The Game Series (3 page)

Read The Game Series Online

Authors: Emma Hart

Chapter Five - Maddie


I detour to the dorm room after my morning class. I shut the door behind me loudly and lean against it, shaking my head.

I'm about to go on a date with Braden Carter, resident playboy, all because of a stupid dare. But is it the dare that's stupid, or me for agreeing to it?

I think I'm voting for both.

I run my brush through my hair and touch up my make-up, glancing at the sheet on the wall. Stage One, Attachment. Today's goal is to leave him wanting a little more, to make him come back tomorrow. I sigh and leave the room, running down the stairs and out into the California sunshine. My floaty skirt swishes as I walk towards the campus Starbucks, butterflies going crazy in my stomach. Why do I have butterflies? I hate this guy. It's not even a real date.

That thought doesn't stop the extra loud beat of my heart when I see him. He's leaning against the wall outside, headphones in, and his head is bobbing to whatever he's listening to. His hands are in the pockets of his slim fit, dark blue jeans. As if he can feel me watching, he looks up and electric blue eyes collide with mine.

He smiles as I approach him, and the butterflies turn to stampeding elephants. I feel sick.

“Hey there, Angel,” Braden says and reaches to open the door for me.

“Hey,” I reply, walking through the door. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.” He puts a hand on my back and guides me towards the counter. “What are you having?”

“A grande double chocolate chip frappucino, please.” I smile at his confused face. “What?”

“Chocolate chips in coffee? Why?”

“Why not?” I shrug. “It's yummy.”

“Okay, I'll try that.”

“What do you normally have?”

“Uh, normal coffee. You know, like a normal person drinks?” He laughs.

“Are you saying I'm not normal?” I raise an eyebrow as we reach the counter.

“Not at all.” He smiles. “Hi, can I have, er, what was it again?” He looks at me sheepishly.

I sigh, roll my eyes and shake my head. “Can we have two grande double chocolate chip fraps please?”

“And two blueberry muffins,” Braden adds, looking down at me. I blush slightly, and he slides his hand round so it's holding my waist. The barista steals glances at him as she prepares our drinks. It's all I can do not to roll my eyes again. We take our drinks, and Braden pays.

“Is it always like this for you?” I ask as we sit down.

“Like what?”

“Girls staring at you.”

“Who was staring?”

“The barista. Did you not notice?”

He shrugs one shoulder carelessly. “I don't pay much attention to it. If they're good enough to catch my eye then I'll pay them attention.”

“Oh, I feel so privileged,” I say sarcastically.

“Hey.” He raises his eyebrows. “I'm on a date with you, so you're not just good enough, Maddie. In fact, you're probably too good.”

I sip my drink and pick a piece of muffin off, popping it into my mouth. “So why are you here then? If I'm too good.”

“Because I'll never know unless I try, right?” he asks. “Like this coffee. I never knew how good it was until I tried it. I'll never know if I'm good enough for you unless I try.”

Wow. Braden wants in my pants.

“You win that one.” I smile.

“And Kyle has his eye on you. I don't do well with competition.”

“Ah, so that's what yesterday was about.” They were fighting over me?


“There's a slim chance of you bein' right there, beautiful.”

“I'd say there's a really good chance.” I sigh. “You really were fighting over me? Me? Wow.” I shake my head.

“Don't sound so shocked, Maddie. We're not the only guys in that house that have an interest in you,” he admits.

“You just thought you'd get in there first?” I comment wryly.

“Yes. I mean, no. I mean. Fuck." He groans. "This is so not the way I wanted this to go.”

I raise my eyebrows and glance at the clock.

“Yes. I thought I'd get in there first, but only because I'd get stupidly jealous if I saw you with one of those guys.”

“Right,” I say. “We need to get to class. It starts in five minutes.”

Braden sighs, and we both stand. I wrap my hands round the take out cup and back out of the door. We walk back towards the main campus in silence, and I almost wish we didn't have class together. This no talking thing is tense, even if I do hate the guy.

“Maddie,” he says, pulling me aside before we walk into the room. “That wasn't supposed to go like that. I'm sorry.”

I look towards the open class door. “It's no big deal, Braden. I mean, you don't date, right? Now you know for sure you don't.”

He reaches forward and tucks my hair behind my ear. “It is a big deal, to me it is. Let me try again. Please?”

I narrow my eyes and look at him. “Are you asking me for a second date?”

“Yeah,” he says in a soft voice. “I am askin' you for a second date.”

“I'll think about it, and then I'll call you.”

“You don't have my number.” He gives me a small smile.

I walk towards the classroom and look back at him when I reach the door. He's still standing by the side, watching me with that same smile playing on his lips.

“Then I guess you'll just have to wait, won't you?” I smirk and Megan rounds the corner. Her eyes shoot between both of us.

“How long?” Braden asks.

“However long I feel like making you wait.” My smirk changes to a grin. “Come on, you'll be late for class.”

I walk through the door with Megan, and we slide into our seats.

“Second date?” she whispers in my ear.

“Yep,” I reply. “He just doesn't know that yet.”


Chapter Six - Braden


I watch her all through class. Make me wait? I don't do fucking waiting, but here I am.


I shake my head at my thoughts and try to focus on the lesson but it's impossible. The girl I'm supposed to be making fall in love with me is calling the shots. I guess that's what happens when you fuck up the first date, right?

Fucking hell. This is a mess already, and it's only day two. And where the hell am I supposed to take her for a second date?

Class ends, and I follow Maddie and Megan out. I tug on Megan's hair as I pass her and brush my fingers down Maddie's arm. She glances up at me and smiles. I wink at her and walk in the opposite direction, back towards the frat house.

Ryan's sitting on the sofa with his feet up when I get there.

“How'd it go?”

“I fucked up, naturally.” I chuck myself next to him. “I have no fuckin' clue about this dating shit, man. I can't believe you're making me do this.”

“I'm not making you do anything,” he replies. “You agreed to this.”

“Yeah, well, providing she agrees, I have to find a place to take her for a second date.”

Ryan laughs.

“What's so funny?”

“Braden Carter is asking me for dating advice!” He chuckles. “Never thought I'd see the day.”

“Never thought I'd see the day I went on a damn date,” I grumble.

“Try this Friday.”

“Friday? That's four days away and a party night.”

“What better way to show her you're serious than skipping out on your own party?” Ryan raises his eyebrows.

“And where do I take the princess for our date?”

“To the beach? Have a walk under the stars,” Ryan suggests in a girly voice and sighs.

“Great,” I mutter. “And until then?”

“Pop up when she least expects it. Spend time with her.” He shrugs. “That shit worked with Lila.”

“Right. She said she spends free time between classes in the library. That?”

“Find out from Megan when her free time is, if she won't get suspicious.”

“Dude, she told me where to take Maddie for our first “date”. I'm pretty sure Megan has her own freakin' agenda.”

He looks at me knowingly. “Then make sure you keep to ours and not fall into hers.”

“I don't fall in love, Ry.” I snort at the idea. “And especially not with princesses like Maddie.”

“Yet you're willing to pretend to get her in bed.”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures, my friend. I always get what I want, and I want Maddie in my bed.”

“In that case, I hope you know what you're doing. We all know what Megan is like when she gets an idea in her head.”

“Megan's ideas can stay in her head. I never paid attention to them as a kid, and I won't start now. Besides, it's not like this thing with Maddie is even real. It's all a game, man.”

“A love game?” Ryan chuckles.

“Something like that. Except the one who falls in love, loses.”

“And Braden never loses, right?” Ryan smiles wryly.



Chapter Seven - Maddie


I knock on Lila and Megan's door before pushing it open. Both of them are stretched out on their beds doing schoolwork, and I drop myself on the floor between them, letting the door shut itself.

“Where's Kay?” Lila asks, glancing at me.

“She's, um, entertaining.”

“Oh.” Her mouth drops open slightly.

“Yes. Oh.”

“Who this time?” Megan rolls over.

“Darla somebody.” I shrug. “I have no idea, and I'd rather not know to be honest. It's not like I'll see her again.”

She nods. “Mhmm. Heard from Bray?”

“Why would I have? He doesn't have my cell number.”

“Why not?” Lila smiles.

“Because I'm holding out on him.”

“Because he fucked up the first date, asked her for a second, and she hasn't answered him yet,” Megan clarifies.

“You didn't?” Lila exclaims. “Oh, nice one, Mads. That's definitely gonna keep him coming back.”

“It's not about that.” I pick at some lint on my jeans. “I see the way he walks all over girls, and it makes me sick. I won't be like that, running and falling at his feet just because the infamous Braden calls my name. If I'm gonna play this guy at his own game and make him fall in love with me, he's gonna respect me while he does it.”

Megan smiles. “And that, honey, is why you are the perfect girl for the job.”

Lila nods her agreement. “It's true, and it's why it's gonna work. You know what you're doing.”

Because I know how to handle pig-headed, arrogant male assholes.

“Whatever. I just want to get it done with. The idea of pretending to fall in love with him makes me feel sick.”

Megan's phone chimes, and she grabs it from the side. She smirks at whatever is on screen and types back quickly.

“Anything interesting?” Lila asks her.

“Nope,” she replies, rolling over onto her back. “So, where are we on OPTP?”

“Holding out on the second date. Making him sweat.” I lean against the bed, and she grabs a notebook.

“And when are you going to give him an answer?”

"Umm." I haven't thought about that. At all. “Wednesday, I guess.”

They both nod. “Wednesday is good. That gives him time to plan something for this weekend.”

“But aren't we supposed to be 'exclusive' next week?” I look between them, confused.

“You will be.” Megan snaps the notebook shut. “You have two classes together, right? So you'll see each other then and one of your free periods matches.”


Lila groans. “Have you ever dated before?”

“Once,” I admit.

“Once?” She sits up. “Just once?”



Because all the guys in Brooklyn were tools. “Just... Because.”

“Wait a minute.” Megan sits up and looks at me. “Maddie, honey. Are you a virgin? 'Cause if you are we won't make you do this.”

There it is. My out. For some reason, though, I'm not taking it.

“No,” I reply with a smirk. “I'm not a virgin.”

“Phew.” She flops backwards. “I'd never make you lose your virginity like that.”

“What are we doing then?” Lila asks. “Are Mads and Braden gonna spend not-a-date time together?”

“Yes,” Megan replies. “Starting tomorrow. I'll switch seats with him in English. He sits with Aston and I'm sure it won't take much to convince Aston I'm interested.” She wrinkles her nose.

“You're not?” I ask her. “He is kinda hot.”

“I admit his short hair is kinda sexy, but he's also a bit of a bitch for a straight guy. He spends so long getting ready.”

Lila grunts. “Have you met my boyfriend? Ryan is just as bad.”

They carry on talking about Aston and Ryan, and I zone out, picking at my nails. First dates, now time outside of that and seating arrangements? This is getting crazy.

I mean, I guessed it would happen eventually, but it's just too soon. How am I supposed to spend so much time with a guy I hate?




I twirl a lock of hair around my finger, humming quietly to myself as I enter the library. A quick glance at the clock reads 10.55am. I'm five minutes early to meet Megan - not that it means anything since she's always late anyway.

I sit at my usual table at the back and dump my bag on the table, knocking an earphone out in the process. With a sigh, I put it back in and pull out my English work I've been procrastinating. If there's one thing I hate, it's Shakespeare. I just don't understand him - there's too much tragedy in his work. I'm definitely more of a Disney's happily ever after girl.

I guess if you've suffered enough tragedy in your life, happily ever after becomes something to reach out for.

I open the workbook to the right page and spin my pen in my fingers. The letters blur in front of my eyes and I rub at them to clear them.

I can't concentrate, and I know why. It's this challenge. It's getting to me already.
getting to me already.

Damn Braden Carter, damn my girls, and damn whoever created the minefield that is the game of love. I'd sure love to shoot Cupid in the ass with his own arrow.

“That book must be really interesting,” a smooth, silky voice says over my shoulder. “You've been staring at it for five minutes.”

“Braden,” I acknowledge, not needing to look to see if it's him. The hairs standing on the back of my neck are indication enough.

“Want some company, Angel?” He slips into the seat next to me.

I look at him. “Apparently you're staying, anyway.”

His blue eyes twinkle with amusement. “Is that a yes?”

“That's an 'I'm meeting Megan but whatever.'”

“Actually, you're not.” He nudges my foot with his. I frown. “She said she had to run somewhere so asked me to come and let you know. Since I have a free period I thought I'd join you. If you don't mind.”

Sneaky little witch! “I guess not, then. I'll warn you though, I don't talk much when I'm studying.”

“Neither do I.” He smiles at me, and I inwardly sigh. I appear to be sighing an awful lot lately.

I set my iPod on shuffle and put the other earphone in. I turn my attention back to Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and attempt to sift through the old language. It doesn't go well.

I've been fighting against thrices and m'ladys and hasts for way too long when I feel Braden's arm rest across the back of my chair. He grasps a bit of my hair, teasing it between his fingers. I ignore him. Or, I try to.

He's sitting next to me, so casually. He's chewing his pen and flicking through pages of what looks like a chem book. He's also oblivious to the fact I'm looking at him.

I'm looking at him? Sheesh. I turn my attention back to the book, with him still playing with my hair, and carry on dissecting the scene for Mr Jessop.

An earphone falls out of my ear.

“Ready?” Braden asks.

“For what?” I frown.

“To go to class?” He smirks. “You really do get lost in studying, don't you?”

“Sometimes,” I answer, shoving everything into my bag. I stand, and he takes my bag from me. “I can carry my bag, you know.”

“I know.” He starts walking, and I follow him, shaking my head. He holds the library door open for me, and I pass through it, holding my hand out.

“Bag. Please.”

“Why won't you let me carry it?”

I raise an eyebrow. “Braden, I don't think I've ever seen you carry someone else's bag for them.”

He shrugs and puts a hand on my back, leading me towards our English room. “You're not anyone else.”

I purse my lips, and my eyes widen when I see Megan sitting in his normal seat next to Aston. I glare at her, and she smiles sweetly.

“Apparently I'm sitting with you.” Braden smiles.

“Apparently.” I sit down and he hands me my stuff. “Thank you. It was unnecessary, but thank you.”

“Any time.” He turns to me, blue eyes bright under his messy mop of blonde hair. “Have you decided if I get that second date yet?”

I turn my eyes to the front as Mr Jessop walks in. “I'm still thinking.”

Braden leans in to me, his mouth millimeters from my ear. “You'll give in, Maddie.”

“Will I now?”

“Yep,” he breathes. “I'll have that second date, and a third, and then more.”

“You're really confident for someone who messed up on the first date.”

“And that's why you'll give me more dates. They're chances to redeem myself.”

He's right. He'll get more dates, of course he will.

Just not for the reason he thinks.


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