The Forbidden Promise (41 page)

Read The Forbidden Promise Online

Authors: Helena Rose

Gonzalo had finally
awakened in the afternoon. He had quickly packed a suitcase and was ready to
leave the town but first he had to complete his part of the agreement. He
poured himself a glass of Tequila and walked towards the room in which Aurora
was locked in.
Aurora had not touched any food and was still tied up from the previous day,
but the wait was even worse than the violation that she expected to happen.
Her arms ached from being tied behind her back, the gag prevented her from
breathing freely and irritated her parched mouth. She had not stopped thinking
about Lucas to give herself courage, but she was filled with despair. My love,
help me!
When she heard the key turn in the lock it gave her a start and, unfortunately,
her fears became reality when she saw Gonzalo appear in the doorway.
Gonzalo closed the door slowly, leaned against the door drinking the tequila that
he brought with him, staring unabashedly at Aurora’s bare legs. He put the
glass down on the table and unbuttoned his shirt. His face took on a lecherous
look, as he smiled sleazily.
"This could be nice if you don’t resist," he said slowly approaching
Aurora tried to scream but the gag prevented her from giving vent to her
terror. Every effort to free herself was in vain, desperate she closed her
eyes, hoping that this torture would end as soon as possible.
She felt Gonzalo’s body, panting and sweating on her, his breath smelled of
alcohol causing her to retch. Gonzalo hit her angrily with a resounding slap in
the face that made her open her eyes wide. She watched him as his mouth
descended on her neck as he violently tore her dress from her breasts. A silent
tear fell, wetting her reddened cheek.
Suddenly the door flew open, Lucas entered followed by Don José, Cristobal and
two policemen. Gonzalo had no time to defend himself, Lucas’ punches made him
fall off the side of the bed.
"You dirty swine!" Shouted Lucas furiously, "I'll kill
Cristobal and Don José found it difficult to restrain Lucas, while the two
policemen promptly handcuffed Gonzalo to take him to jail.
Lucas calmed down and rushed over to Aurora. He untied her as she took refuge
in his strong arms sobbing from the fear and anguish she had suffered.
Lucas held her tightly, caressing her bronze hair.
"Calm down, it's over, I'm here with you now."
Aurora could not stop crying, while painfully she was helped to her feet.
Cristobal found a shawl and handed it to her with his eyes lowered. Lucas
draped it around her shoulders, so as to cover her torn dress.
"Let's go home, love," he said softly.
Through her tears, now tears of relief, Aurora nodded, leaning on Lucas.
Suddenly she stopped.
"I came here for Alma’s son... I swore on her deathbed that I would take
him away from here..."
"I'll handle this," offered Cristobal. "Don’t worry, you go
"Thank you!" Lucas said, leading Aurora out.
Don José returned to the barracks and questioned Gonzalo. A few veiled threats
about the proceedings at his trial were enough to get him to spill the beans.
To obtain a reduction in his sentence, Don Gonzalo told Don José about the
agreement with Penelope and the dark ways of

perverse mind.
Don José issued orders for the closure of the brothel.
La Virgen de la
convent volunteered to temporarily accommodate the unfortunate
girls who wanted to change their life and finally engage in an honest
Cristobal arrived at the barracks soon after.
"I didn’t know what to do with the child." He said. "So for the
present, I’ve taken him to
Viviana’s home. Marisol has offered to
look after him until a decision is made on his future."
Don José shook his head, "Poor child, with everything that his mother
suffered, I would like to avoid seeing him waste away in an orphanage."
Don José decided to endorse Cristobal’s decision and asked the court to
temporarily entrust little Matteo to Viviana and Marisol. Alma’s wish had been
partly upheld.
Unfortunately, Penelope was still at large. Don José had immediately sent a
team of police to search for her, but she seemed to have vanished into thin
"What will you do with
Raquel," asked Cristobal.
Don José sighed, "Gonzalo Sanchez confirmed that Raquel Navarra y Reyes
Aurora’s rape. We are not certain, but Gonzalo
mentioned her as the possible instigator of the sabotage at the mine in
Zacatecas. The murder of Dr. Costantino and Don Hector still remains
unsolved... At this point everything points to
Raquel being
responsible, but why?"
Cristobal coughed, "I didn’t realize what kind of wickedness that woman
harbored ..." he said hesitantly, "but I think I know why
Raquel could have desired Don Hector’s death."
Cristobal told Don José the story of Don Eduardo’s true will and the civil
action that Lucas had taken which would mean that in a few days he would regain
his father's inheritance.
Don José, stunned, said, "So Don Hector could have revealed the truth
about Federico’s birth and destroy
Raquel’s castle of lies ... If
only we had proof of our hypothesis!"
Unfortunately, Gonzalo testimony isn’t enough to indict the powerful Raquel
Navarra y Reyes. I'll find a way to catch her and reveal the truth! Don José

Penelope clutched her colorful shawl around herself, shivering.
She was in a desperate situation and had no idea how to get out of it. She was
hunted by the police who wanted to arrest her for Don Cristobal’s attempted
murder and, sought by
Raquel because she wanted to silence her
No one knew where she was, Penelope, rich in resources, had taken refuge in the
most unlikely place, at the home of one of her enemies who if he knew, would
probably take her personally to jail and leave her to rot in a dark, damp
She was in fact hidden in Zacatecas in Lucas’
and had asked
Yolanda and Santos for shelter.
Yolanda, though realizing what kind of poisonous snake Penelope was, was
inclined to help her and to try to convince Lucas not to banish her.
Santos however, was categorical, if Penelope was not gone by the next morning
he would report her to the police himself.
Penelope was sitting apart watching Santos who was cutting wood nearby and
Yolanda at his side attempting for the last time to convince him.
"Santos, don’t be so cruel, she’s our only relative, how can we leave her
on her own?"
"She should have thought of that before harming Lucas," he exclaimed
angrily. "You heard her as well! She admitted to having drugged Lucas and
having organized the plot to separate him from Aurora! Putting a whore in bed
with him! How can you think of helping her?"
"She did it on
Raquel’s order..." Said Yolanda, imploring
him to reason. "You heard, she is terrified of
Raquel. She’s
always been dominated and threatened by her!"
"And you still believe her?" Santos asked contemptuously. "Sure
Raquel is guilty, but our dear aunt is not a poor victim! Those two witches
have worked together from the beginning!"
Tired of arguing, Santos walked away from the pile of wood and went up to
"Why don’t you voluntarily give yourselves up to the police? They’ll
perhaps be more generous with you." He said, wiping the sweat from his
brow with his arm.
"And pay for a crime I didn’t commit? No... It’s entirely Raquel’s work,
why should I have to pay for everything?" Penelope said, stealing a glance
at Santos.
" Yes, right! You’re a victim of circumstance!" Commented Santos
"Remember that I’m still your father’s sister ... "
" I don’t care!" Santos snapped furiously, "I won’t plead with
Lucas for you anymore! Indeed, as soon as I get the chance I'll tell him you're
here, so he can obtain justice for all the evil that you have caused him since
he was a child!"
Penelope looked at him with hatred, murmuring some strange litany.
Santos laughed.
"Aunt, your silly spells don’t touch someone like me! I'm not one of those
poor souls that you’ve brainwashed! "
At that moment, Yolanda noticed a man on horseback followed by two henchmen
armed to the teeth that were approaching along the driveway to the
entrance. Silently she touched Santos’ elbow to get his attention. When Santos
saw them, he ordered the two women not to move and went to meet the riders.
Pablo who had seen them from inside the house came out to stand alongside
When they were close enough, Santos and Pablo recognized Federico.
" Who are you looking for Don Federico?" asked Santos when he was
"Call Lucas." Federico ordered without dismounting his horse.
"I'm not used to talking to a servant."
" Lucas isn’t here," growled Santos angrily.
"I suspect that a refugee from justice is hiding here at the
Federico said, grinning, "I’m talking about your aunt Penelope and I’ve
come looking for her."
Penelope who was hiding with Yolanda in the bushes not far away, clung to her
niece worried.
" I’ve orders not to let anyone pass, in Lucas’ absence," replied
" The two gentlemen with me aren’t accustomed to being refused!"
Federico exclaimed pointing to his companions who caressed the rifles they were
carrying over their shoulder.
" Take another step and I'll call the
to throw you off the
property!" replied Santos, while Pablo put his hand on the butt of the gun
in his belt ready to pull it out.
Federico looked around, actually it was likely that the
full of laborers ready to attack if he made a false move.
"I'll be back soon!" Federico said menacingly, indicating to the two
henchmen to follow him with a gesture of his head.
When they were gone, Penelope and Yolanda came out from hiding.
" They're going to kill me, you have to help me!" Pleaded Penelope
" Go to the police and they’ll help you!" Snapped Santos going back
to chopping
wood, heedless of Penelope’s entreaties.
Pablo took Yolanda into the house while Penelope remained alone standing under
the large entrance of the house, wondering what she could do ... this time none
of her witchcraft would help her. She had to choose between Federico and the
Oh, beloved inferno powers, help me, I have served you faithfully all these
! She thought anxiously. But no answer came from her demons. Penelope
was completely alone to face the danger.

Chapter 28


The messenger from the probate court arrived at Doña Raquel’s house before noon
to deliver the notification of the proceedings that invited her to appear at
the first hearing of the amendment of Don Eduardo’s will. As soon as she read
the letter, Raquel angrily crumpled it up in her hands, her world was falling
apart and she could not allow it. She put the letter near the lighted candle on
the table and set it alight. She stared at the flames that engulfed the paper
and that got closer to her hand, when the heat became unbearable with a hiss of
pain mixed with pleasure, she dropped the burning paper on the valuable carpet.
The flames soon began to take hold, while Doña Raquel immobile admired the
scene, entranced by the flames’ charm.
At that moment one of the maids that realized what was happening, shouted
calling the other servants. Immediately they grabbed blankets and bowls full of
water and managed to douse the flames. Raquel in ecstasy did not move a single
step, and when the maids asked if she was hurt, she abruptly dismissed them
A few moments later, she heard the entrance bell ring. A maid went to the door
and returned shortly after to announce Doña Viviana. Raquel’s good mood brought
on by the flames, vanished quickly. She ordered Doña Viviana to be made
comfortable in the study and soon joined the unwelcome guest.
"To what do I owe this unexpected visit?" She asked sternly, not even
trying to be friendly.
Vivian looked at her with hatred.
" Well, let's get straight to the point then! How could you tarnish my
honor in front of my daughter?" Asked Viviana clutching her bag.
Raquel laughed, "I did nothing but tell the truth, what you should have
done a long time ago!" She replied with a wry smile.
"You’re a snake and you’ll pay for all the wrongdoing that you’ve caused!
You’ve ruined the lives of too many people and soon you’ll be brought to
account for your actions."
"Don’t be ridiculous!" Raquel said, turning to look out the window
and opening her embroidered fan to get a bit of air. She wanted to show
absolute indifference to Viviana’s words.

“Lucas will soon recover
the inheritance that belongs to him and you and Federico will end up on the
street!" Viviana’s limpid hazel eyes stared at Raquel’s face and saw the
wry smile turned into a sneer of anger.
"How dare you! Who told you such lies?" Raquel asked, turning
"It's the truth and you know it! Aurora and Lucas told me themselves...
Now I know why Hector left me, because of you. You deceived us all and wanted
to play with our lives, but we’re now finally at the day of reckoning."
"Shut up and leave my house!" Raquel screamed violently banging her
open hand on the desk.
Viviana jumped in shock not expecting such a reaction. She had finally been
able to make a breach in Raquel’s armor and to make her lose her temper. She
decided to continue unabated. She had postponed the confrontation for too many
"You’ve schemed, lied, threatened and committed all sorts of crimes in
order to achieve your sordid purposes! You tried to hurt my daughter and, for
this, I’ll never forgive you! I won’t rest until I see you rot in jail!"
"I don’t know what you're talking about, you're just a poor deluded sole,
a crazy woman who doesn’t know what she’s saying!"
This time it was Viviana who laughed. "No, you're the one who’s crazy! You
paid that wretch to kidnap and rape Aurora, you falsified Don Eduardo’s will in
favor of your bastard! And these are only the things that we currently have
evidence of! But I know that it was you who blew up the mines in Zacatecas and
killed my husband along with Hector! I’m convinced that it was you that night,
dressed in a black cloak, running away from burning chapel on the beach! "
Raquel lost her usual control. It seemed for a moment that the world was
slipping out of her hands.
" Damn!” She cursed, "You’ll not find a single piece of evidence that
can incriminate me! Go ahead tell your falsehood around! People will never
believe that a Navarra y Reyes could have committed these atrocities and
they’ll think you’re crazy! They'll shut you up in a madhouse, where you’ll rot
for the rest of your life! And now leave, if you don’t want me to order my
to throw you out like a beggar!"
Viviana went to the door, but before leaving she pointed a finger at Raquel
ready to throw a coup de grace at her.
"I won’t rest until you pay for the murders you committed or that you
ordered, be sure of this! The police have already figured out that I’m right
and it’s only a matter of days before they come to arrest you!"
Raquel, who finally seemed defeated had an unexpected burst of pride. She
looked up at the sky and burst out laughing.
"Poor fool, do you really believe that I'll end up in jail? Do the police
have evidence to incriminate me? No ... of course they don’t have any and
they’ll never have, so get out of here. I've had enough of your nonsense!"
Viviana shook her head, she had expected to see Raquel cry and beg, instead she
laughed as if nothing had happened. Slowly, shaking her head, she left the room
and returned to Tampico.
When Viviana had gone, Raquel grabbed a vase from the coffee table next to the
window and threw it against the wall smashing it into pieces.
Poor idiot,
neither you nor any of those wimps will ever get Raquel Navarra y Reyes with
her back against the wall.... I’d prefer to die rather than give you this

The next day, Federico
returned to Tampico. He had left the two henchmen to keep an eye on Lucas’
with the specific task of killing Penelope.
Raquel received him in the study. Federico had never seen his mother so anxious
and worried. She continued to walk around the room nervously, wringing her
hands and shouting in anger.
Raquel told him about Viviana’s visit and, worse still, of the notification
received for amendment of the Navarra y Reyes’ inheritance. Federico went on
the rampage.
" Cristobal has betrayed us," he exclaimed in panic.
"It's all because of that damned witch Penelope, in the end she turned out
to be good for nothing!"
Federico went over to Raquel and hugged her.
"Don’t worry, Mother. Don’t be afraid. I'd rather see all our wealth
vanish into thin air than in Lucas’ hands!"
Raquel nodded.
"We’ll fight until the last, son. Our enemies will know what we're made
of. We’ll destroy them as we always have!"

The day of the hearing
finally came.
As expected, when a member of one of the town’s prominent families was involved
in a process, the courtroom was crowded with onlookers.
Lucas was the first to arrive with Cristobal. Aurora and Viviana were sitting
in the first row dedicated to the public. Aurora thought back to the last time
they had both been in this courtroom... It was to rediscover their lost love.
Then the judges had been ecclesiastics, this time they were civil judges, but
in both cases she knew she was fighting a vital battle. The last time true love
had triumphed, Aurora prayed to the Virgin, who would once again perform a
miracle and return to Lucas what was rightfully his. As if she had called him,
Lucas turned and smiled at her.
A few minutes before the hearing
Raquel also arrived, accompanied
by Federico, who had managed to stay sober, and by their lawyer who had come
specifically from Mexico City.
The judges entered and everyone stood up.
Cristobal was the first to take the floor. He stood up and began his
"Your Honor, we are here today to decide which of the two handwritten
wills of the late Eduardo Navarra y Reyes is the real one: the one registered
by the widow, on Don Eduardo’s death, or the one deposited a few days ago by my
client at the civil registry.
I’ve asked that the signatures are compared with other documents written by Don
Eduardo and deposited in civil archives and, while awaiting judgment, I’ve also
requested that the enforcement process against my client’s
"Good, please start your statement of the facts, lawyer," the judge
urged him.
“My family had recently moved to Spain when my father received the will in a
letter. Probably Don Eduardo had been afraid that his last wishes would be
changed, therefore he took the precaution of writing two wills, one he sent to
Europe to my father, his great friend."
" Objection, the lawyer is making assumptions," said Raquel’s lawyer,
standing up.
" Granted," said the judge, "Lawyer, limit yourself to the
Cristobal nodded, without being discouraged by the interruption.
"Unfortunately, my father became very ill soon after our move to Spain and
could no longer take care of his work or his correspondence. For this reason,
no one knew anything of this will, until a short time ago."
Cristobal paused, embarrassed. For the sake of justice and, above all, to prove
that he was truly repentant for the harm he had caused, he would have to put
into play his good reputation.
"I found this letter among my father’s documents when I arrived in
Mexico." He continued in a firm voice, "but for personal reasons I kept
it hidden until a few days ago."
"Lawyer, do you know that this behavior, if the will is declared
authentic, could cost you, at least, a suspension from the practice of law if
not striking off? Your current client could denounce you!" Chided the
Lucas stared at Cristobal’s face and Cristobal, putting a hand on Lucas’
shoulder, turned to the judge.
"Yes, I know, but justice must be done! If my client would like to start
proceedings against me, I won’t do anything to stop him!"
" Carry on, then!" The judge urged him, struck by Cristobal’s
" Don Eduardo had discovered that Federico was not his son but the son of
Don Hector."
A murmur spread among the public who were watching the proceedings, the judge
had to repeatedly bang his wooden hammer and request the room to be silent.
When the voices quieted, Cristobal continued.
" Don Eduardo clearly specified in the letter addressed to my father that
he had learned the truth and that he intended to leave all his possessions to
his only son, Lucas. Your Honor, you will find the letter that accompanied the
will among the documents that I filed and I don’t think you need more
The judge leafed through the folder in front of him and pulled out a sheet of
paper that he scanned quickly, then he dismissed Cristobal and turned to
Raquel’s lawyer.
"It is your turn to speak, lawyer, for the defense."
Raquel’s lawyer, a middle-aged man who wore an elegant blue suit, stood up and
moved to the center of the courtroom.
" Your Honor, my client disputes the validity of the document presented by
the opposing party as there are well-founded reasons to believe that there is a
conspiracy against my client, planned by Don Lucas and his lawyer, to take
possession of the Navarra y Reyes inheritance. I will explain the reasons for
the plot and at the end you will agree with me that it isn’t necessary to prove
the authenticity of the document produced by Lawyer de la Vega."
Total silence reigned in the courtroom, everybody hung on the lips of the
talented lawyer who, after a short pause, continued conscious of having gained
the attention of all the public.
"Don Cristobal and Don Hector arrived from Europe, by a fortuitous
coincidence on the same steamer. Obviously we are talking about a very long
journey and it is inevitable that all passengers get to know each other sooner
or later. A chat on the deck, a coffee together ... And Don Cristobal
discovered that Don Hector was returning to Mexico to publicly acknowledge his
son Lucas ... "
" Objection, Your Honor," protested Cristobal
" Rejected, I want to see what the lawyer is trying to prove,"
explained the judge.
Raquel exchanged a smile with her lawyer and he continued,
" Lucas killed Don Hector before he could reveal the truth about his
origins ... The case as I understand it, is still open and despite everything,
Don Lucas appears to date the only suspect." The lawyer coughed almost
embarrassed. "For some inexplicable reason, whoever heads the
investigation granted Lucas his freedom. Maybe because there are interests or
emotional bonds that don’t allow him to be objective ..." He looked round
at Don José who was sitting next to
Viviana. Viviana tried not to
blush even though she quivered with indignation because of the explicit
allusion to a possible relationship.
“Objection, Your Honor!" Snapped Cristobal "The defense lawyer is
reporting stupid rumors that have nothing to do with the issue which we are
dealing with!"
Raquel’s lawyer, obviously waiting for an objection, smiled at Cristobal.
"You're right, I apologize, I let myself get carried away..." He said
with a mocking bow. Then he turned to the judge.
" Don Cristobal was aware of Don Hector’s intent and therefore, must have
quickly realized his client’s possible motive for the murder. It was definitely
a matter of an advantageous opportunity and hence, the deal with Don Lucas.
Their alliance would not only have ensured the confidentiality of the true
relationship between Don Lucas and Don Hector (the real reason for the crime),
but would have also allowed them to take possession of the huge Navarra y Reyes
inheritance! Simply inventing the existence of a document that comes to light
just now, more than eighteen years after Don Eduardo’s death! Does it seem a
credible story to you?" He asked, turning first to the judge and then to
the public that began to murmur loudly among themselves.
The judge had to ask again for silence in the courtroom, repeatedly banging the
wooden hammer, while the lawyer went back to sit next to
Raquel who
smiled smugly.
"If we avoid the handwriting expert we’ve won," whispered the lawyer
in her ear.
Raquel nodded.
The judge was silent for a few minutes before announcing his decision on the
statements of the two parties.
"I’ve to deliberate on what I’ve heard today and decide whether to proceed
with the handwriting expert or not, therefore the court hearing is adjourned
until next week. Meanwhile any foreclosure on Don Lucas Navarra y Reyes’
properties is suspended until the final decision."
Lucas shook hands with Cristobal, for the time being it was a very good result.
He turned and sought Aurora who embraced him.
The wry smile on
Raquel’s face that she had displayed during her
lawyer’s brilliant performance disappeared. She straightened her expensive
black hat adorned with small purple flowers and went out, followed by Federico
and her lawyer.

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