The Forgotten One (19 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

Five minutes into the woods surrounding the inn, Alton turned and faced his son.

“This anger ends now, so get it out now!” Alton ordered.

His son snorted. “It does not happen like that. But how could you mate with that woman? It was bad enough with Tamara, but with the princess? My mother would be furious!”

Alton took a deep breath. “Look, things were not what they appeared, you know this. Your mother and I came together because of our parents. Willow is my blood mate, you know this. She has done nothing and you know this. It was Benitta who took your mother from us. She is gone now, Agares personally made sure she was taken care of. You have to let this go, Trevor. I need my family behind us for what is ahead.”

Trevor said nothing just stared at him. “She is dead?” he asked, and Alton nodded.

“I will never be close to your mate?” Trevor said.

“I understand that, but you will not disrespect her or her family. I would like you to be part of our life. I know Dylan would be ecstatic to have an older brother.” Alton moved to a fallen tree and sat down. “I remember when you were that age.” Alton laughed. “Your mother had a hell of a time keeping you out of trouble. At times I miss your mom, even though we weren’t close as mates should be. She did things for me before I even asked.”

“Are you sure Willow is your blood mate?” Trevor asked as he sat down beside him.

“Yes, just watching her come into a room has my heart pounding and a protective streak so fierce, nothing like I had with your mother. But then again, your mother had always had it easy. She went from her parents’ home to mine.” Alton stretched his legs out in front of him and smiled at his big feet.

“Willow didn’t have this?” Trevor asked.

“No, her mother was thrown out of her world because she carried Willow. Laurann created all that she had, by herself. No, both mother and daughter worked for what they have. You know Willow served with Lars, but what you didn’t know is she’d take missions that some would consider suicide in the human world. The images I’ve seen in her head.” The tree stump they were on snapped and his son laughed.

“So, I see all this information, but what does all this mean?”Trevor asked just as Treust, Vaulau, Lars, Baal, Agares and Bane, stepped out of the woods to meet them.

“What it means is this planet is going to change and fast. Your father, Maxim and Willow will be greeted by each of the kings and ruler and so on out there. They will come here looking to trade, to ask for help when planets are fighting. You have three years to prepare yourselves for the Tarrs, and to start introducing the humans to the fact that their world is going to change. You will need to pick where you want your ports, cities where others can roam, what ones are off limits and so on. Also, Baal, you and your mate must search for the other children that are out there. From what I was able to tell there are at least 50 other females of your line out there. They must be found before the Tarrs get here. This might be a good job for your sons. For those they will be feed for the Tarrs when they come, they’ll be like—I think the word used here is candy—on Earth.” Treust turned to Baal. “I was going to suggest your daughter Storm come with me, but she has met her mate, so I won’t interfere.”

“Langut?” Vaulau asked, and Treust nodded.

Baal shook his head. “That right there is going to be trouble, but I’ll let them work it out. Do you have suggestions as the best ports on this planet?” Baal asked.

“Your bigger cities would be best. This place here could easily be...” Treust said.

“No, I promised Willow that this would be our home. She has been through enough and I will keep this promise. You know Detroit is pretty much destroyed, it might be a start for a port. I’ll work with other men and start the plans, but as far as the humans they were skeptical about us as it is, how are we going to explain this?”

Vaulau smiled. “You don’t have to worry about that, it seems Treust made his presence known when he came here.”

“Shit, do you know what they’ll do to this place? They’ll rip it up and destroy everything around us now.” Alton jumped up forgetting his change in size. If Vaulau hadn’t caught him, he would have fallen flat on his face.

“There is no need to worry. They can’t enter the city. I’ve personally made sure of that.” Treust said seeming to be very proud of himself.

Even his son and grandson groaned as they moved with him back to the house, followed by very confused aliens. “Lars, get the TV out and bring it out here on the patio. Baal, we’re going to need to set a meeting with all heads of states today. Agares, mass weapons. Can you handle them?” Alton asked.

“You want them disarmed or just gone?” he asked, smiling, almost bouncing with excitement.

Alton stopped and frowned. “No, don’t get rid of them. You never know when you will need them, but disable them so they won’t know what is going on.”

“I told you he would be able to handle this,” Treust stated behind him.

He glanced over his shoulder. “It’s not like I have a choice. Your granddaughters have been through hell and this will just put added pressure on all of them. Even we have our limits and with the possibility of Willow being pregnant or Tamara who is already.” Alton took a deep breath, wanting to rip Treust apart.

“Look at the way he controls himself, yes, Alton, my son, you will be perfect. And with the help of your family, this will end well,” the man said. His son placed his hand on his shoulder, laughing…

“In law problems, I see,” Trevor teased.




Willow flopped down on the sofa and stared at the TV. She couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Tamara, her mom, Storm, Marsha and Ida just stared at the screen in shock. Their world had just turned upside down. There would be no more walking down the street enjoying the sounds of her home.

Tears filled her eyes as she looked up to see Alton move into the room. “Oh hell, come here, baby.” He held open his arms and she didn’t hesitate to move into them. “No more walks,” she whispered.

“You’ll have your walks, I promise,” he rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. “Maxim, we’re going to have company for our cook-out. It’s time to bring the President and Governor here now.”

“What? President of the United States?” She looked up and he nodded.

“I wanted to do this quietly but now we have no choice. Did you have a chat with Zuka?” he asked.

She growled, but nodded her head. “I’m not thrilled at playing the little woman. I think I’m better at gutting people,” she mumbled hugging him tight.

Alton laughed. “No gutting sweetie, and aren’t you my little woman?” he asked.

“That’s different,” she looked up at him. “I’d give you my soul if you needed it,” she said meaning it.

“Now you know what it is to love a
The humans got it poetically right about the soul, but they don’t take them, they’d give up theirs to be with the ones they are meant for.” Treust told him. The President of the US appeared in the room, with the Governor of Louisiana, and a few other men Willow bet were security.

“Might want to take the weapons away from them. I don’t need Dylan to get shot or my sister,” Willow told them as Dylan came running to her again, but stared at the President.

“He’s really the President we see on the TV?” Dylan asked.

“Yes, I believe so sweetie. Come, let’s go help with dinner because I have a feeling we are going to have others coming soon. Tamara, Mom, Marsha, for Pete-sake quit staring at the man.” Willow grabbed hold of her friend and dragged her out of the room. “Hey Ida, you might want to tell the animals to hide for the next few hours.”

“Screw that, those idiots come snooping around here, I’ll let them eat the bastards.” Ida said and gave the President a glare. “I never voted for the dickhead anyway.” She grumbled, marching out of the living room.

“Sorry about that Sir,” Willow said, and shook her head.

“Have fun. You know this might not be too bad being the little woman. I don’t have to worry about all the little details like you do.” She smiled and Alton growled, smacking her ass.

“Move it, Little Kitty,” he said.

Willow laughed, but inside she was freaking out. Her world was going to change and it was all because of family. Laurann stood on the deck, tapping her foot. “Do you think four cookers is going to be enough to feed all these men?” she asked, looking over at her.

“Who knows if not we can keep adding to it, but I suggest we get them going now or we’ll be here all night.” Willow grabbed a bag of charcoal and dumped it into the first barrel grill. “Mom, aren’t you scared about all this? I mean they’re used to this, but the thought of our home becoming like…”

“Our world,” Shald said finishing her thought as she carried out four bags of ribs.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend, but your world scares the living crap out of me. It’s like out of our horror novels,” Willow shivered and Tamara agreed, coming out with glasses of lemonade.

“I have to agree, and what about our pack. With all this news, what’s going to happen with that? Are we going to have to move? So many new worries and the thought of our children being brought up in this mess,” Tamara sat down and Willow could see she was on the verge of tears.

“Hey, we’ll do this together, little sis,” Willow went to hug her, but her mom was there kneeling down in front of her.

“Your father and I will be there for all of you. We won’t allow anything to happen to your children, but you know, maybe that is why all these threats have been popping up in the pack? Do you think they might have known what was going to happen?” her mother asked Shald.

“No there is no…Not unless. Vaulau!” Her grandmother actually yelled, shocking them both since she had been so quiet.

At once warriors came running, and Vaulau was at her side, along with her parents.

“What? What has you so upset?” Vaulau asked as he pulled her into his arms, hugging her.

“Mered,” she whispered and seemed to shake.

Her grandfather’s eyes seemed to come alive. “Where do you think?” his voice, an eerie quiet tone, had his warriors going to their knees.

Shald looked over at Tamara, where Gage had her now on his lap, holding her. “I think he might have been entwined in their pack, maybe that is why he wasn’t found.”

“Why would you think this?” Vaulau stepped back and stared down at his mate.

She actually seemed to roll her eyes which set Tamara off giggling and even Willow couldn’t help laughing.

Behind them Alton stood next to the President and the Governor as they listened. The man was at least a foot taller than either man. He totally appeared like one of the Vikings of old, which totally turned her on. She looked away, not needing to get excited standing there among so many

Soon Little Kitty, we’ll take care of your need,”
Alton said, and Willow swore she felt his touch on her cheek.

“I’ve been going over the events here on Earth since we got here.” Shald glanced over at her grandfather. “You didn’t change Bane’s mother, Mered did. That’s why you couldn’t trace her. Even your father, Agares, had a hard time with her. Anyone on this planet would have. When she stepped into that other realm, her fate was sealed. No, this was all to bring about chaos here on Earth before…”

“Before the Tarrs arrived. So they would be divided and couldn’t defeat them,” Vaulau finished for her. “Which means he is still roaming around here on Earth.”

“So wait, all this time this man has cast my father as the villain while it was him setting this all up? He was the one that created spider lady?” Willow shivered, but Maxim was there pulling her back against his body.

“I’m afraid so,” Vaulau said.

“Okay, we need to go hunting!” she snarled.

Maxim snorted, wrapping his arms around her tight. “You my, Little Kitty, are not going anywhere near that man. If he can do the damage he has already done to Earth…Nope not going to happen.” Maxim bit down on her shoulder.

“Fine take all my fun away from me,” she muttered, earning a snort from Tamara.

“Don’t even think about it, Willow,” Tamara added. “I know that look, and for once, Gramps there is right. You don’t need to go messing with this one.”

Storm, who had been quiet leaning against the wall, spoke up. “I can go after him. it’s not like I have anything else to do,” she said.

“What? I don’t think so!” Langut growled, stomping over to her and throwing her up over his shoulder. “Excuse us, Sir, I have a woman to plunder and claim.”

Vaulau waved his hand. “It’s about time. And don’t worry, Storm, I have the rest of my crew to start the search for Mered.

What appeared to be over 100 Viking-like men snaked out in the field in front of Ida’s Inn.

“Damn, I’m in heaven,” Ida said, moving forward. “Where the hell have you been hiding these men?” she asked her grandfather, and Willow laughed.

“I have to admit they are a sight,” she peeked over at the men and had to admit they were hot. But then again Willow did have a thing for big men. She turned to see a solid chest standing in front of her.

Willow looked up to see Alton frowning down at her. “Oh, Little Kitty, just wait.” He cupped her cheek. “We’re going to have so much fun. By the time we’re done, you won’t be looking at any male again.”

She snorted and patted his cheek. “Alton, I might look, but you two hold the leash on my soul,” Willow smiled and glanced over her shoulder at Maxim, who laughed.

To her left, Treust glided forward, moving around Vaulau’s men. A slow smile started to form as he shook his head. “Now I know why you were chosen. I should have seen this sooner, but I was thinking with my heart at the time. You have over 100 men here?”

“One hundred and twenty, used to be 21, but Langut will not be hunting with them,” Vaulau said. “Why?”

“Because they are the mates of our grandson’s daughters and I believe Storm and Langut need to be in this search for this man you look for. He can lead them. Langut his gifts that will track him down.” Treust held up his hand to silence everyone afraid for Storm.

“Grandson, is not Storm different from your other children, that you know?” Treust asked her father, Baal.

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