don’t worry. I hope you feel better now.” replied Aurora.
Cristobal nodded, smiling. Lucas shuddered, but said nothing.
In the meantime, the orchestra began to play a waltz, at which point Cristobal
spoke directly to Lucas.
"I’d like to ask your permission to dance with your beautiful wife."
He asked with an appealing look, "as long as you don’t want to dance
Lucas looked at him amazed, while anger rose in his chest. How he wanted to
sort out that European dandy! But he had no time to reply. Aurora, usually so
reserved, intervened promptly.
" I gladly accept.” She said, looking at Lucas defiantly.
"Unfortunately my husband doesn’t dance." With a mocking expression,
she held out her hand. Cristobal gave a hint of a bow and took her hand in his.
Together they made their way to the dance floor and began to waltz elegantly.
Aurora had learned to dance when she was in Mexico City and had attended
parties with her cousin Dolores. It had been a long time since she had danced,
but she soon found the rhythm, moreover her dance partner was an excellent
dancer and he knew how to guide her expertly.
During the fast pirouettes, she searched for Lucas with her eyes and saw him
frowning, staring at her with green eyes dark with anger.
Now he knows how
it feels to be put aside
, she could not help thinking. Yet, in contrast to
what she had expected, she did not feel any joy for the revenge that she was
undertaking instead she felt her heart contract and a veil of melancholy and
sadness invaded her spirit. She looked up and saw Cristobal’s happy and excited
expression as he watched and admired her adoringly. She noticed, at one point
being next to Marisol and Federico. Marisol looked at her curiously at seeing
her dancing with another man. Aurora noticed that Marisol’s eyes turned
immediately to look for Lucas and a new twinge of jealousy swept over her.
Without thinking, she leaned nearer to her dance partner, Cristobal immediately
reacted, holding her closer.
Lucas, meanwhile was beside himself with fury. He looked away from Aurora
dancing. Don Costantino noticed his discomfort and cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry Lucas, I'm going to look for my wife. If you’ll excuse
me," he said, preferring to disappear.
Lucas did not answer, feeling completely isolated  among people who watched him
curiously as if he were a rare beast in the place where
cruelty had made him unwelcome. He momentarily met the gaze of his stepmother,
who was sitting haughty and proud on the other side of the dance floor watching
the dancers. He distinctly saw a sardonic smile painted on her face. She was
undoubtedly enjoying his discomfort.
The music ended but
the exchange of looks continued. Lucas did
not lower his glance and allowed his pent-up anger to show, while Dona Raquel
challenged him there on the same spot where she had already won once
Raquel heard a call from
Clara, and against her
will, she broke off her gaze.
Disgusted, Lucas looked back at the dance floor. The music had changed, and
couples dancing were mostly different from before. Even Marisol and Federico
had left the dance floor to mingle among the guests. Marisol, blond and smiling
like a fairy and, Federico slightly wobbly and insecure in his movements.
Then Lucas suddenly realized that Aurora and the European dandy were no longer
dancing, and Aurora had not returned to him.
Lucas felt the blood roaring in his ears, while jealousy ate into his chest.
With quick steps he began to look for Aurora among the guests dispersed in the
vast garden.

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