The Forbidden Promise (9 page)

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Authors: Helena Rose

His desire satisfied, he rose to button up his pants. Exhausted,
Alma remained laying on the carpet. Federico looked at her with disgust, so
submissive and stupid. He touched her with his foot.
"Are you thinking of spending the whole day there, little slut? Or are you
just hoping that I’ll have you again? "
Alma smiled.
" You know I'm happy when you're with me. Come back here, come on."
Federico shook his head.
" No, your aunt may hear us. When are you going to decide to take her to
that damn convent? I can’t stand this situation any longer! You must get rid of
her immediately!"
" Yes I’ll do it, I’ll do whatever you want if you come here," she
whispered hopefully.
Federico was persuaded, and lay down on top of her again.
" Tomorrow you get rid of that woman, or you won’t see me ever
again." He threatened
" No," cried Alma. "I’ll take her straight to the convent, I
promise you! But don’t leave me I beg you! I couldn’t stand it!"
Alma vigorously tightened her legs around Federico’s waist.
You can’t leave!
My destiny is to become your wife! Penelope has reaffirmed it!
"You're a real bitch in heat," panted Federico, as he sank into
her. "I should take you straight to Gonzalo’s
... you have
"What my love?" Alma asked, between sighs.
" You’ll do everything that I command you to, won’t you Alma?" Asked
" Everything, anything as long as you're with me. "
"Then don’t ask questions. Then I'll explain."
Alma smiled in satisfaction. As they lay together, she thought that Federico
was completely hers, and that nothing would ever separate them.
The following days were uneventful for Aurora, divided between work at the
convent and domestic commitments with her parents. Her mother was strangely
quiet and amenable, even when Aurora had had to stay longer at the clinic due
to an
she had had to urgently remove.
One afternoon, after finishing at the convent, she went to Father Julian's to
tell him about the latest progress  at the infirmary. With Mother Agostina and
Dr. Peron she now formed a close team. Dr. Peron was very knowledgeable, almost
as much as her father, but having spent so many years as an alcoholic, it had
made him insecure and his shaking hands prevented him from operating.
Unfortunately, his past was known to everybody and in Tampico nobody from the
better-off class ever went to be treated by him. Instead, in the absence of Dr.
Costantino Vargas de Coronado, they called a doctor from San Luis.
Father Julian was very happy with Aurora’s visit and was even happier to hear
about the progress at the convent.
The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Lucas. Again, by chance,
fate had brought them together.
"Son, you're back from Zacatecas!" Greeted Father Julian, hugging
" Yes, Father! You should see the
! It's great! Of course,
there is much work to be done, the main wing of the house needs to be restored,
the mine needs to be got up and running again, but it is truly wonderful!"
Lucas’ green eyes shone with excitement. He then realized Aurora’s presence.
Miss Aurora, good evening. I apologize for not having greeted
you before. It is unforgivable." Lucas looked at her with a serene,
peaceful expression, smiling vaguely.
Aurora returned the smile, rather embarrassed. It was the first time they had
seen each other since the sad scene with Marisol at the shack on the beach.
" Good evening, Don Lucas," she replied.
The three of them sat around Father Julian’s desk.
"You have to tell me everything!" Said Father Julian, excitedly.
"If you were talking with Miss Vargas de Coronado I’ll come back at
another time," Lucas said, looking at Aurora.
"No, don’t worry, we had finished. I came only to tell Father Julian about
my experience at the convent’s infirmary."
"Ah, and how things are going? I hope better than the first day!"
exclaimed Lucas.
"Infinitely better, thank you," replied Aurora, smiling. "People
are starting to get used to having to deal with a female doctor."
"I’m delighted for you. You have a lot of courage and I'm happy that your
perseverance is being rewarded." Lucas’ eyes looked admiringly at Aurora
who blushed. She brushed a lock of hair from her forehead.
"I’ve other material to bring to the convent," replied Lucas.
"Can I come tomorrow if I won’t be an inconvenience?"
"Of course not," Aurora hastened to respond. "Indeed, it is very
kind of you to think of the less fortunate."
" I told you, my child, that behind the rude and dismissive appearance,
Lucas is a profoundly good man," exclaimed Father Julian proudly.
Lucas smiled slyly.
" Now I have to go," he said, rising. "I want to go to the bank
to find out if Don Guadalupe can grant me the loan. "
" Good luck, then," said Aurora, extending her hand to Lucas who
brought it to his lips touching it lightly. He kept his eyes fixed on Aurora’s
who immediately felt her heartbeat accelerate. As if he had noticed the effect
he had on her, Lucas gave her a  mischievous smile and left.
Aurora could not help watching him leave.
We didn’t fight ... for the first
time we didn’t fight.
A few minutes later, Aurora decided to go home. Deep in thought, she was
not aware of the road she was taking. The anger she had felt for Federico was
gone, replaced by a strange feeling of anxiety and sadness mixed with
She was, however, pleased to have finally been able to have a good conversation
with Lucas without bickering.
He’s so excited about his plans for Zacatecas.
It would be great for him if what he wanted, after so much suffering, came true
Then a thought, quick as lightning, crossed her mind, she could not stop it or
banish it back, deep within her brain,
but if this happens he’ll leave
Tampico ... forever. And I won’t see him anymore.
She could not understand
why such a prospective, filled her with disappointment.
She dismissed this annoying thought from her mind and went into the house.
"Welcome back my dear,"
Viviana greeted her, smiling.
" Change quickly, we have guests for dinner tonight."
" Who, mother?" Aurora asked curiously.
" Don Luis Antonio Braganza, his wife
Ines, his daughter
Mariana and his nephew Felipe. He's back in Tampico after living many years in
Puebla. I’d like you to meet him. He’s a little older than you."
Aurora froze, while a sad realization flooded into her mind.
"Mother, are you trying to find me a husband without my knowledge?"
She asked sharply.
Viviana looked at Aurora severely.
" Don’t be silly, it's just a dinner with family friends. And after, if
you find him pleasant, what harm would it do?" She replied.
Aurora chose not to respond so as not to start a fight. It was clear that her
mother was trying to speed things up and put her on the spot, to prevent her
from continuing to work as a doctor. She sighed agitated. Of course, she would
know how to keep this Felipe at bay, but she was also sure that her mother
would continue to present other gentlemen, drawn from among the family’s
acquaintances, until she decided to get married.
What can I do? I must find a way out, or my mother won

stop. And I doubt that I can have my father as an ally for much longer.
Unnerved, she took off her dress, washed quickly and dressed in a simple
aquamarine dress with a modest neckline. She left her bronze hair loose, except
for few ringlets on the sides of her head and then went down to the living
Her mother had also changed.
Viviana wore a beautiful lavender
dress with a plunging neckline. Her hair the same color as her daughter’s was
pinned up, while some curls fell softly down her neck.
" My compliments mother, you look beautiful," said Aurora sincerely.
As a child, she had always envied her mother’s beauty and distinction and had
dreamed of one day becoming like her.
Viviana smiled at the compliment.
"You too, my child, although you could have chosen a more suitable
dress," she replied.
Aurora did not answer, and sat down on the sofa, next to her father.
Costantino was reading the newspaper and smiled at Aurora.
"I like you just as you are," he said, winking at her.
Shortly after the guests arrived. Don Luis Antonio Braganza entered first, a
robust old man, with a thick very black mustache that aroused suspicion of the
likely use of dyes.
Behind him came his nephew Felipe, a tall young man with fair hair, broad
shoulders and a polite and courteous face.
Ines was small and
somewhat buxom with rosy cheeks and a jovial expression. The young Mariana was
petit but well proportioned with thick blond curls that framed her small heart
shaped face. She had just made her debut in society and had the typical
enthusiasm of those who expect amazing things from life.
Viviana made the introductions, then walked to the table that was
already laid for dinner.
Everything had been organized in minute detail to impress the guests. Aurora
quickly realized that her suspicions were therefore more than justified.
The conversation among the ladies was deliberately frivolous and lively: the
social season in Mexico City that year had been particularly rich in gossip and
small scandals, a young German-born soprano had compromised the marriage
between two progeny of high society and the fashion from Paris that year saw
hats that were anything but discreet.
Aurora, however, was not interested in this kind of nonsense and preferred to
listen to the concerns about the discontent that was spreading between the
landowners due to increased taxes and the new legislation that dealt with the
treatment of workers.
"It’s no longer acceptable that workers are treated so inhumanly, their
work shifts are too long, which wears them down and affects their health,"
said Don Costantino.
"I agree with you in principle, dear friend, although we have to take into
account the needs of the
and their owners. In this economic
environment reducing work hours could affect earnings and the laborers would be
the first to suffer," replied Don Luis Antonio.
"You know, I think that if Mexico’s landowners changed their behavior they
would be the first to gain an advantage. Better treatment of workers would
reduce the theft of produce and their better health would increase yields.
Taking care of their families should also be imperative." Said Felipe.
"Dear Felipe, you're young and your head is full of your studies and new
ideas that come from Europe, but you have no experience in this field. Believe
me, you can’t change behavior that is centuries old and has always brought
wealth and prosperity," replied Don Luis Antonio.
"I agree with you Felipe, our society has to renew itself, to provide
opportunities to those who have never had them, so they are able to break free
from poverty. For example, in my work as a doctor at the convent I encounter
many poor people that if only they had ... "Aurora was unable to finish
her sentence. Her mother,
Viviana had knocked over a glass of wine
that had stained the immaculate dress of
Ines who jumped up with a
stifled gasp.
" Oh, dear, How careless of me! Forgive me my dear! We must immediately
think about cleaning the dress." Exclaimed Viviana. While she was
Ines to the kitchen, Viviana gave a look of pure
disapproval to Aurora, who lowered her head annoyed.
She did it on purpose!
In order that the guests don’t learn that I work at the convent, but I don’t
care, I'm certainly not ashamed of what I do!
Aurora's father tried to bring the situation back to normal: "So
Felipe, you went to Europe to complete your studies?"
"Yes, I came back a few months ago. Ah, Europe is just stunning with its
history and its culture. However, European women are too emancipated, with
their desire to achieve equality with men. I think they’ve lost sight of the
qualities that a real woman should have. "
"And what do you think are the qualities of a REAL woman?" Aurora
asked seriously.
" A woman must first be a good wife and an exemplary mother devoting
herself heart and soul to the care of the family," replied Felipe.
Aurora raised her napkin to her lips to hide her grimace of disapproval.
"Why, do you think differently? "Continued Felipe.
"I think it’s commendable that European women seek professional
achievements and fight for equal rights," answered Aurora resolutely.
"Perhaps it may be fine for the Europeans, but fortunately, here in Mexico
the woman is still considered by the majority to be the perfect wife and
" FORTUNATE for whom?" Retorted Aurora coldly.
Felipe was surprised by the passion with which Aurora had replied and said no
The return of
Ines and
Viviana interrupted the
conversation and saved Felipe from the embarrassing moment.
After finishing dinner, they all moved into the living room for coffee. Felipe
sat on the sofa next to Aurora, who after a few minutes, got up to excuse
"I’m sorry, I’ve a terrible headache, I’d like to go to my room. If you’ll
excuse me."
Viviana shot her a fiery look, while Felipe immediately stood up to say
" I wish you a good night," he said, looking at her admiringly.
Aurora forcibly smiled and went upstairs quickly, and shut herself in her room.
What a terrible evening
. She sighed loudly as she removed her dress to
put on her nightgown.
And my mother will continue to organize other meetings
until I decide to marry someone.
She got into bed, trying to imagine a future married to Felipe. She immediately
suppressed a grimace.
What do I really want from life? I really want to
devote myself entirely to medicine. To be alone all my life?
disappointment experienced with Federico had filled her with bitterness.
can’t give up my profession, not the studies and sacrifices I’ve had to make
all these years! But am I really ready to spend the rest of my life without
children and a man who loves me?
She kept tossing and turning in bed.
if I could only find a husband to accept my profession and love me as I am!
The next morning, at breakfast, her mother was extremely sparing with her
words. Costantino tried to strike up a conversation several times, but his
attempts were in vain.
Aurora finished eating and stood up.
"I'm going to the convent, if you’ll excuse me."
" Come back early," said
Viviana severely. "I want
to talk to you."
Aurora nodded.
"All right mother. We'll talk later."
She left the house, dominated by anxiety
. I certainly won’t be able to make
her change her mind. I expect yet another discussion ... ah, mother, why don’t
you understand me!
At the convent she dismissed the maid who had followed her like a shadow
and found Dr. Peron and Mother Agostina already in full swing. An elderly woman
had just been admitted and two other patients were lying in beds with very high

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